Hello Manager


"And that's about the Show. And I am sorry Manager Park, to have you come all the way here. Our office is still being renovated." The New Reality show P.D said apologetically as she closed her laptop. The writer too bowed apologetically.

Since their Office had a small fire accident this morning, they planned to have the meeting in this hotel.

"Oh no no! It's alright P.D-nim, there's nothing you could have done." I said waving my hands to not worry. "And I am glad you thought about D.O for the show," I said smiling.

Since Kyungsoo hasn't been in a variety show for a long time, I thought this might be a good opportunity for him to promote himself more.

"Haha...Yes, I just felt like D.O-ssi would be the best for it. And Also Kai-ssi too, I heard they are working on an album and movie, So having them both would also be a great show. Isn't it Ms.Jung?" The P.D asked excitedly the writer.

"Yeah, they sure have very good compatibility. I'll talk with the Entertainment and get to you with more information. This does sound like a very good idea." I said chuckling at the end.

Seems like I'll be needing to speak to Baekhyun...

I mentally grinned at the thought. Since I'll be getting more time to spend with him.


"Well since we are here, Would you like to order something?" Ms.Jung asked handing me the menu.

"Ah Sure! Let me just get to the restroom and come back." I excused myself and got out of the room.

I stretched my arms and pulled out my phone. It was almost 9. 

"Master Baekhyun!"

I snapped my head back at the mention of his name.

Did he just call Baekhyun?

I thought as I saw a figure dash off the nearby VIP room. A man in his 50s or so stood there a little nervous trying to call someone. I noticed a few Bodyguards were standing outside the room.

"Secretary Kim! Where did Baekhyun go?" Another guy rushed out of the same room.

"I think he was headed towards the Lobby Master Baekbeom..." The man said worriedly.

"Alright...I'll go look for him," Baekbeom said quickly as he rushed towards the lobby.



Isn't that...that BBL director...??

Baekhyun's Brother??

I had completely forgotten that piece of information that Baekhyun might be related to the BBL cooperation...

The secretary quickly went inside the room, and I decided to follow Baekbeom. I noticed Baekhyun standing in the middle of the lobby and Baekbeom caught up to him. 

It's actually Baekhyun....?

I pulled out my phone and messaged the PD that I had a sudden meeting and to continue the dinner without me.

I stood a little far away from them, so I couldn't hear what they were talking about. Baekhyun's eyes were red and his tie was a little loosened up.

Did he...cry?

The thought made my heart clench and mad at who made Baekhyun cry.

"That Insolent Brat...How dare he try to tarnish my name!" I heard a furious voice behind me. I turned to see an older man walking along with the Secretary I saw before.

"Chairman...Master Baekhyun sure must have his reasons-"


"Do you work for me or Him Secretary Kim!?"

What the-

"Father...Hyun Oppa was just-"

Huh? Son Seung Won?

Wait....what the hell is happening here??

Why is she here??

"Don't speak another till we get home, Wendy." A lady walking beside her quickly snapped at her to be quiet. I stood a little stunned when they passed me.

The chairman walked straight towards Baekhyun and stopped before him. Before Baekbeom could say anything-


The sound was so loud and clear almost everyone was looking at them.

What the ?!

How dare he hit my Baekhyun??!

I could feel my blood boiling at the scene.

Before I knew it I was walking towards them. I clenched my fist in anger.

"-This...Grandpa gave it to you, but you ruined it...Mom was the one who saved it! You simply stood back and waited for her to save it. You did nothing!"

"You brat-!" Just as he raised his hands again. I held his wrist strong as I came in between Baekhyun and him.

"Stop this Instance before I call the police," I said threateningly, my voice cold. He tried to get away but my grip only tightened.

How dare you hurt him?!

"What?! Do you have any idea who you are speaking to??" He growled and yanked his hands off my grip.

I am still not sure of Baekhyun's exact relationship with this man. But If Beom is his brother...and He's the son of the BBL chairman...

Then this man must be Baekhyun's Father...

But I don't f*cking care!

"I don't care who you are, But you are disrupting a public place and harming a person. That's more than enough to report it to the police. Say what? Want me to call?" I asked smirking waving my phone.

I could see the chairman's eyes looking around. The secretary came behind the chairman and whispered something.

"There's a lot of eyes here Chairman Byun...It won't be a good idea to make more commotion."

The chairman clicked his tongue as he turned and walked away. The secretary looked a little relieved.

"Hyun Oppa-

"Just come with me-! We are going home." The lady pulled Seungwon away not allowing her to speak.

I quickly turned towards Baekhyun who looked quite shocked.

"Baekhyun...Are you okay?" I asked studying his face. His cheeks were getting red from that slap. His hands were still trembling a little.


"Baekhyun?" BaekBeom called out worried

"Huh...? Ah Yeah...I am...fine." Baekhyun snapped back and looked at us. "I am okay...But h-how did you come here-? No, how long were you here??" Baekhyun turned towards me blinking confused.

