Hello Manager


"Leoyy!" Chanyeol heard the familiar tiny voice, from far away. When he tried to open his eyes, the light was too brightening. Only the silhouette of young boy was visible.

"Over here!!" Chanyeol saw a kid waving his hand to come. As he went closer, he could see the kid growing bigger, to almost an adult.

"Yah, How long are you gonna take?" The boy asked rolling his eyes. Chanyeol stared stunned at who he was staring.

"You...? Baekhyun??"

Chanyeol woke up sitting straight breathing heavy.

What the hell? Why was that jerk in my dream??

Recently Chanyeol has been having the same dream of the kid, he met when he was 8. But today Chanyeol had no Idea why would Baekhyun come in his dream.

Shaking his head, Chanyeol grabbed his phone, to see the notifications.

JM Ent. Announced they will be taking legal actions.

News sure spread fast...

Chanyeol sighed leaning his back against the wall. He looked over at Kyungsoo on the other side of the room, who was curled into a ball. Kyungsoo couldn't sleep the night as he frequently woke up due to nightmares, which made Chanyeol heart hurt.

Through these years, Kyungsoo was like a little brother to him. Though he may act mature, He's still kid at heart.

Chanyeol checked the time on his phone.

7:00 A.M

I guess he can sleep in a bit more.

Chanyeol thought as he stretched his body. He looked at his injury on his arm, and the events of last night flashed into his mind.

*Badump* *Badump*

Ah again this stupid abnormal heartbeat.


Is it because I am angry at him?

Ugh!! Ah forget it!

Chanyeol shook his head as he got out of the room and looked around. This house was comparatively a lot bigger than his.

He couldn't see clearly at night, but now he could see the apartment is quite big. The living room was the size of his apartment. Chanyeol felt a sharp reality hit him, which made his broke life more sad. Chanyeol recalled that Jongdae did say, Baekhyun's family was quite well off.

Suddenly Chanyeol heard some noises from the open kitchen. Following the noise Chanyeol saw Baekhyun taking out the utensils from the cupboard.

He looked at Baekhyun who was wearing, shorts and a plain Oversized Red t-shirt. Baekhyun looked up noticing the taller.

"Oh, You woke up?" Baekhyun asked nonchalant. Chanyeol nodded taking a seat near the counter.

"How's Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asked Leaning against the counter. Chanyeol sighed worried.

"He's still a bit frightened, He didn't even sleep properly last night." Baekhyun nodded understanding. "Jongin too, he woke a lot because of nightmares. Thankfully he slept now." Baekhyun said taking a deep breath, relived.

Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol's arms. "How's...your hand?" Baekhyun asked in soft voice. Chanyeol looked up confused.

Is...he worried?

"'s fine." Chanyeol said clearing his throat.

"You need to change it again, or else it'll form a scar." Baekhyun sliding the first aid box.

"Boya...are you worried for me?" Chanyeol asked smirking leaning closer. Baekhyun widened his pushing him away.

"As if!" Baekhyun yelled, running his hands through his hair, looking away. Chanyeol chuckled taking the box.

"Whatever floats your boat~" Chanyeol singsonged standing up. He picked up the box and went to the restroom to finish his morning routine.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes hissing. Baekhyun looked through his refridgerator if there was anything he can make for breakfast.

After all the searching, he only found the homemade Kimchi, which Baekhyun's Brother gave him last week.

There were a lot Ramyun, but He was sure Jongin and Kyungsoo can't eat because of their diet.

I guess I should go buy something after all.

Baekhyun picked up his wallet from his room and decided to go to the grocery store.

Just as he came out of the room, he noticed Chanyeol changed his clothes into a Black t-shirt and and black track pants. Baekhyun looked at his arms which were a mess with the cotton bandage. Baekhyun stared at him in disbelief.

"Seriously? You can't even wear a bandage right?" Baekhyun asked mocking folding his arms.

"Well sorry, I don't have much experience in this!" Chanyeol said clearly sarcastic. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and went to him. Pulling him, Baekhyun made him sit on the couch.

"Show you arm." Baekhyun said asking for the first-aid box. "I can do it myself." Chanyeol said mumbling. Clicking his toungue Baekhyun grabbed the box, and pulled out the disinfectant.

Baekhyun stared back, Giving up Chanyeol showed his arm. Baekhyun applied the medicine and looked at his arm.

Due to the hectic yesterday, Baekhyun didn't notice it before, but Chanyeol was really fit. His baggy clothes usually made him look lean, but Baekhyun could tell he was pretty ripped.

This guy actually works out?

Baekhyun tried to workout once, but unfortunately pizza won.

Without realising, Baekhyun was staring at his arm for a bit too long. Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun staring, smirking he leaned near Baekhyun's ear. "Like what you see?"

