For You Now

In just a few moments I didn't feel my limbs anymore. I collapsed on the floor and then couldn't stand anymore. I could feel the end of my fingers, move them slightly, but the rest of me was numb.

"Help-" I pleased weakly, even the only one around was Woosuk. I was scared and I knew what he was about to do. I was in no condition to run away nor fight. My mind was acting on its own and I remembered my 3rd year of high school, which I wanted to forget so much.



I was 17, small and skinny boy with black hair. I had some friends, but I wasn't really popular. I was living with my parents at that time, who had adopted me when I was just a little kid. I liked my life and enjoyed it fully.

Parents liked me and I never really looked for my real parents. I liked them a lot and I loved my brother, with whom I had spent all my childhood.

I, however, loved to hang out with my friends and have fun. I was young and silly. I wanted to blend in with other teenagers and be just like them. I was going to the parties, every time I got a chance. I drank a lot with others. It was normal and I liked feeling of happines and relaxation every time I got a bit high. I wanted to forget about the fear and my anxiety which was already giving me problems at that time. I liked to enjoy, but never have I gone too far with it, drugs or any other kind of extreme were a big NO for me. 

There was a party in the middle of the year. It was just an usual party.

I didn't hold back that night. I drank as much as I could with my friends, until I wasn't able to walk anymore. It wasn't my first time getting drunk like that, so I didn't mind.

I called Woosuk, because I knew he was able to take me back home. He was much older, had a driving licence and he was the only one at home in that moment, because our parents had gone to a business trip. "Come and get me, Woo," I muttered. "I want to get away from here!"

"Sure," he answered right away and he really came quickly. He walked to me, while I was leaning to a table with my head supported by it. I was holdin a glass of beer in my hands, which was still half full. I was resting a bit with my eyes closed.

"Lets go," I heard my brother's voice. I got up and looked at him with a smile. "Drink that! Otherwise it is a waste!"

"Can't you do it?"

"I am driving you away," he said and I drank the rest of my beer, because I was drunk anyway and it wouldn't make any difference.



I screamed and got that memories out of my mind, but I was still in the same room as Woosuk. 

"Who do you think will help you?" he asked with a laughter. "Scream as much as you want, nobody will come get you," he said and then aproached me. I panicked as soon as he came closer and bent down to get in touch me. I only had a bit energy to kick away a bit, but the rest of me was disobeying me.

"Get away!" I said roughly, struggling to move away.

"Common, stop fighting! You can't do anything. Do you think you can crawl away?" he joked. He was literally next to me, but I was still fighting to get away. "The thing you drank will keep you numb and weak like that for some time. Enough for me to take what I want!" he came closer and almost touched me.

"Shut up and get your ing hand away from me!" I snapped and fought on.

"Ups, someone is rough and sensitive!" he backed away. "You are still loud, I see, but your fighting... huh... you are still bad, I thought that Park learned you better, some students say that his trainings are torturing, but it doesn't look like you actually did anything, or is it just you who is incapable of doing anything well?" he laughed.

"I was doing just well!" I hissed.

"I doubt that," he smirked. "At first I thought you had actually changed a lot. There is a slight difference, but you are still not careful enough, you can't fight well enough to escape. Your trainer should have used more force on somebody like you..."

"You are the one torturing me," I said weakly this time. I gave up on moving, because I only could do a slight moves, which was nothing that would have helped me in the moment. Even if I was in control of my body, I wouldn't be able to fight him. He was well trained in martial arts, and he didn't even need to use that skills against me. I was an easy target. Even somebody like Chanyeol would struggle to beat him. 

"I made sure you felt good everytime, and you still say I tortured you?! Thank you a lot!" he got mad this time. "It is completely your problem, if you can't take what I give you. You could at least try enjoying it!" he crossed his arms.

"Who the would enjoy !" I literally screamed and here my memories came again.



I had a bad feeling as Woosuk was driving me home. I was drunk, my view was already blurred, but there was also something else. I wasn't feeling well at all. The dizziness got worse and I was near passing out.

