The appear of jealousy

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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“Micky san, the place looks expensive….”

Maki feel a little bit awkward when they arrive at the restaurant. The place look luxurious, she never been here before even with Erika. Usually Erika is the one who will introduce to her any place for dine. Since Maki left her house, she never cares where she went to eat as long as she eats. She cook a lots too when she out off budget, and she doesn’t want Erika to keep using money on her.

“It’s okay Maki; I’m the one who’s going to pay the bill. This is our first lunch; I want you to eat the delicious dish ever. It’s been my favorites for this year. One more thing, please leave out san when you call my name I already drop yours.”

“Owh, its just that we not familiar with each other…. So…. I …..”

“Don’t worry, we will…”

Micky smile genteelly to Maki, to show her he is sincere with all his doings. Maki reply the smile and nodding her head. They then enter the restaurant and a worker greets them as they in.

“Hello sir, welcome again.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Mr Kim already arrive ten minutes ago, may I show his desk.”

“What? He is here?”

“Yes, Mr Kim with Miss Masami.”

“Really. Maki, I want to introduce you with someone.”

Maki just nod her head and follow Micky who is following the worker. Then the worker goes near a couple sitting near the window. Maki still not looking at the couple but she is observing around the restaurant which she always do when she enter a restaurant in the first time.

“Micky….. wao, such a coincident isn’t it? Look what you got here. A new girlfriend hah?”

“He…he..he… I hope so. So jaejoong I would you to meet the one I always talk about.”

Hearing the name Maki turn her head to the couple whose is sitting on the table. She open her eyes larger then ever when she become aware of the guy in front of her. Her bag was dropped down from her hand. But, jaejoong just act like he doesn’t know her and smile suavely to her.

“Are you okay Maki?”

“Huh? Ya..ya..i’m fine.”

Jaejoong pick up the bags which fall right at his shoe and hand it over to Maki with sweet smile.

“Are you sure you okay Miss…”

Maki didn’t answer him. She just takes her bag and nods her head.

“This is my new friend, Horikita Maki. Maki, this is my boss also my best friend and this lovely lady is Masami.”

“His girlfriend… soon to be his wife, right honey?”

Jaejoong didn’t answer Masami, he just looking at Maki with his cold look.

“So, sir you want to sit together or I need to prepare a table for you.”

“You can sit here Micky, we just ordering our dinner. Right Masami?”

“Ehh??? I don’t want too. Sorry Micky I want to have a romantic dinner here. I think you want the same too.”

“Yup, you right. That is why I brought her here. We want to have a long talk, right Maki?”

Maki just nods her head again. She doesn’t even know why she can’t even say a word. She notices that Jaejoong is looking at her with sharp stare she cant even tilt her head.

Then the waiter walks Micky and Maki to other table behind Jaejoong and Masami. Micky pull out the chair like a gentleman for Maki. Maki wish he didn’t do it because the seat is confronting Jaejoong. For sure she can see Jaejoong from there and Jaejoong can see her. To not making Micky feel ashamed she force herself and try not to look at the front couple.

“What the dish today sir?”

“Bring me two of my favorite dish I want this lady to taste the best lunch ever. Please make it special for her and drinks….Maki?”

“O..Orange juice.”

“Make it two please.”

“Okay Sir, coming right up.”



“Emmmm… I don’t even know how to start.”




That answer make Maki laugh softly, she did not expect a man like Micky will lost a word in front a lady like her. But her laugh stops when she senses a razor-sharp stare towards her. She knows who’s doing it. But, she decided not to bother anymore.

“Jaaa… why don’t I ask you question then.”


“Emmm… What you do for living?”

“What I do? Emm… well I’m looking for love and I think I found it.”

“He..he… I don’t mean that! I mean your job.”

“Owh…………. Maybe that is?..”

They both laugh this time, surely somebody don’t like the sound of it. He keeps on staring the couple in front of him. He doesn’t know why he keeps on looking at her. The short girl he met recently and will met again. Why he feel mad with Micky? He feels like to throw away Micky outside the window and sit himself in front that girl.

“Jaejoong! Jaejoong!”


“What are you thinking? How dare you to thinks about something else when I’m talking to you!”

“Sorry honey, I’m not feeling well.”

“Really? I told you to take some break and go holiday with me. We could go to Paris!”

“Honey, I’m tired right now. Can we go now?”

“Ehhhhhh????? But I don’t finish my food yet….”

“Well, finish it then. I wait for you in the car.”

Jaejoong left Masami with unfinished food. Masami was so shock that she throws her spoon on the table and start chasing Jaejoong. Everyone in the restaurant had their eyes on Masami including Micky and Maki.

“There we go again…”

“What happen?”

“You don’t need to bother. They always like that.”

“But I thought they are lovers?”

“Yes they are. But they do that all the times. I don’t know what Jaejoong see on that girl that makes him so in love with her.”

Maki feel something inside her when she heard that sentence, she feel uncomfortable hearing how much Jaejoong love that woman.

“Well, she is pretty!”

“Maki, pretty is not enough. A woman should have kind heart too. Like you.”

Maki smile hearing that but her mind is still on that couple and thinking how she will face Jaejoong when night arrives.


Jaejoong goes straight to his room when he arrives at the office. His mood is so bad that even Ayumi do not have guts to talk to him. She just watches Jaejoong walk to his room thinking he might have problems with Masami again. Jaejoong throw his car’s key on the table, he then rests himself on the couch closing his eyes. He keeps on thinking Maki cheerful face with Micky.

After a few minutes, a knock comes to his door. He knows who behind it, he not surprised at all when he see the face of the knocker. Micky come in with his smiling face.

“Hyung, what is wrong now?”


“What? I’m not surprised but you are the one who walk away this time. What happen?”

“Nothing…. I’m not feeling well. That’s why. How about you?”

“Me? Everything is perfect now. Gosh, surely I’m in love.”

“Micky? Don’t you think it’s too early? You don’t even know her.”

“I know that. But, knowing is caring and loving.”

“Since when you interested with poem?”

“Knowing her make everything possible. Who knows, you might see a new me next time.”

“Oh ya? I just want to remind you.”

“Don’t worry hyung. She is fine. I think she is the most….. I don’t even know how to describe her. But she is definitely not Masami.”


“Okay, I know. Sorry. I have to go now; I need to finish a proposal.”

Jaejoong just watch Micky walk out from his room heading to somewhere. His mood down once again. He feels so tired like his energy being squeeze away.

“Wait, I can’t be like this! Micky is my

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them