Bitter Farewell

What am I?
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Taeyeon looked at Hyoyeon with the most guilt driven eyes. Who was she to put her sister through the troubles that didn't even belong to her in the first place? In that split second she regretted her agreement on Hyoyeon's behalf. She knew it was Hyoyeon's way to return all the love and support she gave to her but at that moment in time, she'd rather have an angry and unpleased Hyoyeon than no Hyoyeon at all. Taeyeon could see the tears cascading from the rims of Jessica's eyes as she hugged her girlfriend tightly. Another wave of depression hit her as her heart fell further and further down her body. She was so sure, so certain that Hyoyeon would be angry, no, furious at what Taeyeon asked of her but as her eyes met Hyoyeon's it wasn't hatred filled eyes that stared back at her, but clear, understanding and loving eyes that she grew so accustomed to seeing. Her head dropped in guilt. It was then when her own tears streamed down her pale face only to be wiped away by the warm hands that belonged to her sister.

"Why are you crying silly? If anyone should be crying, it's Sica and she's already doing that so what's your excuse?" Hyoyeon chuckled as brought the shorty into her arms.

"I heard that." Jessica lightly punched Hyoyeon's back.

"You were supposed to, Princess." Hyoyeon gave a warm smile back as Jessica's faces grew warm.

"How can you still be cracking jokes at this time?" Taeyeon left Hyoyeon's arms.

"It's the only thing I know how to do." She winked.

Taeyeon punched Hyoyeon's right shoulder from her teasing. "Stupid, Hyoyeon."

"Ouch!" Hyoyeon held her shoulder wearing a fake hurt expression. "You've been spending too much time with Sica haven't you?"

"That's not funny." Jessica frowned.

"I'm sorry, Princess." Hyoyeon apologized.

"Why are you calling me that all of a sudden?" Jessica hid her red cheeks behind her hands.

"Because you act like one." She scoffed.

"Yahh!" Jessica threw up a fist.

"Okay okay! Back to the subject at hand please!" Sooyoung interrupted the couples quarrel. "What are you going to do now, Hyo?"

"Well obviously I have to go now don't I? You can take over my studio for the time being. You know my responsibilities inside and out, so you'll be fine. You might have to hire another dance teacher though." She instructed Sooyoung.

"But But, I can't do it without you." Sooyoung frowned.

"Why do you think that? You'll do fine." She reassured.

"I've never been in charge of something as big as this. I- I don't think I can do it, Hyo." She shook her head.

"You can do it. If you need help, you can always ask Taeyeon about the financial responsibilities or just call me."

After a moment of silence, Sooyoung reluctantly agreed. "Fine."

"Thanks, Soo."

Hyoyeon opened her arms wide welcoming the youngster into her embrace. Sooyoung just pouted and walked into the elder's arms for loving hug. Due to the height difference, Hyoyeon ended up being the one engulfed in a hug as Sooyoung's chin rested on the top of her head. She smiled, mentally pitying herself for being so short compared to the giant in her arms. Sooyoung broke the hug and gave her a reassuring grin.

"Well, I guess I better start packing then!" She took a small breath in and headed towards the stairs.

"I'll pack your kitchen and laundry needs. So don't worry about that." Sunny got up from her stool.

"But—" Hyoyeon attempted to complain.

"I won't over pack. I got it." Sunny sighed.

"Thanks." She smiled and went to her room.

Taeyeon walked up towards Jessica who was still standing in a loss of words. She took the girls hands in hers and frowned. "I'm sorry, Sica." She apologized.

Coming back from her daze, Jessica shook her head in an effort to lift the uneasiness in Taeyeon's mind. "It's okay. There's no way in avoiding this anyways." She sighed.

"What are you going to do now, Jessi?" Sooyoung asked her best friend.

"Iunno." She shrugged. "I'm gonna go help, Hyo."

Another wave of pitiful smiles ran across Taeyeon and Sooyoung's faces as they watched the mentally drained girl walk up the stairs. Jessica's right hand gingerly held the doorknob as the cold metal made its way through her arm sending waves of chills through her body. It was as if this small inanimate object knew of her troubled thoughts and released its calming temperature in an attempt to make its owner feel eased. It worked though. Jessica felt less tense and opened the door preparing her eyes to see her girlfriend pack. Instead, she saw the dancer lying face down with her pillow hiding her face. She sat at the edge of the bed next to Hyoyeon's chest and rubbed the girls back.

