Hello Manager


"Are you okay?" Baekbeom asked worried as soon as he picked up my call. Chuckling, I leaned back on my couch. "Oh god, You are such a worry wort hyung." 

Baekbeom clicked his tongue annoyed. "You didn't call since that day. And you didn't pick up my calls too. Anyone would be worried!" Beom yelled annoyed.

"Hehe sorry, I was really busy with work at the entertainment."

It's true, but mostly it was me trying to distract myself from everything. Since Wendy's Birthday Party, A lot of things happened. Only drowning myself in work helped me in clearing my mind.

"Still you should take it a little easy," Beom said sighing at the end. "Ah and did Wendy call you?"

I let out a deep breath. "No...I tried calling, but she won't pick up." I said worriedly. Knowing her, I know she feels responsible for what happened that night.

"As you said, I took her to YeonHee's house that night. She looked really upset. But don't worry, Yeonhee calmed her and took care of her."

I sighed running my fingers through my hair.

"Good...Being with Son Hwa Jun won't do any good. She would have just gone to attend another party." I said rolling my eyes.

Talking about the party...

"Oh yeah...What happened to the Party Chairman prepared?" I asked remembering what they had spoken at the dinner.

"Ah...that..." I heard Baekbeom sigh. "Well since it was to basically expand his connections, of course, it went well." I could feel Baekbeom rolling his eyes. 

"But I made sure Wendy was there for like just 10 minutes. Son Hwa Jun didn't even care where Wendy was..."

"Well, that's nothing new..."

When has she ever cared about Wendy...

"Right! What about you? What happened? I was surprised to see your friend there...Was it Park...Chan... Chanyeol?"

"Ah! Ye-Yeah..."

"Since he was there, I was somewhat relieved. I heard you two stayed there too."

Once again the memories of that night flooded my mind. Thank God Baekbeom is not here, or else he would have seen a whole red tomato.

"Stay- Stayed? Yeah, we just stayed the night. Nothing else happened hahaha..."

"Okay? Well anyway, I am glad your friend was there. And you guys seemed quite close too, the way he stood up for you."  

"Well...We do have a long history..." I said a small smile playing on my lips. "Huh? History? Now I am more curious. Ah! Is he your??" Baekbeom asked excitedly. 

Gosh, he's getting spoiled by Yeonhee noona for gossip.

"Aishh, Enough with your delusional ideas. We knew each other since high school. Jongdae was our best friend, First, we hated each other but then...well, we put behind our differences now..."

"Really...Well, that's good. Chanyeol seems like a very good person." 

"Yeah...He is."

"He also is similar to your Ideal type~" I could see Baekbeom smirking on the other hand. 

"Alright, I am hanging up-" "Wait- Wait-! I was just joking-!"

After hanging up, I let out a huge breath as I slid down the couch. a good person.

"Ughh! This thing splitting my head into two!" I groaned holding my head. 

Ever since that night, Chanyeol has been the only thing in my head. But Chanyeol seems to be ignoring me completely. 

I have no idea how to bring that night up again.

Suddenly I felt my side vibrate. I picked up my phone to check my message. 


Ghostbusting Across the Ages: TTGH Squad Takes Time-Travel to a Whole New Level!

'The Time-Traveling Ghost Hunter Squad'  Part-4 is back after 5 years! Now in theaters!! 

"Oh, my god!!" I squealed up excitedly. "They are back with Part 4!!" There was once a time Jongdae, Chanyeol and I were crazy over these series. It was the only time we three ever agreed on the same thing. 

I looked at the time, it was almost noon. Since Jongin didn't have any schedule today, he said he was gonna visit his parents today. 

Then I guess I am free today~

I checked the show timings and noticed there was one for tonight. "Alright then...I am sure this movie can help me distract me..."




"You traitor...I can't believe you watched the movie without me." I spoke betrayed through the phone. 

"I didn't know you were free or not and Minseok said he loved that movie too so I just couldn't say no, So I had to go with him and it was like he was asked me out on a date and I couldn't say no to him when he looked so cute with his eyes-"

"Alright! Alright! Jeez, stop with your rambling..." I said rolling my eyes. 

This Dino was completely whipped for that baozi.

"I'll definitely make it up for you."

"Whatever...I hanging up now..."


"Guess I am watching the movie alone," I mumbled to myself as I walked over to the ticket counter. 

"Can I have one ticket to The Time-Traveling Ghost Hunter Squad?"

"Can I have one ticket to The Time-Traveling Ghost Hunter Squad?"


Is this De ja vu?

I looked beside me hearing a familiar voice. "Chanyeol?"