We lived in house near my high school and his part-time job. It had 2 floors. On the first one were living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. Outside we had a place where I had liked to play as a kid. On the second floor there were bedrooms and another bathroom. Me and Woosuk had separated rooms next to each other.

Right after the party he helped me to get into my room. I knocked my shoes off and Woosuk helped me come to my room. I wanted to come to my bed alone, but it was him who pushed me on my bed roughly. I looked at him confused. He had been rough with me a lot, but mostly because we were brothers who had been fighting against each other since forever. This time there was something different and I didn't like it. He climbed and moved on my bed right next to me. I backed away, but I was dizzy and weak at that moment, so I wasn't able to get away. "Woo, what-?"

"Relax, Baekhyun," he told me, but I only got more scared. His hand passed over my body and came to the edge of my shirt. He suddenly did something to me and I out in that moment.


I woke up later in my room. I felt headache building inside my head right as I woke up, but I didn't really open my eyes. It wasn't the headache that woke me up, but a strange sensation on my lower body. 

Just as I tried to move my hand, something held it back. It was the moment when I realised that I couldn't move both my arms and the rest of my body was pined on the bed. It was not just that. I was still dizzy from the past night, but I was sure I could have noticed it before. 

In that moment I knew what the sensation and strange feelings were... I was hard. 

Nothing made sense to me. I managed to open my eyes, seeing just blurred scene until I blinked and saw everything better. 

I found myself on my bed, fully exposed to a cold air. I wasn't able to move my hands because they were tightly tied to the frame of my bed, tightly that I was sure my fingers were going to turn purple soon. I noticed that I was tied with regular clothes. I was tied around my wrists. I tried moving them a bit, but the material was too strong for me to do a slight move. Instead I focused on other things. Of course the first thing that I checked was why I was hard, but it was so unreal that I was sure I was dreaming. It wasn't my first time with and I knew this feeling wasn't just hardness. 

Woosuk was placed on the bed next to me. He was lowered and bent over me, just to get in touch with my body. He still didn't notice me awake. His head was popping up and down in slow motion, his lips around my member. I felt how shivers went up my body, plesuring me and making me moan loudly. Just on that Woosuk's head stopped moving. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Awake, huh. I see you like it," he said with a smirk.

I belived I was still dreaming. That Woosuk on me for no reason was too much for me to accept, but there was no way something like that would have happened in my dreams.

"Woo- don't-" I said, trying to get away, but I stayed pressed on the bed.

"I know you aren't straight. I couldn't help myself, but take a taste of you right away," he spoke like it was something normal that he was there. That he tied me and actually forced me into staying there.

"Woosuk, stop!" I said now panicking as his tongue traveled on my lower body. I was realising just in how very bad situation I was.

"Why?" Woosuk glared at me.

"Let me–" I couldn't end, because Woosuk me and I couldn't help but moan.

"What? What did you say?" he asked with a smirk.

"Stop! I- ahhh- stop it-" I said, fighting to keep the inside me.

"Why? You don't like it?" he asked. I nodded right away, not saying anything, but keeping my lips tightly together to keep the inside. "Use words!" Woosuk said.

"No! Let me go! Damn, Woo!" I literally yelled, unable to stand the scene anymore.

"You body tells me otherwise," Woosuk ignored my begging.

"Woo! Ahhh- st- ah-" I couldn't speak properly because of the and feelings that were taking over me.. I felt helpless as Woosuk dived his head again, again. 

I did in fact like boys, but this didn't mean I would go with anyone, especialy not Woosuk. We were brothers after all and it didn't matter, if we were brothers in blood or not. I hated being pinned to the bed, while Woosuk had my body under his hands. 

My body didn't obey me too. I did feel plesure and sensation, but I didn't enjoy it. I wished I could fight the feelings that were building up inside me as Woosuk worked on me, but it was too much for me.

"Stop, please! Let me go!" I begged all the time, while louder each time. Woosuk ignored all my pleading.

He didn't stop and I soon cried at it. It was the only thing I could do in the moment. The other option is to give up and let myself to Woosuk. I wasn't going to stand with him.

