The winner

Pink and Black
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Ever since her performance at school, Suzy had developed warmer relations with her uncle. Everything seemed to go back to the same way before but better than ever. They engaged in more conversations, and now, they could openly talk about her parents and of the past. Somehow, they had a silent agreement of not keeping any more secrets. Yong Joon would be awkward at times, but Suzy could feel his efforts in trying to show more that he cared and valued her. However, more care means more curiosity towards Suzy’s school life too.

They were having breakfast when Yong Joon just randomly asked, “So how’s school?”

“We’ve become busier since finals are just around a month from now. The teachers are somehow rushing the lessons,” Suzy shrugged.

“And how’s your Music club?”

Suzy grinned and excitedly informed him, “We’re going to perform in a gathering next week.”

“The one for Korean alumni of Julliard?” Yong Joong spared a glance at her.

“Hmmm,” Suzy nodded and after giving it a though, met his gaze. She then widened her eyes and asked, “Oh. You’re going to be there, aren’t you?”

“Hmm,” Yong Joon nodded back then avoided her eyes as he mumbled, “I should properly introduce you to my colleagues.”

A shy smile formed on Suzy’s lips as she whispered, “Thank you.”

Yong Joon then asked her, “And how’s that motorcycle boy doing?”

“Myungsoo?” Suzy asked back. “He’s… the same as always.”

“Still no progress towards you?” Yong Joon nonchalantly asked and Suzy almost spat out the food she was eating at the most random yet most sensitive question suddenly fired at her.

Well, that conversation escalated quickly, she thought.

 “That guy literally looks good… and after everything that happened, he has proved that he’s really serious about his feelings for you,” Yong Joon seriously stated. “Are you dating him yet?”

Suzy’s gaze remained on her plate as she slowly shook her head.

“Why not?” Yong Joon asked again and at that moment, Suzy just wanted to stuff food into her uncle’s mouth in order not to hear the question she was afraid to ask herself. But then, the words she dreaded to confront smoothly came out of her uncle’s lips as Yong Joon asked, “You like Myungsoo, don’t you?”



With her hand cupping her chin, Suzy lazily stared at her notebook as her pen scratch the corner of the page. She should have been listening to her teacher as exams would start in more or less than a month but her thoughts were all filled by the name that she had been inking at her notebook.

Kim Myungsoo, Suzy read in her mind as she continuously encircled the name with her pen.

Her uncle’s words resonated in her ears once more, “You like Myungsoo, don’t you?”

Suzy sighed as she wrote his name once again and absent-mindedly, instead of a circle, she had drawn a different shape that enclosed Myungsoo’s name. Her pen lifted from the paper and then, she realized that that her unconscious action had just answered her uncle’s question.

“Hey,” a familiar voice called her attention.

She glanced up and as the name she had been writing became the person in front of her, she panicked and immediately closed the notebook.

“W-What?” Suzy asked..

“I fell asleep during class. Can I borrow your notes?” Myungsoo asked and was about to get her notebook but then Suzy swiftly got if from the desk and hurriedly kept it in her bag.

Truthfully, she was too preoccupied to jot down their lesson but she knew that she had to show it to Myungsoo to prove that point so instead, she said, “No. I need to study them too.”

“I’d study them first then I’d teach you,” Myungsoo offered with a smile. “Deal?”

“No,” Suzy shook her head again and Myungsoo grumbled. He then glared at her bag and before Suzy knew it, he had already grabbed it from her.

“Yah!” Suzy screamed as Myungsoo ran away to the corner of the room and rummaged through her bag. Myungsoo had his hands on the notebook already but then, Suzy successfully stole it from him before his eyes could land on any page of it.

“Yah,” Myungsoo said breathlessly. “Let’s just photocopy your notebook together. You’d get it back within today so that you could take it home.”

“No,” Suzy replied as she snatched back her bag.

She was putting her notebook back in place when Myungsoo suddenly asked, “Are really that grade-conscious not to help your classmate or are you perhaps hiding something in that notebook, Bae Suzy?”

Suzy hugged her bag defensively as she felt that blood was slowly rushing towards her cheeks. She was chewing on her lower lip as she tried to contain her embarrassment remembering what she had written in that notebook.

“You’re so red. Are you sick?” Myungsoo asked and he was about to touch her forehead to feel her temperature but then, Suzy grabbed shoved his hand away and answered,

“It’s the former. I’m just grade conscious.”

Seeing how she was acting so weird, Myungsoo decided to drop the topic and said, “Okay.”

There was silence between the two of them until Myungsoo said, “Let’s go out.”

Suzy widened her eyes but still avoided eye-contact as she asked, “G-Go out?”

“Yes,” Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows. “Let’s get the hell out of this room. Classes have already ended minutes ago, Suzy.”

Embarrassed, Suzy muttered a curse beneath her breath before passing by Myungsoo and getting out of their classroom.



As the bell rung, Suzy was about to go home unnoticed, but then, Myungsoo suddenly appeared in front of her and asked, “Yah. I went to your house this morning but your uncle said you left early. Again.”

“I had some stuff to do,” Suzy answered and was about to walk away but then Myungsoo blocked her path once more.

“What stuff?” Myungsoo demanded.

“You don’t have to know,” Suzy dismissed him.

“But I want to know.”

“Fine! I had to leave early to study in the library.”

“Then tell me what time do you leave so that we could study together,” Myungsoo suggested.

“No,” Suzy shook her head. “You just disturb me when I study. You’re sabotaging my grades.”

Suzy then took the opportunity to escape from him but even before she could run away, Myungsoo grabbed her wrist and whirled her around before saying, “Then, let’s at least go home together.”

But then, Suzy pulled her hand away from him. She almost regretted at the way dejection flashed in Myungsoo’s eyes but she still replied, “I-I can’t. We have club activities, today.”

“What club activities?” Myungsoo squinted at her. “I just saw some of your clubmates go home early.”

Shoot, Suzy cursed but then, she thought of another excuse and answered, “I have practice with Sungyeol.”

“Sungyeol went home before lunch,” Myungsoo retorted.

“R-Really?” Suzy blamed herself for stuttering. She knew that Myungsoo could already see through her lies but then she told him, “Ah! That’s right. I promised Woohyun that I’d wait for him after his soccer practice.”

Myungsoo f

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[Pink and Black] Will start to write the next chapter now. Wish me luck. lol


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Chapter 39: Ooooooo.... So sweet
Chapter 32: I dont know whom am i shipping now... I love both of them
Chapter 27: Its hurting ....
Chapter 24: Even my heart is beating so fast reading this... Lovely
Chapter 24: Yipppeeee.. kissssed...
Chapter 17: Oh wowww...
Chapter 11: Ooooo this pain....
Chapter 59: I love the story. In the beginning of the story, I was hoping Suzy would end up with Sungyeol, but I know she was destined to be with Myungsoo. Wonderfully written. I will definitely read this again.
Chapter 59: The emotion u put in every words :')

I really like ur story.

Hope i'll get enough karma to upvote all ur story. ??
OneTeaSpoon #10
Thank you for finishing this up and all your hard work spent over this ff, I really appreciate it. It's wonderful (like all your stories anyway :D ).