When he called my name, I could feel my heart doing unwanted stunts. I didn't know why, but today he looked really handsome. His curls were once again coming back which made me want to run my finger through them again-

Oh God, what the hell are you thinking Baekhyun??

Gosh is it normal for a person's heart to beat this fast???!

"You also came to see the movie huh? Hahah..." I laughed awkwardly trying to not normal.

"Huh? Ah...Yeah..." Chanyeol mumbled hesitantly.

What the hell am I saying?? Of course, he came to the theatre to see a freaking movie!!

We stood there in awkward silence.

"Which seat would you like sir?" The counter lady asked me. "Huh? Ah... anything is fine..." I said quickly giving a small smile.

I turned to see Chanyeol speaking to the counter lady too.

"Here are your tickets sir! Enjoy the movie!" They said handing us the tickets.

Getting off the line we two stood awkwardly once again. "Are you gonna buy any snacks?" Chanyeol asked, which surprised me.

"Ah...yeah I was gonna get something to drink," I said softly.

"Hmm...then what are you waiting for? Let's go grab something to eat." Chanyeol said showing a small smile.



Did Chanyeol just smile?


Isn't he mad at me?

"Baekhyun? Aren't you coming?" Chanyeol called walking ahead.

"Huh? Ah! Ye-Yeah...I am coming..." I said quickly following him.

We both got our drinks and some popcorn and headed to our screening room. Chanyeol walked ahead as he was searching for his seat. I looked at my ticket to find mine too.

D 6

As I found my seat, I saw Chanyeol sitting at the seat next to mine.

Whaaat???? How did this happen??

"What happened? Why are you just standing there?" Chanyeol asked confused.

"Ah, what is your seat number?" I asked smiling hesitantly.

"Oh... it's D 5. What's yours?"

"D 6..."

Ehhhh! How the hell am I supposed to concentrate on the movie if he is next to me like this??

Is this a cruel test for me??

I sat next to him and...tried to make myself comfortable.

The lights dimmed, and the movie started. I tried to focus on the film, but my mind kept wandering to Chanyeol beside me. Chanyeol looked very much concentrated on the film. I quickly shook my head and looked ahead.

As we watched, somewhat I could feel the awkwardness between us. "You know?" A sudden whisper made me jump in my seat. I turned towards the voice to see Chanyeol's face just inches away. I gulped at the sudden closeness, I quickly looked away.  Thank god the theater is dark.

"Huh?" My voice barely came out. It must have definitely sounded squeaky...

"It reminds me of the days we three used to come to see this together," Chanyeol said chuckling at the end. His laugh was so soothing.

"Yeah..." I said smiling a little. "Those were some fun days. It was the only activity we used to do together." I said slightly reminiscing. 

"Yeah...that made me tolerate you a little more," Chanyeol said chuckling once again. Frowning I quickly turned towards the giant. "Yah-" "Shh!!" Suddenly people from the back seat whispered to be quiet. We looked at each other and chuckled again. 

The rest of the movie too went well. I didn't understand why Chanyeol was acting as if nothing happened the past two days. Though...this Chanyeol is a lot better. 

It seemed like the tension between us had dissipated a little bit, and we were able to enjoy the movie without any more awkward moments. After the movie ended, we got up from our seats and headed toward the exit.

"So, did you like the movie?" Chanyeol asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, it was pretty good," I replied, smiling at him.

I have to clear up the misunderstanding between us. 

I have to tell him...I have to tell him that I don't regret it!

"Chanyeol! Wait-" I called out stopping Chanyeol in his tracks. He turned towards me, as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. Taking a deep breath, I walked towards him. 

"Yeah, Baekhyun?" 

*thump-thump, thump-thump*

He's just calling my name...why is beating so hard?!!

When did I fall for him so hard...

"Chanyeol...I wanted to say something." Chanyeol nodded softly. Taking a deep breath. "That night- I...I didn't" 

Come on Baekhyun! Say it!



Something caught my eye behind Chanyeol I didn't expect.


"What?.... Jongin?" Chanyeol asked confused. 

"No...I think I just saw Jongin." I said searching behind Chanyeol. It looked like he came with someone...Who is that? 

Confused, Chanyeol too turned towards where I was seeing. We quickly noticed two figures. Kai was facing our direction. "Hm...That does look like Jongin...Maybe he came with a friend..." Chanyeol said thinking for a while. 

"I don't mind him coming to see movies with his friends, I can't control his life...but he said he's going to see his parents in Suncheon...Then Why would he be here in Seoul? He even messages me he reached Suncheon..." 

"Wait-" Chanyeol said a little surprised. "That's Kyungsoo right?" Chanyeol said looking at the two figures. Looking keenly, it was Kyungsoo and Jongin.

