Hello Manager

Baekhyun POV

"I'll get your bag." Chanyeol said as he got down the car. I quickly followed behind him to back of the car.

"I'll go and get some refreshments ready! You both come in soon." Mrs.Park chirped once again.

I haven't seen someone so full of energy at her age.

I looked at her quite amazed.

"Here give it to me." I quickly took my bag from me before he could say anything. Chanyeol picked up his suitcase too and we went inside.

As soon as I got in, I could feel the coziness of the house.

Something I haven't felt in a while...

"Your home looks really pretty..." I muttered looking around the house. Chanyeol let out a small chuckle.

"Come on, I'll show you your room." Chanyeol said walking ahead. I quickly followed behind him. He stopped right before two rooms.

"This one. It was my sister's room, But you can stay here. She'll mostly stay at my mom's room because of her baby." Chanyeol said pointing the room at his right.

I recalled Chanyeol telling he had come to see his Nephew.

"Oh...Is it really alright for me to stay here?" I asked a little worried. I really didn't want to be bother to them.

"Yah...I told you not to worry. Do you still feel awkward around me?" Chanyeol asked worried. I can see Chanyeol was trying his best to make up.

I still don't the exact reason behind his change, but I can feel the sincerity behind them.

"It's not that idiot...I was just worried I was going to be a bother to your mom. She looks really sweet, definitely not like you." I said rolling my eyes, teasing the giant.

Annoyed Chanyeol folded his arms. "Yah...!" But soon broke into a smile, His dimple showing up.

Did he always have one?

"Get in." Chanyeol said opening the door. There wasn't much inside the room, just a bed and a wardrobe. And Chanyeol's Family picture hung on the wall. Chanyeol, His mother and his sister.

Chanyeol placed my bag on the bed and turned towards me. "The Bathroom is over there." Chanyeol said pointing his thumb behind him. "You can freshen up and come out for lunch."

I nodded giving a small smile.

"Yeol-ah! Can you come here?" I could hear Mrs.Park calling for him.

"Coming mom! You can freshen up and come out!" Chanyeol said quickly heading out shutting the door.

I let out a huge breath and laid on the bed facing the ceiling.

Well I definitely didn't expect to spend the night here... especially at Chanyeol's...

If someone had told me two months ago that I can exist in the same space as Chanyeol, I would have Shot that person dead before they could even finish the sentence.


I don't understand myself...

Is possible for a person to suddenly change this much.

Shaking my head, I quickly sat up straight and decided to freshen up. I picked up my casual clothes and decided to change into those.

I headed out of the room to see if I can help with something.

"That's not how you flip the eggs! You are going to burn them!!" Mrs. Park yelled, at Chanyeol who was holding a pan trying to flip the egg. Seems like they were trying to cook at the open kitchen.

I chuckled at his clumsy moves. Noticing me, Both the Parks turned towards me.

"Ah Baekhyun! Come here and take a seat!" Chanyeol called forward, pointing the at the chair behind the kitchen counter. He too quickly took a seat.

I quickly headed towards them a little awkward, and sat beside Chanyeol.  "Here Sweety~ You must be hungry from all the traveling." Mrs.Park said sweet placing a bowl of rice in front of me and Chanyeol.

Chanyeol's mother is really sweet...

Thanking for the food I dived right in. And-


It's so damn good!!

"Mrs.Park this is really really good!" I said stuffing my mouth. Since I skipped breakfast I was pretty hungry. After eating, my hunger finally resurfaced.

Mrs.Park chuckled at my reaction.

"I am glad you like it! Here have some more!" She placed more side-dished near me.

It's been so so long since I had a complete home cooked food.

I am pretty sure I must have looked like a caveman eating. I noticed Chanyeol staring at my face.

"What?" I asked a little annoyed. If he's gonna make fun of me-

Chanyeol tapped his chin looking at my face.

"Huh?" Instinctively I brought hands to my face. Is there food on my face?

"Not there." Chanyeol a quickly bring his hands towards my face. He rubbed his thumb over my lips.

The sudden contact made me froze.


"Here..." Chanyeol said softly throwing the rice grain away.

"Huh..ah...Thanks..." I said clearing my throat. Why am I flustered?

I looked up at Mrs.Park, who had a... suspicious smile.


"Baekhyun! Here have this too! Chanyeol made this~!" Mrs.Park said placing the rolled eggs in front of me.

"Really?" I asked a little curious. I did see Chanyeol trying to make the eggs. Chanyeol looked a bit flustered.

Seeing Chanyeol like that, I wanted to try the eggs.

