For You Now

My head was leaning on Chanyeol's chest as I woke up. His hands were warped around me and I could feel his slow and deep breathing. His body was warm and I didn't want to leave as he was with me like that. 

I carefully moved to see if he was awake, but it was more than obvious that he wasn't going to open his eyes just like that. I moved my hand and carefully and gently passed over his chest. His skin was smooth and warm, but there was no reaction as it came to contact with my fingers. 

I moved his hand away from me and got off the bed without him noticing me. 

I rubbed my neck, but I felt my skin burning. I found my shirt on the corner of the bed, but I didn't take it. Instead I went to the bathroom, looked at the mirror and a wave of shock took over me. 

"PARK CHANYEOL! TO THE BATHROOM, NOW!" I screamed with everything I had. I stared at myslef in shock, with my eyes wide open.

"I am sleeping!" he groaned from the other room. 

"NOW!" I repeated, and I could hear how he moved from his bed. 

"Yes, Love?" he came in, rubbing his eyes and running through his messy hair. He only had his pants on like I did. His body was much more builded comparing to me. Bigger, wider, stronger,...

I turned to face him and shot him a mad look. 

"Explain!" I said, pointing at my body. 

There were dark, red marks, covering my skin from my neck to stomach. I was marked everywhere. Each one of the hickeys hurt as I touched it. I had known what he had been doing last night, I but I hadn't believed or thought about him going that far. A few barely wisible marks were my expectation, but this was more than just that... Much more.

Chanyeol just smirked and stepped closer. He ran his hand over the marks, rubbing them a bit and made me yelp at the contact. "You are pretty," he smiled.

I snapped his hand away and turned back to the mirror to look at myself again. "Not pretty! Look at me! The bites are actually everywhere! Did you even think about leaving a bit of skin untouched?!" I shook my head in disappointment. 

"No I didn't think about it," he said. 

"You told me to NOT stop, when I asked, if you liked it," He explained. 

I tried to remember saying that and he actually didn't lie. I really had told him to continue and he had. I enjoyed it too much to be aware of what he was about to do. "Yeah, I said it, but I didn't mean it!" 

Chanyeol pressed his lips together and nodded. "You don't like them now, but you wanted it before. You asked for more. I like it this way," he said, crossing his arms. He straightened himself, making himself look proud and satisfied.

"Chanyeol! Kissing is one thing, but marking me is different. How am I supposed to go out like this. It is so obvious. Damn, you came all the way up to my ear. There is no way, I will be able to cover them all! They are so dark and visible. After all they hurt a lot!" I complained and got even more mad. 

"Don't cover them. You don't have to be ashamed of them. I made them after all and there is no need to hide it from others. They can see that you are mine," he said, massaging my shoulders a bit. I sighed at his words.

"I am not ashamed, but I also don't want everyone to know that you marked me all over. It is awkward," I didn't stop complaining. 

"It isn't much. I could make it worse," he laughed a bit, but stopped immediately as I shot him my furious look.

"It is too much! This will stay for days!" I said and then rubbed one of the marks on my neck.

"I hope they stay forever," he said and that was when I lost my patience. 

"Okay, enough! I have to do something with them. They can't just stay," I said and then made Chanyeol leave the bathroom.

"Pff- Good luck with covering them," he joked. 

I had to get my stuff from my room. I put on my shirt, but my neck and collarbone were still visible. I had no ideas how I was supposed to go down there unnoticed. I looked around Chanyeol's room, for anything to put over the marks. I ended up with a towel ower my head that seized all the way down to my neck and I tied it around it, so not a bit of the marks was seen. 

"You look like my grandma with this over your head," he said as I stepped out of his bathroom. "You aren't thinking about walking around like that, are you? I would keep myself away, because that is a bit embarrassing." 

"Don't speak!" I said. "I just need to get to my room." 

I looked like a weirdo, but I managed to get to my room without other's eyes on me. 

Just as I entred my room I found Kyungsoo staring at me. 

"Uh, somebody is back!" he said immediately. 

I ignored him and walked to get my stuff. 

"What's up with you?" Kyungsoo suddednly asked, making a confused face. I kept the towel over myself and made sure the marks weren't visible.