"W-what?!" Baekhyun snapped back to reality, tightening the bandage.

"Ahh!" Chanyeol yelped in pain holding his arm. "What are you doing?!" Chanyeol asked widening his eyes.

"Aish just do it yourself!" Baekhyun said annoyed looking away. Standing up Baekhyun cleared his throat.

Wait- Did he just blush??...or was it my imagination...?

Chanyeol looked at his arms, but the dressing was already done. He noticed Baekhyun grabbing his phone and heading to the entrance.

"Are you going somewhere?" Chanyeol asked standing up. "Yeah, To the grocery. Since all I have is Ramyun, I can't make our Idol's eat that." Baekhyun said looking through his phone shrugging.

"I'll come too." Chanyeol said stuffing his hands into his pockets. "What? Why do you want to come?" Baekhyun asked annoyed.

"Well, I don't think you know what Kyungsoo can eat?" Chanyeol asked smirking. Baekhyun wanted retort back, but he knew Chanyeol was right.

"Ughh Fine." Baekhyun said heading to the door. Chanyeol smiled in victory, as he followed him. Baekhyun quickly turned back stopping the taller. "Don't annoy me on the way." Baekhyun warned opening the door

Chanyeol followed Baekhyun to the elevator. Since the grocery was nearby, Baekhyun decided to just walk there.

Reaching the mini grocery story, Baekhyun started picking out the ingredients to make some Energy soup.

Baekhyun picked up some meat since Jongin is a lover of meat.

I am sure this'll make him feel a little better.

"Get this too." Chanyeol said placing some fish bread into the cart.

"Fish bread?"

"Yeah...Jongin and Kyungsoo liked it a lot during their trainee days." Chanyeol said shrugging.

"Oh.." Baekhyun nodded, pushing the cart.

" bought a lot? Do you even know how to cook?" Chanyeol asked chuckling at the end.

"Yah...did I say not to annoy me?" Baekhyun asked rolling his eyes. Chanyeol raised his hands in surrender.

"I was just curious." Chanyeol said looking innocent. Rolling his eyes, Baekhyun pushed the cart the counter.

"What are you gonna make?" Chanyeol asked again as he placed the items on the counter.

"Soyabean soup with meat..." Baekhyun said bored.

What's wrong with him? Why the hell is he suddenly acting like this??!

"That's it sir, Would you like a bag?" The cashier asked Baekhyun smiling. Baekhyun Smiled back nodding. Just as Baekhyun was about give his card to her, Chanyeol gave his.

"What are you doing?" Baekhyun Asked raising one of his eyebrow.

"What do you think? Paying." Chanyeol said casually. "That's what, why are you paying?" Baekhyun asked rolling his eyes.

"I am just trying to be nice." Chanyeol said smiling.

Okay something is really wrong with him.

"You? Nice? To me?Hah" Baekhyun asked unbelievable.

"Uhh... excuse me? Whose card should I take?" The cashier asked smiling awkward.

"Mine!" Both said together startling the cashier.

"Haha...I guess you two are pretty close friends..." The cashier said laughing awkwardly.

"We are not friends!" Both said again at the same time. Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at eachother glaring.

"Oh...Sorry? Ahh...I am so sorry! I didn't you guys were a couple!" The cashier squealed excited. Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked at her completely surprised.


"What? No no's not like that!" Baekhyun said shaking his head.

"Can you please hurry up? There are people behind you too!" Chanyeol looked back at a mad ajhumma.

"Just take my card please." Chanyeol said handing the card smiling to her, gritting his teeth.

"Ahh sure.." the Cashier replied smiling. She quickly billed everything and handed the bags to Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

Both quickly grabbed the bags and exited the store.

"Aish...from which angle do we look like a couple?!" Baekhyun muttered under his breath.

"Ahh just the thought is giving me the chills." Chanyeol shuddered at the thought. Baekhyun glared back a bit offended.

Aish I should say that!!

"Why did you pay?" Baekhyun asked folding his arms. Chanyeol shrugged smiling.

"Like I told you, I was just being nice. You did help us, I am not that ungrateful of a person." Chanyeol said rubbing the back of his nape, with his free hand.

Baekhyun looked at him surprised. This was the first time Chanyeol had ever said something like that.

"L-Lets just call even for, when you...helped me at the dinner." Baekhyun said looking away. Chanyeol coughed at the mention of that night.

"Ahem- F-Fine..." Chanyeol said clearing his throat.

"Let's go quick, they might have woken up." Baekhyun said walking. Chanyeol too quietly followed him.

Suddenly Their silent walk interrupted by a loud thud. Baekhyun and Chanyeol turned towards the noise which was coming from an alley.

Chanyeol noticed a Highschool boy surrounded by a group of 5 students.

