Reminiscent Waters

What am I?
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A/N: Told you readers were in for a treat.


The sound of screeching wheels and friction emitted from the plane roughly landing at its destination. Though it was not a long plane ride a few of the girls decided to fall sleep due to the busy schedule they had the day before. Their eyes slowly peeled open as they heard the signals of landing. The rest of the passengers gathered their things when they noticed a certain redhead and brunette. Their eyes widened as the two got up from their seats. A small boy tugged on his mother’s shirt and whispered into her ear. The mother smiled and took out a pen and paper giving it to her son. He smiled back at her and bravely walked to the oblivious brunette stretching her arms wide open from the short nap.

“Excuse me, Jessica-shii?” He asked in his highest polite form.

“Hmm?” Jessica looked around from the sound of her name being called. Hyoyeon nudged her head towards the little boy. “Oh, hello there.” Jessica smiled at him.

“Can I get your autograph? I love watching your musicals.” He looked up to her and shyly smiled.

“Sure.” She bent down and took the boy’s paper and pen signing her name. “Here you go.”

“Jessica-shii?” He asked her again.

“Yes?” she bent down again.

“Are you m-married?” He stuttered.

“Haha. Nope.” She lifted her left hand. “No ring.”

Hyoyeon looked at the two and smiled at how sweet they were acting. She never knew how sweet Jessica could be when it came to fans.

“Then can you wait for me so I can marry you?” He bravely asked as his mother opened in surprise.

“I’ll be an old lady by then. I don’t think you’d like me when I’m an old lady.” She giggled.

“I don’t mind. You’d still be pretty to me!”

His mother came to him and laughed. “Okay. That’s enough here, Champ.”

“Awhh. But mommy, Jessica-shii is really nice to talk to.” He complained.

“But she probably came here for a vacation just like us. You don’t want to disturb her do you?” She asked him and he shook his head. “Then we should say goodbye to Jessica-shii.”

He nodded his head. “Goodbye Jessica-shii! I’ll tell all my friends to watch your musicals because you’re so nice and pretty!”

“Haha okay!” She bid her farewell.

The little boy walked towards Jessica and gave her the tightest hug he could give and left with a big smile on his face while hugging the piece of paper to his chest. Jessica chuckled at how cute he was and resumed gathering her belongings when she noticed they weren’t there anymore. Her eyes then went to Hyoyeon as she lifted her arms up with their bags. Jessica smiled and followed Hyoyeon out the plane.

While Jessica was having a lighthearted conversation with the little boy, Tiffany had multiple young men in their twenties crowding around her at the exit of the terminal. One by one she hastily signed their wavering papers as Sooyoung waited on the side for her widely popular girlfriend. Though one should usually be jealous of the overflowing love their girlfriend would receive, Sooyoung enjoyed the happiness Tiffany attained from the warm affection her fans gave to her. It surprised her that many didn’t noticed her relationship with Tiffany since they didn’t do anything to hide their affection towards each other. They believed that love shouldn’t be something to hide from anyone. Tiffany finished signing papers but noticed Sooyoung standing there, waiting for her so she decided to make her girlfriend happy.

“Hey guys, you see that tall girl standing over there?” Tiffany asked her fans.

Some nodded while some said “yeah.”

“Well, she’s a model with me. She’s featured in this week’s magazine and her popularity is rising. You should get her autograph too.” She suggested.

Most of their eyes widened and they hastily walked over towards Sooyoung bombarding her with the same paper Tiffany autographed on. Sooyoung was frightened at the sudden swarm of people but she looked back at Tiffany seeing her girlfriend chucking while signaling her to sign as well. She nodded and took one of the men’s pens and began signing.

A few minutes passed and they all gave quick bows in appreciation. Tiffany walked back to Sooyoung and wrapped her arms around Sooyoung’s left arm. She looked up at her and smiled. Sooyoung just laughed and gave her a light peck on the lips before walking towards Taeyeon and Sunny who were seating at one of the seats. Hyoyeon and Jessica walked out of the tunnel and joined the other four.