"I-I washed my hair. You have a problem with it?" I shrugged and tried to act like it was normal. Kyungsoo naroved his eyes and checked me from feet to the top of my head.

"You are lying," Kyungsoo stepped closer to me and before I could react his hand was on the towel. He didn't pull it off. "It's not wet at all," he said and then started to remove the material. I fought to keep it on, but Kyungsoo didn't give up.

"Soo, please don't-" I spoke, but the towel was already off. Kyungsoo then stared at me with his jaw hanging off. I covered as much as possible with my hands, but it was in no help. My hands were too small to cover all the marks and I could just awkwardly stand there. I didn't say anything and for a few moments we just stood there in silence.

Kyungsoo’s shocked face slowly turned into a smile. 

"Baek, this are love bites!" Kyungsoo said.

"I know what they are you idiot!" I almost screamed at him, but then decided to keep it all on more relaxed level. 

Kyungsoo made me remove my hands and fully reveal the marks. "Wah, so cool! They are Chanyeol's, right?" he asked.

"Yes, who else would do it?!" I got mad over the question because it was obviously Chanyeol's work.

"He must be experienced. Look how well he did them! And how many of them he made! No way you cover this. You are thinking about covering them right?" Kyungsoo asked.

"That's why I came here with a towel over myself! I need something to cover them. Help, please," I begged.

"Okay," Kyungsoo smiled. "I will do it just because I know you had a long night and as much as I see, I can guess your Park actually does it well and rough. Now tell me. Was it before midnight?" 

I knew that question would come sooner or later. "We didn't..." I spoke awkwardly, stepping a bit away. 

"You didn't what?" he asked me. 

"We didn't go that far," I explained him. 

"You didn't let your Park to you in peace? Damn, Baekhyun, how can you be so stupid. I am disappointed but not surprised. Did you at least try ?" Kyungsoo rolled with his eyes, disappointed.


"Yeah, you know oral way of doing it?" 

"No," I said, blushing a bit. 

Kyungsoo took a deep breath and then continued. "?" 

", Kyungsoo, NO!" 

", you Baekhyun! You are the one who wasn't ed last night! How could you do it! Have you even seen him?

"I saw him shirtless," I said, now really blushing.

"And I see you shirtless almost every day when we change for trainings! Damn, I feel sorry for that man. He went so far to mark you, yet you didn't do anything in return." 

"It is your fault entirely!" I protested. "I would go for it if you and Jongin didn't set that bet! I just couldn't get the confidence after that and thinking about how you would attack me after that was awful. It is already awful and him marking me was all that actually happened!" 

"I seriously feel bad for him," my roommate insisted. "How did you convince him into stopping? He must have a good controol over himself," 

"I just told him to stop," I explained. "And then I had to tell him the reason. After that it took him some time to give up in trying to change my mind."

"He wanted it, didn't he?" Kyungsoo smiled. 

"Yeah, but I decided and kept my decision. He knows when to stop trying." 

"That is actually bad for him. He gave up and lost a good opportunity. However, it is true that he couldn't just force you into it. Like... The point is that you both have a good time together. I might even stop annoying him a little for this. I respect him for this... I am even thinking about ending my unofficial war with him. He probably actually deserves you."

"​​​​​​Kyungsoo, don't lie like that. You hate Chanyeol."

"It doesn't mean that I can't think there are some things Chanyeol​​​​​​ is good at. He is tall and y, unfortunately a bit annoying, but I guess he has a good personality judging by how he treats you and how he acts when he goes out with friends." 

"Thank you," I said. 

"You shouldn't thank me. You are my best friend and I wouldn't like you to feel bad. I was probably going a little too far with it, but can you lie to Jongin that I was the one who won the bet? I really really want that money." 

"What will you do with it?" 

"I was thinking about taking Jongin somewhere." 

"With the money you would win from him?" I rised my eyebrow. 

Kyungsoo thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "Can we make a deal?" he asked. "I will help you to cover all that with my make up, and in exchange you will say that I was the one who won the bet. Things like that aren't free and I don't.... " 

"Fine, just help me!" 

