For You Now

I barely remembered dreams, I had had last day. I knew they were mostly just like always. A nightmare about my brother like always, but thas time something had been different. Major had appeared in my dreams for the first time and he hadn't tortured me. He hadn't said bad things, instead he had wanted me to stay strong and I really had. 

I also barely remembered how I had come to my room. I knew that major had asked me where to go and I had told him. After that everything seemed to be more or less a blurred memory. 

In the afternoon I had training with him again. I was already completely exhausted from trainings and classes I had had earlier, but major made me twice as exhausted as before. 

"It's too heavy!" I screamed once major Park placed the heavy weights on my shoulders to lift them. I was settled in lying position, with my hands high up with weight barbells in them. My arms were shaking and I was afraid that the weight would fall down onto me.

General was about to expel me and that wasn't really the best thing, so I had to work hard and do everything major wanted me to do.

Hs training didn't change a bit. He was still torturing me like an animal. He liked to make our trainings longer and make me work more and more until I was on the edge of collapsing. His even harder trainings didn't help me get much better. My body protested to get a bit of muscles and the strenght just didn't want to appear in them. Well.... I actually got a bit stronger, but I guessed it wasn't enough for major Park — like it would ever be enough for him....

"What's that now? You lifted more yesterday! You can't do it anymore? Why?" he was serious and strict.

He helped me a bit to hold all the weight up, but not for a long. He was slowly letting the barbells fall on my arms and I had to work alone.

"My muscles hurt!"

"You don't have them!" he crossed his arms. 

"Then my fat hurts!" 

"You don't have that either. You are just a bunch of bones and skin!" 

I looked at him a bit mad. I was skinny but it didn't really mean I had no muscles. I was quite strong, but not for his standards. "I am overworked and hungry!" I complained further on. "I can't hold that up!" I was screaming and shouting at major. Not just groaning or yelping, but literally screaming. I wondered if anyone heard me. Campus' gym was actually filled with my screams. Major still didn't let me use his, but it wasn't bothering me that much. 

"I don't care. Hold it!" he ordered and then his hand slipped of the barbells, directly on my hands. I screamed again, but all the heaviness and effort stopped it. I just awkwardly squeaked and tried to hold the weight major gave me. 

"I can't!" I breathed out, but major still didn't take the barbells back into his hands. He just stood there and watched me suffering.

"Common. Push it up once," he ordered. I tried to complain, but I didn't feel the strenght to do so.

I slowly lowered the barbells to my lying chest. I almost gave up and let them fall off, but this would just cause even more pain than I already am in. I held them in place, but I knew that I won't be able to hold longer. I had to rise them again. 

I let out yelps, because I couldn't scream anymore. Slowly I rised my hands, feeling every muscle in my arms, that were working/overworking themselves. I was in the middle of my way when I stopped again.

"Byun, don't wait! It will be harder this way. Push it up!" major got impatient, but still didn't come to help.

"Do I look like I can!" I screamed again. Major just shrugged with his shoulders.

"You have to," he said and crossed his arms again. 

My arms were shaking. I shattered with my teeth and then in a scream pushed everything up. There I could feel how major took the barbells off my hands and they fell down.

I was breathing deeply and my clothes were soaked in sweat. I was still lying after major took the weight off. I couldn't even feel my muscles anymore.

"Good job, Byun," I heard major Park say.

"GOOD JOB!? I almost died lifting that!" I shouted.

"I still see you alive and you did it," He claped. "That will be enough," 

"I did over 15 sets of lifting this! Each time 15 lifts! My arms will fall off!" I complained.

"It was acctually 17," he corrected.

"Even worse!" 

"Well, we are done now. You can go take a rest, maybe shower? You stink! I have to tell that, because I don't think it would be good going anywhere else than shower! Even men couldn't stand that smell, I can't imagine for a woman!" he told me and I rolled with my eyes.

"I should stay like this until tomorrow so you would smell me on the morning training. Good suffering for you," I complained.

"What? Will you go smelly to a party?" he suddenly asked.

"A Party?"

"Yes, there is a party in the city. Today. You aren't going?" he asked curiously.

"I didn't even know about it..." I looked away. Why was I always the last one to get information about that. Was Kyungsoo really too distracted to mention it before?? 

"You didn't change a bit!" major Park sighed. "I should have trained you harder! Well, whatever. I guess we won't see each ther anymore today?" 

