For You Now

I had promised to stay, even though I wasn't sure, if that was a good decision. I was afraid of Woosuk, but Chanyeol's presence made me feel safe. 

I hadn't expected him to kiss me. I hadn't known about his feelings for me, until he had leaned down to me. I liked his lips on mine, but at the same time I was afraid of this all, so I hadn't kissed him back. 

"Baekhyun," I heard Chanyeol's deep voice. "Let's go somewhere." 

"What?" I looked at him, still locking my hands around his chest. 

"Don't you have free time right now?" he asked. "We have some time before your next training." 

"Where do you want to go?" I asked. 

"Out of the campus. A surprise, okay?" he smirked, making another rub on my back.

"Ummm... Okay," I said, not sure if I understod things, but it was about to be fine, as long as I was with Chanyeol. 

"Come then," Chanyeol ended the hug and took my hand, leading me to the doors of my room.

He was just about to exit the room, when I stopped and made him stop too. He looked back at me, confused and worried. 

"What is it? Anything wrong?" he asked.

I shook my head immediately, making him relax a bit. "Could I just change....?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heating up, even though there was nothing to be embarrassed of. 

"Sure!" "I will wait for you outside of the campus," he smiled and then left me alone in my room. 

I felt excitment flowing over me. I felt more than happy about what had happened before. Chanyeol had said, we would've gone out of the campus. 

After what felt like forever, I decided what to wear.

I left my room and suddenly bumped at Kyungsoo. "Where have you been?!" he suddenly whined. "I sometimes want to have you for a company when I am with Jongin!" 

"Oh," I remembered that I had been on my way to them, before I had found out that Woosuk was there at the campus. I completely forgot about going to them as I had gone to general Kim, and asked him if there was a way to drop out. Chanyeol had convinced me to stay and none of my best friends even had an idea that I had been literally planning on leaving them without an explanation. "I got distracted..." I made an excuse. 

"Distracted?" Kyungsoo looked at me suspiciously.

"Uh, yeah I was..." I told him again and it was kind of a truth. I hlaf really gotten a bit distracted. 

"Sure," Kyungsoo nodded. "So you can come to us now? We are playing truth or dare. Jongin is there, Minseok, and also some members from your unit, even Minho came!"

"Ugh, I can't now...." I said. 


"I have some other work to do," I told him, trying to avoid mentioning Chanyeol. 

"Seriously, Baekhyun? We have a free time and you want to spend it to work on something? I don't believe you!" 

"I just can't now, we can hang out later," I told him. "I am not pushing you or anybody away, I just want time for myself... You know me. I like being alone." 

"I thought I made you a bit more sociable..." he told me. "Can't you at least be with us? I came all the way here just to find you!" 

"Later," I insisted. I couldn't cancel my plans with Chanyeol and I didn't really want Kyungsoo to know about it. At least not yet. Not until I would be completely sure about Chanyeol. 

"Okay, but promise me that!" 

"I promise." 

"I tell you, you will regret not spending so much time with us after some months!" he walked backwards away from me. 

"See you!" I called, before he left me again. 

I took a deep breath and then headed out to find Chanyeol. 

I came out and he laughed as he saw me.

I was wearing his yellow and oversized T-shirt, which he once gave me. It was bright and blinding, but I thought it might be nice. Under that I wore my own black pants, because I didn't like Junmyeon's jeans that much (no offence, please...).

"What is wrong?" I asked. 

"Nothing, did you even wash this, after you had worn it last time?" he asked. 

"I actually don't remember that, but it still seems nice..." I looked down to the shirt. 

"Pft, sure then," he said, smirking at me again. "It took you a while." 

"My roommate distracted me a bit," I explained him.

"I should get rid of him. I had to wait for a while because of him, and I got scared you wouldn't even come!"

"You wouldn't do that." 

"You always say that!" he complained. "I would do it, but not literally. And I think your friend doesn't really like me."

"Most of my friends don't like you," I told him. 

Chanyeol clenched his teeth together. "You have bad friends!" he said after a few seconds of silence. 

"They are my best—" 

"—Whatever!" Chanyeol rised his hands up, showing how he gave up. "Shall we go? 

"Yeah," I agreed and followed him as he walked away.

We walked in silence for some time, until he decided to speak again. "Don't your best friends understand when you tell them that I am actually very cool guy?" He asked. "You tell them that, right?" 

"To be honest, I do. But even I sometimes can't believe myself when I say that I actually enjoy spending my time with you." 