Kyungsoo smiled and pulled me to his bed. He went to his closest and brought his make-up. "I will just use this cream before applying concealer. It might disappear sooner... Also try using a cold compress for the first few days."

"You know a lot about this..." 

"Baekhyun, who do you think you are asking for help?" he looked at me disappointed and put some cream on his fingers. "I know that I am the best possible friend you could get here." He reached to my neck and gently applied a thin layer of cream on Chanyeol's love bites. 

"Sh*t this hurts," I cursed and clenched my teeth. 

"Why didn't you ask your pretty boyfriend to help you with that? It is his fault..." 

"He likes them..." I said. 

Kyungsoo laughed a bit. "Obviously. Is that on neck all?" 

"Actually no, but I was able to cover the ones lover with the shirt," I said. 

"Damn, he is really good," he said. I glared at him and made him realize that I didn't really liked the fact that Chanyeol was an expert in that. "Ah, don't worry, Baekhyun. He obviously just really likes you. Let me put cover this now." 

I nodded and thought about that all, meanwhile Kyungsoo did his best to cover everything. I somehow liked what Chanyeol had done. I had really been enjoying the feeling of his lips on my skin, but seeing the result next day was painful. 

"I think I am almost done...." He said after some time. "I didn't cover the ones on your lover part of the neck, because I think I have something better." He walked away and started to search for something in his closet. "Here, take your shirt off. This one is turtle neck sweater. You can wear it, since it is cold anyway..."

He threw the sweater into my hands and leaned to the wall. I looked at him and hesitied. "Do you have to watch?" 

"It won't be my first time seeing you. I can tell you that you actually have a nice body and I really want to see how far did your Park go." he smirked. 

"I hate you," I said and quickly pulled the shirt over my head and then put the sweater on. 

I saw a big smile on Kyungsoo’s face as I did it, but I tried my best to ignore it completely. "I should give your man an award for marking you so well." he said, but I continued to ignore him. "We should go and get something to eat. I think Jongin is already there, we had been talking before you came and I want to see him again. Also don't forget about our deal!" 

I nodded and stood up from Kyungsoo’s bed. I went to look at myself in the mirror to see how he covered everything and I was actually satisfied with his work. The marks were almost invisible. There were still signs of them visible on my neck and right under my ear, but it was almost negligible anyway. 

Kyungsoo and I soon joined others at breakfast. I sat next to him opposite to Jongin and hoped I wouldn't need to say anything in that moment, but Kyungsoo didn't keep his mouth shut like always. "Guess what!?" he asked his boyfriend as soon as he dropped his plate on the table. 

"I don't know, you probably want to get drunk again this night?" 

"No, it is not that. Last days I am trying to drink less. I told you that before. It is something about Baekhyun." 

Jongin glared at me while pouring milk in his coffee. He narrowed his eyes and then gasped. "Was it before or after midnight?!" 

I clenched my teeth and tensed a bit. Kyungsoo gave me the look, which was telling me to lie about it. "I—"

"—It was before!" Kyungsoo said, before I could mess everything up. 

"Seriously?" Jongin looked at me unsure. 

I looked at Kyungsoo confused and he kicked my leg to make me speak up. "Yeah!" I agreed. I did my best to sound confident. I passed through my hair and took a deep breath. "I-I never imagined it to be so good. Uhhh- Like I don't know what kind of experience you have, since you date Kyungsoo—" 

"—HEY DON'T SAY THAT! I an an expert at this!" Kyungsoo protested.

"I really don't care," I said. 

"Kyungsoo, is quite right..." Jongin approved my best friend. 

I ignored that and continued. "We came back to the campus at night and went to his room. I was at first afraid, but when he kissed me and started kissing my neck and body, I just felt like we should do it." Kyungsoo kept kicking me and forced me to act like it really happened.

"Before midnight?" Jongin cried out. "You are kidding! There is no way!" 

"We came back quite early. And Chanyeol does everything well. Uh- He is big." 

"Yeah, I don't want to hear how big," Jongin passed through his hair. 

"Is he like experienced, since you say he is so good?" Minseok involved himself in the conversation. 