"Yah Taehyun! Didn't I tell you to get more than this?" One of the Boy asked hiting the boy Taehyun on his head.

"B-Biyane...This was all I had..." The Boy Taehyun said his voice quivering.

Ahh Seriously... Students still bully around kids like him..

Chanyeol thought annoyed.

"I-I gave you what I please give back my guitar." Taehyun said reaching out for the guitar one the bully was holding. The bully slipped away laughing.

"Eyy...not so soon, You still haven't given the full amount did you?" The leader of the gang said pushing him towards the wall.

The boys face looked a little bruised and looked really weak.

Chanyeol was really mad now, since it reminded him of the days when he was a kid.

"Ahh Seriously! Don't you kids have nothing better to do?" Chanyeol looked beside to see Baekhyun walking towards them.

"Yah Yoda can you hold this for a moment? It's been loong since I disciplined kids like them." Baekhyun said handing over the bags to Chanyeol and stretching his arms. Chanyeol looked at him baffled.

What is he trying to do alone???

The bullies looked at Baekhyun annoyed. "Ajhusshi....You can go ahead with your work. You don't need to bother in other people's business." The leader said walking towards him. Baekhyun let out huge breath tired.

"Aigoo...Yah...How do I look like a ajhusshi to you? Hah! I am still in my twenties." Baekhyun said rolling his eyes.

"And what are you doing to him? Huh don't you know stealing is a crime?" Baekhyun asked smirking pointing at the boys guitar.

"Why do you care? Go away before you also end up like him." One the boy said pointing at the boy who was beaten.

"Boya...You guys think you can touch me? Why don't you give a try?" Baekhyun asked spreading his arms.

"Yah Baekhyun!" Chanyeol called moving forward. Baekhyun raised his hand stopping the taller.

"Just wait there... Nothing big will happen." Baekhyun said winking at the end.

"Ah seriously..." One the boy scoffed, throwing a punch towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun quickly held the boys hand and twisted it bringing it behind his back.

"Ah! Ah! I-It hurts! leave me!!" The boy struggled yelping in pain.

"Yah, Didn't you learn to show some manners to someone older than you?" Baekhyun said as he kicked the back of the boys shin, making him kneel on the ground.

Baekhyun noticed a wooden branch on the side, he quickly picked it and hit another boy's leg who tried to punch Baekhyun.

Chanyeol stood shocked at how Baekhyun was fighting. It definitely didn't look like it was his first time. He wanted to help him, but it looked like he could handle it by himself

Soon 4 of them were on the ground, groaning in pain. There weren't any bloody marks on them, but were definitely in a lot of pain.

Baekhyun looked at the last one standing who was holding the guitar bag, shaking in fear.

"Hmm...So do you want to get hit too or return it back to the owner?" Baekhyun asked smiling sweetly, which he clearly didn't mean it.

The boy quickly shook his shaking no, and gave the bag to the boy.

"B-Biyane Tae-Taehyun-ah, Take Take you guitar back!" The boy said quickly bowing and helped his friends to leave.

"Yah! One more thing...if I ever see you all one more time bullying any kids, You guys won't be able to walk home properly." Baekhyun said smirking.

After they went out of sight, Baekhyun turned towards Taehyun who was standing amazed.

"Kid...Are you okay?" Baekhyun asked worried looking at his bruise. The boy nodded clutching his guitar bag.

"Th-Thank you..." Taehyun said bowing. Baekhyun chuckled tapping the boys shoulder. "Don't Thank me...If you let them bully you, you'll always be like that. When you stand up against them once, they won't even see in your direction." Baekhyun said smiling genuinely.

Taehyun looked up eyes quite wet. Baekhyun could see the fear in his eyes.

He must have gone through a lot...

"My mom told me this when I was a kid, 'Being brave isn't being fearless...but being brave even when you are filled with fear..' " Baekhyun said ruffling the boys hair.

Chanyeol looked up hearing those familiar words. When Chanyeol, looked at Baekhyun, the little boys image flashed in his head. He quickly shook his head.

Eyy...No..No way...

Chanyeol laughed it off, thinking its completely absurd.

Chanyeol walked towards them to see if they both were okay.

"Yah! Are you crazy? Why would you go off like that alone?" Chanyeol asked clicking his toungue.

"Wae? Were worried for me?" Baekhyun asked smirking. Chanyeol rolled his eyes shoving the bags to him.

He looked at the boys tag for his name. "Kang Tae Hyun? Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked worried. Taehyun nodded smiling.

"Ah and one more thing!" Baekhyun said pulling out his wallet.

"Do you like music?" Baekhyun asked pointing at his Guitar.

"Yes...Its my dream to become a singer." Taehyun said smiling hugging his guitar.

"Then here..." Baekhyun said giving his card. "If you ever want to audition? Give me a call...Ah! And....even of they mess with you again, you can give me a call." Baekhyun said winking at the end.