"Who wouldn't enjoy it?" Chanyeol smiled, proud of himself. He moved closer to me and warped his hand around my waist as we walked. 

I liked him holding me like that, but at the same time I felt uncomfortable since we were still at the campus. I wasn't ready for any of this. 

I carefully moved a bit away from him, hoping he wouldn't notice that I wasn't completely comfortable with it. 

"What is wrong?" Chanyeol got worried as I did that.

"N-Not- here. I didn't mean to—" I cracked out of me, still avoiding Chanyeol's look. He stopped walking, stepped in front of me, keeping reasonable distance. He reached closer with his hand, making me look up, placing it bellow my chim and lifting my head. 

"Ey, I get it! Okay? Don't beat yourself for it," Chanyeol slowly said, giving me a sweet smile. "Let's go," he took my hand again and led me on. 

I thought we would go to the town, but already on the beggining he led me to the exactly differen't direction. I kept asking him where we were going, but he didn't answer. He kept it a sectret and told me to be patient with it. 

After some time I found myself on a big parking lot.

"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously. 

"You ask too much! It won't be fun if I tell you," he complained, shotting me a serious look. 

On that I shut my mouth close, following his steps. He lead me to a car that was resting there. Chanyeol walked to it and then opened the door.

I stood there open mouthed, in shock, however it wasn't a surprise to see his car... It fit him very well... A perfect car for someone like Chanyeol. 

I never thought about Chanyeol driving. I never got my driving licence, because of the unfortunate events that had happened to me when I should've been working on it. Chanyeol was older and I could've guessed he had a car. 

Mercedes-Benz stood in front of me. Big, silver, like a machine, with sharp corners. It almost scared me, when I saw what a 'monster' he has for a car. However, if I looked back at Chanyeol, the car was very much like him. Chanyeol was strong, just like the car, big, and scary. It all fit him, and it explained why he had it. 

"Hop in," Chanyeol said, making me come back to present again.

"Are you going to kidnap me with that?" 

"I am already stealing you from your friends, so I guess it is okay..." he smiled and walked to the other side. 

I slowly took my way to the car, and closed the door as I was inside. Chanyeol was already ready. 

"Ready?" Chanyeol asked and I just gave him a nod as I secured myself with a seat belt. He turned the keys and the car roared.

We left the parking lot and headed in the towns direction. Only the first few streets of the town were comon for me, but then Chanyeol drove further and I was in a unknown place again. The town was pretty big and crowded, but in some time it ended. The big buildings disappeared, roads became narrower and the crowd was nowhere to be seen anymore. Everything turned into a countryside. Sun was still rising higher, because it was just about to be 11 in the morning. It was October and the days were a bit colder, but since it wasn't windy or cloudy, it was warm and nice.

"You won't answer me, if I ask you where we are going, right?" I asked, glaring at Chanyeol who looked at the road in front of him.

"No, I won't," he said right away. "However... We are actually almost there!" he surprised me.

"Here?! What is here?" I was confused. We were actually driving on a small road in the middle of a woods. All I could see were different kinds of trees as I looked around. "Will you leave me here like Hansel and Gretel, won't you?" I asked. 

Chanyeol laughed on that. "I would like to see you alone lost in the woods, hunted by an evil witch! But no, I just wanna show you what will we do next week." 

He stopped the car in the area with less trees around. There was a meadow near that place and it looked like someone had been there before. Like scouts, who decided to make their camp there. 

"What is this place?" I asked.

"Ahhh... Use your brain, Byun," Chanyeol rolled with his eyes, teasing me with using my surname. He opened the door of the car and stepped out. I did the same and then looked around, just to spot anything that would explain why exactly we stopped here.

"Next week?" I asked. 

"Didn't anybody tell you that first year students are going camping for some time? It is part of the training. It is usually done in months when it is more or less cold. Learning how to work and survive in nature... There is usually also a game like the one you played in that small abandoned village next to the campus."

"Nobody told me about that," I said, looking around the place. "Next week?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"Junmyeon told me told me that will be in two days. I think students will get to know about it tomorrow, but I am making you privileged here. Like you are privileged, since I drove you here. You will have to walk next time," he smirked to me. 

"You brought me here, to tell me how I will suffer in two days?" I asked. 

"Not really, this is actually also a nice place to relax," He said. 

I didn't say anything for some time. It really was a nice place. Quiet, far away from people who could bother me. 

"Who else will go with us here?" I asked. 

