Hello Manager

Chanyeol POV

Picking up Kyungsoo from his studio, we headed to the movie script reading. Kyungsoo kept on going through the script in van, over and over to get them right.

I looked back at Kyungsoo who was still not aware that we've arrived at our destination.

Since this was his first Movie as one of the main lead, He looked quite nervous.

"Kyungsoo... loosen up a bit, Don't be too tensed." I said looking at him reassuring.

" it that obvious." Kyungsoo asked chuckling awkward.

"Ofcourse, we came here 10 min ago, but you are still immersed in reading the script." I chuckled pointing out the window.

Kyungsoo widened his looking out the window. "Yah! Why didn't you tell earlier??" Kyungsoo yelled, frowning. Probably wondering we might be late

"Don't worry, we still have some time left till the meeting." I said reassuring. Kyungsoo let a releived breath and got down.

I quickly followed him picking, and entered the SD production building. I looked around to see the other actors to have arrived and were chatting with eachother.

I looked at Soo who became quite excited seeing his friend.

"Jongin-ah!" Kyungsoo called out Waving his hand, who was standing near the elevator.

"Ah hyung!" Jongin waved back jumping. I Smiled at how excited Kyungsoo was and relieved he was relaxed now.

But my smile soon dropped seeing him. Baekhyun was on the other side speaking on the phone.

"Aigoo you two just met yesterday, You guys are sure dramatic." I said chuckling.

"Eyy Chanyeol hyung, Don't you know, Kyungsoo is my favourite hyung~ And I was pretty nervous, but I feel relaxed seeing Kyungsoo." Kai said hugging Kyungsoo.

Though Kyungsoo hates skin-ship, Jongin always escapes from it. They sure have a weird connection.

"Oh you are alone? Where's Baekhyun?" Hearing that name quickly made me annoyed.

Ughh seriously!! How did we end up working for the same company??

"Oh! Baekhyun got a call from the entertainment. He went to answer it." Jongin said pointing behind him.

"Oh hey Soo!"

"Hi Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo greeted smiling.

"Ah...You." Baekhyun muttered non-intrested looking at me. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

I could see Kyungsoo and Kai sigh.

Though I feel bad for them, it's quite suffocating to stay in the same space as him.

"Why don't you change your manager Kai? Someone with more manners." I asked Jongin giving a disgusting look towards Baekhyun.

"Bwo? should consider changing your manager too. He makes you look too small. Why do you need a Giant Yoda as a manager?" Baekhyun scoffed back.

"What?? Yah...Can you even protect Kai with that tiny body of yours?" I asked pointing at his petite body.

Baekhyun smirked. "I learnt Taekwondo since I was 10! And don't you know Dynamite comes in small packages." Baekhyun spat back folding his arms, stepping closer.

"Hey hey, enough both of you..." Kai said separating us both by pushing us slightly away.

"Yeah...Don't think we forgave you both for what happened yesterday." Kyungsoo said glaring at both of us. We both looked away guilty.

"So please don't fight here. You guys know how important this is for us...' Kai said pouting. We both nodded understanding. This was Kai's first movie too, and More over he was the Main lead and Kyungsoo was the second lead.

"Arasaw....we won't fight." Baekhyun mumbled, and glared at me.

I rolled my eyes annoyed at him. "Yeah Don't worry." I said assuring.

"Hyung...We've known you two for about three years now. Even if you say don't worry now...We know what's gonna happen." Jongin said folding his arms.

"Ok ok... Nothing will happen as long we don't see or speak to each other." Baekhyun said glaring at me again.

Ughh...I wish I could just pop those off!

"Don't worry I have no interest in even staying in the same place as you." I retorted back rolling my eye.

Kyungsoo and Jongin sighed again and entered the elevator. All of us got in and Kyungsoo and Jongin began to discuss their script.

Soon we reached the meeting room and saw all the artists had arrived too. I went and greeted the producers and writers.

Kai and D.O went to speak with the Female Lead, Moon Ga Young to discuss their script.

Soon the director arrived and greeted everyone. "Good morning Everyone! I am Shin Dong, the director of the Movie, Don't Go." A round of applause was heard.

The rest of the meeting went smoothly, and Kyungsoo and Jongin showed perfect emotions for the script. Which made me feel quite proud.

I took out my phone and took some pics, for promotion later. Kyungsoo hates when I take secret people pics of him, but still there's nice feeling I get when I get to .

I looked around to see Baekhyun doing the same.

The meeting ended successfully, and The director said he would give us all a treat for good start for the project. And decided to go for dinner.