"Why aren't you packing?" Her tone came sharper than intended.

"Why? Do you want me to leave?" Hyoyeon spoke into her pillow with a hint of annoyance.

"No. Why would you ever think that." Jessica mumbled and brought her hands in her lap while staring at them saddened.

Hyoyeon turned her body around and looked at the disheartened figure sitting at the end of the bed playing with her fingers aimlessly. She felt bad for leaving her when they had just got together not too long ago. She bit the bottom of her lips thinking of what she could do but nothing really made sense. Her leaving was a fact but it's not like she could just ask Jessica to drop everything here and go with her. She couldn’t make Jessica lose her career. Her eyes closed once more as she took a deep breath. It's better to just not think about this now. 3 months isn't too long. I'm sure I can survive. She slowly pushed herself into a sitting position wrapping her arms around Jessica's waist soon after.

Her chin rested on Jessica's right shoulder and spoke. "I don't want to pack. The sooner I do that, the sooner I leave you."

Jessica looked at Hyoyeon as her hands now rested on top of the hands around her waist. "Then don't."

"You know I can't do that." She frowned.

"I didn't mean that." Jessica pecked the frowning lips, taking the girl a back and smiled. "I'll come with you.

"Sicaaa~" Hyoyeon complained while shaking the girl from left to right. "You can't do that. You have your musical."

"I'll quit." She shrugged like quitting her job was nothing more than another hindrance.

Hyoyeon shook her head in disagreement. "You need to uphold you good reputation. Besides it's only for another month and half. You can survive without me for that long. You've done it before."

"That was before I met the love of my life." She kissed Hyoyeon's now reddened cheek.

"Cheesy." Hyoyeon chuckled. "Promise me you won't quit your job and stay here?"

Before Jessica could protest she saw the earnestness in her eyes and sighed. "Fine."

"Good. I promise I'll come back whenever I can." She smiled.

Hyoyeon slid herself away from Jessica and got up from the bed. A yawn escaped as she slid the closet door open looking for her two suitcases at the top shelf. Jessica got up from the bed and hugged her from behind. Her hands grabbed a fist full of Hyoyeon's shirt and gave it a tug. Hyoyeon brought her hands down and turned around looking at her in question.

"Don't pack yet. It hurts me too." Jessica mumbled in the crook of Hyoyeon's neck as she kept her hug.

"Hmmm. Then would you like to go on a date?" Hyoyeon chuckled. "I just realized I never really took you out on a proper date." She broke the hug and looked at her in the eyes. "So what do you say? Would Jessica Jung like to go out on a date with me?"

Jessica smiled widely and nodded her head. "I'd love to."

"Then you better get changing, princess! Time waits for no one!" Hyoyeon patted the elder's and giggled.

"Can you stop calling me that?!" Jessica complained while swatting Hyoyeon's hands away from her derriere.

"I like calling you that. It fits. Why? Does it make your heart flutter?" she wiggled her eyes knowing she was right.

"Get out! I need to change!" She screamed as her face grew red.

"It's my room, too!"



The sun rose above the mountains while two girls brought the last of the luggage into Hyoyeon's car. A long breath exhaled from their bodies. They looked at each other and smiled bitterly at the impending departure. Sunny walked towards the front door and opened it yelling after the two to come in for breakfast. They hurriedly ran into the house to fill their empty tummies with Sunny's cooking. Though Sunny was never one to be in the kitchen behind the apron, she picked up on a few things after living with the sisters for years. The two sat at the table with Sunny, Sooyoung and Jessica already seated.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. I'm coming with you, Hyo. Dad has a few things he wants to talk to me about with you so I'll be going up with my own car." Taeyeon spoke before stabbing her eggs with her fork.

"Ehh? Why didn't you tell me this earlier!" Hyoyeon nagged. "Well I guess it doesn't make a difference anyways since my car is packed and you have to come back down." She shrugged.

"Can I come with you, Tae? Since you have room right?" Jessica gave Taeyeon her rare toothy smiles.

"Yeah, you can come but I wouldn't know what you're going to do while me and Hyo are with my dad." The idea of her calling someone that title was still fresh and foreign.

"What? Why I can't go to your company?" Jessica questioned. "I work under him anyways." She mumbled.

"You can't come in with us during our meeting, Sica. That's what Tae meant." Hyoyeon clarified. "Don't you have your musical tonight anyways? Won't you be tired by the time you get back?"