Just as I wasn't able to hold Woosuk's and , I came with a scream. I was all sweaty at that moment and tears kept falling down my cheek to the pillow supporting my head. 

Woosuk didn't wait. He kept saying that I liked it and that I should give up fighting, but I didn't want that. I wanted to be free and get away from him as soon as possible. I didn't have that luck.

Right as I finally got a few seconds to breathe, he changed his position. He also got rid of his own clothes before climbing between my legs, forcing them to bend over his shoulders and made my body lift up a bit. 

I was panicking and begging, almost screaming to stop what he was doing, but nothing helped. I had no power to stop him. 

I was forced to open myself and he fully entred me. This was nothing of a plesure, but unhandleable pain that made me scream over and over again. Woosuk didn't have mercy this time and didn't care about my plesure anymore, but thought just about himself. 

He came inside me, making me scream the one last time. My eyes were rolling around, my breathing was heavy and I felt my body loosing energy. I was ready to pass out when Woosuk pulled out of me and then left the bed. 

He left me there abused, not caring of me. He didn't even think about setting me free. He kept me tied on the bed, and in pain. I out soon, but the next time I woke up, it was the same scene. Woosuk used me until he was fully satisfied, but he cared of my own plesure less every day.

After he first entred me, we weren't brothers anymore. I had him for an enimy. For a danger that I had to save myself from, but I was traped. He kept me in my room for the whole day. Even though I was unconscious most of the time, I was tired after everything. 

I didn't get to eat whole day, but I didn't want to anyway. Woosuk just forced me into drinking water, so I didn't completly lose my condition. I just wanted to do anything to get out of the situation, even if thas meant starving myself to death, I refused to eat anything that Woosuk offered me. 

He threatened me. He had to make me weak in psychically and mentaly, what he managed to do. He kept telling me that bad things would happen, if I ever told anyone about what he was doing to me. I was afraid of it all the time. I feared something bad would have happened to my friends, loved ones, things that ment a lot to me. I fell into his threats and belived them.

When he was sure my soul was weak enough to keep the secret, he let me leave the room, but he kept standing next to me. He didn't let me do a step without his eyes on me. Other time I was locked in my room. He kept me there whenever he had to leave.

After some days of torturing like that, our parents came back. I was sure I was insane already, but after Woosuk's threats, I didn't dare mention it. They noticed the change in my acting and how weak I was already after just a few days. They asked what was wrong, I insisted that I just had a bad day and made up other excuses, I bursted out in anger, because I didn't know what to do. I was scared, but I couldn't say it to them. I also had to make excuses for being locked in my room. I usually said that I was studying, or that I just wanted to be alone for a moment. I really wanted that. I wanted to be alone and safe, which was impossible with Woosuk around.

Parents were very worried about me, but they didn't get any answers on my behaviour. 

I pleaded Woosuk to let me go, to stop what he was doing and let me free, but I just fell deeper into his effect.

The next day Woosuk didn't let me go to school. Our parents left the house already because of their work, so I was helpless again. I had to stay with Woosuk, who used me for himself again and again. I was barely able to walk after that. 

My parents didn't know that I didn't go to school. They didn't know anything that was happening to me in fact.

The next day after Woosuk abused me again, I had to eat. Woosuk somehow forced me into eating, but partly it was just me and my empty stomach for over 24 hours. I didn't eat much because after everything I had been through I had no appetite. I stuffed a slice of bread and yoghurt into my mouth. I felt like throwing up right after I ate it, but it was no time for it.

Woosuk took me to his own room this time. I expected him to enter me again, but he didn't. Insted he brought out a pack of strange pills fom his drawer. He took out 3 and handed them to me.

"Swallow!" he said and forced me to put the pills into my mouth and then swallow them. It didn't tast like anything, but I felt the effects right away. I heard of effects from drugs already, but never experienced it before. At that point I was surely insane. I acted in my own way and lived in a completly different world. I didn't like it, but Woosuk was forcing me to do it, until I had to do it on my own. Until I couldn't stand without drugs anymore, which was already in a few days. From pills I came to other kinds of drugs. 