"I don't know... Maybe Kyungsoo will make me go again..." I said and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Ah, that one you had to watch for the first time? At least you are good for stuff like that. That is something!" 

"I am good with other things as well!" I said. 


"Well I know how to use weapon. I am good with a gun!" 

"I also can do that," he smirked to me. "Well whatever. You should go now. You are spending my and your time here." 

I didn't say anything to him. I knew that he would have found a way to drag me if I had said anything against him and I really didn't want to do that. I didn't want to argue with major anymore. Not after everything he had done for me. 

Major park was right that the party would take place in the city that night.

I found Kyungsoo in our room, preparing himself for it. "Oh, Baek you are here. Finally!" he gasped when he saw me.

"Yea. Ummmm... Can't you tell me before whenever you are going to a party? I always hear about it like 5 minutes before it starts!" I complained.

"So you know already?" he looked at me surprised. "You are going right—" he stopped for a moment. "—Owwww, damn you stink!" he said with disgusted voice. "Get away from here and take a shower!" he ordered.

"How did you notice that so quickly!!?" 

"I can't stand bad smell!" he shook his body in disgust. "I notice it very quickly!" 

"What about smell of alcohol? That doesn't bother you?" 

"Alcohol is good! You stink like sh*t!" 

"Why is everyone telling me that?!" I protested. 

"Because they are telling you the truth!" he complained. "Who else told you that? I would like to give him an award for that!" 

"Major Park." 

"Ugh, no not him. I take that back! I bet it is his fault you are like that!" 

"Well it kinda is... The training was hard and I was just about to take a shower anyway," I rolled with my eyes and then left.

I was done showering in very soon, because I wasn't in a mood to just stand there and spend my time. 

Once I was back, Kyungsoo started to work on me immediately. Dark clothes, a little makeup, hairstyle... He did everything. I was again holding that 'I will kill you all' style. I liked myself more now, since Kyungsoo decided to make me more casual, but I was still screaming in that dark colours.

"You should let me dress you more often!" Kyungsoo clapped once I was done.

"Just for parties, Soo. I won't walk around the campus like that!" I poined at myself.

"Then go to parties more often! You are pretty! And when I say it I also mean it!" he smiled

"Let's just go, okay?" he agreed and so we left.

The way to the party was the same. I wasn't that lost as the first time I had gone to the party and I knew the town better. However, I still sticked to Kyungsoo, just in case I got lost or if he suddenly disappeared. 

The same purple lights led us to the place where the party was. The main difference there was that it was more crowded. More people had decided to come and most of balconys were full of teenagers, boys and girls dancing to loud music and drinking. 

"Let's go. Others are there already!" Kyungsoo said through the loud misic.

"How the heck did you find them that fast again!!!" I stared at him shocked. He didn't mind answering and just took his way to them. I folowed him and tried to catch up as much as I could. Once he stopped I saw our friends behind a bigger table, drinking and obviously playing Do or drink again.

I wasn't shocked to see Sehun here. He was lying on the table with his glass in his right hand.

"What happened to gen- sorry Sehun?" I asked through the crowd.

"He is just drunk, don't worry. He will be alright!" Minho explained and then focused on the game again.

"Don't you think he is a bit... unconscious, not okay?" I asked again. Nobody answered. They just glared at him a bit, but didn't care about him motionlessly lying there.

"Baek, will you play today?" Jongin asked suddenly. I hesitated.

"I- uhhh- I'm not sure. You just play. Don't be bothered by me!" I told him and he obeyed. He was probably already drunk and didn't care if I played or not.

Kyungsoo walked back to me. "Baekhyun why did you even come if you aren't going to play with us? I know I can take care of myself even when I am drunk and you really need to get a life!" 

"Soo please don't, I came for different reason?" 

Why the heck did I even come here? I got nothing to do! I talked to myself and became upset about coming here. 

"What reason?" 

"I actually don't know..." I said, but that feeling, of being unsure, didn't stay the same for a long. I found the purpose for being here. 

Behind the DJ table appeared a man. Lights were falling on him and showing his broad shoulders. He had a big oversized hoody with its big hood over his head. I recognised him as soon as he spoke his first words on a microphone.

"MAKE SOME NOOOOOISE!!!!" he shouted and the crowd cheered.

"Was that Park?" Kyungsoo turned around confused.

I was confused as well. It was really major Park. I just stared at him with my mouth open. I didn't expect him to be there. Well I expected him to be at the party, which was also the main reason why I wanted to be there, but I didn't expect him being a DJ there.