"But...Even Kyungsoo said he was going to see his parents today..." Chanyeol said confused. 

"Something seems fishy..." I said frowning. "Let's follow them," I said as I went and hid behind one of the pillars. "What?" Chanyeol looked at me questioningly but still hid from me.

"You want to spy on your own Idol?" Chanyeol asked raising his eyebrows. "Hey, I am not spying! I am just- just trying to find what they are hiding!" I said defensively.

"That's called spying," Chanyeol said rolling his eyes. 

"Aish you- Oh! Where did they go?" I looked ahead to see they were missing. "I guess they went out towards the parking lot," Chanyeol said looking ahead. 

"Then Let's go..." I said quickly as I walked towards the exit. Chanyeol too followed behind me. 

"Oh! There they are!" I whispered as we hid behind a car. It looked like they were talking as usual. Did I Think wrong-


Jongin started leaning towards Kyungsoo and...

"Did they two just-" Chanyeol looked at the two Idols shook. "Are they two-" We both were beyond shocked. Since when were they two dating??


We quickly turned our heads toward the shutter sound. 

! Are there paparazzi around?? 

"There...Behind that car." Chanyeol said pointing at the photographer. We definitely can't let him go with that photograph. We both looked at each other and nodded. We moved slowly behind the car, trying not to draw too much attention. As we got closer, we saw that the photographer was already packing up his camera.

"Excuse me," Chanyeol said, tapping the photographer on the shoulder. The man turned around, looking a little startled.

"What do you want?" he asked a little defensively.

"We noticed you taking pictures of them. We would appreciate it if you deleted them," Chanyeol said, his voice calm.

The photographer scoffed. "And why should I do that? I have a job to do, you know."

"We understand that, but those pictures are private and we don't want them to be published. So please, delete them," Chanyeol said, his tone becoming a little more forceful. The photographer looked a bit terrified. 

"Aish!! Who do you think you are-" 

I quickly grabbed his camera. "Not a very New model...I guess you aren't from any publish." I said smirking. I looked through the pictures and only Jongin and Kyungsoo were there. He definitely doesn't look like a pro, I guess he must be one of those people who earn money by selling the photos to other publishers. 

"Give it back!" Just when he reached me, Chanyeol grabbed the man's hand twisting it. I looked at the taller surprised. 

"Hey, what are you doing?!" the man yelled in pain.

"Listen to me carefully. We don't want any trouble. If you delete those pictures, we'll let you go," Chanyeol said firmly, pressing the man's hand.

The photographer hesitated for a moment, but then reluctantly nodded. "Fine, I'll delete them! Just give me back my camera," Chanyeol Released his hand. 

"Oh, Wait..." I quickly took out the memory chip and broke it into two pieces. You never know what can be retrieved and what can't be. 

"Hey! I told you I'd delete it!" 

"I just wanted to be sure," I said shrugging. I pulled out my wallet and handed the amount for the memory Chip.  "Here...Hope we'll never have to see again." I said giving my best fake smile. 

"Aish!" He grabbed the money and camera from my hand and rushed off. 

"Baekhyun Hyung? Chanyeol Hyung?" We both turned back to see our Idols standing shocked. 

We both folded our hands, frowning. "I guess you two have some explaining to do...." I said smiling and biting my teeth. Both the Idols looked away guilty.

Chanyeol sighed. "Look, you know we don't mind who you guys date...But you two need to remember that you are Idols too."

"And especially, when you two are going to have a breakthrough in your career, you guys can't be this careless," I said a little exasperated. 

"Don't blame Kyungsoo, I was the one who told him, that we should go on a date..." Jongin said defensively.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so it was your idea to get caught by a paparazzi?"

Jongin scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, I didn't think we would actually get caught..." 

This kid-!

"'s been cleared now. but why didn't you guys tell us. At least we could have made some measures." Chanyeol said a little disappointed.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we could have set up some decoys or something! Maybe put some wigs and sunglasses on you guys so you could blend in with the crowd."

Kyungsoo looked at me with an incredulous expression. "Decoys? Wigs? Sunglasses? What are we, spies?"

Baekhyun shrugged. "Hey, in this industry, you never know what kind of crazy ideas managers have to come up with to protect their idols."

Heechul Hyung has done so many crazy things for Kris and Tao.

Chanyeol nodded in agreement. "And we wouldn't want anything to ruin your success, right? We're your managers, but we're also your friends."

"Well, Since you guys are not on such great terms, We didn't know how to bring it up to you guys..." Kyungsoo said sighing a little.

"That-....That is not your concern, We are your managers, So you don't have to worry about us. We're gonna support you anyways." I said smiling softly. 

