Glimpse of Another's World

Pink and Black
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Siwon’s mouth was gaped and his gaze transferred to and fro Suzy and Minho. Suzy bit her lower lip as anxiety started to fill her. Myungsoo then took her hand and gave it a light squeeze, as if giving Suzy the courage to face the situation she was in now. Siwon slowly raised his hands and Suzy braced for a slap but then, she was surprise to hear and see Choi Siwon clapping.

“I’m thankful to be alive to witness these kinds of moments,” Siwon chuckled, “I was told that I would be meeting my long lost cousin today but I never thought she would be a fighter. Really, impressive.”

“I-I’m sorry,” Suzy stuttered, confused on whether Siwon was being sarcastic or not.

“No! Why are you saying sorry?!” Siwon exclaimed with wide eyes. “My brother really deserved that punch! I saw it! He was being an .”

Minho hissed before helping himself up. Suzy, on the other hand, blinked her eyes rapidly as she became more puzzled with Siwon’s words. She glanced at Myungsoo who just had a grin on his lips. Siwon’s gaze then travelled to Myungsoo’s and Suzy’s hands which were intertwined.

He gave a knowing smile before asking Suzy, “Are you dating Myungsoo?”

“Yes,” Suzy quickly replied.

“Then take him to the garden,” Siwon instructed her, “He must be here to visit you.”

“But I have no clue where the garden is,” Suzy blabbered.

“Oh,” Siwon gasped before looking at Myungsoo and telling him, “Then you be the one to take her to the garden, Myungsoo.”

“Yes, hyung,” Myungsoo beamed, “Thank you.”

Suzy and Myungsoo bowed politely to excuse themselves and Siwon just nodded in reply. They were about to walk away when Siwon called, “Bae Suzy!”

She turned with a questioning look in her eyes but then Siwon just smiled at her and added, “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

And Suzy could not hide her smile for it was the first time that someone in the Choi family had welcomed her. She nodded and replied, “It was nice to meet you too.”

Siwon then gestured them to go and when the two started walking away once more, he turned to his brother, Minho, who had been glaring at him since he arrived. However, instead of appeasing his brother, Siwon just laughed at him before saying, “You need to apply some medicine to that cut on your lip. Want me to do it for you?”

“No, thanks,” Minho rolled his eyes.

“That was a lesson for you, Minho, that not anyone is submissive to power,” Siwon sighed, “Besides, the world is already cruel enough. Do you really have to be harsh too?”

“I’m driving her away. I don’t want grandfather to be attached to her,” Minho’s explained, “What if she would be like her mother who would suddenly abandon the family? Grandpa’s already too old to take that amount of pain.”

Siwon smiled sadly as he saw the concern in his brother’s eyes but then he retorted, “But people have reasons to leave.”

“Of course, you’d say that. You are one of them,” Minho spat out.

Siwon then shook his head and redirected the conversation, “At least give Suzy the time she needs to introduce her true self to us.”



“I miss Sungyeol,” Suzy blurted out as she stared at the roses in the Choi’s garden.

“I miss him too but I have this unsettling feeling when you say those words in front of me,” Myungsoo creased his forehead.

“What?” Suzy scoffed. “Don’t tell me that you still get jealous of Sungyeol.”

“Sometimes,” Myungsoo shrugged, “Especially when you don’t really tell me that you miss me.”

Suzy chuckled before hugging Myungsoo’s waist and burying her head on his chest. She glanced at him with a cute pout on her lips before mumbling, “I missed you, Myungsoo.”

Myungsoo grinned wide before pecking her lips, taking Suzy by surprise. He hugged her back before telling her, “And you would be missing me more.”

“Why? Are you going somewhere?”

“Hmmm. Kind of,” Myungsoo mumbled, “Remember that big photoshoot project I was talking about? I got in.”

Suzy widened her eyes in joy before exclaiming, “Congratulations! You’re stepping forward towards your dream, Myungsoo!”

“I know,” Myungsoo beamed but then he stared at Suzy hard before adding, “But I would probably be busier and I think it would be rarer for us to see each other. Plus, there’s a great chance that we would travel to places.”

“Really?” Suzy’s gaze turned gloomy but she smiled again and replied, “But it is okay. Let’s just keep in touch through our phones. Hmm?”

“Hmmm,” Myungsoo nodded and smiled, happy that Suzy was understanding. He tucked some hair strands behind her ear before asking her, “So how have you been so far?”

“I feel like a stranger in my own family,” Suzy grumbled.

He sighed before telling her, “At least take this as a chance to relive your mother’s memories.”

Suzy looked back at him and stared before asking, “Myungsoo, how’s your family like?”

She knew he heard her because there was suddenly a certain flicker in Myungsoo’s eyes – that of pain and sadness. However, instead of answering her, Myungsoo asked back, “Is Woohyun here too? I heard he’s already dating Soojung.”

Suzy bit her lower lip for Myungsoo glossed over her curiosity once more. She forced a smile before going along with the flow, letting Myungsoo redirect their conversation.



With the rest of the day to herself, Suzy ended up rummaging through her mother’s books. She found that some of them, to her surprise and glee, had flip book animation at the corner and later on, she realized that all of them were stories of a girl and a boy and at the end page of each book was always a heart with her mother’s and her father’s name inside.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door followed by Jihyun’s voice, “May I come in?”

Suzy nodded and closed the book before putting it back to the shelf. She said, “I’m sorry. I went through mom’s things.”

“No. It’s okay. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind,” Jihyun dismissed her concern, “So what did you find?”

“Some animations,” Suzy giggled.

“Your father also had some talent in drawing but it was his music that attracted your mother the most,” Jihyun replie

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[Pink and Black] Will start to write the next chapter now. Wish me luck. lol


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Chapter 39: Ooooooo.... So sweet
Chapter 32: I dont know whom am i shipping now... I love both of them
Chapter 27: Its hurting ....
Chapter 24: Even my heart is beating so fast reading this... Lovely
Chapter 24: Yipppeeee.. kissssed...
Chapter 17: Oh wowww...
Chapter 11: Ooooo this pain....
Chapter 59: I love the story. In the beginning of the story, I was hoping Suzy would end up with Sungyeol, but I know she was destined to be with Myungsoo. Wonderfully written. I will definitely read this again.
Chapter 59: The emotion u put in every words :')

I really like ur story.

Hope i'll get enough karma to upvote all ur story. ??
OneTeaSpoon #10
Thank you for finishing this up and all your hard work spent over this ff, I really appreciate it. It's wonderful (like all your stories anyway :D ).