"I-Its not that great..." Chanyeol said looking away. "You don't have to to eat-"

Before Chanyeol could finish I decided to take a bite. Chanyeol looked very much flustered but quite eager for my response. I let out a small chuckle.

But the egg roll was pretty good. The presentation wasn't that perfect but the taste was really good.

"It's pretty good." I said munching on the eggs. I could see Chanyeol being slightly relieved.

We all laughed at Chanyeol's reaction.

"Ah Baekhyun...I was curious. Is Gwangju your hometown?" Mrs.Park asked leaning against the counter.

"Ah Yes...It was my mother's Hometown..." I said smiling softly.

"Ohh...You must have come here often!"

"I used to come a lot when I was a little kid, but not so much after my mother's death." I said shrugging.

I noticed their expression suddenly fall.

Oh ...I said it too sudden.

"Don't worry it's been a long time! I just come every year for her anniversary." I said reasurring. Still they looked a bit surprised.

I guess that's wasn't it was it...

Since it's been a long time, I was used to telling people about this stuff.

"So you came here for her anniversary?" Chanyeol asked clearing his throat.

"Ah Yeah...I was planning on visiting her tomorrow." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Your mother will be very happy to see you..." Mrs.Park said softly looking at me. "I am sure she'd be proud of you too." She said slightly ruffling my hair.

Her words and sudden gesture made me slightly choke. I could feel her words.

"Yes..." I said softly smiling at her.

"Ah and if you need a ride just take Chanyeol with you! He's just going to useless around the house."

"Yeah I can- Wait what?? Mom!"

"No...its alright I can go by myself-"

"Nope! Chanyeol you are gonna take Baekhyun around alright!"

"Yeah, I have no problem. I can take you." Chanyeol said smiling after giving shot glare to his mother.

I was about to refuse again but Both of them didn't look like they'd take no for an answer.

"Fine...Thank you." I said giving a small smile. Soon we finished eating and I offered to wash the dishes. Mrs.Park was very much against it, but I really wanted to be of some help.

Still she felt bad for making a guest do the dishes, to make her feel better Chanyeol too offered to help me.

Both of us did the dishes in silence but it wasn't an awkward silence. After finishing up the dishes, we sat in the living room.

"Mom! I saw some shoes outside! Do we have guest?" I heard a woman's voice coming from the entrance.

Hmm? Is it His sister?

"Oh Chanyeol!" A woman entered excited carrying a child in her arms.

"Hey Yoora." Chanyeol said waving his hand nonchalant.

"Could you be a little excited to see you sister?" Yoora asked rolling her eyes.

"I more excited to see Byul." Chanyeol said standing up, moving closer to her to carry the baby. Yoora finally looked at me, looking confused.

"This is Baekhyun...My friend. We work together." Chanyeol introduced me. I quickly got up and introduced myself.

"Hello, My name is Byun Baekhyun."

"Omo! Chanyeol's friend? You actually have friends!" Yoora asked surprised.

"Yah!" Chanyeol whisper yelled, trying not to startle the kid.

"It's really nice to meet you! I am Chanyeol's older sister, Park Yoora." Yoora said excited holding my hands.

Is everyone in this family this hyper??

"I have to say you look really handsome." Yoora said taking a closer look at my face. I was a little taken aback.

Well isn't she straight forward...

"Uh..Thank you Yoora-shi..." I said a little embarrassed.

"Eyy Just call me Noona, No need to be too formal!"

"Noona...Don't scare him like that." Chanyeol said rolling his eyes, Quickly pulling me away from his sister. I let out a small yelp. Yoora huffed folding her arms.

Suddenly the baby Chanyeol was holding, touched my cheeks... almost like he was calling me to play with him.

God he was too cute!!

I've always liked kids, and that's one of the reason I've been telling my brother to marry Yeonhee noona quick.

Since I'm gay, I know won't be able to have children of my own. So seeing children always made me happy.

"Do you want to hold him?" Chanyeol asked showing him to me. I nodded a little too excited. Yoora and Chanyeol chuckled at my excitement.

"Here..." Chanyeol slowly handed the baby to me. He started giggling as soon as he came to me.

"That's weird, Byul usually doesn't go to New people. It took a while for even Chanyeol to warm upto him." Yoora said smiling. "Is it because you're handsome?" Yoora asked winking.

Yup. This park family is definitely weird.

I once again blushed at the compliment. I hear a lot that I am handsome, but still everytime I hear it make me a little embarrassed.

I let out an awkward laugh, and turned back to the baby. The baby started giggling when I started cooing at him.

Chanyeol started playing with him too. Suddenly I heard a sound of a camera clicking. Being the manager of an Idol, I became way too sensitive to these sounds.

Chanyeol and I both snapped our heads alerted. I noticed Yoora taking a picture on her phone.