In 2 weeks I was completly different person. I didn't fight whenever Woosuk wanted to enter me again. I even gave in and let him do whatever he wanted. I got skinnier very fast and there was just skin and bone. I was tired all the time and I felt like it was night and dark all the time. My skin lost its colour. I had it nice white and pale before, with pink cheeks, but now it was almost like in faded silver colour, with no light on it. I didn't speak with parents anymore. I sticked away from them and kept myself away as much as possible.

In the end of the week my teacher called from the school. I knew I should be going to school, but Woosuk kept me home. I told him to get the excuse this time and he did. He told parents that I didn't feel well and that I stayed at home. In fact I really didn't feel well. I wasn't ready to get out to public anymore and I was sure that I would get a panick attack if I had to talk to anyone that wasn't Woosuk or my parents.

I knew I had to stop this. 



"Don't ing touch me!" I said weakly, doing my best to move away as he tried to touch me again. 

"No," he said and laughed a bit. "You are mine now!" He poked my cheek a bit. I hated what he was doing, but I had no chances to get away.

"Pft- I will never be yours!" I said roughly. "You can only dream about it." His expression changed a bit, but he didn't frighten me. I was confident about what I said. I would never belong to him, no way. 

"I can't belive how stubborn you are!"

"That is good for me and bad for you!" I said. "I am not in so bad position afterall."

"I won't let anyone else take you, so deal with me," he said. His hand was still on me, but I felt like he wasn't touching me at all. Something told me he couln't do anything to me. I didn't belong to him. 

"Mhmm, you think I will ever be yours?" I said confidently now. "Never! I will never belong to you. You can do whatever you want with me, torture me, use me for your own pleasure, but it won't change the fact that I belong to somebody else," I said and on that Woosuk's hand left me.

"What?!" he said madly.

"Do you think I didn't get any friends in those months? Do you think all that had changed is that I got stronger and more confident? NO. I got friends, I got an actual reason to live my life on, and I got the person I trully belong to. You will never get to his place, no matter what you do to me! I am already taken!" I was speaking confidently, but I was still afraid and tensed. I just wanted to be relaxed in that moment of horror. I wanted to think about Chanyeol who was the only person I wanted in that moment.

"You are sayig nonsense. Shut up!" Woosuk said and in that moment he took me from the floor. He held me in his hands and then placed me to the couch next to us. He didn't wait, but took the edge of me trtleneck sweater and then slowly pulled it off. I felt tears in my eyes as he did it. I didn't want to cry for it, but I couldn't help it. My eyes teared for some reason, but I still felt the feeling of belonging to Chanyeol. 

Woosuk gasped just as he pulled off my whole sweater and then threw it away. He stared at me with horor and maddness in his eyes. "What is this?!" he said madly. I knew this would have been his reaction.

My skin was still covered in Chanyeol's marks. Just the previous night he had marked me and I couldn't have been more glad, that he had done it. I even felt proud to show Woosuk how I wasn't his. I smiled as I thought about them. I thought about the feeling of Chanyeol's soft and warm  lips against my skin – the actual pleasure I wanted. I wished I would have let Chanyeol go further the last day. I wanted to feel that real pleasure of love. "I told you I don't belong to you," I said, smiling. "And I never Wi–" Woosuk stopped me from saying it by slapping me hard. It made my head move to the side and I could feel my skin burning a bit. Woosuk was looking at me furiously. He made me look back at him. 

"Who did it?!" he asked. I just stared at him furiously, leaving him with no answer. "WHO DID IT?!" he rised his voice and roughly shook my shoulders, trying to pull the answer out of me.

"Chanyeol! Chanyeol did it!" I answered him, feeling tears in my eyes getting heavier. I got sad as I thought about him. I wished I could have been with him in the moment. If only I had stayed with him at the campus, even thought I completely forgot about that ing present. At first I had been a bit scared of relationship with him, because I had been scared of possibility that he was a lot like Woosuk. Now I knew that Chanyeol was special and that I really wanted him, even though he had disappointed me before. It wasn't just his fault, I really should have trusted him more.

