Hello Manager

Baekhyun POV

"Yah...Are you just gonna sit there? We both are on Cleaning Duty..." I looked up to see Chanyeol standing, carrying two huge boxes. He was wearing our Highschool uniform. I looked around to see our classroom.

"It's because of you we ended up doing this..." I found myself saying rolling my eyes. I leaned back against the chair placing my legs over the desk. Suddenly a cloth flew into my face. "Yah!" I yelled glaring at the taller annoyed. Chanyeol simply rolled his eyes as he picked up the box again and placed the box on top of the cupboard. 

"Who the hell knew that I would pick your name as my partner??" Chanyeol said glaring clearly not enjoying my presence. 

Who knew my luck was this bad?

I huffed and stood up. And started arranging the chairs. Then I headed towards the blackboard and started clearing it out with the duster.

Since there was too much written on the board, the dust was too much.

I looked back at Chanyeol, who was now sweeping the floor with the broom. I don't know if it was the light or I was just tired...The orange sunlight through the window made Chanyeol look different.

Was his hair always that shiny?

And It's quite curly...

I wonder if it's soft...

Chanyeol looked up at me, catching me staring at him.

Ah !

But I couldn't look away...He started coming towards me.

W-Why is he coming here?

Instinctively I started moving backward, hitting the back of my head on the blackboard.

He's too close...!

Chanyeol stood just a foot away from me, He bent down to my eye level staring at my face.

I gulped at the sudden closeness. His eyes were sort of shining, almost pooling me in.


Why is my heart beating so fast??

He brought his hands up and rubbed his fingers across my cheek. "I told you to clean the board with the duster, not your face." Chanyeol said smirking standing up straight.

"Aish! Get a-away!" I quickly yelled pushing him away from me. He quickly burst out laughing.

I quickly turned around hiding my hot face.

Why the hell am I blushing??! 

"Are you guys done?" I looked at the entrance of the classroom to see Jongdae standing with his bag over his shoulder.

"Yes!" I said quickly, as I grabbed my bag and headed out. "I am gonna wait at the entrance," I said as I walked out.

"Huh? Wait- Uhh Let's go, Chan. Yah Wait for me Baek-!"

*Ting Ting Ting*

Ughh wait- what??

I quickly sat up straight and looked around to see back in my room.

"Ughh..." I groaned holding my head.

W-Why did I dream of that time??

I could still feel my heart beating fast against my chest. Shaking my head I got off my bed.

I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I looked at my face in the mirror, now dripping in water.

I touched my cheeks, where Chanyeol had wiped off in my dream. I could see myself going red from thinking of it.

"Aish!!" I quickly splashed more water, calming myself.

It's true that I was attracted to Chanyeol when we first met, but that was off the table after our fight at the convenience store.

But now...

Well...we did sorta resolve it...

Yoora also said he enjoys my presence...

His hair is also fluffy and looks so soft...

He also helped me a  lot before...

And he's kinda cute when he laughs...and his dimples were...

His Abs were also...hehe .

I quickly slapped myself, to stop my giggling.

"What in the world are you thinking Byun Baekhyun?!" I said to myself, staring at my reflection in disbelief.

Get those unholy thoughts off your head!!

I quickly finished my business and got out of the Bathroom. I decided to divert my mind by going shopping for Wendy's Birthday.

"New shoes?" Jongin asked confused.

"Yeah the ones that are good for dance?" I asked getting into my car.

"Boya...Are you finally going to buy me those new shoes Hyung?" Jongin asked fake sniffling.

"No...I am buying some for Wendy. I thought she might need those."

"Ha...I thought so. You don't care about me anymore..." Jongin whimpered dramatically.

I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous acting. "Then I guess you can return that new guitar I bought for you last month."

"Hyung you how much I love you right...You are the best thing that has happened to me. You know I was just kidding before right." Jongin said giggling quickly taking a whole 180-degree character change.

"Please save those for later..." I said chuckling at the end.