Chanyeol crossed arms on his chest and looked at me with a smirk. "Let me guess," he made a step closer to me. "If I translate this question, you want to know, if I will be here as well?" 

He was actually right about that and I didn't even know it myself. I wanted him there, but at the same time I wanted to know that Woosuk wouldn't be anywhere close around. "Well... Somehow, yes." 

"Sehun will be leading this camping. Me and Yixing will be here as trainers. I think Jongdae will be here as well in case anyone decides to twist his ankle, while falling from a rock."

"Do things like that happen?" 

"It does. I like to see how they scream when it happens." 

I just stared at him for a moment speechless. 

"Oh, come on! I am kidding. I don't mean it for real, it is just funny to see when kids who annoy me suffer in pain." 

"Actually, I guess I would think the same if I was on your place," I said. "I like to see you scream when I pull your hair and it is nice to see you mad, when I am better than you—" 

"—You annoying!" he approached me and warped his big and strong hands around me. I yelped as he did that and pushed me down to the ground. I hit the grassy ground with my back and he landed above me. 

"That was unnecessary!" I said and tried to move away from him, but he held me on place. 

"Where do you think you are going?" he smiled, looking as I struggled to escape. 

"You will break my bones!" I cried, still trying to avoid him. 

He released one of my hands and used his free hand to put his finger on my lips, silencing me down. "Shhh, Baekhyun," he whispered. "I won't hurt you." 

"You already did, my back—" I couldn't finish my sentence, because he leaned down and kissed me again. 

He was careful like he had been for the first time. His lips moves slowly, gently pressing on mine. A feeling of warmth and safety spread all over my body. I didn't really know how to react. I wanted him more, but I still didn't kiss back. He placed his hand on my neck and moved his lips for the last time, before ending the kiss. 

"I had to," he whispered and then moved to the side, releasing me completely. He was now lying right next to me, watching the sky. 

"Do you often come here?" I asked after some time. 

"From time to time. Not very often. I was usually coming to this place only when we had trainings here. I think I was around 16 when I first came here." told me. 

"16? How long have you been here?" I was shocked.

"I actually don't live far away from here. I was literally only 15 when I came here," he said, making me shocked even more.

"15?! How the heck did you get here at 15?!" I pushed my upper body a bit up, resting on my elbows to see him better. 

"Well... I wasn't here like a student, I was going to a high school and having trainings here as a future soldier. It was my father who wanted me here. He is a very high rank in military. He took me to go to the campus a lot to show me how boys trained, how he trained and I liked it here. He always told me to focus on trainings more than studies and I did it. I was actually already having trainings when I was fourteen. It was obvious that I didn't really fit in there among all that students who were much older. Usually here are boys older than 18, like you are, but I was like 15. Through the years I grew up and got better. At your age I was already as skilled and trained as students on the end of forth year" Chanyeol explained.

I just started at him with my jaw hanging off me. "You are joking. You were here for 10 years?! Just training and focusing on military life?!" I couldn't belive it.

"Yes, it is 10 years since I came here. I didn't only train. I also did other stuff. I was taking lessons too and studied hard. Like I said! I was in a regular high school while training. And after all, I loved to hang out with my friends."

"So your friends were older?" 

"Yes, Yixing is one of them," I said. "I came here same year as he did. The only difference was that I had fifteen years and he was nineteen."

"So you two have been friends for a while," I commented. 

He laughed on a thought of it. "Being here at so young age is one of the reasons why I started drinking so early." 

"You started drinking at fifteen?" I looked at him surprised. "That is crazy! 

"No way. If my father had found me drunk at that age, he would have kicked me out of the house immediately!" he said jokingly. "However, I was in mid of sixteen when I first got completely drunk. It was my first time being drunk like that. I think I broke a window that night. I don't remember it well. Yixing accused me of doing it, but I still believe it was actually his fault."

"That is still crazy!" I repeated, even thought I hadn't been much older than him when I had first got drunk. 

"Not really" he said. "It is quite normal. I know my limits. I enjoy drinking, but I don't want to be addicted. It also wouldn't be good for my health." 

"Well... It explains a lot," I said, looking at him seriously. 

"You really aren't a person for alcohol," He sighed and looked to me. 

"I am not now, but I used to be. Not even a long time ago..." I said. I used to enjoy drinking a lot. I hadn't even been even enough old for alcohol, but I had just wanted to have fun with my friends. I had wanted to blend in with others. 

"Really?" Chanyeol asked me. 