Woosuk hesiteted for a moment afrer I told him for Chanyeol. "Park Chanyeol, you say... I never like this guy, and you gave me another reason to hate him even more," he backed away a bit. "Pft- bad for him, because he is not getting you back. I really don't care who marked you. He is not the first one to do that, I did it years before him!" he said madly, which was true. Woosuk had marked me before, but not the way Chanyeol had.

"No, Woosuk. That what you did was forced, heartless. You never really marked me. Chanyeol's marks were made with love–" I said and got slapped again. Woosuk was more and more ferious. 

"Silly from you. There is no difference! You think this marks will save you? Protect you?" he asked, looking at me with fire in his eyes. "This just gave me a reason to use you better. You aren't going back this time. You aren't leaving this house," he said and on that he took me off the couch again. He took me all the way up to the second room to the bedroom. 

"Yes, I am protected," I said even thought I had nothing here to protect. Just the thoughts of Chanyeol and my love towards him was keeping me positive in that moment. I knew how very bad situation I was in, but other way I thought like anything Woosuk would do to me, wouldn't hurt me at all. I wanted to fight for freedom like I had years before.



Woosuk didn't tie me anymore whenever he abused me, and I knew I had my chance to escape that time. Just in the morning after the hard night with Woosuk, I found myself awake before him. He was sleeping next to me, his eyes still closed shut. 

I managed to get out of bed without him noticing. It was a weird feeling that I wasn't watched by him. I grabed some clothes and quietly put them on me, to cover my body before I left the room. I expected Woosuk to wake up soon. Just as I was about to close the door again, they cracked. On that Woosuk's eyes shut open. 

I didn't wait anymore, I shot down the staircase to the living room, looking for my way out. I wanted to escape. Run somewhere. Anywhere. Everything, even a street, was a better option for me at that time. 

"BAEKHYUN!" he shouted from upstairs. I had just seconds before he would come down. I ran to the front door as fast as my tired and skinny legs managed. It was locked. I didn't hesitate a lot until I ran back to the living room and ran for the doors that led to the yard with a small garden and grass, where I used to play as a kid. 

I was too late. Woosuk came running down the stairs, looking at me furiously. He was topless, only with his pants on. "Come back! Don't you dare do another step!" he shouted.

I didn't obey. I felt tears in my eyes and my body was trembling. I wanted to end the nightmare and go back to normal. Woosuk's abusing was too much for me to handle, drugs were effecting on me too much, I could already feel that I was getting addicted. I didn't want any of it. 

I moved to the kitchen, which was just a few steps away and pulled out the nearest thing that came under my hands. I needed something to protect myself from him. A weapon. A big and sharp knife was now shining in my hands. 

Woosuk looked at me with his eyes widely opened. "Put this down," he hissed. "You will get nothing with it. Come back and I will maybe be nice with you," he said taking a careful step forward.

"NO! Get away! Not even a step more!" I said pointing the knife at him. I couldn't help but let the tears slide down my cheeks. "I will wait no more. It's been too long. I can't stand this anymore!" 

"Baekhyun, you aren't serious. This thing won't help you. Be a good boy and put this down," Woosuk said and went closer. I really was lowering the knife, but as soon as Woosuk touched the skin on my arm, I moved again.

I didn't want to live under his will anymore. I pushed the knife deep into Woosuk's body, making him gasp. He backed away. I left the knife where it was and it moved with Woosuk's movements. He stepped away, putting his hands on the knife. It was soaking in his blood. The knife was right bellow his chest aera. The blood was dripping down over his bare skin, painting it red.

I looked at my hands, which were warped in the leayer of his still warm blood. I was shaking all over, I couldn't belive something like that was happening. The red blood was all over my hands and it started dripping down to my elbows, covering my colourless skin.

I screamed loudly – realising what had I done.

In no time Woosuk collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. 

"Woo?" I called him. My voice was shaking and I wasn't able to breathe.

"F-Fool! Do something!" he said roughly and groaned in pain.