"You two know each other?" Baekhyun's brother asked surprised looking at us. I quickly turned towards him and greeted him.

"H-Hello! I am Park Chanyeol, his friend. I work together with him. I was here for meeting with a writer. I saw this...By chance. " I said a little worried. 

"Oh..." Baekhyun said understanding the situation. Sighing Baekhyun looked up at me. "I am sorry Chanyeol you had to see these things...Sorry to pull you into this mess." Baekhyun apologized looking away.

Why does he need to apologize??

It's that old man's fault!!

"Yah...You are the victim here. There's nothing for you to apologize for... First...! You should get that treated." I said worried staring at his cheeks. Baekhyun touched his cheeks which were a little red.

"It doesn't...hurt." He said looking away. He quickly turned to Baekbeom.

"Hyung...You should go. Wendy must be quite scared. And I don't think Hwa Jun will allow me to see her after the ruckus I created. Can you take Wendy to Yeon Hee Noona's house? I don't want her to stay alone in the mansion..." Baekhyun said his voice filled with worry.

"But you are still-" It looked like he was about to refuse, but paused after looking at Baekhyun's expression. "Fine," Beom said sighing at the end. He turned towards me and pulled out his wallet

"I know it's not a great time for introductions, but...I am Byun Baekbeom, Baekhyun's Older Brother. Here." He handed me his business card with a small smile. "And this one too."

"I thought it would get late,  So I reserved a room. Since you drank, You can't drive. So just stay the night and go home. It's a long way back anyway." Baekbeom said handing a room key card to Baekhyun.

"No it's okay I can go home by myself-" 

"I'll take care of him. You don't have to worry much." I said quickly taking the card from his hand. He looked a little surprised.

"Yah Chanyeol-"

"Thanks...Chanyeol." Baekbeom said giving a small smile. "Please take care of him. Bye Hyun-ah."

"No, wait-!" Before Baekhyun could complain Baekbeom rushed towards the entrance. Baekhyun looked at me frowning.

"I really am okay. You should just get back. Didn't you say, you were here for a meeting?" Baekhyun said sighing. 

"It's alright...and It's over so I was heading back home anyway," I said shrugging my shoulder. "Then just go home. You don't have to....worry about me." Baekhyun said a little cold.

How the hell am I not supposed to worry about you when you are being like this??!

"Fine...I'll go...but After we treat that," I said glancing at his cheeks. "I told you it's nothing- You should just-!" Before Baekhyun could finish I grabbed his hands dragging him towards the elevator. Baekhyun continued to resist but I held his wrist tight.

I took a look at the room number and punched the floor button.


"Let me just apply some ice on it then...I'll leave then," I said quickly before Baekhyun could finish.

"Alright alright, I get it! I won't go anywhere, can leave my hand." Baekhyun said mumbling at the end. I looked down to see our hands intertwined.


I quickly left his hand, clearing my throat. Since my face was burning, I couldn't look at his face. 

We stood in silence, just the sound of the elevator music was heard. Soon the door opened and I walked out Baekhyun right behind me.

I searched for the room and quickly opened the door. Baekhyun followed behind me.

The room was pretty huge. Is it the suite room??

Shaking my head, I made Baekhyun sit on the couch and searched for the mini-fridge.

I took the Icebox from the fridge and picked up some ice cubes. I took my handkerchief and wrapped the ice cubes.

I turned to see Baekhyun staring at the floor. Sighing I quickly went towards him and sat on my knees.

I placed the ice pack on his cheeks. He flinched at the sudden coldness and looked at me surprised.

"Doing this will avoid the swelling," I said as I dabbed his face. Baekhyun still looked at me surprised.

Gosh, why is he so cute??

"Th-thanks..." Baekhyun mumbled looking away as he took the Ice pack from my hand.

I sat down next to Baekhyun, staring at him silently.

"Why aren't you asking anything? I am sure you must be hella curious..." Baekhyun asked chuckling turning towards me.

"I am. But you would have told me if you wanna say it." I said smiling. Baekhyun sighed placing the ice pack on the floor.

"My father is the Chairman of BBL corporation." Baekhyun said leaning back against the couch. 

"And I guess you two aren't on good terms?" I asked folding my arms. Baekhyun nodded slowly pressing his lips into a thin line.

"And Miss Seung Won...I thought she was your friend's sister..." I asked confused. Baekhyun looked a little surprised. 

"Seung Won is my sister...Other than my brother,  she is the only person I consider someone as my family...Even though we don't have the same mother..."

"I was worried her auditions might have a problem if anyone knew she was related to me...So I hid it...I was going to speak to Suho if she does get selected. Sorry I had to lie..." Baekhyun apologized.

