Moving out heartsore

WinNinG to HurTinG HeArt
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“So, you still remember what we already agreed about?”

“W..What?” Maki still act like she doesn’t remember their contract. Jaejoong just smile and his hug become tighter.

“You already forgot? Maybe I should read the contract to you once more…hmm?”

Jaejoong let Maki go and grab her hand, he pull her to walk behind him. Maki do not say a word, her heart is really nervous at this time but still she let Jaejoong  lead her to where, she has no idea.

“There you are!”

Jaejoong and Maki tilt their head to the voice in front of them; it is Masami with a bright smile standing straight.


Masami walk to them and suddenly hold on Jaejoong hand.

“Jae, you really need to help me! There is something in the bathroom I think, something is keep on doing a strange noise, I cannot sleep until I know what it is… Please!!!!!”

Jaejoong look back at Maki, Maki look down on the floor, she really not to see this scene between them in front of her. Maki pull her hand away from Jaejoong and start to walk away, but Jaejoong grab her hand again.

“Why don’t you go wait in your room, I will call the butler for you.”

“Butler?  I already did, but he already asleep. After that I go to aunty but she asks me to see you. I’m so sorry Maki, I know I interrupt you guys but….but..i …I already can’t sleep with all the problems and now the noise is killing me.”

Masami said that to Maki’s face and start crying.

“No, you not. We just finish talking, Jae can help you, I will wait in the room to finish the packing.” Maki do not wait for Jaejoong answer, she just smile softly to Jaejoong and get on her way. Jaejoong do not say a word and just watch Maki walk leaving them behind.



“How’s your packing?”

 “Already done. I wouldn’t call that packing cause there is nothing to pack really.”

“So, you need my help tomorrow.”

“No, I will take the taxi.”

“Taxi? Your husband not going to drop you off?”

“He is busy with something else.”

“Busy? Well I definitely heard that he will send you tomorrow.”

“Something pop out and he is now busy.”

“Something?” Erika become more confuses hearing from Maki.

“Ya right, not something. Someone”

“Someone? Maki, please just go to the point please.”

“His girlfriend going to live in here from today.”

“Eh? Girlfriend? Masami? Going to live THERE?”

“Slow down Erika, you don’t have to be shock like that.”

“She know you leaving the house?”


“Eh?? I bet she is happy! Why Jaejoong let her in?”

“Well, Omma already said yes. We cannot say anything adding to that.”

“Are you okay with this Maki?”


“You asking me what? Maki, you are leaving your husband with his ex-girlfriend.”

“Well maybe he like that”


“Stop it Erika! I will hang up if you keep acting like this.”

“Well if you keep acting like this you will loose your husband!”

 Maki stay silent hearing the sentence from Erika, she got the goose bump out of no where. Her heart is now aching, she starts feeling uneasy.


“So where is the creature?”

Jaejoong go inside the room and turning his head all around the room, but suddenly he got a hug from behind and shocks him a little bit.

“I miss you” 

Masami tighten her embrace as soon as she said the three words. Jaejoong try to loosen the hug and face Masami who has tears in her eyes.

“Masami, we talk about this.”

“What? You leaving me because a chick you know for a month? Is that making any sense at all? me, what ever your feeling towards her is just temporary, I know that I create lots of scenes and I neglect you that is why you try to look for anoth….”

“Masami! It is not! I love her! The feeling I have towards her is very different from what I have for you.”


“Masami, please….”

“Fine! Fine!... What you know about her exactly? Her name? That’s all right?”

Jaejoong loose his word to fight back, he really want to but when he thought back it is true that he doesn’t know much about Maki.

“She is my wife! Nothing can change that and that’s include you!.”

“You sure?”

“I don’t have to hear this from you, your family is in trouble and we are here to help you but please do not make me to be mean.”

“Mean? What? You kicking me out the house? I don’t know what is getting in you? You not the same man I know last few years.”

“I change!”

“It is not worth it Jae! You don’t know her!”

“Masami! She is my wife and I know her better than you!”

“Really? So you know everything about her? Including her boyfriend!”


“Ah ha, so you know. Still, you are letting her out from the house?”

“She has her own reason, and I definitely don’t need to explain it to you!”

“Yes, she has a reason! To full her lust with her boyfriend!”

“MASAMI! She is my wife and you should respect her.”

“You know it is right!”

Jaejoong leave the room immediately, he can’t stand it anymore. He walks to his room but then he stops Masami’s word keep on playing in his head. What if she is right? Until now he still doesn’t know what exactly Maki feel towards him. He stands outside the door for few minutes until he gather up his thought again and slowly enter the room. There he saw Maki still packing up her things.


Jaejoong make his way to Maki, Maki turn her head towards his voice and just smile softly.

“So, what is it?”


“In her room?”

“Owh, hmm… just em..emm.. cockroach!”

“Owh.. you the one deal with it?”

“Yes, I just smash them around. That’s it!”

“Smash?  I thought you afraid of them?”

“Huh…?? Well, it just different today. Weird right?”

Maki silent this time, she can sense that he is hiding something from her.

“Not really weird.”

“Eh? Why is that?”

“Well, guy always wants to look cool in front of his girl.”

“Cool? No, why I want to do that for? And Masami is not my girl..anymore.”

“Well, still you can catch up after I left.”

“Maki, what are you trying to say?”

“I mean, maybe this a good opportunity for you and Masami to make up with each other and try to convince your parents about you guys since I am not going to be here to be as the reason to hold you guys.”

Maki do not get any answer after that from Jaejoong, she sense something is wrong and then she put a halt on what she is doing, she slowly turn to Jaejoong and realize that he is now watching her with a very sharp eyes.


“Is that really what you want me to do?”

“Well, I just said. It’s up to you then.” Maki start back with what she left for a moment. But her heart is not in comfortable mode.

“So, it is true then?”


“That your reason to move is something else not because your study?”

“We talk about this already, and I thought we finished.”

“What finish? Our talk? Or our relationship?”

“We don’t have any relationship to start off; you and I know exactly why we are here.”

“You really love him do you? To come out with this kind of reason to be with him?”

“Look! Who is the one who kept telling me that he already has a lover and promising to

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
ctlights #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back,,, hehe.. Thanks for the update. Honestly i almost forget the story plot. But i try to re-read again, n i understand now. Ahahaha... Hope Maki will remember her husband soon...
useless_1 #4
Chapter 38: I cant believe that you updated this story!!! immense thank youssss also please complete it
lintayu #5
Chapter 38: thank youuuuu :)))
Chapter 37: hi author nim,,
its been a long time after i read this story..T.Ti think u have completed it,but i guess it wrong.hehehe.
stil,,im waiting for the update dear,,thank you..:*
MissABDy #7
Chapter 37: need for update pleaseee....
useless_1 #8
Chapter 37: Please update author nim
Viviannitta #9
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them