Another confusion

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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Maki sit on the huge rock near the beach, the morning air really calm her down. She really needs one especially after what happen last night. She sits there almost for two hours thinking about her husband, last night, Nari and all her family. What is her life going to be from this point? Did she really forget about Nari? Did she still in love with him? If she doesn’t, then why she feels so guilty about last night. What is Jaejoong to her? Why she can’t even resist what ever happen last night? Then she was accompanying again by her tears that row down to her cheeks. Her head is spinning like crazy; she can feel the heat all over her head.

Jaejoong wake up when he realize that Maki was not on the bed anymore. He wakes up and search for her but she is not in the house. Then he spotted her outside sitting at the edge of the huge rock. Seeing her like that makes him smile again, make him remember how beautiful the last night is for him. He is happy, that’s right.

“Abuji (Dad), thank you. I think I found my soul mate and you are my cupid. I love her abuji, I really do.”

Jaejoong let out a sigh then he goes back into the house and takes a bath. Then after few minutes he gets dressed and makes his way to the kitchen. He plans to make a sweet breakfast for his beloved. But then he heard somebody talking outside the house and the voices seem familiar. He takes a peek at the outside of the house there he see his family, Erika and Micky are talking cheerfully towards Maki and so does she. Looking at Micky make his heart stop, he forgot about him since last night. What if he is still don’t give up for Maki? What is he thinking? He is the one who told Micky not to give up on Maki.

“Gome ne Maki-chan. I hope you guys don’t get any problems these two days.” Mrs. Kim sound guilty for what she have planned.

“Daijobu. We are fine although a bit shock.”

“Gome ne Maki-chan…” Erika sounds as like she will start to cry any second.”

“It is nothing Erika-chan. See? I’m fine.” Maki turn around one time to convince Erika and other she is okay on the outside.

“Where is Mr. Kim? I mean appa.”

“Owh.. he got something to deal off so he drop off the cruise early this morning.”

“Owh, Jae! What you doing there?”

All the guests’ eyes now are at the bungalow’s door where Jaejoong is standing with his smiley face. Micky wave his right hand to Jaejoong just for noticing him he is there. Maki still does not dare to look jaejoong face and she pretend to talk with Erika.

“Are we going to have the breakfast here?” Mrs. Kim breaks the awkward silent between them.

“I don’t think so!” Maki almost shout the sentence. She seems want to get out from the island as soon as possible.

“Maki, you shock me out. You don’t need to say that loud. Why you want to leave the island in quick?” Micky admit he is a bit surprised with Maki behavior since he saw her just now. She just different from before and wonder why.

“No, just …. My parent! I want to see my parent, I.. I just miss them so bad.” Erika is the one who is in shock after hear that coming out from Maki. Maki is missing her parent after two days apart? But she just stood still.

“Owh… I try to invite your parent this morning to come together but they seem enjoying themselves in the casino. I’m sorry Maki-chan, you must been worried about them. Fine then. Jae! Hurry up we are going back now.”

“I go to the boat with Erika first.” Maki quickly grab Erika hand and pull her body with her.

“Maki, wait. Why you act like this?” Erika finally voice out when the reach near the boat.

“I want to get out from here, now!”

“Maki, something wrong?”


“Come on Maki, you acting like you were chased by somebody.”

“Wh..What are you talking about?”

“Did something happen? Did Jaejoong do..”

“Nothing! Can we just get on the boat?”

Maki step on the boat and sit silently waiting for the boat to start it journey. Erika did not say a word, but she knows something must happen for the past two days; otherwise Maki wouldn’t be like this. All she hopes is just it is not a bad thing or she will feel guilty to Maki for the rest of her life.

Along the way to the cruise, Jaejoong keeps on looking at Maki trying to find an exact time to talk to her. But nothing seem working, he notice how hard Maki trying to avoid looking at him. Is she mad at him? Is she hated whatever happens last night? Is she going to be like this forever? Then his eyes caught with Micky who is admire him since the beginning.


“Did something happen hyung? You and Maki are acting weird.”

“Weird? What are you talking about? No we are not.”

“Hyung, you were looking at Maki as like you want to swallow her for instance and she would not look at you no matter what happen. Did you do something to her?”

“What you mean something? We are husband and wife.”

Micky stop asking question when he heard that sentence coming out from Jaejoong mouth. Somehow he got a goose bump out of nowhere. He can feel the seriousness from him when he mentions the word husband and wife. What is that suppose to mean? He switch his eyes to Erika who is now looking at him from far and just shake her head telling she also don’t know what happen.


Masami wake up from the bed, she still feeling dizzy from the last night party. She was so pissed off last night, that Maki girl. What does she have?


“Aunty, how are you for today?”

“Masami, long time no see. What are you doing here?” Mrs. Kim was quite shock when she saw Masami with her long lasting friend Hyebin on the deck.

“Well, I know I’m not invited but still who will dare to stop me from inviting myself.”