Kyungsoo looked at me, but I wasn't really sure what to say. I knew that Chanyeol had had a girlfriend before, but he hadn't been in a relationship for a while for some reasons. "Well, he knows what he is doing..." I said awkwardly that time. It was easy to lie about it, but when I thought that all that could have been real, I got a strange feeling. I somehow regretted not letting Chanyeol to go further, since I somehow wanted it and he obviously also did. "Anyway, it is my private life, which is none of your business." I ended. "That is all I will say!" 

"Yeah, you heard him! The only important information is, that I won the bet and that I want my money, Jongin!" Kyungsoo changed the topic and showed Jongin his hadn, waiting for the money to show up.

Jongin sighed. "Ah, why did I even agree to this?" he cried and leaned down to the table with his head. "I will give you money later!" He snapped kyungsoo's hand away.

"Great!" Kyungsoo said and looked at me with expression full of satisfaction. "You should see how well he got marked. I covered almost everything." 

"I would be excited, if this wasn't a reason why I just lost 60.000 won!" he didn't stop with complaining. Luckily he cared of that money more than the fact that, he belives, happened last night. 

I looked down to my plate and tried to ignore the conversation. The conversation was still partly about me and my relationship and last night.... I lied, just because Kyungsoo really helped me a lot with covering Chanyeol's marks, but I still wasn't comfortable with it. 

I kept myself quiet, meanwhile others were talking to each other. I was glad Kyungsoo changed the topic from me on his old shoes which had apparently fallen apart while he had been running on one of his trainings with major Zhang. 

I looked at the table where Chanyeol had usually been sitting, but I couldn't see him there with others in that moment. 

I ate my breakfast to the end and then stood up. "I will go now," I said. 

"What?" Kyungsoo protested immediately. 

"Wouldn't you stay with us a little?" Minseok asked and Jongin seemed to be just as interested into hanging out together in that moment. 

"I will join you later, I just have to check something," I walked away before they could have convinced me into staying. I wanted to find Chanyeol. I didn't really like how I left him in the morning. I really didn't like how was he doing everything for our relationship, meanwhile I didn't do much.

I went up to his room, but it was locked and nobody answered as I knocked. I passed through my hair and went down. I searched around the campus to find him and then ended up in front of his gym. I hadn't gotten a chance to come in there, since the first time Chanyeol had brought me there to train.

I opened the door and carefully looked inside. I found Chanyeol inside. He was leaning to a wall, scrolling through his phone. He was wearing black training pants and black sleeveless shirt, which was showing off his body shape well. I noticed that he was a bit sweaty, since he was obviously working out. 

He smiled as he saw me, left his phone and spoke right away. "Who helped you with covering everything so well?" he asked and put his phone away. "That is unfair. I did it so well and now I barely see my art!" 

"I have a friend who is an expert," I said and walked to him. "What are you angry?" I asked as I noticed how he looked upset.

"Not really," he said and walked towards me. "I would also hide the marks, if you you made them for me," he leaned down and pointed at his neck, while smirking at me. "I have higher reputation as a major here and I really should cover everything, since this is my job. It is understandable that you hid everything so well."

"So you really aren't angry?" I put my hands on his shoulders. "For this all? And for not letting you go further yesterday?" 

"I am kinda frustrated, but it can't compare to the anger I am keeping inside right now," he said. His expression turned into completely serious one and it made me a bit worried to see him like that. 


Chanyeol pushed me a bit back and put his hands to the wall behind me, so I was caught between his hands. 


He quickly put his finger over my lips to silence me. "I will ask you a question and you will answer. Are we deal?" 

"Is that already the question?" I asked confused adn a bit afraid. 

Chanyeol sighed and passed through his hair with the hand, which he had used to silence me before. "No, it wasn't!" he groaned. "Listen to me now! What day is it?" 

I clenched my teeth and thought about it. To be honest, I had no idea which day it was. I wasn't really keeping up with that last days, so I wasn't exactly sure. "It is Sunday. I know that because I can use my phone... And I am free today..." 

Chanyeol rolled with his eyes. "That is all you care about?" he asked gloomily. "Come on, Byun! Think! I was expecting you had an actual reason for coming here right now!" 

I got even more worried. 

"You only care about your phone, don't you?" Chanyeol asked gloomily.