I hesitied. I was afraid of everything. He had been abusing me for weeks, making me suffer, but I didn't want to be a murdererI nodded. The shock was too much for me to think straight. I ran to the first phone in the house and called the ambulance.

"H-Hello?" I said through my sobbing as they answered. "M-My brother- he is hurt–" I said. Later I told them where to come and then ended the call. I called again this time my parets.

"Mom- Dad-" I cried as I told them that Woosuk was hurt. I acted like I had never stabbed him, saying that it was an accident. I felt like it was not real. 



"I can't belive how very stupid you are," he said and opened the door of his room. After that he carried me inside and then I felt his bed under my back. "Let me show this Park who you actually belong to," he said and then he climbed over me. He was on the top of me and dived down on my neck. 

He was marking the rest of the skin that Chanyeol left. I screamed. That was a nightmare for me, even though I was trying to keep positive thoughts. I couldn't help but beg again, asking him to stop. 

I could feel strenght in my arms and legs coming back, but I was still very weak. I sized up to Woosuk's chest and tried to push him away, but couldn't move him at all. 

"Ahhh, you coming back already? I should give you a bit more drugs, shouldn't I?" he noticed me fighting to get free. 

I didn't reply him, but just struggled on to get free. 

"I wonder how long your Park will need to get you. Days? Forever?" he said, looking up a bit. I liked Chanyeol marking me, but Woosuk's was just painful and disgusting. I hated him for doing it and everythng else he did to me. "He won't even notice you aren't around, like nobody noticed or remembered you when you got taken away! You have been hiding well all that time from me, but not good enough!"

I screamed one more time, because I couldn't stop thinking about that times.



"GET HIM AWAY!" Woosuk shouted as soon as the doctors and our parents came to help him.

Mother looked at him and then at me confused. "He is your brother!" mother said strictly. 

"He tried to kill me!" Woosuk shouted in reply. "Call the police!" 

"What?" mother stood in shock. She didn't know yet it was me who did it and looked at me with teary eyes. "Woosuk, my dear, you are in shock right now. They will take care for you!" 

"He is the one that hurt me! He tried to kill me! Let me mention the bunch of drugs he is using! He is a psycho!" Woosuk said, faking his worry, but I could see this was his plan. He wanted to put everything on me, avoid himself from getting into trouble for everything he had done to me.

"Baekhyun?!" mother said, taking a step away. I looked away. I couldn't look at her in this situation. I felt guilty for everything that happened. My feelings were confusing, but I felt how I was the one that was bad.

"Not such a good boy you got, huh?" Woosuk sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. 

"Call the police like the patient said," one of the doctors said. "Somebody will have to look into this. It is impossible to get stabbed like that with a knife without somebody actually using a force to do it."

I was in trouble, but I didn't react. They took me away and took a few tests, checked my blood to find any signs of drugs and I knew that it was bad. I was under drugs. I tried to speak up, but every time I did, Woosuk stayed innocent and I was the one to blame, for using drugs and for trying to seriously hurt and even kill a person.

I was taken to /Psychiatric Ward for Mental Health Treatment/. I had confused feelings and toughts. I felt like I wasn't supposed to be here. I didn't belong here and never would.

"Why-?" I asked as my parents were leading me over the hallways. "Why are we here?" I asked again. "You will leave me here, won't you? Even though I didn't do anything?" 

"You didn't do anything?!" my father roared. He was on the end with his nerves. "You brother is in hospital! You stabbed him. You literally tried to kill him! Drugs! Everything was proven against you! You are not mentally stable. Social anxiety, you were skipping school last weeks! You will get a propper treatment here! You have to get over, because this is mental!" 

"No! I didn't. I did non of this!" I rised my voice. I was just protecting myself that time. I was not supposed to be here. 

"Then who did it?! There was nobody else in the house at the time! After all Woosuk is the witness, he clearly said you did it," father said strictly. 

I decided to act on my own. I didn't even think as I pushed my father to the wall and started to run away. My body acted on its own because I wanted to escape the nightmare which was still going on, but I still got caught at the end.