"Common, I don't hear you! Cheer for LOEY!!!" he rised his voice. The crowd cheered again and I could hear some people chant his name.

This isn't major Park... Do I know him? Probably not... I was confused because he didn't act like himself. Major Park... Chanyeol... Loey... or whatever put the microphone away and started working on the DJ table. First beats came. 

I was shocked once I heard his music. It was strong, with jumpy beat, but in fact it was all in one. Happy, sad, anxious, excited, serious,... I couldn't pick just one.

"I think Park has a twin brother!" Kyungsoo whispered. 

"Shut up!" I pushed him away, because I wanted to focus on music and beats. 

It took over me. I didn't do any movement, but deep inside me I felt how my feelings were touching the music. I loved it. I wanted to dance and scream with it, but I froze completely. 

I heard Kyungsoo screaming next to me. "I hate him, but I love this thing!" He shook me a bit, but I was still trapped in the music. 

I didn't know how long passed, but major 3 song was over and the music stopped for him to speak.

"Enough for today?" he asked. The crowd cheered for more. I would too, but I felt no air in my lungs to speak. "AHAHAH I WILL COME NEXT TIME! THANK YOU ALL!!! The last CHEER for me?! I won't come back if I don't hear you all!" he waited and people gave him what he wanted.

I couldn't belive that people actually cheered for him. I was sure I wasn't lookingat major Park anymore. It was a playful and silly boy that liked to walk around the clubs and laugh. The guy who would have been the most popular boy in school, with tons of girls watching at him as he walked by. That was what I saw and it wasn't anything like major Park I knew from trainings. 

He wasn't behind the DJ table anymore. He had left before I even noticed. I was still all shocked and confused of what I just saw and heard. 

"Was that really him?" I asked. 

Kyungsoo was looking at me with widely opened eyes. "I think this is evil clone of major Park. No major Park is the evil clone of this legend!! I hate him!" 

"Shut up!" I said and walked away, back to our friends. 

After a few steps I noticed major there with the group of my friends. 

"Yo, sir, you did great! I envy you for this!" Minseok greeted him. 

"Oh, yeah, call me 'sir' it makes me feel important! I know that I am the best here!" he screamed.

"Okay, Park! Will you play Do or drink with us?" the smaller one asked, but maor shook his head. 

"No, I want to remember todays evening. I liked it a lot!" he explained. "But I will still sit here...." he said and sat next to Sehun. "Hey buddy! Don't say you missed my performance?!" he spoke with the drunk one.

"Mhmmmm... I love you," Sehun muttered. 

"I know it!" the other one kept talking to him. 

I got pulled by someone. It was drunk Kyungsoo, who probably got the courage to join the game with major Park. "Common Baek, play with us all!" he said and pulled me on a seat behind the table. 

"I-I don't. No I am not playing," I fought.

"Play, Byun! Don't be a coward!" I heard major Park's voice. I was stitting in front of him, just a few seats away. We locked our eyes and for some moments just stared at each other.

"You aren't playing as well. Then don't talk for me!" I shot him an angry and serious look. 

"Oh, you want me to play with you?" he asked, but before I could complain he spoke on. "Deal!! Pass us 2 glasses NOW!" he shouted and before I could blink, I had a glass with alcohol in front of me. 

"I didn't agree to this, sir!" I protested.

"Chanyeol!" he said, but I ignored.

"I don't want that," I spoke out, but he just rised his hands.

"What is done is done!" he smirked to me. "You are playing! Now drink that before we start. You can't play with your mouth dry!" he said and himself took a sip from his glass. "This is good!" 

I glared at the glass. 

Don't drink! You mustn't drink! It will cause you problems. Don't drink! I told myself.

Don't be a coward and drink, Baekhyun!  I fought with myself. 

I took a deep breath and pressed the glass on my lips. The drink dripped on my tongue and down my throat, burning every cell that it touched. I coughed and tried to get rid of the taste, but it stayed.

"Good job, Byun!" I heard Chanyeol say after I drank. I was actually choking in front of him, but he didn't do anything about it.

"What is that?!" I coughed again.

"That was whisky. Maybe you got a glass with drugs in it, but don't worry!" the taller one told me.

I got sick when he mentioned drugs. I didn't want that at all, but at the same time I wanted to fully enjoy with everyone. I wanted to blend in. 

