Chapter 28

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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“You need to eat something, not only drinking. Your face starts to show the result.”

“Leave me alone.”

Masami take another one shot beer in front of her, since the last day she met Jaejoong she never touch a decent meal, only cocktail, beer and wine. She never get in touch in anybody too. Hyebin starts to worry about Masami since she never be like this.

“Masami, let’s get out from here. How about a meal in the hotel or your favorite restaurants.”


“I can’t! You’re going to ruin your skin with all the alcohol?”


“I’m your friend, Masami. I can’t let you do this to yourself.”

“Friend? Really? Then go get Jae for me. Now!”

“Masami, just let him go. Maybe he is not for you, look what he done to you.”

“Right….right…I should forget him.”


“Can you come closer, hyebin?”

“Of course, I’ll always be he..”

Hyebin didn’t have the opportunity to continue her words, Masami fingers are tightly grasp her small neck till she got the hard time to breath.

“This…what you will get if you said this kind of thing…again. Understand?”

Hyebin try her hardest to nod her head, Masami finally release her grips and Hyebin immediately breath for air, she only can looks Masami with disbelief.

“Jae is mine! Only mine! And I’ll make sure it happens!”


“Ne, you really won’t tell me where they are?”


“Seriously!! I need to make sure Maki is alright.”

“She is with her husband, why she would be in danger?”

“Her husband which she left with another man.”

“Well, we know that Maki have her own reason.”

“Yes, but Jaejoong oppa doesn’t know that.”

Micky close the car door and lean on it. He put his both arm on his chest.

“You are really hard to convince, young girl.”

“Because I am Erika Toda!”

“Right! That’s why I like about you.”


“Look, hyung love Maki. As far we know Maki love him, right?”

Erika quickly drives away her flustered heart with some nods.

“Like I said before, they will find the way by themselves. Now, let’s go and have something to eat.”

“No! I won’t get in till you tell me where they are.”

“Fine, you ask for this.”

Micky quickly run to Erika and grab her tightly to his embrace.

“What are you doing?”

“We’ll stay like this till you agree to get in.”

“Let me go!”

“What? Tighter?”

Micky tighten his embrace with a huge smile, but his smile doesn’t stay for long when Erika knees goes straight to his in between. Causing him to crawl on the snow, this time Erika the one who is laughing hard to Micky.

“That is dirty..trick! Not fair.”

“I told you already to let me go. No one ever control Erika!”

“I’ll challenge that now!”

Erika is freeze with a sudden kiss from Micky, she can clearly feels his lips on hers. Her eyes are blinking and she just in blank states.

“I made it! Now, the princess will enter the car.”

Micky bends a bit and easily pick Erika up princess style to the car, Erika still in shock as she didn’t make any move at all even after she been put in the car.

“The seatbelt, safety first.”

Micky get back to the driver seat and start the engine. He looks again at Erika who is now facing the window with both of her hands on the seatbelt. With a huge smile he pushes the oil gear making the car to move forward. Erika on the other hand cannot even dare to look back at Micky since she is afraid Micky will see her blushing face.


It’s been 8 days since they arrive on the island, the only daily routine they done is having breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Other than that Maki will not be seeing Jaejoong around. He either into the sea searching for fish or deep in the jungle searching for dried food. Maki tried to follow him but she end up being lost and Jaejoong have to find her for at least an hour so she decided to stay at the villa.

Even after the incident, she still didn’t hear a word from Jaejoong not even her name. Every day she tried to talk to him but the response is still harsh and same, emotionless. But, she won’t give up. If this the punishment she needs to face than let be it. A soft clinking sound can be heard from afar, she knows that Jaejoong already coming back from the sea looking for a fish for their dinner. She wipes her tears on her cheeks and welcomes him back with a smile as she always done.

“Are that oysters?”

Maki’s eyes get bigger and she quickly run to Jaejoong and grab the bucket as soon as she can see them.

“It’s so huge, where you get them?”

Maki stare at Jaejoong waiting for the answer with a bright smile, but still Jaejoong just pass through without a word or even a slightest smile on his face. A tear almost broke down to her cheek again but she quickly it up and passes Jaejoong who is walking toward the villa.

“I go peel these!”

Jaejoong only look her back until she disappears from his vision. He sigh a bit, knowing he hurts her again. Every time he takes a look at her, he feels sorry for what he has done but he just doesn’t have

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them