I nodded without saying anything. I didn't want to talk about it. 

"What happened?" he asked. 

I looked to him. He was looking back to me with a worry in his eyes. He really wanted me to tell him about it, but I wasn't enough strong or ready for it. I also wasn't sure, what would've Chanyeol thought, if he had known what I had done because of it. 

"I rather wouldn't talk about it," I said. "It isn't important." 

He pressed his lips tightly together, while looking at me a bit disappointed, like he was expecting to get an actual answer. 

"Are you sure it isn't important?" he insisted. 

"Yes," I said confidentiality. I had already left that all in the past and it really wasn't something I wanted to talk about with Chanyeol. I really didn't want him to know my struggles, because I wanted to look strong next to him. "I want to talk about you. Did you just agree with your father. I mean when he wanted you to become a soldier?" 

He narrowed his eyes as I asked that, because he obviously didn't want to go off the topic about me, but after some time he still answered. "Yes, I did."

"Just like that?" 

"I felt like it was somehow cool to be a solider, especislly at that young age. I was always good at sports. I was tall and strong so it suited me. I don't really want to brag around, but others praised me a lot for my had work. But still... From time to time I regret it," he said.

"Why regret?" 

"Well, it was tiring for me to keep up with older boys, on times I wished, I was with my generation in high school, only studying science or something... Of course I did that, but I wasn't focused on it. It was always just training, training, training!" he laughed a bit. A moment of silence fell, but then Chanyeol spoke again. "Now you tell me about yourself! What was your school life?" he asked.

"M-My?" I choked and lied down again. 

"Yes, yours, Byun" he rolled with his eyes.

"Well... High school was okay..." I lied. "After that I just decided to come here... I actually never liked hard trainings." 

"Why did you decide to come?" 

I thought about it. Because I hadn't been able to get in any other university with the things that had happened to me... "I don't even know it myself..." I lied again. 

"Baekhyun, you are a bad liar," Chanyeol told me. 

"Everyone tells me that," I sighed and passed through my hair. 

"Well listen to them!" he ordered me. "It seems like I will have to train your lying as well!" 

"You don't need to," I laughed. 

"I am serious!" He said and his voice really sounded serious, like every time he was training me. "Do you want to at lying forever?" 


"Then do something about it!" 

"Don't ask me that questions and I won't lie to you," I said, moving onto the side to face Chanyeol. "I just want to relax here." 

He turned his head and smiled. "Come here," he said and moved closer to me. He placed his hand under my hand. I went even closer to him, because I liked his presence, leaning with my head on his chest, feeling how it was slowly moving up and down as he was breathing. 

"I like it here," I said, closing my eyes. 

"I know." 

He didn't say anything for a while and I also didn't dare to end the silence. I was just resting on his chest, completely unbothered. I wasn't even worried about Woosuk as I was with Chanyeol like that. 

"Baekhyun," Chanyeol whispered and I felt his fingers gently passing over my cheek, waking me up. 

"Yeah?" I responded, keeping my eyes closed. 

"You stil have trainings today," he reminded me. 

"I don't want to go."

"We have been here for a while and I am not letting you miss the training!" Chanyeol removed his arm away, for me to stand up.

"Duh-uh, Chanyeol, I hate you for this," I said, highly annoyed from what he had done. I still felt sleepy and my head was heavy to hold it up.

"Well, sorry love, but you won't just lie down after everything," Chanyeol smirked. 

"W-What did you call me?" I cracked, shy and embarrassed.

Chanyeol rised his eyebrow and thought of what he said. "Love," he repeated clearly, like it was completely normal. "I called you love,"

I felt how my cheeks heated. I covered and rubbed them a bit, but I still blushed. "Don't call me this," I backed away a bit.

"But you are my love," he laughed and then stepped next to me. He placed his arm around my shoulders, behind my neck and I could feel his hand near my forearm. I was taped to his body and couldn't help it, but move with Chanyeol. 

"Can you just call me Baekhyun?" I asked. 

"Pft, that is boring," he rolled his eyes. "I will just call you Byun at the end!" 

"You won't," 

"I've been calling you Byun since day one... How I will call you now depends on my mood! I will also call you love, if I will feel like it!"

"Everytging about you depends on your mood."

"I won't deny that, because it is kind of true. I am bad tempered."

"You finally admit that?"

"I admitted that long ago!" he said. "We should go now! You aren't skipping any training today! Not under my watch! Also I think Junmyeon will understand that you decided to stay after all!" 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!