“Finally! What took you guys so long?” Sunny asked while getting up.

“We had to autograph a mob of men.” Tiffany chuckled still clung to Sooyoung’s arm.

“I was having a conversation with a little boy.” Jessica smiled. “Thanks for waiting, Hyobaby.” She pecked Hyoyeon’s cheek.

“I’m supposed to wait for you aren’t I?” Hyoyeon scratched her head.

“Still it’s sweet.” Jessica responded.

“That’s nothing compared to the little boy. I don’t think I would’ve waited that long. I’d just give up and go do something else.” She shrugged.

“Yah!” Jessica punched her on the shoulder.

“Okay okay! Let’s go before Hyoyeon ends up in the hospital again.” Taeyeon stood up.

Hyoyeon picked up their bags, and followed her sister towards the airport’s exit. Sooyoung walked beside her, leaving their girlfriends walking with each other. They soon reached outside and hailed a taxi. They loaded their things into the trunk while entering the taxi van. Sooyoung and Tiffany entered first, the other 3 followed right after while Taeyeon sat in the passenger seat telling the driver their destination.

Their eyes were glued to the windows as they stared at the amazing scenery that consumed their vision. Mouths were agape as the sightseeing took their breaths away. Hyoyeon took multiple pictures while Sunny pointed at various things that caught her eye. Sooyoung and Tiffany were looking at a map deciding where they could spend the rest of their day at. A lake located not too far away from their house caught their attention. Taeyeon conversated with the driver talking about the popular places to take long walks and he mentioned the beach near their house. She mentally noted it and continued to glance at their surroundings.



Not long after, they arrived at their temporary house and were shocked at the décor. Their belongings dropped from their hands as their mouths were left agape once more. It seemed as the architecture came straight out of a catalog. A glass spiral staircase led them upstairs to 3 rooms. Their living room was occupied by a glass table with a fish tank under it. A glass wall took over the living room as they could see the beach a couple miles away. Their kitchen was designed with the highest quality wood and stainless steel.

 Taeyeon and Sunny went up the stairs and claimed the first door on their right as their own. Jessica rushed up without Hyoyeon and chose the room on the left. Tiffany calmly walked to the remaining room on the left at the very end. Hyoyeon was busy admiring the kitchen while Sooyoung sat at the kitchen island conjuring up various dishes she could tell the sisters to make for her. Taeyeon came down with Sunny freshly changed into comfortable clothes and bid their farewells as they walked out the door heading for the beach.

Noticing the short duo leaving the house Sooyoung went up to their chosen room to get ready for her outing with Tiffany. She walked into the room with Tiffany changing into her swim wear. Sooyoung disregarded her dirty thoughts and proceeded towards her bag to grab her set of swimwear. After rummaging through her unorganized bag she pulled out her bikini and went to the bathroom to use the toilet. Tiffany went towards Sooyoung and intersected her path towards the toilet.

“Help me.” Tiffany turned around and lifted her hair, revealing her bikini strings.

Sooyoung placed her swimsuit between her thighs and untied the strings. Going through the movements, she tightened the strings and went back to the bathroom. Tiffany readied the few things they might to bring after putting on a tank top and short shorts. Sooyoung walked out all changed and they both headed downstairs.  Hyoyeon was no longer in the kitchen when Sooyoung went to grab a bottle of water for their trip. They exited out the door hand in hand as they walked towards the nearby lake.

Their feet stepped in sync with one another’s as they walked along the rocky dirt path towards the lake. Not one word was said there but there was not a moment of silence. They didn’t need voices to carry out their thoughts towards each other. All they needed was one look into the other’s loving eyes and a warm smile. Sooyoung swung their arms back and forth happily while Tiffany sang a few lighthearted songs along the way. It seemed as the journey there only lasted a matter of seconds when they reached the wooden dock leading them into the large body of water. Sooyoung laid out their blanket and sat in the middle with outstretched legs. Tiffany made herself comfortable in between as they looked out at the lake.

“Soo.” Tiffany whispered.


