Turning Tides

What am I?
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The four of them sat at the dinner table with hunger illuminating on their faces. Sooyoung was drooling from the ic wonder lying before her eyes but Tiffany stopped her shikshin giraffe from devouring the table in seconds waiting on Hyoyeon to put the last of the dishes on the table. Taeyeon smiled with approval somehow impressed by the culinary improvement shown from her sister. Sunny impatiently waited with chopsticks at hand. Jessica put the final bowl of rice in Hyoyeon’s seat and they both sat down.

“Let’s eat!” Hyoyeon cheered.

Sooyoung didn’t have to be told twice when her chopsticks penetrated the plate of beef in front of her. Taeyeon took small portions of every dish and put it on Sunny’s plate. She then moved on to her own plate looking at them in interest. The first lucky pick went into and she smiled widely.

“Impressive, Sis.” Taeyeon continued eating.

“Only learn from the best.” Hyoyeon winked.

“But I haven’t taught you in a while.” Taeyeon mentioned.

“I’ve watched you in the kitchen a couple of times when I visited remember?” She said after feeding Jessica a bite of the short ribs.

“Ah. You’re right.” She snapped her fingers.

“asdkfj eoijve siemnd oemjrfiso?” Sooyoung mumbled with food in .

“Swallow, Giraffe.” Sunny nagged.

Sooyoung threatened the danshin with a fist before swallowing. “What’s our plan after dinner?”

“Iunno.” Taeyeon said.

“Hmmm, how about a movie night?” Tiffany suggested.

“Ohhh! I like that idea.” Sunny agreed.

“Do we have snacks?!” Sooyoung’s eyes lit.

“I didn’t see any when I was cooking.” Hyoyeon stated.

“Can I go buy some?” Sooyoung spoke like a child trying to get permission to enter a candy shop.

“No. You’d take too long.” Taeyeon denied.

“Awhh come on, Tae!” Sooyoung whined.

“No. That’s final, Sooyoung.” Taeyeon scolded.

“Hyo! Convince her to let me!”

Hyoyeon looked at Taeyeon and the latter shook her head. “Sorry, Soo. Not another word.”

“Fine!” She immaturely crossed her arms and pouted.

“You can go pick out the movie with Sunny, how about that?” Taeyeon suggested.

“Okay.” She sighed in defeat.

“Hyo, can you come with me to get the snacks?” Taeyeon asked.

“Mkk.” Hyoyeon nodded. “Fany can you get the living room ready with Sica while the rest of us are gone?”


The rest of dinner passed with a couple of jokes here and there but there was still that thought that lingered within Taeyeon’s mind. It seemed too weird and sudden for her to ignore. They all finished and Taeyeon told the two Americans to wash the dishes while the rest of them headed out for a few minutes. The two reluctantly accepted.

Hyoyeon got into a change of comfortable clothes consisting of a charcoal jacket with fake white fur inside and black Nike soccer sweats. Taeyeon exited her room and joined Hyoyeon at the front door. She wore a simple plain white hoodie with thick grey pajama pants. Taeyeon nodded and they both headed out.

Along the way, Taeyeon contemplated on how to approach the problem on her shoulders. Guilt couldn’t be shrugged off with a simple flick of the fingers. She grabbed Hyoyeon’s wrist to stop her from walking forward. Hyoyeon looked back at her with a questionable look. She stood there waiting for some words to be spoken but there wasn’t any that came out. Instead, Taeyeon took out her phone and showed Hyoyeon the text Jessica received from her boss.


Jessica, I’m sorry to inform you that you are no longer part of the cast.

Due to certain circumstances, we have decided to let you go.

We give you our deepest thanks for being a part of our cast and are regretful that we have to part ways.

We hope to see you in our future productions.


Hyoyeon’s eyes widened and she was left speechless. She looked back at Taeyeon and waited for an explanation but there was none. The first thought that came to her mind slipped through her lips.

“Does she know?” She asked her.

“No.” Taeyeon shook her head. “I deleted it after lying to her earlier.”

