Unforeseen Visit

What am I?
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             Jessica’s hand caught Hyoyeon’s head as the latter fell to the floor unconscious. She knelt beside her caressing her girlfriend’s head completely forgetting that there were people at the door.

             “TAEYEOONNN! EMERRGENCCYYYYY!”  Jessica screamed for her elder sleeping upstairs. “TAEEEEEEEE!!!!!”

             Seconds later, a short white skinned girl with just an old washed out shirt and undies on, bolted out of her room running down the stairs.  Her short legs moved fast as her eyes located the emergency at the door. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw her sister unconscious on the floor. She quickly went to her and looked at Jessica as her eyes asked her what happened. Jessica glanced at her with scared eyes and she understood. Her arms slid under her sister and she carried her bridal style towards the couch.

             “Sica! Pills!” She yelled after her.

             “I got them!” Jessica appeared behind her with a small white bottle and a glass of water in both hands.

             “By they way who are those people?” Taeyeon asked as she gently laid Hyoyeon on the couch.

             “What people?” She lifted Hyoyeon’s head up and sat down putting it back on her lap.

             “The people at the door?” She furrowed her eyebrows.

             Jessica looked back at the two people with shocked expressions still standing at the door. The woman seemed like tears were about to fall. Just then she remembered what business they had come here for. Her head faced Taeyeon once more and she nudged her own head indicating for her to talk to them.

             “They wanted to meet with Hyo about something then she passed out before anyone else could say something.” She shrugged.

             “Um, okay. I will speak with them.” She started walking to the strangers at the door.

             “Tae?” Jessica called for her attention.

             “Yeah?” Taeyeon stopped and turned her head around.

             “Put on some pants.” She chuckled as Taeyeon looked down on herself, eyes widening.

             “I’ll speak to you in a minute!” Taeyeon yelled at the two at the door while running up the stairs.

             Jessica giggled some more and looked at Hyoyeon’s pained expression. She slightly nudged her girlfriend on the shoulders. Hyoyeon stirred awake and her eyes fluttered open to see Jessica looking directly down at her. She brought her hands to her temples as her headache suddenly hit her again.

             “Ughhh.” Hyoyeon buried her face in Jessica’s lap. “It hurts...”

             “Babe, I’m still sore.” Jessica spoke after she felt pain arise on her lower region from Hyoyeon’s added pressure.

             “Sorry...” She mumbled.

             “Here. Take your pills?” She patted Hyoyeon’s shoulder as she heard Taeyeon come down the stairs again and close the front door enough for the light emitted into the house to disappear.

             Hyoyeon obeyed and sat up opening for Jessica to feed her the medicine. Jessica just sighed and popped the pill into before putting the glass of water at . Hyoyeon swallowed and laid herself back down, burying her face in Jessica’s lap again. Her arms went to Jessica’s lower back as the latter caressed Hyoyeon’s throbbing head.

             “Are you okay?” Hyoyeon mumbled into Jessica’s stomach.

             “Shouldn’t I be asking that?” Jessica smiled. “How’s your head?”

             “Better.” She furrowed her eyebrows as a sudden wave of pain spread through her brain. “What happened?”

             “A woman and a young man showed up at our doorstep asking for you. After you saw them, you fainted. I’m guessing you know them?”

             “Maybe.” Hyoyeon thought. “Could they be someone important?”

             “I don’t know but they could. This is the worst one you’ve had so far. You scared me to death! I thought we’d have to go to the ER.” She lightly punched Hyoyeon on her shoulder for scaring her.

             “Sorry, Sica.” Hyoyeon looked at her and pouted like a little kid.

             “Remember anything?” She combed Hyoyeon’s hair with her fingers.

             “Umm, I had a dream about a woman and a young boy and another older man. Looked like a family but I don’t see how that is anything about my past.” Hyoyeon shrugged.

             “Don’t force yourself to remember. If it’s important it’ll come to you.”

             “Sica?” She wasn’t sure of how to put words into the topic she wanted to talk about.

             “Hmm?” She looked into Hyoyeon’s eyes.

             “How long has it been since I last went to the park with you?” She asked.

             She thought about it and remembered that the last time they were at the park together was the night Hyoyeon confessed to her. She blushed a bit and answered. “A little over three months. Why?”

             “Let’s go there again today.” Hyoyeon smiled.

             “Okay.” Jessica smiled back.


             Meanwhile, outside the door, Taeyeon was having an unfavorable conversation with the two strangers. She didn’t seem pleased with what she was facing. First it was me, now it’s Hyoyeon? Who’s next? Sunny?! She mentally rolled her eyes at the situation keeping a polite facade in her face.

             “So what you’re saying is that you’re Hyoyeon’s mom and you’re her younger brother?” She pointed at the woman and then the man.

             “Yes.” The acclaimed mother of Hyoyeon nodded her head.

             “And how can I believe that? You could be imposters claiming such facts just because she’s the heir to Tae Entertainment for all I know.”

             “We’re not imposters. That, I promise. I can prove it to you.” The young man spoke.

             “Okay, prove it to me, please.” Taeyeon crossed her arms a bit skeptical.

             “I dropped my daughter off at school. That day, she went to the zoo with her class.” The woman stated.

             “Anyone could have found that out through searching the internet.”

             “She’s a clean freak. When I was little, Noona would always put away my things and organize our toys.” The boy mentioned.

             “Anyone could have known that from seeing her office and her apartment when she got interviewed.”

             “My dad would always punish me by making me do push ups and sit ups. I complained why Noona didn’t have to do that stuff when she got in trouble. Ever since then, Noona would have to do the same punishment too.” He seemed very fond of that memory as she spoke with a nostalgic tone.

             Did Hyoyeon remember something like that? She thought deeply trying to remember all the flashbacks Hyoyeon has had ever since the incident. Ahh! That’s right! She recalled a small story Hyoyeon told her a month ago. She looked at them a bit curious.

             “That’s right, but I need more proof. Could you please tell me your story again?”

             “We dropped her off at school. Their trip was in the country so it was hours away

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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 6: I subscribed just for this story. It’s just too good.
crazysone #2
I'm rereading this awesome story in 2018 so goodddd
Chapter 37: Ughh i nearly got a heart attack with this chapter :0
hyokryseroxx #4
I'm gonna re-read this for a million times just because i am badly missing good hyosic fanfic
Chapter 50: Ok seriously WHY is this so in amazing LOL. Ohlawd this was really good. Just, wow. Would totally Reread anytime. Thank you for the great story !
Chapter 28: what about Jessica's past? I'm curious about it
TheRedRanger #7
Chapter 37: I hate god damn April fools so much ;-;
ginamg #8
great story :)
Chapter 48: just another comment hehe i was wondering if there's a PDF version of the finished story? :-D it would make it really convenient to read offline.
Chapter 50: WHY IS THIS SO GOOD? I know why, because you are an amazing writer who only gets better with each chapter and your progression of the story was very much more believable than most stories in which "they got together after first sight". You developed the characters and gave them their flaws and their strengths and how that translated into the story was amazing. It looks like Punch could be an entire spinoff/sequel story on its own, but I feel content with you not doing a sequel and that's a good thing. Its one thing to leave your readers wanting more, but to do that AND make them feel content without more is a weird paradox you accomplished. Your writing style is not the most sophisticated or fancy, but its one that allows for many readers to enjoy simply, but has enough complexity to make it leave no questions unanswered. I loved this story and can't wait to read more from you