
Pink and Black
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"Miss Bae?"


To her relief, she finally meets the director after the longest two hours of her life.

"You already know that we are not the ones spending on your scholarship but your aunt, right?"

"Ahhhh. Neh but... please don't tell uncle."

"Ara, we have been told that too by your aunt too. Therefore, you don't need to do anything but you should at least keep your grades high so that your uncle would believe that you really got a scholarship from us and not from your mom's relative. No one knows about this except us and your aunt. The registrar does not even know about it so please be careful of the ones that you share this information with. "

Suzy nodded with her head, bowed.

"Then, here's your class schedules for tomorrow.  Please submit the documents that you are missing as soon as possible and please ask the registrar for your school uniform. Good luck."

Suzy smiled. "Thank you."

She then bowed and was about to exit the director's office when he spoke again.

"Ahh. A piece of advice. Stay close to your cousin and be careful."



" careful?" Suzy asked herself as she walked along the school's corridor.

Then, someone grabbed her and the next thing she knew, she was being dragged in front of many students but no one seemed to care.

"Yah! What are you doing?!" she screamed as she struggled but two men's strength are no match for her.

"Help!" she yelled but the other students just looked at her and some whispered.

What is wrong with this school? she thought as she stopped screaming and the next thing she knew, she was thrown into a locker. 

She widened her eyes and she attempted to escape but the locker was closed right at her face. She knocked from inside.

"Yahhhh!" she knocked numerous times.

"Shut up! You're noisy," the random guy told her and slammed the locker.

"This is a message," said the other guy. "... from the guy you disobeyed in the school's quadrangle."

What? Suzy thought and stopped knocking.

"Better stay off his path if you want to live. Know your place, transferee," the random guy said once more and she heard that their footsteps faded.

"YAH! LET ME OUT!" Suzy knocked again and again but no one took notice. She sighed, "WHY DO THEY EVEN HAVE HUMAN SIZED LOCKERS?!"



Suzy got tired of knocking and her knees are already aching. She can't sit down for the size of locker won't let her. She can hear from outside that the footsteps are already gone.

"Maybe that arrogant guy is really scary. No one really helped me at the end," she whispered to herself.

"The guard is taking rounds, right? I'll just wait for him," she said and bit her lower lip. Her knees can't keep much longer. She has been standing for hours. However, she widened her eyes as she heard footsteps coming. A little hope sparked in her. She knocked again ang again as she screamed,

"Please help me! Please!"

But then, the footsteps just passed by. She sighed and was on the verge of crying. Then, she stumbled on the ground.

Ground? she thought as she faced the tiles. She looked at her back to see the now empty locker.

Someone helped me. I am free, she thought again and she saw the black shoes in front of her. Seeing that she was too tired to stand up, her helper bent down.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Suzy then looked up to see the male's face.

Oh. The boy with the violin, she thought.

The student tilted his head as if examining her.

Suzy just kept staring at him but then she finally said with a tired voice, "Thank you."

The student nodded and stood up before walking away. Suzy just watched him leave.

He's tall, she thought again as if memorizing his back view with the violin case he was holding.

She sighed when her eyes can't accomadate the distance from her and the student. She lightly hit her knees and legs in an attempt to ease the pain. Tired, she closed the locker just to find that a note was written on it.

"Kim Myungsoo's property. Do not touch," she read.

"Mwoya?" she let out a scoff and stood up with much difficulty.

"I am no one's property,"

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[Pink and Black] Will start to write the next chapter now. Wish me luck. lol


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Chapter 39: Ooooooo.... So sweet
Chapter 32: I dont know whom am i shipping now... I love both of them
Chapter 27: Its hurting ....
Chapter 24: Even my heart is beating so fast reading this... Lovely
Chapter 24: Yipppeeee.. kissssed...
Chapter 17: Oh wowww...
Chapter 11: Ooooo this pain....
Chapter 59: I love the story. In the beginning of the story, I was hoping Suzy would end up with Sungyeol, but I know she was destined to be with Myungsoo. Wonderfully written. I will definitely read this again.
Chapter 59: The emotion u put in every words :')

I really like ur story.

Hope i'll get enough karma to upvote all ur story. ??
OneTeaSpoon #10
Thank you for finishing this up and all your hard work spent over this ff, I really appreciate it. It's wonderful (like all your stories anyway :D ).