Everyone split into groups and occupied the seats at the restaurant

I sat with the assistant director to discuss about the schedule and timings for Kyungsoo. Though the director told to enjoy ourselves, it's not that simple.

I looked around to find Kyungsoo, and saw him speaking with the producer.

That's weird...I thought he'd be with Kai...

I looked closer and felt something weird. Kyungsoo looked uncomfortable that usual. He really wasn't a big fan of crowds bit I felt this time he was really uncomfortable.

"Eyy.. that Producer started again." I turned to see the staffs speaking. "What is it?" I asked curious. Something really doesn't feel right

"Ah Manager Park, You didn't hear. There are some strange rumours about the Producer." One of the staff said in whisper.

"Strange...Rumours?" I asked confused.

"The way he treats and looks at his juniors or artist is really weird and awkward." He said a bit disgusted. I widened my eyes shook.

Ah Kyungsoo...!

Just when I was about to get up, I saw Baekhyun standing behind them.

"Ah D.O! Here you are!" Baekhyun chirped clapping his hands.

"Manager Byun...?" Kyungsoo looked confused.

"Oh you look a bit tired." Baekhyun said concerned.


"You are tired aren't you?" Baekhyun asked once again. "Ah y-yes." Kyungsoo nodded.

"The why don't you go and sit with Kai, He was tired too, you two could get some energy drinks." Baekhyun said pointing towards the table Jongin was sitting.

"Oh and you also wanted to discuss about the script right?" Baekhyun asked smiling.

"Me?...Ah yes yes I completely forgot." Kyungsoo laughed awkwardly, Standing up.

"I think I should go now PDnim...Then I'll speak with you later." Kyungsoo bowed and went towards Kai's table.

"What do you think you are doing?" The Producer asked Baekhyun a little annoyed. I could see Baekhyun trying not to roll his eyes. Since it's the producer...any action we do can affect the artist too.

"Aigoo...I am sorry. Producer Lee, it's just, you know how much health is important for idols, that's why. Oh why don't I pour you some drink?" Baekhyun asked picking up the Soju bottle, Quickly changing the subject.

He grabbed a huge glass and filled it completely and gave it the Producer.

"I hope you can drink this much..." Baekhyun asked in a mocking tone.

(Note: So in Korea many peopl have pride in their Alcohol tollerance. So Baekhyun is just provoking him to drink more...)

The Producer, grunted and grabbed the drink from Baekhyun.

Well...Seems like he got it under control.

I relaxed a bit and turned towards Kyungsoo. I picked up my phone, called him.

"Chanyeol? Yah where did you go??" Kyungsoo asked annoyed.

"Biyane....I was discussing about the schedule here, I just saw you with the producer. Are you ok?"

"Yeah...I am fine. God the producer was such a -! Ughh...I don't even wanna talk about it." Kyungsoo said disgusted.

"Thank god, Baekhyun came at the right time and saved me." Kyungsoo let out a releived breath.

"But I am worried about him..." Kyungsoo mumbled.

"Eyy Don't worry about Baekhyun Hyung...You know he's not ordinary right." I could here Jongin's voice in the background.

I let out a huge breath. "Well it's good if you alright, then you stay with Kai till the dinner is over." I said looking at Baekhyun.

It looked Baekhyun had almost knocked out the producer with mixing of drinks.

Though it's quite hard to accept, I owe this to Baekhyun.

Ahhh I feel nauseous just thinking like that I owe him...

Soon the dinner was over, and every one were ready to leave. I saw the producer completely drunk praising Baekhyun for his mixing skills.

But Baekhyun was no where to be seen. I saw Kyungsoo and Jongin bidding their goodbyes to the director.

I thanked the staffs and other artists too and went to the restroom.

As soon as I entered, I saw Baekhyun leaning against the counter, quite unbalanced.

"Aishh thhat sthupidh prodhucer..." I heard Baekhyun speaking too incoherently.

Is he drunk?

"Yah...Are you alright?" I asked a little concerned.

Ofcourse I hate him...but that doesn't mean I am a heartless person. Still...a part of me wanted to record this and play at his wedding.

"You..." Baekhyun turned pointing towards me cocking his head.

Whoa...he's asking for a fight even when he's drunk...

"You look..." Baekhyun took a step forward and came close to me.

"Really Handsome... Hehehe." Baekhyun said giggiling.

*Chanyeol brain processing"

What the heck!!

"Yah...are you sure you are Baekhyun? Or did you hurt you head or something?" I asked widening my eyes.

Baekhyun gasped covering his mouth. "How didh yu knnow myy name? Do I know you?" Baekhyun asked surprised. His cheeks were flushed pink due to the alcohol and his eyes were wide opened.

