Hello Manager

Baekhyun POV

"Should we really go?" Jongin whined as he sat inside the car. I sighed as he pulled my seatbelt.

"You think I wanna go? Just thinking about having to see that producer is making me want to barf." I said shuddering at thought seeing the producer again. Jongin nodded agreeing.

"Then can we not just go? Anyway I can't eat much since the album shoot is in two days." Jongin asked pouting, leaning closer. I pushed him away with my index finger on Jongin's forehead

"Just put on your seatbelt." I said exhausted. I check the time and it was 8:00 PM.

I actually contemplated of not going, but since it's the dinner planned by the producer for completing almost 70% of the shooting, it wasn't something we could skip.

I remembered the producer was quite pissed off in what I did last time.

Ahh...I really need to avoid him at all costs.

Suddenly Jongin's phone started ringing.


"Ah Soo!- Me? Yeah...I am coming! You are coming too?? Oh! Ok! See you there!" Jongin suddenly chirped excited. I looked at him weirded out.

" suddenly look so happy....You okay?" I asked confused.

"Huh?'s nothing! Haha"

I stared at Jongin's Idiotic expression.


"How long will it take?" Jongin asked excited.

"Hmm maybe an hour? We'll be there by 9." I said glancing at the road.

Is he excited that Kyungsoo is coming too?

I chuckled shaking his head. But it was nice to see Jongin being his goofy self again.

It's been two weeks since that incident, and the Sasaeng fan was too indicted by the court but Jongin requested for therapy for that fan.

"Even though she hurt us, I am sure she truly liked me at a point before it turned into obsession....I really hope she can be a better person soon."

Due to Jongin's statement, her sentence was reduced but still was arrested for bodily harm.

I was quite annoyed at how Jongin was so innocent and nice. He wouldn't even hurt a fly. He really need to know the world.

I was also happy to see Kyungsoo back at the entertainment and was glad he was doing well.

And Chanyeol...

He wasn't ignoring me that much, but strangely he just walks away quickly after a slight acknowledgment.

He didn't even pick much fight with me. Somewhat it felt out the ordinary.

Did he change? Or did he finally realise what I am capable of?

Well~Its good if he learnd his lesson.

Since the restaurant was a bit far away, the journey took longer than expected.

As soon as I stopped the car Jongin hoped out and looked for someone. I got out and dusted my denim jacket.

"Nini! Here!" I looked up to see Kyungsoo waving his hands to come over.

I noticed Chanyeol wasn't seen nearby.

Jongin and Kyungsoo greeted eachother and happily entered the restaurant completely ignoring me.

I stared in disbelief that, if it was the same person who was whining to not come.

"Whoa...his attitude took a whole 180 degree..." I said scoffing folding my arms

"Who?" The sudden voice scared me.  Startled I held my chest.

"What the- Where the hell did you come from?" I asked glaring at the tall Yoda, calming my weak heart.

" can kick people but scared for something like this?" Chanyeol asked mocking.

I rolled my eyes and entered the restaurant.

Aish....This guys still didn't change a bit!

I noticed  the producer at the other side of the restaurant, quickly I tried to stay away from his sight.

I have a weird feeling that it might be troublesome if we run into eachother.

I need to avoid him the whole night...

I saw Kyungsoo and Jongin speaking to the other cast of the movie.

We went to speak with the other managers of the artists.

"Manager Byun! Manager Park! It's been so long..." One of the staff called out smiling. I returned the smile nodding. I sat down at the end of the table and Chanyeol followed too and sat in front of me.

The rest of the dinner went with with a casual conversation.

"Baekhyun-ssi why don't have  drink?"

"Ah it's ok, I need to drive back." I said refusing the drink.  Chanyeol also didn't drink since he'll need to drive.

I can't get drunk like last time...

Soon the others carried on with their conversation.

I looked around for Jongin but he was no where to be found.

What? Where did he go?

Sudden notification buzz of my phone caught my attention. I quickly picked out my phone to find a message from Jongin.


From: Kimkai
Hehe sorry Hyung~ ✨
I know you won't leave me...So I am leaving early (~‾▿‾)~
Don't worry I am not alone! I am going with Soo~
Ah and I am taking your car😅

Saranghae hyung(~ ̄³ ̄)~!!

I quickly rummaged my pockets searching for the car key.

It's not there!

When did he take it?!!

"Aish! That idiot!" I yelled in disbelief. Chanyeol jumped up startled.

"That scared me! Yah what's wrong with you?" Chanyeol asked confused. I looked up eyes burning.

"W-Wae?" Chanyeol asked moving back.

"Yah...Where is Kyungsoo?" I asked in low voice. Chanyeol blinked confused.