Mrs. Kim notice the tone that Masami been using, she knows that she is angry with her.

“Come, sit here with me.”

“Hye Mr. Kim, glad to see you again.” Mr. Kim just nods his head once and goes back to his breakfast.

“So, where is the lovely couple?”

“Owh, they not here.”

“Right! You send them off to make sure nobody interrupt them especially me.”

This time Mr. Kim gets up from the chair and move toward other direction, he can’t look at that girl face anymore. He might loose his control. Mrs. Kim realized how the situation change to worse so she just let her husband left it is better this way.

“Masami, I know you are mad with me, but please understand.”

“Understand? You take away Jae from me. I understand if that Mr. Kim wants but I thought I have you on my side!”

“You still have me but as my daughter.”

“I don’t want this kind of relationship, Jae and I love each other. How can you separate us?”

“Masami, this is fate. Maybe you are not for my Jae.”

“And you think that girl is? Do you know her that much?”

“No, but I do have good impression towards her.”

“Well you need to study more! I will never forget this, one day you will know what is she!”

Masami make her moves to the bottom deck, she goes straight to the casino. There is where she fined another company that night.

(End of flashback)

Masami goes back to the bed, she then start on caressing the man that accompany her last night. He is younger than her but still his skill on bed is more powerful then other guys she ever sleeps with. What his name again? Masami pull out the wallet from his trousers on the floor and take out the ID card.

“Kamenashi Kazuya, 22 years old. You sure are younger than me, but still now you are my favorite.”


The small boat at last arrive at it destination after an hour of journey. Still in that one hour Jaejoong did not manage to make Maki look at him.

“Why don’t you guys take a rest at your room first, I will go find your parents and we have lunch together okay?” Maki just nods her head and walk straight to her room. Jaejoong follow her slowly from behind.

Maki enter the room and without delay grab some cloth in the wardrobe and headed to the bathroom. She really try her best in avoiding Jaejoong, she knows how desperate he want to talks to her. But somehow she didn’t want to listen at all. Jaejoong sit on the bed, his eyes is on the bathroom door. He actually looking forward for her to come out but he can’t find any suitable word to talk to her. After half an hour she gets out from the bathroom fully dressed, she then make her way to the room’s door immediately.

“Wait! We need to talk.” Jaejoong try to stop her but it just waste of time, she totally ignore him like he is not exist in the room. Jaejoong let out a small sigh; maybe it is better to let time cool her.

Maki walks to the upper deck and experience the beautiful scene of the sea, her wet hair start to dry up with the help of the Mother Nature. She try to empty her messy head, she don’t even know why her legs do not stop at all when Jaejoong told her to wait. It looks like she is afraid of anything that might come out from his mouth. Why is she acting like this?

“Maki..” Maki turn her head towards the voice.


“You are back.”


“So, how are you?”

“Me? I’m fine.”

“You look different.”

“Am I ?”

“Em! Differ from Maki I know one year ago.”

“I bet you right, she already gone when you leave her.”

“I know, it is my fault that you are standing here today.”

“Nari, it’s nobody false. The truth is I never blame you for what happen. I just mad at you when you left with no sign.”

“But, if I’m here the situation will change. I might be the one who standing beside you as your partner on the wedding day.”

Maki take a look at Nari, she can see that the man in front of her is almost shed a tear. She knows that Nari speaks the truth, Nari never lies to her. But somehow the feeling toward him is not the same as one year ago. Why?

“Actually I don’t know who the bride for the wedding is, but at the time I saw you standing beside him I just speechless. At that time I was so frustrated, how I wish to take your hand and give you the title the runaway bride. But…. Somehow you look different.”


“Yes, just different.”

“I don’t notice that.”

“But I do. Maki..”


“If I say, I want to take you away from all of these you will come with me?”

Maki was quite shock listen to his sentence, at that time Nari reach her hands and squeeze them hard, hoping for an answer.

“Nari, I have a responsibility here.” Nari smile to her.

“I think I’m wrong.”


“Yes, I actually know that the answer is no. So I’m wrong, you are the same as the person I use to know, you know your responsibility, because you are loyal. In the past you are loyal to your parents and still I guess, and now you have a husband. I bet you are loyal to him whether you love him or not.”

“You make such a nice judgment.” Maki eyes start to be teary. It is painful to her to hear the word loyal. That word seem like a punishment to her right now. She had enough.

“I will be leaving this country for one week, I need to go for my checkup.”

“Are your sickness is better now?”

“Sickness? Why don’t you ask me what kind of decease I have?”

“Maybe…because I don’t brave enough to know.”

“My decease is not in danger zone anymore, as long as I keep on my schedule.”

“That is good news.”

“Em! Of course. Maki, I just want you to know that I will always be there for you no matter what happen. I won’t be repeating the same mistake again. I don’t care what the title you want to give to me, friend, lover, or brother, I will always be there for you from now on. You can l

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them