“What do you suppose this is all about?”

“I don’t know.” Taeyeon sighed.

“She didn’t do anything that violated the contract that’s for sure.”

“Honestly, I don’t know what to think anymore.”

“It could be your dad. She is under your dad’s label.” Hyoyeon thought.

“You think he’s starting to take action?”

“Could be, but I think it’s best if you wait and see if anything else happens.”

“How could I just stand here and watch your girlfriend lose her job? Why aren’t you fuming?” Taeyeon looked at her sister not understanding.

“It’s better. I don’t want you to do anything rash upon impulse.” Hyoyeon grabbed her hands. “I’m sure you’ll be able to know what to do. You always do but for now, breathe and let yourself calm down.”

Hyoyeon’s wise words made it through her brain as she took a breath and settled her mind. Taeyeon gave her a thankful smile and they continued to walk towards the convenience store around the next corner.



Sooyoung sluggishly walked next to Sunny to the nearest redbox which was down the street. She didn’t want to go out but followed the elder’s orders. They reached the rental machine and looked through the choices available. Sooyoung just gave up and stood leaning against it looking at the darkened streets. Sunny continued looking when she saw the oldies section. She looked through the selections when one of the DVD’s caught her eye. She clicked on it and nudged Sooyoung for her attention.

“What about this one?” Sunny asked.

“ is Zero? You sure?” Sooyoung looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

“Why not?” She shrugged.

“Uh, because it’s more fit for two not 6.”

“I kinda wanna see how Hyoyeon is going to react to this.” She slightly chucked.

“Ahh, I see where you’re going with this.” Sooyoung smiled.

“It will be an interesting night that’s for sure.” Sunny smiled deviously while taking it from the machine.

“Sorry, Hyoyeon!” Sooyoung apologized to the girl who wasn’t there.

The two headed back to the house in linked arms and a cheerful mood.



Tiffany came down with an armful of blankets while Jessica followed with overflowing pillows in her arms blocking her view. They both cautiously went down the stairs and threw their luggage on the couch.

“How should we arrange this?” Tiffany asked the girl beside her.

“Umm where do you want to sit?” Jessica asked.

“I kinda want the corner so me and Youngie can lay our feet out.” She looked at the curving couch.

“Okay. I assume that the two shorties would want the middle. I’m pretty sure Hyo wouldn’t mind the floor.”

Tiffany nodded and took one of the blankets and a couple of pillows putting it on her spot with Sooyoung. Jessica put the other blanket in the middle with the pillows. The two then went behind the couch and with all their strength, pushed the couch towards the TV, stopping once it hit the fish tank. Jessica grabbed the remaining two blankets and laid one on the floor, putting the other on top. She placed three pillows on the bottom of the couch for future leaning. Sooyoung and Sunny came back with a DVD at hand and smiles. Sunny plopped the movie into the DVD player readying it for later while Sooyoung whispered into Tiffany’s ear about their little idea for the night. Tiffany laughed louder than expected causing Jessica to look at her best friend with a strange look. Tiffany just innocently smiled back at her.

Not long after, the sisters walked in with two big bangs full of unhealthy snacks and junk food. They placed it on the coffee table with Sooyoung rummaging to see if her favorite snacks were bought.

“Okay we all ready?” Taeyeon asked.

“Give me 5 minutes, I need to pee.” Hyoyeon went to the bathroom.

The other 5 got cozy and comfortable in their spots on the couch. Sunny whispered her choice of visual amusement causing Taeyeon to chuckle and give her an approving kiss on the cheek. Hyoyeon came back and assumed her spot was on the floor since Jessica was situated there with 2 bags of chips and a big bottle of strawberry Calpico. She sat down but before she could move anymore, Jessica plopped herself between Hyoyeon’s legs giving her an innocent smile. Taeyeon just laughed at the two while cuddling with Sunny. Sunny grabbed the remote next to her and the TV. Tiffany snuggled into Sooyoungs warm embrace while her long arms enveloped the older girl.