"Whoa, Why are you two startled?" Yoora asked widening her eyes. Chanyeol and I let out a relived breath.

"Work habit...but What are you doing?" Chanyeol asked a little annoyed.

"It's just you three looked too cute I wanted to take a pic! Almost like a family!" Yoora said excited waving her phone. Suddenly my cheeks felt a little hot.

Cute?? Family??

"H-Huh??" I asked widening my eye. I am sure it was as big D.O's famous O.O eyes.

"H-Huh? What?? Wh-What are talking about?" Chanyeol asked a little flustered. Yoora suddenly smirked.

I am starting to get a little scared of this family...

"Uhh... Baekhyun can you play with Byul for a moment...I need to talk to my sister." Chanyeol excused himself dragging his sister away.

"A-Ah Okay..."

"W-Wait! I wanna talk with Baekhyun more!"

"Just shut up and follow me!"

Is everything okay?

I looked at Byul who was now drooling.

"You gotta a very fun family buddy..." I said chuckling, wiping of his drool with the Napkin tied around his neck.


Chanyeol POV

I dragged my sister away from Baekhyun, before she could scare him more.

"What in the world are you doing??" I whispered yelled at Yoora.

"I should be asking that. Why did you drag me here? I wanted to talk more with your boyfriend."


I could feel my whole face flush.


"Wh-What the hell are you saying??" Though I wanted to sound angry, I sounded a little too happy. A small smile forming on my lips.

"Your face is just too obvious? Now tell me! Isn't he your boyfriend?" Yoora asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"What?? No! He's ...not! Yet....." I mumbled the last part.

"Oooh~ I completely accept him! You guys look really cute together!" Yoora said winking.

"Really?" I asked a little too excited.

Chanyeol don't fall her tricks!!

"So you haven't told him how you feel yet?" Yoora asked folding her arms.

There's no way I can ever confess to him.

"We really didn't have a great start...and I don't know if he even see's me as a friend?" I said a little dejected.

"What? But my brother-in-law looks like a cinnamon roll!! Why would you fight with him??" Yoora asked shook.

I wouldn't call him a cinnamon roll, of course he hella cute which I notice before. But after seeing him knock out those bullies, he's definitely not a Cinnamon roll.

"You haven't seen his true form." I said rolling my eyes.


"And yah!! Stop saying things like that so casually!! You are going to creep Baekhyun out.  And Don't say a word about this to him." I said biting my teeth.

I've got this far to get a little close to Baekhyun. I can definitely not ruin this.

"Okay okay! Don't worry...My mouth is zipped." Yoora said zipping with a invisible zipper and throwing it out.

I let out a huge breath pinching the Bridge of my nose. We headed out to the living room and noticed Byul was sound asleep in Baekhyun's arms.

As soon as Baekhyun saw us, he placed his fingers on his lips to keep our voice low. Yoora quickly went and picked Byul up.

She whispered that she'll be taking him to the bedroom and headed inside. Now Baekhyun and I were left alone.

Baekhyun stood a little awkward around. Almost like a lost puppy.

Suddenly, What Yoora mentioned popped in my head.

"It's just you three looked too cute I wanted to take a pic! Almost like a family!"

Ughh seriously why did she have to say it??! didn't sound too bad...

"Umm...I'll head to my room. You should also get some rest." I said breaking the silence between us.

"Alright..." Baekhyun nodded and we headed towards the rooms.

"This one is my room, if you need anything feel free to ask anything." I said pointing at the room next to my sister's.

"Okay...Thanks Chanyeol. For letting me stay..." Baekhyun said giving a small smile.

I almost felt my heart stop...

We both entered our rooms and threw myself on the bed.

I heard a sudden ping from my phone. I saw a message from my sister.

Thought you'd like to have one too~

Yoora sent the picture she took of us. Well there is something good she did..

But wait...

A strange realisation hit me.

Baekhyun is actually staying right next to my room!!

This is the first time, we will be staying under the same roof after I realised my feelings for him. So this definitely feels a little weird....

Oh boy...


Helloo My lovely Hoomans~
Mama Park and Noona Park are just two huge Ray of sunshine

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~! And thanks to everyone who UpVoted, Subscribed and Commented~!! And also thanks to all those lovely silent readers too😉♥️

Stay Safe~!
Luv Yall~!!


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740 streak #1
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
740 streak #4
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #6
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
740 streak #7
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!
Chapter 23: Author-nim you can't just call us out like that🤫😂😂
And Chen helping both of his best friend's love life without knowing that it's actually them both is hilarious 😂😂 I can't wait to see Chen's reaction when he gets to know the truth