“You think our days will continue to be this peaceful?” She sunk into Sooyoung’s arms.

“I don’t see why not.” Sooyoung respond with a ghostly kiss on top of Tiffany’s head.

“All this just seems too good to be true.”

“I don’t see it that way. We’ve had our ups and downs remember? And we will continue to have them as long as we’re together. It’s part of a healthy relationship.”

“That’s true.” Tiffany nodded her head agreeing. “I’m going to check out the other dock next to us. This one doesn’t have that nice of a view. I can’t see the left side of the lake because of the trees.” Tiffany stood up.

“Okay, come back quickly!” Sooyoung yelled after her.

“Okay!” Tiffany screamed back.

Sooyoung turned her head back to the scenery in front of her. Tiffany casually walked over towards the other deck’s end when a young man on a bike rode back towards land. She stepped aside the narrow deck continuing to walk but suddenly her vision blurred when she felt herself falling off the edge of the deck. The young man rode back towards his other friends laughing at his ingenious immature prank. He had a smile on his face while he high fived his friends.

Sooyoung wondered why Tiffany took so long to take a quick look at a different point of view, so she turned her head. Her eyes searched for her missing girlfriend when she saw small bubbles surface from the side of the deck. Before anything else could register in her brain, she ran towards the other deck with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Hold on,Tiffany! Please don’t die on me! Her heartbeat raced in nervousness and her eyes blinked rapidly from the water forming in her eyes. Despite her lack of ability to swim, adrenaline pulsated through her veins as she took a deep breath and dove into the lake’s water. Too many thoughts were going through her mind and before she knew it, her lungs pleaded for air as she panicked under the water.


“Sooyoung! Aren’t you excited to move onto 3rd grade?” Appa asked me as he swung me from side to side.

“Honey, be careful! What if she slips from your arms!? She doesn’t know how to swim yet!” Umma walked behind us.

“Don’t worry Sweety, Appa will hold you tight, right Darling?” He asked me while laughing.

“Of course Appa will!” I happily agreed.

“Appa! Umma wait for me!” Soojin yelled after us.

We stopped and Appa put me down onto the wooden deck. He grabbed the things from Soojin’s arms and carried them to the small boat Appa bought before I was born. Umma put the rest of the stuff in and carried Soojin onto the boat. I walked towards the boat and tried to climb in when Appa stopped me.

“Not this time, Sooyoung. You’re still too young. Next year okay?” He squatted down and held me shoulders while I pouted.

“But you said that last year!” I whined.

“I promise

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Thank you for the 700 subs my lovelies! ~Dory


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 6: I subscribed just for this story. It’s just too good.
crazysone #2
I'm rereading this awesome story in 2018 so goodddd
Chapter 37: Ughh i nearly got a heart attack with this chapter :0
hyokryseroxx #4
I'm gonna re-read this for a million times just because i am badly missing good hyosic fanfic
Chapter 50: Ok seriously WHY is this so in amazing LOL. Ohlawd this was really good. Just, wow. Would totally Reread anytime. Thank you for the great story !
Chapter 28: what about Jessica's past? I'm curious about it
TheRedRanger #7
Chapter 37: I hate god damn April fools so much ;-;
ginamg #8
great story :)
Chapter 48: just another comment hehe i was wondering if there's a PDF version of the finished story? :-D it would make it really convenient to read offline.
Chapter 50: WHY IS THIS SO GOOD? I know why, because you are an amazing writer who only gets better with each chapter and your progression of the story was very much more believable than most stories in which "they got together after first sight". You developed the characters and gave them their flaws and their strengths and how that translated into the story was amazing. It looks like Punch could be an entire spinoff/sequel story on its own, but I feel content with you not doing a sequel and that's a good thing. Its one thing to leave your readers wanting more, but to do that AND make them feel content without more is a weird paradox you accomplished. Your writing style is not the most sophisticated or fancy, but its one that allows for many readers to enjoy simply, but has enough complexity to make it leave no questions unanswered. I loved this story and can't wait to read more from you