"W-What?" Taehyun looked at the card speechless. "J-JM Ent??"

Baekhyun chuckled at his baffled expression.

"Then we'll get going." Baekhyun said bidding goodbye the boy and headed back.

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun still in disbelief, That there was a little monster inside him. And also very confused on why did he get reminded of that boy.

"Why are you staring at me so much? Wae? Did I impress you a lot?" Baekhyun asked flipping his imaginary long hair.

"As if." Chanyeol snorted rolling his eyes. "But seriously you really learned how to fight?" Chanyeol asked in disbelief.

"I told you I learnt Taekwondo since I was a kid." Baekhyun said shrugging his shoulder.

Chanyeol quickly remembered what Baekhyun told last night.

"If I wanted to kill you I have a lot of better ways...I can make it look like an accident."

Wow. He could have really killed me if wanted to...

"If you are wondering, why I haven't done anything to you. It's only because you are Jongdae's friend. And I am not some gangster too, I just  hate Bullies like them." Baekhyun said looking ahead.

But if he really hated that, why did he do that then?

Chanyeol thought thinking about the time he saw Baekhyun for the  first time. Before their quarrel at the store.

"Are you sure you didn't bully anyone?" Chanyeol asked scoffing.

"Yah! I used to help a lot of kids in my neighborhood when I was in middle school and Highschool. I used take the money back from those bullies and give it back to who it belongs. I didn't do much after I came back from Busan since Jongdae was quite mad at me for it." Baekhyun said rolling his eyes at the end.

"You...took the money back from them?" Chanyeol stopped walking asking confused.

"Yeah...Boya, what the hell did you think about me?" Baekhyun asked widening his eyes offended.

No way...Did I misunderstand him that time?

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who looked really confused.

"If you don't believe me, just call Jongdae and ask... He'll tell how much of a trouble Kid I was." Baekhyun said chuckling thinking about the time, Jongdae used to get mad for Baekhyun getting into unnecessary troubles.

Chanyeol did remember Jongdae telling him about Baekhyun being a troublesome kid during middle school, but not the exact details.

Chanyeol suddenly felt guilty for what he did, when they first met.

Soon they reached Baekhyun's apartment and placed the things on the kitchen counter.

"I'll go wake up Kyungsoo..." Chanyeol said heading to the room. Opening the door, Chanyeol noticed Kyungsoo was not on the bed.

Hmm? Did he wake up?

Chanyeol checked in the bathroom, but Kyungsoo was no where to be seen.

"Where the hell did he go?" Chanyeol muttered worried. He went out of the room to ask Baekhyun who was at the kitchen

"Yah, Did you see Kyungsoo anywhere?"

"Huh? He's not in the room?"

"No, that's why I am asking you." Chanyeol said rolling his eyes.

Baekhyun looked around confused. Baekhyun quickly headed to his room to check if he was there.

Chanyeol followed him and checked his room.

"What the hell?" Baekhyun whispered surprised at the scene before him.

"What? What happened?" Chanyeol peeked in, and tried to control his laughter.

Kyungsoo and Jongin were sleeping together, hugging one of Baekhyun's Plushie. Baekhyun pulled out his phone and took a picture of the sleeping idols.

Both tiptoed outside, trying to control their laughter. "I guess Kyungsoo was scared to sleep alone." Chanyeol said chuckling. Baekhyun was laughing looking at the picture. Chanyeol noticed how Baekhyun eyes turned into cresents when he laughed.

Its sort of Pretty...

Wait what the hell did I just think??

Chanyeol quickly slapped himself getting out of his absurd thoughts.

Think straight Park Chanyeol!

"What's wrong with you?" Baekhyun asked weirded out.

"Nothing...Why don't you go make the breakfast?" Chanyeol said quickly heading to the kitchen. Baekhyun looked at him confused, and followed him to the kitchen.



I am really sorry for the late update 😅 My exams just got over....I finally have some freedom now😭❤️

And Finally we got the dates for comback! It feels like forever! But I guess tomorrow we'll be getting some teasers❤️😍

And I gues that's enough of my fangirling 🤭

Thank you for everyone who Upvoted, Subscribed and Commented!! And also to the silent readers who are reading this story!

Oh and We got a little Cameo too🤭😉

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter...(And if you guys are a little confused, I am sure it'll be cleared at the next chap😅🤭) *I'll try to update soon!!*

Luv ya~

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740 streak #1
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
740 streak #4
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #6
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
740 streak #7
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!
Chapter 23: Author-nim you can't just call us out like that🤫😂😂
And Chen helping both of his best friend's love life without knowing that it's actually them both is hilarious 😂😂 I can't wait to see Chen's reaction when he gets to know the truth