"Kyungsoo? He must be here somewhere..." Chanyeol said looking around. Suddenly Baekhyun noticed Chanyeol's phone buzzing on the table.

I groaned hitting my head on the table. Chanyeol picked up his phone and read his message.

"Wait- What??" Chanyeol yelled surprised staring at his phone.

"You really didn't know too?" I asked raising my eyebrows

"No! Ahhh I can't believe those two sneaked out like that." Chanyeol said pinching the bridge of his nose.

Chanyeol quickly tried calling Kyungsoo, but he didn't pick up.

Jongin wasn't answering my calls too.

"It hasn't even been an hour yet! That little brat is dead when I see him!" I muttered under my breath.

Yes...I should upload the photo of him drooling while he was sleeping...

I let out a low laugh.

"Yah...You okay? Why are you suddenly acting creepy?" Chanyeol asked once again moving back.

"*Chuckle* Nothing... something interesting will happen tomorrow..." I said smiling as I took sip of cola.

"Suddenly I pity Kai..." Chanyeol said eating a piece of meat.

"Did Jongin take your car? How did he even get your key?" Chanyeol asked confused.

"Wish I knew that too! Ughh seriously...Who knew he was this sly??!" I said throwing my hands up in frustration.

Chanyeol sighed staring at his phone. He looked quite worried too.

"Well..since they are together...I guess it's okay.." Chanyeol said leaning back.

I sighed nodding.

They are adults But still how could they forget that they are...for god sake Idols!!

I tried to calm myself, taking a deep breath. I got up and headed to the restroom.

I quickly washed my face calming down. I can't leave now since we still need to talk about the end schedules.

And oh yeah....
That Idiot took my car!!

I guess I should get a cab...

Just as I exited the restroom, I met someone I wanted to avoid the most.

"Ah Manager Baekhyun?" The producer stood infront of me with his usual creepy grin.

"P-Producer Lee...Haha...Hello." I greeted him bowing a little.

"Eyy here you are...I was wondering if you didn't come...." The producer said laughing throwing his hands over my shoulder.

I tried to slip away, but his grip only tightened.

Ughh...Should I just Shoulder throw him??

No...control Baek...Can't get Kai in trouble...

"Ahh Sorry, I should have come greeted you." I said laughing awkwardly at the end.

"Eyy why do you need to say sorry between us. Then why don't you have a drink with me? Eh?" The Producer said bringing his hand behind my back.

It felt really disgusting how his hands were touching mine. I don't how long I'll be able to control myself.

I slowly removed his hands laughing. "Ahh I can't drink today, I need to drive back..haha..." I said taking a step back.

I hope he doesn't know yet that Kai left...

"Ah really? Then I can't do anything..." He said a little disappointed.

Phew...Thank god. Now I need to get out of here...

"That's a bummer, the drinks you made last time were really good. Then why don't you join for the dinner? I can get get you a Non-alcoholic drink!" The producer said once more grabbing my arms and pulling me towards the table.

Before I could say anything he quickly brought me to the table.

Is he trying to take a revenge on me or what??

"Have a seat Baekhyun!" The producer said pulling a chair beside him. Since there were few staffs there, I couldn't refuse.

And did he just call me by my name??

Cool Baekhyun...Cool. Think Rationally...

I put on my fake smile and sat next to him. I wasn't really interested in what they were talking. I continued you eat the bread that was served.

It was too suffocating to sit near him. He glanced at me quite a few times, which was really awkward.

I can't get him drunk this time since he know what I can do...

Ughh how am I supposed to escape this old hag!!

"Baekhyun...You must be thirsty, Here have a drink." The producer said handing me glass.

"Don't worry its not alcohol...Just a soft drink." He said whispering.

"Ah thank you..." I took a little sip to check. Thankfully it was just sprite. Just eating the bread really made my throat dry

After drinking the drink, I looked at the producer who had a satisfied smirk. Somehow I got a really bad feeling...

After few minutes, I pulled out my phone to check the time. Suddenly the screen felt quite blurry...

I shook my head again trying to concentrate again, but it only made my head spinning.



I could hear all the voice get slurry. It was getting hard to focus. Suddenly I hit my head on the table, my head feeling too heavy.

I looked up at the producer who had smirk on his face..

What the..

Chanyeol pov

"Where did he go?" I mumbled to myself looking around. It been about thirty minutes since Baekhyun went to the restroom. Somehow I had a uneasy feeling.

But wait-? Why am I looking for him?

Did he leave?

But he doesn't have a car...and it's not easy to get a cab around here...

And Kyungsoo was  also not attending my calls.

From O.O:

With Nini.
Gonna head back home.

I told you I won't stay long.

Seriously what kind of message was that??!