"It is easy for you to say," I tried to stand for myself. "You have everything all the time. I got rules which make using my phone literally impossible through the week. I miss it!" 

"Would you miss me if you saw me only once a week?" he asked.

"Hmmmm... Maybe?" I joked.

Chanyeol got mad a bit, but he knew I didn't mean it seriously. "Your respect towards me is minimalist," he moved a bit away and crossed his arms.  "I will ask again. What day is today?" he asked again.

"It is November..." I said and then it hit me. "Oh, !" I cursed and covered my mouth in shock. 

"Yeah, November 27th." 

Shivers went over my body as he said the exact date. "I-It's your b-birthday?" I said gaining an nod from the taller one. "I-I am so sorry, I—" my voice was suddenly trembling and cracking.

"—I know you forgot," he laughed.

"Chanyeol, I am really sorry! I don't have anything. I am not even ready! !" I said desperately. 

Chanyeol just laughed and then placed a hand on my shoulder. "It is okay." 

"No it is not okay!" I protested and pushed his hand away from me. "I once promised I would bring you something. I seriously don't deserve somebody like you!" 

"Wow, what do you mean by that?" 

"I don't deserve you. Like look at yourself. You are smart—" 

"—You are smart too," he interrupted me. 

"You will stop speaking now! You are just too good for me! I said what I said. You do everything for me. I can't even get you a present for birthday. You can do anything. You make me happy, bring me stuff, you are patient and kind with me, you work hard to keep our relationship, and all I do is standing by your side, while waiting for you to make a next move!" I said, hating how I really did nothing to give back for Chanyeol.

"I like you. Only you," he said. "I don't need you to be like me. I want you to be yourself. However, I would like to see you were more honest with me. You cover a lot!" 

"I cover it with a reason!" I got mad, because of it, but then did my best to calm down and leave it. I didn't want to argue with him. Not on his birthday. He was right that I wasn't honest. I was honest and sure about our relationship, but my past and secrets were pulling us apart. I would tell him oneday, but I am not even a bit ready yet. "I don't want to argue with you, but can we leave that for any other day? I don't want to ruin this day." 

"Ah, you aren't ruining it," he said. "I just want to have you today." 

"I want to get something for you," I said confidently. 

"You don't need to." 

"If you won't let me do it now, then I won't let you do it for my birthday!" I protested.

"That is okay. I just want your attention today and for your birthday I will give you all of my love," he said and leaned down to kiss me, but I put my hand over his lips to stop him from doing it. 

"I want to do something as well," I said. "I won't listen to you right now, because I really don't care where you want me. I just need to do what I promised!" 

"What so you are going to the town now? You are leaving me again? Can't you just tell me to leave this place for five minutes and take a bar of chocolate out of that vending machine and then pretend you bought it yesterday?"

"I wouldn't even put any effort in it. And there is no way I could buy anything for you yesterday, because you were around me all the time and you never let me pay!" 

"That is because you pay to be here and I get money for being here," he pointed out and it was true. I was basically broke, which wasn't the best feeling, but I still wanted to do something for Chanyeol. 

"Chanyeol," I said, gettig his attention. "I promise I will be right back," I promised. I warped my hands around his neck and pulled him down to the point where our lips locked together. I kissed him, like he always kissed me. I just wanted to be the one kissing him that time. His lips were soft and warm. I remembered that feeling of warmth and pleasure from the last night, but I had to end it in that moment. "Deal?" 

"Fine," he gave up, sighing a bit.

I smiled and walked away. "Just don't wait for me alone. Find some company, unless you really love working out alone here..."

"I would actually prefer if you were here, so I could see how you suffer, but you are right. I should find some company. I guess Sehun has time." 

"You see. Perfect! See you later. I really will take just a bit, you will have me all after this, oka?" I said and then left the room. I was half walking half running. I wanted to get to the city as soon as possible, but I didn't want to go alone. 

It didn't take me long to find Kyungsoo in our room, hanging out with Jongin and Minseok. 

"I need help!" I announced as soon as I entered and saw them. 

"Again?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"Yeah, Kyungsoo would you go with me to the town? Just on quickly... I need to get something!"