I got sorrounded by doctors and they made me quiet. I fought as much as possible, but they were too much for me and my weak body. I got injected by something that made me numb. My parents siged the papers and in the next moment they left, without saying goodbye. I could say they gave me away. Just in a few seconds I wasn't their son anymore and they weren't my parents anymore. I was all on my own again, an orphan.

I spent a whole year in the hospital. I fought a lot to get out of it. I belived I didn't belong there, but my acting was a lot like it. I was under a pressure all the time, I was afraid of everything. The walls and doctors around were like a monsters surrounding me in my nightmares. I was forced into eating medicine, I also had to stop taking drugs which were at that point my addiction. I wasn't in the state to live without drugs and it made me insane as I had to stand without them now.

In one year a lot changed. In some months I didn't attack doctors anymore and let them work with me. Soon they let me see other children that were hospitalized here. They all were near leaving, while I didn't see the end for me. I got to meet them and started to get used on socializing again. Its not that I forgot how to hang out with people, but it was hard for me to get along with others after what I had experienced.

After that I got a good psychiatrist who helped me a lot to get rid of my fears and push my trauma away. I was able to start again. I was alone. My parents nor Woosuk were nowhere to be seen and I was an adult anyway. 

I ended my last year of high school there with private teachers. I didn't really care about studies that time. I only spent my time at the hospital with reading books which always took me to a better world.

I had to continue my education at the age of nineteen. It was hard to get to any university with everything I had been through, I wasn't accepted to most them and I wished to be somewhere far away from Woosuk and my parents, so I ended up with a military university, where I was able to start all over again. 



"You should have been the one hiding!" I told him. 

"I know," Woosuk laughed. "But it was you who got blamed, not me. I ended up as a victum in people's eyes and you were the bad guy. I really thought that all through. I knew you would have tried to somehow escape, but I didn't predict that it would have taken me so long to find you again. It was hard without you," his hands passed over my exposed chest, I tried to act against him, but I still didn't have enough control over my body. I still felt the effect of drugs he had given me, but I also felt them slowly fading away.

"Don't you think it would be good, if you took some more drugs?" he smirked. "I need you perfectly still for this and you obviously aren't so obedient as you were before. Park really changed you, but that will give me even more pleasure! Imagine if he ever found out, he would be so mad, but not only on me... You also, because I bet you never told him everything about yourself, I would feel so betrayed!"

"Shut the up!" I screamed, but I was afraid he might be right. Chanyeol would probably really get angry. He always did and it was totally my fault. "You don't know him!"

"I actually do, but I really did ignore him most of the time, because he was always somewhere around you. I could have guessed there was a deeper relationship between you two. He is a big and a bit scary guy, I never thought you would go for somebody like that. I really wonder what on him made you so interested in him. You were usually afraid of bigger people. I would even dare to say that Park is a lot like me–"

"–He is nothing like you!" I said immediately. Chanyeol really had seem scary and a bit dangerous when I had met him, but I was able to get over that fear and actually got a chance to meet the true Park Chanyeol and he was nothing like Woosuk, not even close.

"I doubt that," he laughed and put his finger on my lips. "Well in that moment I actually do not care, because you are all mine and he is probably working out at the campus, not caring about anything else except his body. Am I right?"

I swallowed. He was probably right. I wasn't sure what Chanyeol was doing, but I last saw him at his gym. Maybe he was with both generals and Yixing, spending his birthday normally while waiting for me to return, but I was obviously going to be very late.





UWU I was so excited to finally reveal you Baekhyun's secret! FINALLY! It took more than 40 chapters!

Anyone got touched? Cried maybe? I see some of you already guessed what Baekhyun's past was, congratulations~ 

What do you think will happen next? Will Baekhyun fall under Woosuk's power again? Will he escape again? What about Chanyeol?

Ohh... I hope you all know now... There is no birthday present for Chanyeol.... It will just be OUCH.

Thank you my Readers! We will try to upload soon, but we are bussy with school too, so there will probably be late updates. Please wait for more! 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!