"I'll be fine. Show doesn't start until 8. It's 6 AM right now. How could I not be there when you leave me anyways." Jessica frowned and went back to eating.

"You just made your girlfriend upset, Hyo. Tisk tisk." Sooyoung shook her index finger.

Hyoyeon just rolled her eyes at the immaturity Sooyoung was displaying. Minutes passed and they all grabbed their things for the road ahead of them. Sooyoung gave Hyoyeon her bitter farewell. She couldn't hold in her tears as she was a crybaby after all. Hyoyeon knocked the tall her on the forehead and told her to up those tears saying that she wasn't dying, just leaving. They hugged once more before Hyoyeon went out the door and into her car. She strapped on her seatbelt, double checked her necessities, adjusted her mirrors and waited for Taeyeon to back out of the driveway first to lead the way. Taeyeon turned her head and gave Jessica a look indicating if the latter was ready. Jessica nodded and they exited the driveway with Hyoyeon trailing behind.

The three hour drive didn't last as long as Taeyeon thought. She made great conversation with Jessica talking about anything to everything. It took constant soothing and reassurance until Taeyeon was able to draw out Jessica's deepest concern; Hyoyeon. Taeyeon laughed at her smallest concerns that seemed over dramatic. She believed it to be that way since she knew her sister inside and out and thought Jessica was worried over nothing. She tried to encourage Jessica that everything was fine, that Hyoyeon had 0 doubts on the relationship between her anymore. It took a little more until Jessica finally succumbed to Taeyeon's believes. In return, Taeyeon told Jessica about her own problems which Jessica believed to be actually heavy burdens.

A few minutes passed since they exited the freeway and they all parked at the parking garage under Hyoyeon's apartment structure.  Jessica took out a big box from Hyoyeon's trunk and turned around to bring it to her apartment but she was stopped. Hyoyeon took the box from the girl putting it on top of hers and walked away leaving Taeyeon to give Jessica two small bags before grabbing two boxes. She shut the trunk and walked after Hyoyeon. Jessica stood there a bit shocked at what just happened but blinked a few times prior to following them.

After they all got into the elevator, Hyoyeon pressed level 4 on the number pad.  The elevator doors opened slowly, revealing the respective door to her studio apartment in front. The three carried everything out the elevator and towards the door. Hyoyeon pulled out a small sheet of paper from her back pocket and entered the code on the number pad to unlock the door. She swung the door open to a small living room and a long sofa against the wall. A small coffee table in front and a mounted flat screen TV on the opposite wall. To the left of the entrance was a small kitchen perfect for one person. Hyoyeon looked up and saw a small 5 step staircase leading up to an elevated space fit for her bed.  They left their boxes in the living room while going out again to gather their remaining things. Jessica was about to follow when Hyoyeon spoke.

"Stay here. We'll get the rest."

"Bu--" Jessica tried to speak.

"Just stay. There isn't much left." Hoping a quick kiss would make her stubborn listen, she peck her on the cheek and left.

Jessica just sighed and walked up to Hyoyeon's bed space. Jessica went up to the ledge and leaned o

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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 6: I subscribed just for this story. It’s just too good.
crazysone #2
I'm rereading this awesome story in 2018 so goodddd
Chapter 37: Ughh i nearly got a heart attack with this chapter :0
hyokryseroxx #4
I'm gonna re-read this for a million times just because i am badly missing good hyosic fanfic
Chapter 50: Ok seriously WHY is this so in amazing LOL. Ohlawd this was really good. Just, wow. Would totally Reread anytime. Thank you for the great story !
Chapter 28: what about Jessica's past? I'm curious about it
TheRedRanger #7
Chapter 37: I hate god damn April fools so much ;-;
ginamg #8
great story :)
Chapter 48: just another comment hehe i was wondering if there's a PDF version of the finished story? :-D it would make it really convenient to read offline.
Chapter 50: WHY IS THIS SO GOOD? I know why, because you are an amazing writer who only gets better with each chapter and your progression of the story was very much more believable than most stories in which "they got together after first sight". You developed the characters and gave them their flaws and their strengths and how that translated into the story was amazing. It looks like Punch could be an entire spinoff/sequel story on its own, but I feel content with you not doing a sequel and that's a good thing. Its one thing to leave your readers wanting more, but to do that AND make them feel content without more is a weird paradox you accomplished. Your writing style is not the most sophisticated or fancy, but its one that allows for many readers to enjoy simply, but has enough complexity to make it leave no questions unanswered. I loved this story and can't wait to read more from you