"You can try other things as well, Baek!" Kyungsoo suggested. 

"You really shouldn't worry! You will be just fine!" Chanyeol smirked to me. 

Fine?! How was I about to be fine?! No, I won't be just fine! I am not fine!!!

"Well? The dares boys?!" Chanyeol got impatient. "Let's start with Baekhyun , shall we?"

"Yea, something really hard, so we make Baekhyun drink more!" Minseok shouted. 

"No, I don't need that!" I choked in reply. 

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone give you too hard dares. It's your first time drinking after a long time. I don't want to screw your life now and everyone wants to play," Chayneol said and smirked. 

I was so fed up with him looking at me on that way all the time. I hated the fact that I liked it! 

The dares really weren't hard. They were mostly embarrassing and I knew that was just for fun. Everyone was playing and drinking, even when they didn't need to.

I was drinking as well. After some time Chanyeol came to me. 

"How are you feeling?" he looked to me. 

"Who?" I asked. 

"Come here, I have a dare for you... 

I stood up, but the place suddenly spun around and it knocked me down. I was the one who fell by myself. I could feel headache in my head rising, but I actually felt pretty happy and relaxed. I just wanted to scream and laugh all the time. 

"What did he get into his drink? It didn't pass 30 minutes since he did the first sip!" I could hear Chanyeol talk, but his voice was floating. "Common, walk on. You got dare to do!" 

"Wait I don't want to do the dare!" I said and took the glass in my hand. 

I drank. 

"Byun, you hear me?" I heard Chanyeol's voice.

It was like an echo in my head and it made me laugh. I laughed with no reason and answered. "MhmmmPhh?" I got out of myself.

"Good," he answered. "Here try this," he handed me another glass and I drank again. It burned my throat once again, but I got used to it. I was still coughing on each sip I did, but I didn't mind them. I liked it. I was enough old for this. Enough strong. 

"Mmmmmmmmm~ you- drink," I spoke. Chanyeol glared at me.

"No, no. You have to drink it," he said, but I protested.

"You too!" I got upset for no good reason.

"Okay, I will drink more, but you will as well!" he said and pulled me to the wall, so I could lean to it. 

The place was turning around in my head, but I could see that I was still close my friends, who were still playing the game. 

Chanyeol returned with two glasses full of alcoholic drink. I didn't know what it was nor how strong it was. I just wanted to drink it. I wanted more. 

Chanyeol drank his and then placed the other glass right next to my mouth. "Here, you aren't drunk enough yet. Drink to the bottom," he ordered me. I didn't complain. I drank each bit that came from the glass and filled my stomach with the liquid. I felt my mind spinning and my head ached, but I didn't stop drinking.

The taller one kept giving me glasses, but he didn't drink a bit more. He just smiled at me. His smile made me smile back and made me happy.

"Yo, Byun, why are you smiling like that?" he asked.

I thought a bit, but my mind refused to do so. "I forgot," I said and suddenly he was laughing at me. 

"Yes, you sure did!" he said.

I knew, I forgot something more than just why I was smiling. "Ummmm... Do I know you? You look familiar for some reason... " I said at last.

"No, we've never met," he told me. "I don't like how you talk to me. Drink a bit more," the next glass fell into my hand.

"I-I can't," I muttered. "I can't drink anymore," my voice sounded sore and weak. 

"Yes, you can! Empty it!" he lifted the glass for me and pressed it on my lips. I swallowed the burning drink. As I drank the last bit of it, I threw the glass away. I coughed and tried to catch my breath again.

"N-No more-" I let out. I felt my stomach refuse what I drank and felt the need to throw up. I backed away in alarm. As I tried to move away, I fell on the ground and there emptied my stomach. 

I stayed there for sometime, but someone pulled me behind the table again. I couldn't move my body and barely held myself up. 

"Waw, Byun. I didn't expect this from you," Chanyeol spoke and then went for another glass. Just in that moment I saw someone familiar.

The look in his eyes, hair, body, everything was the same as I remembered, but a bit older. Woosuk was standing right behind Chanyeol's back, gazing at me with his dark eyes. He didn't move, but as soon as I blinked he was gone. I felt sick. I couldn't stay there anymore and fear was taking over me. I barely even had control over myself, but I knew that I was afraid. 

W-Woosuk? What is he doing here? I must be crazy. It can't be him. I can't stay here. I need to hide! Need to go! I'm in danger!

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!