Second thought

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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“Are you sure you don’t want to sign?”

“Yes! An absolute one!”

“Well then, I have the second option for you.”

“Second option?”

“Yes, that is drop out from your study and start being a wife!”

“What? You can’t do that!”

“How about I can? You use my parents on this; you think I can’t use yours? I bet they will be happy with this.”


“Yes, Me! Sign the paper and no one can stop your study.”

This time Jaejoong sound more serious, he didn’t even know why he include Maki’s parent on this. But anything for him to stop Maki.

Maki step further and grab the contract from Jaejoong hand and write down her signature without even look at Jaejoong. She is so piss off with his attitude, how can she get married with this kind of guy?

“There…Happy?” Maki throw back the contract to Jaejoong and start her step heading out from the room.



“For a start of our agreement I would like to have dinner outside today.”

“Then go!”

“With you!”

“Shiro!(Don’t want)”

“Three, this is the most important rules. Horikita Maki, my wife will have to do as what I say without any objection at all.”

Maki look back at Jaejoong with her most unsatisfied face when Jaejoong read the rules once again but Jaejoong pretend to not notice of that.

“We will go out at 6, make sure you ready ten minutes before that. I hate waiting.”

Jaejoong then without waiting for any response from Maki grab his towel and take a bath again leaving Maki with her “o” shaped mouth.


Maki and Jaejoong arrive at a restaurant and Maki quickly goes out from the car and walk herself into the restaurant while Jaejoong are not surprised for Maki action handing his key cars to the counter.

“Do you hate to see with me that much?”

This time his voice sound soft and seducing and his mouth is smiling from ear to ear. He just so happy like there is nothing Maki can do to ruin his mood. Maki stop for a while and turn her back to face Jaejoong. She realizes something weird that Jaejoong is not picking up fight with her.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Hmm? No! Come on.”

He grabs her hand and slowly walk to the counter, Maki just let it happen and follow him obediently.

“Owh! Mr. and new Mrs. Kim, I’m so glad you select our restaurant for your dinner today.”

“Night Mr. Son.”

“Your guests are already here, come let me take you to your seats.”

Maki is wondering who is the guest the manager talk about, she try to talk to Jaejoong but he ignoring her and just pull her with him to the table. There she sees Micky and Erika, and Erika is surely surprise like she is. Jaejoong pull Maki closer to him and whisper to her ear.

“I think you guys need to talk and make sure to thanks me later.”

Then he approach Micky and give him a hug and bow a little bit to Erika, Maki follow him and shake Micky hand and sit down.

“So… how is you guys?”

“We are fine, we look perfectly match right?”

Maki try to look at Erika and same goes to Erika but both still not talking to each other.

“So Erika you are coming to our house tomorrow?”

“Hm? Is there going to be a party again?”

“Oh, you don’t know? Maki is moving out to her apartment until her exam is finish.”

“Moving out?”

Erika looks at Maki in surprise. Maki look back at her with guilty face and Jaejoong give a sign to Micky to leave them for minutes. Maki finally spoke when both of the guys leave the table.

“I’m sorry I don’t tell you earlier, but I really need to do this.”

“I understand.”

“You do?”

“I heard what happen in the party from Micky Oppa…” Erika hold Maki’s hand and squeeze them softly.

“I’m really sorry for not being there with you Maki, I’m sorry for leaving you alone.” Erika tears already fall out from her eyes, she really feels guilty for not contacting with Maki after the ship incident, but she doesn’t mean it.

“Hey, its okay. Its my false too remember?”

“So, you pack already?”

“It’s not much actually. My mom just packs on random things.”

“Speaking of her, do they contact you after they drop off the ship?”

Maki just shake her head and smile bitterly.


“I broke up with Masami last night.”


“Yes, I should do that long time ago.”

“Hmm...We are on the same boat then.”

“Hehehe… You not mad with me do you?”

“What? About stealing Maki away from me?”

Micky sound serious this time, Jaejoong quite stunt with his question.

“PUAHAHAHAAA!!! You should see your face!”


“Honestly, even on your wedding day I already got the feeling she won’t be mine.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What for?”

“She is your first love and yet as hyung I take that from you.”

“Stop it! It just not means to be. As a guy, friends are more important tha

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them