He did say he didn't want to come, and agreed only if he could go early. But I really didn't expect him to sneak out like this!!

My gut tells me this was Kyungsoo's idea.

The sudden memory of Baekhyun from last dinner popped into my head.

He didn't get drunk again did he?

But he didn't drink any alcohol today, so I guess that won't be the case....

Somehow this was bothering me a bit.

Ah just forget it! He's not a kid...

After talking with Jongdae, it was clear that I misunderstood him. But that doesn't change the fact he was a jerk to me whenever we met. We really didn't just click. but still i cant get him out of head for the past few days. Since it was partially my fault, I tired to stay out of trouble from him. 

This is getting really frustrated. 

I quickly got up and headed to the restroom.

I am not searching for him, I am just gonna head to the restroom too.

I thought shrugging. I looked around if the smurf was anywhere around, passed out on the floor.

"He's not here..." I mumbled to myself looking around. I headed back to the restaurant and looked around trying to spot him.

"Ah Mr.Jung? Have you seen Manager Byun?" I asked to one of the writer.

"Manager Byun? Ah I guess he was a bit drunk." He said chuckling. "Ah Producer Lee said he'll get him into a Cab. They just left." He said pointing towards the door.

...Producer Lee?

And wait - he got drunk??

Something really felt fishy. "ah Thanks Mr.Jung!" I said quickly heading out to the door. I looked around to see if anyone was there.

Around the corner I saw a car pulling up. It didn't look like cab though.

Just then, I noticed a familiar Denim Jacket. I saw the producer Holding Baekhyun with his hands around his hips. It looked like Baekhyun struggling a bit and definitely didn't have the strength.

The driver came out and held Baekhyun quickly.

The sight suddenly made quite angry. I quickly walked over to them.

"Producer Lee!" I called him out as I went near him. He quickly looked at me surprised.

"Ah M-Manager Park? What are you doing here?" He asked quite flustered.

"Oh, I just came out to get some fresh air. What are you two doing here?" I said pointing at Baekhyun.

"'s just Baekhyun said he was a bit drunk, and I was gonna head home too. And Baekhyun asked me to drop him off. That's why!" The producer said laughing awkwardly at the end.

There's no way Baekhyun would ask that...

Hah! This ..

"Ohh You look really tired Producer Lee. I can Drop Baekhyun at his home. You don't need to worry." I asked as I went to get hold of Baekhyun. Suddenly the Producer stopped me from getting closer.

"It's okay Mr.Park... I can do that..." He said smiling pushing me away. It's confirmed now. Definitely there's something wrong.

I stood infront of him again. "Its alright sir...I am sure it will be easy for me to take him to his house....and I am sure you don't know his address right?" I asked my voice a bit lower, towering over him. He looked a bit intimidated.

"Then I'll take him from here." The driver was reluctant to let Baekhyun go. I gave a short glare and he quickly let him go.

I could see the producer click his tongue in disappointment.

"Then have a good night sir..." I said bowing a little.

I held Baekhyun and quickly took him to my car. After I made him sit in the back seat, I tried waking him up.

"Oi Baekhyun? Can you hear me?" I asked slightly tapping his cheeks, he face was quite soft.

Baekhyun just mumbled something, I couldn't quite make it out. I went closer to hear him clearly. Surprisingly he didn't smell like alcohol. So he definitely wasn't drunk.

Then why is he like this?

He somewhat smelled sweet like vanilla...


I shook my head and tried waking Baekhyun again.

"Looks like you are completely passed out..." I sighed looking down.

I pulled out my phone to check the time.

11:00 PM

Baekhyun's house is quite far from here...

Suddenly I felt wet on my head. I looked up to see raining.


I quickly closed the door and got into the driver's seat. I looked at Baekhyun who was sleeping peacefully.

I let out a deep breath and started my car. I guess I have no choice then.

I headed towards my apartment.

Author POV

And another chapter! So Chanyeol is becoming a little sweet hehe~

And Jongin and Kyungsoo....Seriously guys, give them a little rest~ 

And thanks to everyone who Upvoted, Commented an Subcribed~!! Those gave me a lot of strength to write...And I hope you guys are enjoying the story as much I like writing them. And thanks to the all Silent readers too~!


See you guys at the next Chapter!!

oh and...Uhh...I have made a FMV for Runaway...It would be cool if you guys check it out...*Insert Akward Laugh* If ya guys want to only!!


Luv Ya All~!!


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750 streak #1
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
750 streak #4
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #6
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
750 streak #7
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!
Chapter 23: Author-nim you can't just call us out like that🤫😂😂
And Chen helping both of his best friend's love life without knowing that it's actually them both is hilarious 😂😂 I can't wait to see Chen's reaction when he gets to know the truth