Broken Hearts

What am I?
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4.1.2013 10:15pm PST

Jessica’s heart dropped into a million pieces from the very words that came out of Taeyeon’s lips. She looked at Hyoyeon with tears in her eyes and slid off the chair. Her feet touched the ground as she went into Hyoyeon’s arms, the past few days of anger disappearing in an instant. Hyoyeon was still in shock as she stood lifelessly while Jessica hugged her tight. Sunny’s bright demeanor dropped being replaced by a sullen look. Sooyoung’s mouth opened wide. A few days ago they were having the time of their lives enjoying each other and in just 2 days everything fell apart. It didn’t make sense to her; nothing made sense to her anymore.

“I-I guess I should start packing now…” Hyoyeon started walking towards her room leaving Jessica standing there in depression.

Sunny brought her right hand towards the sudden pain she felt in her brain. Her eyes closed from the excruciating pain surging throughout her. Taeyeon noticed the change of color in Sunny’s face and panicked a little. She quickly carried her girlfriend up to their room and closed the door.

Sooyoung felt lifeless. Her lifelong friend was being taken away from her. The person who helped her through all the troubles she went through was now leaving because another problem being thrown upon them. Tears started to fall as both anger and sadness graced upon her. She felt helpless. Somehow she felt like some of this was her fault. She must have done something wrong for this to happen. Her hand went straight to her right pocket and dialed Tiffany’s number.

Jessica came back to her senses and ran up the stairs. She burst through the door and hugged her girlfriend tight again. “Please don’t go.”

“I have to, Sica.” Hyoyeon stood there trying to be strong.

“Then can I come with you?” She looked up and stared into her eyes.

Hyoyeon shook her head. “You need to stay here. You have a musical to perform remember?”

“I’ll quit it.”

Hyoyeon sighed. “You can’t do that, Sica. Not when you just got rehired again.”

Jessica let go in shock of Hyoyeon’s words. She hoped that the girl would want her to come with her. “I can’t live without you.” She mumbled wiping the newly formed tears.

“Yes you can. It’s only 3 months. You waited 3 months for me before, what’s 3 more going to do?” Hyoyeon tried to console but it only made her feel worse.

“I was ready to give up during those 3 months. I can’t do 3 months again.”

“You can still visit. I’m not going to die or disappear.” Hyoyeon embraced her once more.

“It feels like it though.” Jessica spoke in Hyoyeon’s neck.

“Let’s not be sad. I still have tonight.” Hyoyeon smiled at her. “Let me finish packing and we can do whatever you want to.”

“Okay…” Jessica sadly agreed.


Across from them in Taeyeon and Sunny’s room, the two girls sat in the bed leaning against the wall. Sunny was held in Taeyeon’s arms tight as her head continued to hurt. Taeyeon couldn’t help but feel like a thousand bricks fell on top of her as guilt, depression, regret and self-anger consumed her soul.  She wished on every star that she could replace Sunny’s position but nothing could be done.

“Babe?” Taeyeon asked cautiously and kissed her head.

“Hmm?” Sunny weakly answered.

“We’re going to meet with Donghae oppa.” She stated.

“No. We don’t have to. This is nothing.” Sunny refused.

“Sunny, it’s coming back again. We need to.” Taeyeon kissed her temple while tears fell.

“N-no it’s not. I’m fine.” She sunk her face in the crook of Taeyeon’s neck in pain.

“If it still hurts tomorrow morning, we’re going and that’s final.” She hated herself in that moment.

Sunny nodded. Taeyeon brought the girl closer to her and hoped that sleep would help ease away the agony Sunny was experiencing right now. As she held her tight, flashbacks overcame her and her heart fell to pieces.


The next morning arrived and all of them stood at the door as Hyoyeon put the last of her things at the door. Taeyeon was supporting Sunny up with her arm around her waist. Jessica gave Hyoyeon one last hug before she kissed her with every drop of love she could emit. Sooyoung pouted and went up to her for a hug. Hyoyeon held her back tight and whispered her thanks for everything. The four of them stood there and watched their beloved walk through the door and out of their sight. Hyoyeon put her luggage into the trunk and stepped into the driver seat but before she stepped on the gas pedal, she took out her phone and sent a text.

[Hyoyeon]: Meet me at my new apartment.

[Junho]: You got it!

She threw her phone into the passenger seat and backed out of the driveway.


Taeyeon looked at Sunny and it was painstakingly obvious that she wasn’t feeling any better. Sunny looked at her back and she slightly nodded. Taeyeon grabbed the keys off the kitchen counter and carried her bridal style into the car. She gently placed Sunny in the passenger side seat and ran to the driver side. She dialed Donghae’s number and backed out of the driveway. A few rings later he picked up.

“Oppa we’re coming now.”

“Is it the same problem?”


“I’ll get things ready.”

“Thanks, Oppa.”

“Anything for you two.”

“I owe you.”

“No you don’t. I promised remember?”

“I remember. I’ll be there in 10”

“I’ll be waiting.”