"Yeah...Sorry Guys..." Jongin and Kyungsoo said apologetically. 

"So...Since when have you guys been dating?" I asked a little curious.

"About three weeks now..." Jongin mumbled.

"You mean...after the sasaeng attack?" Chanyeol thought thinking. "And that's why you two started sneaking out so much..." I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"But I am surprised, How come you guys are together?" Kyungsoo asked surprised.

"Ah, that...We-We came to watch a movie and met by coincidence. " I said quickly remembering the time inside the theater. "And then we saw you two and followed you out."

"Anyway it's getting late, You guys should go home," Chanyeol said quickly shooing them away. Soon Jongin and Kyungsoo left leaving us both alone. 

"We should get going too...It's already late." Chanyeol said looking down at me. "Ah...Yeah. See you at the entertainment." I bid my goodbye showing a small wave. 

As I got into a car I let out a sigh as I leaned back. "Well...Wasn't today a splendid day..." 

"Ah, ! In the end, I couldn't speak about that night to Chanyeol." I groaned, smacking my forehead with my palm.

"But...why did Chanyeol suddenly change? I still don't get you..."


And Welcome back to another chapter!! I feel like my writing style is changing with each it? 


Hope you guys have been well. And it's exam season too, So to all the students...Fighting!! 

All these fan-meet videos are making me die of jealousy...But still, it was nice to see our boys back together. 

Thanks to Everyone who Subscribed, Commented, and UpVoted. I hope guys are enjoying it so far. 

Then see you Next Time!!

If that's what you thought~ Hehe. 



"Chanyeol, are you waiting for your phone to transform into a hot fudge sundae or something? Because you've been staring at it for almost an hour," Sehun said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"huh?" Chanyeol looked up in confusion. "I said you've been staring at your phone. And You don't even have work today, why are you here in the dance studio?" 

Chanyeol didn't realize that he has been staring at the picture on his phone. "I was just waiting for a message."  He lied quickly locking his phone. "Hmm...A message from your crush?" Sehun wiggled his eyebrows.

"No...Just about the project we are working on."

" have no fun life Chanyeol." Sehun chuckled and patted the taller's back before walking away.

This Kid-

Chanyeol sighed as he leaned back on the wall.

A sudden notification caught my attention


Ghostbusting Across the Ages: TTGH Squad Takes Time-Travel to a Whole New Level!

'The Time-Traveling Ghost Hunter Squad' Part-4 is back after 5 years! Now in theaters!! 

"Woah...It's actually back?" Chanyeol looked at the notification. 

It was fun when we all watched it during high school. 

Will Baekhyun come to see it too?

Chanyeol quickly checked for the timing of the shows and headed out.




"What am I doing here?" Chanyeol sighed as he stared at the movie poster in front of him. 

Did I really come here so I can see him?

"You traitor...I can't believe you watched the movie without me." I quickly snapped my head towards that voice.


Chanyeol Ignored him for the past two days in fear. He was scared that Baekhyun would come and tell, him that what did was nothing. He wasn't ready for it. So he pretended to be cold. Chanyeol Knew Baekhyun wanted to speak about that night, but Chanyeol just couldn't. 

But now Chanyeol realized something. There is no use running away, If he doesn't feel the same...I'll make him fall for me.

He let out a small smirk and followed him. 

"Can I have one ticket to The Time-Traveling Ghost Hunter Squad?"


"You also came to see the movie huh? Hahah..." Baekhyun laughed awkwardly.

God Why is he acting so cute??

"Huh? Ah...Yeah..." Chanyeol mumbled.

"Which seat would you like sir?" The counter lady asked Baekhyun. "Huh? Ah... anything is fine..." 

Chayeol quickly turned towards the ticket counter. "Uh...Excuse me...Can you put our tickets together?" The lady looked at them both and suddenly...and a strange glimmer was seen in her eyes. 

"Sure, sir!"

"Here are your tickets sir! Enjoy the movie!" the lady handed them the tickets.

Getting off the line both of them stood awkwardly. "Are you gonna buy any snacks?" Chanyeol asked trying to break the silence.

"Ah...yeah I was gonna get something to drink," Baekhyun said softly.

"Hmm...then what are you waiting for? Let's go grab something to eat." Chanyeol said showing a small smile.

Let's start again slowly...


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740 streak #1
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
740 streak #4
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #6
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
740 streak #7
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!
Chapter 23: Author-nim you can't just call us out like that🤫😂😂
And Chen helping both of his best friend's love life without knowing that it's actually them both is hilarious 😂😂 I can't wait to see Chen's reaction when he gets to know the truth