"Oh, it's Wendy's Birthday tomorrow, right? Is it gonna be her birthday gift?" 

"Yeah...So do you know any good ones?" I asked chuckling.

"Of course! Don't worry, I'll send some pictures to you. Those types are better for dancing."

"Thanks, Jongin-ah."

"Hehe Sure! Send my wishes to her!"

"Alright...ah And what are going to do today? Are you sure you can manage alone?"

Suddenly Jongin wanted to give me the day off after the preparation for the auditions, so he decided to spend the day by himself.

"Eyy... Don't worry I am very responsible! I am just going to Kyungsoo's house for the final shoot practice. Seems like Chanyeol has a meeting in the evening so, I was planning to stay the night too!" Jongin said excitedly.

"Oh okay...Wow...You guys sure spend a lot of time together. I am very much impressed with soo, that he can tolerate you." I said chuckling at the end.

"H-Hyuung!!" Jongin whined annoyed. I laughed along loving teasing the younger.

"Alright, I'll call you later." I said quickly hanging up. Soon Jongin sent some models for the shoe.

After buying Wendy's present, I came back home to get ready.

Switching off my car engine, I looked at the message on my phone and sighed.

Secretary Kim

Hotel XXX
8:00 P.M

Why don't you give the Chairman a chance...? Maybe...He could have had a change of heart.

8:00 PM


"Should I go?" I asked myself staring at the time on my phone. I am already starting to regret coming here.

Picking the gift, I Got off the car, I handed the car keys to the valet. I straightened my suit and entered the Hotel.

I wasn't planning on dressing up, but since it's Wendy's Birthday, I just went along.

I noticed Secretary Kim standing and speaking on the phone. Noticing me he quickly hung up and smiled wide.

"Master Baekhyun...It's nice to see you after a long time..." Secretary Kim said smiling patting my shoulder.

"It's nice to see you...Uncle Won Hae..." I said returning the smile, calling him how I used to call him when I was a kid. He looked a bit surprised but quickly laughed it off.

"Let's get going Master Baekhyun..."  Secretary Kim led the way to the private room for the dinner.

I noticed Baekbeom was standing out and speaking on the phone.

"Hey Hyung..." I called out gaining his attention.

"Oh! I'll call you back later. Hyun-ah!" Beom Quickly tackled me in a hug getting excited like a little kid. Seriously he never acts his age. And now he's starting to cut off my oxygen.

"Hyung- Can't breath!"

"Oh sorry! You really came..." Beom said unbelievable.

"Well... it's the Chairman's order....and I also felt bad for missing out on Wendy's Birthday..." I said rubbing the back of my neck with my free hand.

"You both should go in. Lady Wendy is waiting inside." Secretary Kim said glancing at his watch.

We both nodded and went into the room. I took a deep breath as I followed Beom in.

I noticed only Wendy was sitting at the table and watching on her phone.

"Hyun Oppa!" Wendy got up excited as soon she noticed me and attacked me into a hug.

Well, aren't I getting a lot of hugs today?

"Happy advance Birthday Munchkin," I said laughing ruffling her hair. "Hehe, Thanks Oppa! I knew you would come!" She said grinning wide.

I handed the gift and whispered in her ear. "Open it at home." She gave a quick nod and smiled wide.

"I am hurt...Why don't I get a hug from my lovely sister?" Baekbeom said choking up fake tears. Giggling Wendy Quickly hugged Beom too.

Soon the doors opened again and the Chairman and his wife entered the room.

The Chairman looked at me, with the same cold eyes. I kept my face neutral without showing any emotions. 

"Oh! Baekhyunie it's been a very long since I saw you...I didn't expect you'd actually come." Son Hwa Jun, Chairman's current wife, said showing her best fake smile. 

It was very much clear she wasn't exactly fond of me or my brother.  But she sure knows how to butter up to us.

"It has been a while...Mrs.Son." I said giving my fake smiling. I could see Wendy getting a little uneasy with the tension around us. "Ah Wendy! Here! Your father bought a present for you~!" Mrs. Son said smiling wide handing a jewelry box to her. "You can wear it for tomorrow's Party..." The chairman said giving a small smile. 