Taeyeon hung up and looked at Sunny for a brief second. She was sitting there with eyes closed and breathing heavily. Taeyeon mentally cursed herself and stepped on the gas pedal. Not long after they arrived and Taeyeon carried Sunny into the Hospital. She quickly walked into the elevator and went to Donghae’s office. She knocked with her foot and he opened the door. She put Sunny on the chair and she looked at him with so much guilt.

“Taeyeon. You know it wasn’t your fault.”

“Don’t start this again. It was my fault. I was the one who gave her two kicks to the head knocking her unconscious for days!!”

“That was 6 years ago, Taeyeon! She has already forgiven you!”

“I haven’t forgiven myself. I never will.”

Donghae sighed and let the topic go. He knew nothing he would say would break through her stubborn brain. He sat in front of Sunny. “When did it surface again?”

“Yesterday morning.”

“Let me take an x-ray. I’ll give you the scans in a few minutes.” He carried Sunny and gently placed her on a chair in a different room.

Minutes passed and Donghae came out with a few sheets. He brought them up to the light box. His eyes widened and cursed under his breath.

“Did she do anything since the last time she came?” He asked alertly.


“The tumor is back and it’s huge. It’s blocking the blood flow to the frontal lobe. I need to operate on her asap.” He scrunched his eyebrows while looking at them more intently.

Taeyeon’s heart broke. Nothing could explain the pain she felt. Her guilt and regret surfaced and tears fell uncontrollably. She brought her hands to her face and looked at them in disgust. The violence her hands committed 6 years ago appeared into her mind. She held her head in frustration. Donghae went to his desk and looked at the schedule for the operating rooms. He noticed the earliest one was tomorrow morning. He quickly reserved it and brought his attention back to his long time friend.

“Her operation is tomorrow morning.” He went to her and held her hands. “Everything is going to be okay.”

“The probability of success… you know it very well. Why do you insist on telling me lies.” Her words came out in daggers.

“I have yet to disappoint you have I?” He squatted down.

“It still doesn’t change the probabilities this time around.” Taeyeon sounded unhopeful.

“I’ll do my best. Have Sunny spend her night here at the hospital. I already called for a room for her.”

“Thanks, Oppa.” She sighed in exhaustion.

“I’ll always be here.” He smiled at her.

Taeyeon went to where Sunny was sitting. She gave her a reassuring smile and slid her arms under Sunny. Sunny hugged Taeyeon’s neck tight like a little kid. She knew what was going to happen. Her thoughts weren’t very bright. It was useless thinking that she’d come out of this in better condition than before. They walked down the hall and followed Donghae into a small private room. He closed the door behind them and left the two alone. Taeyeon laid Sunny down on the bed and grabbed the gown next to her.

“Are you going to tell the others?” Sunny sat up and pulled her arms up.

“No. Not yet.” Taeyeon shook her head and pulled Sunny’s shirt off.

“Don’t tell them.” Sunny pouted.

“Why not? They should know.” She ed Sunny’s jeans.

“Tell them when I come out.” She mumbled while Taeyeon took her jeans.

“Sunny…” Taeyeon stared into her eyes.

“I know what you’re thinking. Promise me?” Sunny held Taeyeon’s face in her hands.

Taeyeon looked down in shame. She fidgeted with the hospital gown still in her hands. Sunny lifted her chin and gave her a reassuring kiss. She then lifted her arms up intending for Taeyeon to put the gown on for her. Taeyeon understood and put the gown over her head and pulled down. Sunny scooted over and patted the spot beside her. Taeyeon crawled on and lied beside her. They both lied on the bed disheartened about the operation hours away from them.


Sooyoung and Tiffany left for the club with Yuri after their day of work for Sooyoung’s farewell toast to her last day

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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 6: I subscribed just for this story. It’s just too good.
crazysone #2
I'm rereading this awesome story in 2018 so goodddd
Chapter 37: Ughh i nearly got a heart attack with this chapter :0
hyokryseroxx #4
I'm gonna re-read this for a million times just because i am badly missing good hyosic fanfic
Chapter 50: Ok seriously WHY is this so in amazing LOL. Ohlawd this was really good. Just, wow. Would totally Reread anytime. Thank you for the great story !
Chapter 28: what about Jessica's past? I'm curious about it
TheRedRanger #7
Chapter 37: I hate god damn April fools so much ;-;
ginamg #8
great story :)
Chapter 48: just another comment hehe i was wondering if there's a PDF version of the finished story? :-D it would make it really convenient to read offline.
Chapter 50: WHY IS THIS SO GOOD? I know why, because you are an amazing writer who only gets better with each chapter and your progression of the story was very much more believable than most stories in which "they got together after first sight". You developed the characters and gave them their flaws and their strengths and how that translated into the story was amazing. It looks like Punch could be an entire spinoff/sequel story on its own, but I feel content with you not doing a sequel and that's a good thing. Its one thing to leave your readers wanting more, but to do that AND make them feel content without more is a weird paradox you accomplished. Your writing style is not the most sophisticated or fancy, but its one that allows for many readers to enjoy simply, but has enough complexity to make it leave no questions unanswered. I loved this story and can't wait to read more from you