"What exactly?" he looked at me with a doubt. 

"I don't know yet, I just need to buy something... Special..." I said, but wasn't really sure how to express myself and explain everything. "I don't want to go alone."

"What do you have to go now?" Jongin asked. 

"Yeah, it is emergency." 

"Just say what it is, Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo got impatient. "I won't even think about it as long as you don't tell me your reason!" 

"Chanyeol..." I said. "...has his birthday." 

"I knew it!" Kyungsoo bursted out. "How old is that Park already?" 

"Twenty-five," I rolled with my eyes. 

"He is already half a way to fifty," Minseok pointed out and I looked at him disappointed. "I don't mean anything bad with that!" he added and raised his hands to the air as soon as he noticed I was bothered by his sentence. 

"Anyway, I really need to go!" 

"Couldn't you think about it earlier? You had tons of days before! Or did you forget?" Kyungsoo glared at me. 

"I forgot!" I passed through my hair. 

"Ugh, Park will be mad, if he finds out!" he shook his head. "You better hide!" 

"He already knows," I said. "And he wasn't really mad..." 

"Damn, he is much more patient with you, than with everyone else at the trainings. You are so privileged." Jongin pouted. 

"I am really not," I said. "Would you help me?" 

"Not me," Kyungsoo leaned to the wall. "My legs hurt, I am not in mood and I already helped you enough today."

I wanted to force him into going, by telling Jongin that I actually lied about their bet, but Minseok spoke before I could do it. "I can go!" he said. "My family is at the town, so I would go anyway. I will spend some time with them, while you can look for present!" 

"Seriously?" I asked. 

He nodded and I gave him a hug right away. "Thanks!" I said. 

I glared at Kyungsoo, telling him that I didn't like how he had decided to not help me that time. He replied me with a big smile, but I just ignored him. 

"Let's just go, Min!" I said and pulled him away. "I really don't want to lose time anymore." 

We walked out of my and Kyungsoo's room and went to the exit of the campus. "Do you know what to buy already?" he asked while we were walking.

"No, I have no ideas. I hope I won't spend too much time..." I said.

"Don't worry, you will get what you want!" Minseok said. "I actually wonder why Kyungsoo didn't want to go. He doesn't really act really like himself today. Well, I am not Kyungsoo and I know that I am not really helpful when it comes to stuff like that—"

"—Kyungsoo also isn't really helpful in most of the cases," I interrupted him while speaking. 

"Well yeah, but he has a sense for all that. However, think you already have a perfect present for Park..." he said and awkwardly laughed.

"What?" I looked at him confused. 

"You know... Imagine if I was Kyungsoo and I told you that..." Minseok said.

I stared at him wih my eyes wide open. "You aren't serious! Do I even know you?" I freaked.

Minseok just shrugged with his shoulders. "I mean, he for sure wants you again after last night and I guess it would be the best way to make him satisfied." 

"We actually didn't do anything like that yesterday," I said. "Kyungsoo wanted me to lie to win the bet." 

"So Jongin gave him money for nothing?" Minseok asked confused, but then spoke on right away. "Well that isn't really important, but damn! That would make it even better. If it would be for the first time!" 

"Stop it, Minseok!" I was almost screaming. "You almost sound like Kyungsoo! I can't do that!" 

"You will have to one day. He won't wait forever and today is the best oportunity," Minseok said.

I hesiteted a bit. "I-I will go with this if I don't find anything else," I siged and passed my hair with my hand. It couldn't be that hard. I just had to relax. 

"Good," Minseok said and laughed. "I won't be very helpful anyway, since I came because of my faminly. You will have to find by something yourself. Think of the things he likes. However, I would still go with just giving yourself to him, make him feel good..."

"Yea, I am not asking you to help me with choosing the present," I told him, getting slightly uncomfortable of the thought of me as a present. I guessed Chanyeol wanted me instead of the present too. It would explain why he didn't want to let me go to the town too.... It just made me realise how very bad boyfriend I was again. I sighed, but then pushed the bad thoughts away. "Just be somewhere around, okay?"

"Sure, I don't wanna go anywhere far with my sister," Minseok laughed.

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!