He sorta looked cute like a puppy...


What the hell did I just think??!!!

I shook my head to get those Idiotic thoughts off my head.

Suddenly Baekhyun was in front of me. "Telll mee...Do I know youu??" Baekhyun asked, pushing me towards the sink and locking me between his arms.

Baekhyun leaned too close, I quickly held my breath. "You..." Baekhyun trailed off. Staring into my eyes.

"You look familiar..." Baekhyun mumbled again, Coming even closer. Our faces centimetres apart.

His eyes looked completely different from how they usually looked. Everytime when our eyes meet, it was only filled annoyance or anger.

But now his eyes looked calm and sweet. Even sparkling a bit.


Did I drink alcohol by mistake or what??

Suddenly I felt something soft against my lips. I widened my eyes at the sudden contact.




Did Baekhyun just kiss me??!

Weirdly I couldn't even push him off me. It felt soft...

Yah Park Chanyeol!! No way you are enjoying this right??

You are kissing Byun Baekhyun!!

Coming back to my senses, I pulled Baekhyun away from me.

"Yah Byun Baekhyun!! What the hell are you doing??" I yelled shaking him. I don't know why, but my heart was racing like hell.

Baekhyun didn't respond.

"Aish...Did you- Did you pass out?" I asked slightly slapping his cheeks. With no response, I assumed he's completely knocked out.

I threw his arms around my shoulder and took him outside the restroom.

I noticed Jongin and Kyungsoo, looking around for someone.

"J-Jongin-ah!" I called out grabbing his attention. They looked at us surprised and quickly came running towards us.

"We were looking for you two only...Wait what happened?" Kyungsoo sasked looking at the passed out Baekhyun.

"Omo What happened?" Jongin asked getting a hold of Baekhyun. "He passed out." I said standing up straight.

"What?? Ah Hyung!! Why did you drink when you know you have low tolerance to alcohol?? Aishh seriously!" Jongin complained shaking Baekhyun. Baekhyun opened his slowly.

"Ah Ori Jonginnie~" Baekhyun cooed hugging Jongin. Jongin let out a sigh, Holding him.

"Will he be ok?" Kyungsoo asked worried. Jongin smiled nodding.

"Hyung usually doesn't drink, I guess he must have got drunk by accident."

"Ah right! Chanyeol hyung he didn't do anything weird right? He gets a bit wild when drunk..." Jongin asked worried.

Quickly what happened at the restroom popped in my head. I could feel my ears get hot. I shook my head to remove those images.

I am taking this the grave.

"Ani! No-Nothing happened. " Jongin let out a releived breath. "Then it's good." Jongin said chuckling.

"Oh yeah! How are you going to go home?" Kyungsoo asked looking at the drunk Baekhyun.

"I guess we need to take the cab, Since we both drank." Jongin said sighing.

"Eyy why cab, We can drop you! Right Chanyeol?" Kyungsoo said looking at me.

"Huh what?" I asked confused. "We can drop them right?" Kyungsoo asked again stressing the last word. I can sense some of the Satansoo aura. I gulped nodding.

"Ofcourse...why not." I said smiling. I don't mind Kai...but that thing...

But since he became like this helping Soo...I guess I can do it this one time.

Soon we got into the car drove to Kai's house. Since Baekhyun had still not sobered up, Jongin said he'll take care of Baekhyun.

After dropping them, I turned to look at Soo who still looked worried. "Are you ok Soo?" I asked worried.

"Huh? Ah yeah...I was just worried about Baekhyun. I feel like it's my fault he became like this..." Kyungsoo mumbled looking down.

"Yah...Why is it your fault? It was just an accident, so don't push yourself..." I said reassuring.

Kyungsoo hummed in Response.

"But Chanyeol... Baekhyun seems really nice...why do you hate him so much?" Kyungsoo asked curious.

"We didn't have a great first meeting, and we just don't match." I said remembering the first time we met.

"It's just...I have a feeling you guys may become great friends..." Kyungsoo said shrugging.

"Hah! Friends?...Never..."



Anyeong Chinguus!! 

So...Chanyeol had a night to remember...Hehehe, But will Baekhyun remember too?👀

So I made a bit longer chapter...Since I wont be able to upload for a week Since my exams are coming up😭. So I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter. And Thanks to all who Subcribed, upvoted and commented.!!🥺❤️


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750 streak #1
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
750 streak #4
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #6
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
750 streak #7
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!
Chapter 23: Author-nim you can't just call us out like that🤫😂😂
And Chen helping both of his best friend's love life without knowing that it's actually them both is hilarious 😂😂 I can't wait to see Chen's reaction when he gets to know the truth