At least he shows some affection for Wendy...

Did he really change...?

"Th-Thank you father..." Wendy said smiling wide staring at the present. 

I smiled looking at her bright face. "Then let's all sit! I'm sure our birthday girl must be hungry." Beom said clapping his hands gaining everyone's attention. 

I sat next to Beom and Wendy sat in front of me. Son Hwa Jun sat next to Wendy and the chairman sat at the head of the table. Thankfully I sat far away from him. 

Soon they served dinner, and we started eating. It was quite for a while until, the Chairman broke it.

"How is the company doing? Have you decided which company to choose for the next contract?" Chairman asked Beom as he drank his wine. 

"It's doing pretty good, And I am thinking of making a contract with our previous client itself. They have shown pretty good results."

Chairman shook his head satisfied. "Then that's good." 

"Oh Honey...Haven't I told you not to talk about work while eating~" Son Hwa Jun said pouting.

Ughh I feel like puking...I am just gonna drink, I don't think I stay sober to see this...

"Haha...Biyane Biyane..." The chairman chuckled shaking his head. "At Tomorrow's party, I will be introducing Wendy to Everyone. Now more eyes will be on us." The Chairman said smiling looking at Wendy. I could see Wendy getting a little nervous.

"Yes Yes...So be sure to be at your best tomorrow...We can't have any mistakes. Right?" Son Hwa Jun said patting Wendy's head, even though she was smiling wide, her voice was a little cold in the end. 

"Ah S-sure Mom..." Wendy mumbled giving a small smile. 

Her audition will definitely be a problem if he finds it out...If she does get into JM...I'll need to speak to Lay Hyun and Suho Hyung about her contract. 

I looked at Wendy worried. When she looked at me, I quickly shot a wide smile cheering her up. She returned the smile and went back to eating her food.

Seriously How can she speak to her daughter like that? With not an ounce of affection.


I stopped eating and looked at him. "Yes...Chairman." I asked smiling. I just wanted to eat in peace. But since Wendy is here I don't really wanna make a scene.

"Are you still working at that drama company?" The Chairman asked annoyed. I scoffed under my breath.

So that's how you wanna go?

"It's an Entertainment...Chairman. And yes...I am still working there." I said smirking. More than me getting angry, this will surely make him displeased.

"I can't believe you are working running behind someone else." The chairman said frowning looking at me. "Quit your job immediately and join the company." He said quickly turning back to his food.


"Chairman!-" Beom was quickly stopped by Chairman. "You don't need to say anything."

"And I have also looked for a girl for you to marry, our company will get a good business from it."

Of course...what did I think?

"I have let you do what you want for the past years. Now it's about time for you to get out of your childish phase and come back."


Do what I want?


"I won't," I said with a cold expression.

"What?" Chairman asked raising one of his eyebrows.

"I won't quit my job...Chairman Byun," I said biting my teeth.

"You- How dare you to talk back to your father like that?"

Father? Hah...what a joke?

"Father? When? When did you act like a father? When??" I  scoffed unbelievably...

"Baekhyun calm down..." Beom tried to calm me down holding my arm.


"Phase? Sorry...I think I have told you before...But I am Gay. Gay! I like men. It's the same as how I was 7 years ago." I said clenching my fists against the table...

He found out I was gay when I was with my ex-boyfriend. And when I told him, he disowned me like I was no one and kicked me out of his house. He threatened him to break up with me. My whole existence as the son of BBL groups vanished. Now I am just a rumor among the Industry.

but I was glad...I didn't have to be connected with him anymore...

"You brat! Do you have any idea what would happen to our reputation if the media finds out about this!!  I can't believe you are still a disgrace to my family! "

Of course...only his reputation matters...

"O-Oppa..." I could see Wendy's eyes tearing up.

"Please...when did you ever consider us as your family? If you did, you wouldn't have left mom like that for so long. You knew she was sick and what did you do? Nothing... NOTHING!" I said standing up agitated.