"Yah, Enough with the sorrys." I said a little frustrated. Baekhyun chuckled nodding. "Ah right...Does Jongdae know about this too? I mean like about your family?" I asked a little curious.

"Ah...Yeah. He has known it since we were kids. Most of the kids who were my friends were interested in me because of my family and money. But Jongdae was the only one who didn't care about my family." Baekhyun said smiling fondly. 

"Yeah...That idiot is one of a kind." I said snorting as we both started laughing. Hearing him laugh is nice...

I noticed the ice starting to melt. "Give that to me. I'll throw it off." I said as I grabbed the icepack. I threw them into the bathroom sink and headed out. 

"What are you looking for?" I saw Baekhyun looking into the mini bar fridge. Baekhyun looked up at me as he grabbed two beer cans. 

"Wanna have a drink?" Baekhyun asked smirking.

"Aand thenn he jusht... Disappeared!...Taking thhe moneyy from that oldd man and ran away like a coward!" Baekhyun yelled as he gulped down another can of beer.

I sat opposite to him on the floor table.

"He literally broke up with me over a text...!" Baekhyun said annoyed as he open another can.

"Baekhyun that's enough...I think you drank too much." I said as I grabbed the can from him.

After Baekhyun suggested having a drink I wasn't exactly sure. But since he had a rough day, I thought it would be okay.

As we started drinking, Baekhyun started to open up more. And told me about his family.

How his mother died...why he had to move to Busan...And how his father was against his uality that he had banished him from his family.

Hearing it all made me want to destroy everything that made Baekhyun hurt.

"No! I want to drink some mooorre!" Baekhyun said as he grabbed the Soju bottle nearby and drank it raw.

"Wait! No! Baekhyun!!" I quickly tried to get it away from him, but he drank almost half of it.

" know you aren't great at handling alcohol...You are going to regret this tomorrow." I said rolling my eyes.

Baekhyun started giggling staring at me.

"Hehe...No. Today I am going to drink till I pass out! Since you are with me I don't have to worry!!" Baekhyun said grinning as swayed back and forth. I suddenly felt my heart skip a beat.

Since...he's with me?

Gosh, what are you doing to me??

No... he's drunk right now.

Sighing I stood up and went next to him. "Baekhyun let's get you to bed for now. You are drunk." I said as I held his shoulders. He quickly brushed my hands off.

"No! Get your handds away!" Baekhyun yelled glaring at me as his lips pouted. Why the hell are you acting cute and angry at the same time??!

"Whho arre yoouu? How dhid you come here?" Baekhyun asked squinting his eyes at me.

Oh god not this again...

"It's me Park Chanyeol. Now let's get you to bed." 

 "Chan..Yeol?" Baekhyun mumbled as I pulled him up.

"Chanyeolieee~!!" Baekhyun gleamed as he hugged me. My skipped a beat at the sudden nickname.

I dragged him towards the bed trying to lay him down. "Baekhyun...could you stop...swaying back and forth?" Suddenly Baekhyun turned quickly, pushing me down on the bed. I shut my eyes as I groaned when I felt a heavy weight on my chest. 

Opening my eyes I saw Baekhyun lying on top me, very too close to my face. Baekhyun stared at me with his half lidded eyes. "Chanyeol...What are you doing to me?" Baekhyun mumbled as he leaned closer.

"What are you-mmph!" 




Baekhyun is kissing me!! 


His lips felt so perfect I couldn't even push him away. The alcohol was starting to get to my head making me light headed. Baekhyun started running his fingers through my hair pulling me closer. 

I could feel myself slowly starting to lose myself.


I quickly pulled away from Baekhyun, and reversed our positions, now me above him. We both tried to catch our breath. Baekhyun looked really vulnerable that if this continues...

"Yah...if this continues...I don't think I can control myself."

"Then don't...." Baekhyun said looking me his eyes dark.

"You'll regret it in the morning Baekhyun..." I said once again gathering all my will.

Stop making me lose my mind Baekhyun..!

"I won't..." Baekhyun said smirking as he pulled me down by my shirt, kissing me deep.


Umm...I am back with another Chapter!!😅



I am really sorry for not updating for so long...I've been really packed with my university. Since I am nearing my final year the work is just non stop😭

​​​​​​But anyway I hope you guys have been well and thank you so much for waiting and reading this. It really makes me so happy to see a lot of people who I don't even know is reading this. 

I'll really try my best to update more...

oh and...Should I write the next chap with the spice..👀🔥?



Thank you all for subscribing, upvoting and commenting. And also to all the silent readers too, thank you so much for waiting ~!!

Luv yall~!!!






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750 streak #1
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
750 streak #4
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #6
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
750 streak #7
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!
Chapter 23: Author-nim you can't just call us out like that🤫😂😂
And Chen helping both of his best friend's love life without knowing that it's actually them both is hilarious 😂😂 I can't wait to see Chen's reaction when he gets to know the truth