The movie started and Hyoyeon’s eyes widened. She looked up to Sunny on the couch questioning the blonde’s choice but all she received was a wink from her. Her eyes rolled at Sunny and brought her attention back to the movie. This is going to be a long night. She thought as Ha Ji Won appeared. Minutes passed and Hyoyeon felt very uncomfortable in this situation Sunny brought upon her. The multiple scenes would have usually made her laugh but not when her girlfriend was between her legs staring intently at the TV screen.

They were halfway into the movie when Hyoyeon couldn’t continue any longer. The awkwardness was too much for her to handle. Her sister was making out with the shorty while Tiffany was eating Sooyoung from the inside out. She got up and excused herself to use the bathroom. Jessica only noticed Hyoyeon was absent from behind her when she was already in the bathroom. She shrugged and focused her attention back to the intriguing movie playing. Hyoyeon came out after 5 minutes to see Taeyeon and Sunny give a terribly faked yawn and get up from the couch bringing their blanket and pillows with them. She rolled her eyes once more and sat next to Jessica.

The movie ended and Hyoyeon was fast asleep leaning on the couch. Sooyoung and Tiffany were already sound asleep in each other’s arms. Jessica turned off the TV and looked at her unconscious girlfriend. Was the movie really that boring? I thought it was very interesting. Her eyes trailed from the top of Hyoyeon’s face to her toes. She smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Hyoyeon woke up being a light sleeper and stretched her arms. Jessica quickly leaned back and blinked rapidly.

“I’m gunna go to bed.” Hyoyeon got up and grabbed a pillow headed to her room.

Jessica quickly grabbed their things and followed the child up the stairs. Hyoyeon collapsed on the bed and fell right back to sleep again. You are definitely a child. Jessica threw the covers over them and kissed her good night before crawling into her arms.

Sooyoung woke up and rubbed her eyes. She noticed the empty living room and slowly got up, careful not to wake up her princess. She grabbed the pillows, put it on top of Tiffany, pulled the covers over her and s her arms under. She carried her up the stairs and closed the door.




The weekend passed by too fast for the girls’ enjoyment. Taeyeon and Sunny spent their last day with each other catching up on all the nights they couldn’t have some fun. Sooyoung and Tiffany weren’t any different. Hyoyeon and Jessica were left in the awkward position of exploring the island alone. Jessica didn’t even think about trying to have with her. She knew Hyoyeon wasn’t quite ready to do that with a girl yet. Hyoyeon mentally thanked her for her patience.

Jessica pulled her car into the company lot and turned off her car. She grabbed her

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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 6: I subscribed just for this story. It’s just too good.
crazysone #2
I'm rereading this awesome story in 2018 so goodddd
Chapter 37: Ughh i nearly got a heart attack with this chapter :0
hyokryseroxx #4
I'm gonna re-read this for a million times just because i am badly missing good hyosic fanfic
Chapter 50: Ok seriously WHY is this so in amazing LOL. Ohlawd this was really good. Just, wow. Would totally Reread anytime. Thank you for the great story !
Chapter 28: what about Jessica's past? I'm curious about it
TheRedRanger #7
Chapter 37: I hate god damn April fools so much ;-;
ginamg #8
great story :)
Chapter 48: just another comment hehe i was wondering if there's a PDF version of the finished story? :-D it would make it really convenient to read offline.
Chapter 50: WHY IS THIS SO GOOD? I know why, because you are an amazing writer who only gets better with each chapter and your progression of the story was very much more believable than most stories in which "they got together after first sight". You developed the characters and gave them their flaws and their strengths and how that translated into the story was amazing. It looks like Punch could be an entire spinoff/sequel story on its own, but I feel content with you not doing a sequel and that's a good thing. Its one thing to leave your readers wanting more, but to do that AND make them feel content without more is a weird paradox you accomplished. Your writing style is not the most sophisticated or fancy, but its one that allows for many readers to enjoy simply, but has enough complexity to make it leave no questions unanswered. I loved this story and can't wait to read more from you