My mother suddenly sent me to Busan when I was 14, I didn't know why. And when I turned 15, I got a call from Beom that she was hospitalized. Later I found out that she sent me away just because she didn't want me to find it out. We only knew about my mother's illness at the last stage, the tumor in her brain was already affecting her health too much. 

Whenever Beom asked about her health she simply brushed it out. That's why Beom is working hard to keep what she built.

"If you had just....done something for her...She'd be here right now." I could feel the tears pooling in my eyes as my body trembled in anger. I saw Beom also trying to stay calm.

He already doesn't see me as his son. So I don't care what he thinks of me. But I know if this takes any longer, the sweet Beom would snap too. 

"I am sorry Wendy...In the end, I did ruin your party" I said smiling apologetically. "I am leaving...I lost my appetite..." I said quickly and went out of the room. I noticed Uncle Won Hae standing worried. I am pretty sure he must have heard what we were talking about.

"Master Baekhyun..." 

"I knew it...He would never change." I said cold, walking past him.

"Aish...A chance? Changed? F**king Bullsh*t!" I cursed under my breath as I entered the lobby. I stopped myself and tried to calm down. I pulled out my phone and it was almost 9:00 P.M.

"Baekhyun-ah..." I turned to see Baekbeom standing panting a little. "Hyung..." I looked at him a little surprised.

"Are you okay?" Beom asked worriedly. I nodded, taking a deep breath. "It's nothing surprising. I never expected him to just accept me." I mumbled under my breath. Beom sighed rubbing his temple.

"I should have known...I should have just told you not to come." Beom groaned frowning worried. "Just forget it Hyung...You should go see Wendy...She must be very surprised." I said worriedly. 

I looked behind Beom to see the Chairman and the others walking towards us. He looked quite annoyed. I put on a blank expression as he came closer to us. Noticing my face Beom quickly turned back. Beom quickly stood beside me.

"Father..." Beom spoke biting his teeth. "Why don't we discuss again about Baekhyun's-" 


I could feel the stinging sensation on my cheek. The sound was pretty clear, almost all the people in the lobby were now looking in our direction. Beom was standing shocked. I could see Wendy at the back covering in shock. So Hwa Jun was simply standing bored and a little amused by what happened.


"Chairman! What are you doing?!!" Beom yelled his eyes turning red. 

"You are disgusting...I will never allow you to damage the family name that I worked so hard to build."The chairman said with complete disgust in his eyes. I scoffed.

"You built? Don't make me laugh...It was Mom who made Built this...Grandpa gave it to you, but you ruined it...Mom was the one who saved it! You simply stood back and waited for her to save it. You did nothing!" I growled glaring daggers at him.

"You brat-!" He raised his hand to slap me again. I closed my eyes for the impact again but it was never there. 

"Please stop this Instance before I call the police." I heard a familiar deep voice. I quickly opened my eyes to see Chanyeol standing grabbing the Chairman's Wrist. His eyes were filled with rage I'd never seen before. 

"Chanyeol??" I looked at him in complete shock. Almost everyone around us was as shocked and confused as me. 

How did he come here??


Hellooo Guys~~

And wow...Some drama is starting up👀👀....Hope you guys Enjoyed the chapter~


Our Bunny is back~!!!😭😭♥♥ I was literally crying to my best friend when Junmyeon came live.....I am a total EXOL mess....


And Thanks to everyone who Subscribed, UpVoted and Commented. I still can't believe so many people are reading this...(❁´◡`❁). I know my Updates are not constant but you guys are still here...💕❤ Thank you guys for still supporting me.!!

Luv Yall~!!😘♥



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750 streak #1
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
750 streak #4
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #6
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
750 streak #7
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!
Chapter 23: Author-nim you can't just call us out like that🤫😂😂
And Chen helping both of his best friend's love life without knowing that it's actually them both is hilarious 😂😂 I can't wait to see Chen's reaction when he gets to know the truth