For You Now

It was fate's fault. It had to be. There couldn't be any other reasonable explanation, for me to be around, everytime something bad happened at the campus.

I just came back from the hospital in the town. Zitao broke his leg and Jongdae and the staff here just told me to drive him to there. I had been, waiting for doctors there to end their work, in case I had had to drive him back, but then Zitao had decided to stay in the hospital for a night and it had turned out I had been waiting there for no reason. I was in a bad mood when I came back and wanted to go to sleep, but as soon as I came back I knew this wasn't going to happen.

I heard s noise and whimpers from the bathroom. I could've guessed it was Baekhyun — who else would've been awake that late. 

The boy was lying on the floor. He was breathing quickly and deeply, like he couldn't get to the air. His body was trembling and his muscles were tensed. There was water falling from the washbasin and filling it up. 

"Help," he pleased.

I didn't move for a moment. 

After a few seconds of just staring at him and trying to figure out what had happened, I just slowly walked into the bathroom.

I didn't like the fact that I had to fix Baekhyun's problems again, but other way... Thas was my task to do.

I closed the water before really paying attention to Baekyhun. I stepped closer to him and glared at him. He had his eyes barely open and that little of his eyes looked like it was floating. He didn't stop trembling and he kept begging for help.

"H-Help. Help," Baekhyun's voice was getting weaker. 

"What happened to you?" I asked, but didn't expect an answer. He was in no shape to do that and other way I didn't want to know...

"Woo was here," he cried and tears fell down his face now.

"Nobody was here around," I said seriously.

Baekhyun shook his head. 

"Byun, you are hallucinating again!" I said. "Are you drunk?" I was slowly getting annoyed and wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible. After our training I had been about to actually beg Junmyeon to expel him and he pissed me off. Well actually I had no reason for it. I had just wanted to be major Park again and it had come to that point when I just hadn't been able to stand him.

Now he pissed me because of crying and stupid talking. 

"I am this time," he said and looked at me, but I knew I wasn't everything he was seeing. "But I know that I wasn't hallucinating before!" 

I actually felt bad for him now. I was acting like I didn't care at all all that time, but that wasn't true. I cared a lot. Too much. I cared about him to the point where I wanted to limit everything. 

"What do you see?" I asked. 


"Woo?" I asked. "Just him? I am here for you now, Baekhyun," I spoke his name again. 

"Just him," he said, but this time looked at me on a different way. I knew, that he wasn't seeing things anymore, but he was still shaking. "I always just see him." 

I just stared at him for a moment. "Common, get up. Jongdae will know what to do with you," I said at last and dragged him to get up. 

Baekhyun didn't move at first and he just stayed on the floor, but then I took his arm and pulled him on his legs. What I didn't expect was blood that was soaking in his hair and dripping down to his right ear and down to his neck. It was also on the floor, but Baekhyun didn't look too effected by it. He stood well, he was probably just a bit dizzy. 

"You will walk by yourself..." I told him and he didn't argue.

He slowly nodded, like he wasn't bothered by blood on his neck at all. He was closed in completely different world. 

I took Baekhyun's hand and then walked out of the bathroom. He followed me behind and had to follow my steps. He started to sob while the way and he kept muttering things about that Woo. I could hear his fast and deep breathing. He was telling himself how bad he is, how he had done a mistake and so on. 

I couldn't stand that anymore. 

Who the heck was that Woo guy? — I had no ideas, but Baekhyun obviouly didn't like his presence... 

I walked through the hallways towards the hospital wing. There I would leave him to Jongdae and live my life on. 

Hallways changed their colour and now they were bright white. I could feel how Baekyhun tensed up, but I kept walking. I was almost pulling him to Jongdae's office. Once I was next to the door of it, I checked Baekhyun first and then opened the door.

The light from Jongdae's office almost blinded me, but I got used on it as soon as I entred it. I looked at Baekhyun, his eyes were red and tired, the blood that was slowly driping down was now soaking into his clothes and sticking to his skin. 

Jongdae stood up as soon as he noticed Baekhyun and rushed to him. I let his hand go and moved away so Jongdae had place to work.

"Chanyeol! What happened?" he asked worried.

"I don't know," I sighed. "He was in the bathroom when I came. Just take care of him? Thanks!" I tried to take my way out, but Jongdae closed the doors before I could leave.

"Not that fast! You will explain everything," he said and then pushed me to one of the seats. He was rough and angry. I could've gotten rough and angry as well, but I knew I should've kept myself calm and control my temper in front of him. "Wait here," he ordered and then focused on Baekhyun again.

"Let me see," he said and moved his hands to the spot where he was bleeding. Baekhyun just moved his head to the side, like he didn't care about the wound at all. He wasn't bothered by it, like it didn't hurt him at all.

"Jongdae, I swear I don't know what happened to him. I just came back from the hospi—" I complained, but Jongdae interupted me before I could end.

"—Shut up. You will stay. I know that you know at least something," he shot me a mad look. 

"I am just spending my time here!" I rised my voice and then leaned with my head on the chair. Jongdae ignored me and my tune and continued to work on Baekhyun.

"Did he slip or something?"

"I can talk as well," Baekhyun spoke and looked at Jongdae a bit mad. 

"You see he is speaking," I pointed at Baekhyun. "He knows more than I do! Can I go now?" 

"No!" Jongdae insisted and then looked at Baekhyun. "We will talk later."

"Oh, come on!" I complained. 

"You said you found him in the bathroom?" he asked me and I nodded. "You noticed anything strange?" he asked on.

"No, nothing. Can I go now?" I got ignored again.

"Not yet!" he said. "Baekhyun, sit here, I will be right back!"

Then Jongdae went into the next room and brought out tissues and a bottle filled with liquid. He started to clean blood from Baekhyun and soon his skin was clear again. From one of the drawers in the room he got bandages and a cotton wool. He placed it to the wound and then rolled the bandages around his head. 

Baekhyun was just sitting there. I noticed his fists clenched and how his muscles were tensed.

Jongdae ended with his work on his head. Baekyhun's hair stood up from the bandages. It wasn't much and the bandages were thin, but it made me laugh at how he looked like. 

"Baekhyun, can you tell me what happened?" Jongdae tried.

"I couldn't sl-sleep," Baekhyun said with cracking voice.  

"Again? You could have woken up your roommate or just come to me, why did you go to the bathroom?" Jongdae went on.

"I couldn't- I saw something and it didn't want to go away. And som-someone was there,"

Jongdae thought about his words for a moment. "Baekhyun don't worry, they were probably just hallucinations, there is nothing to fear. We were talking about that. However... Who did you see?" He asked on.

Baekhyun shook his head and disappointed the doctor. "I don't know," he said. 

He is lying. He knows just well! I know it! My mind was screaming, but I didn't speak up. I knew that Bakehyun saw Woo. He had told me that Woo had been there and that he had seen him, but he lied in front of Jongdae. Why didn't he lie to me? 

"Alright," Jongdae belived the lies. "I need a better check on you. Shall we go to the other room and get a bit of privacy?" he offered. 

"I can go...?" I spoke up and hoped to leave already.

"No, you will wait here! How come it's always you who finds Baekhyun in this state?" he shot me a mad look. I coudn't answer, because Jongdae was already in the other room with Baekhyun. "Wait here!" he said before closing the door and leaving me alone.

I could only open my mouth, but Jongdae didn't let me explain that I just came from that hospital and really didn't know a thing. 

I felt a bit awkward to just wait there for Jongdae to come back. I really knew just a little and everything confused me. I wouldn't be in much help and I was spending my sleep time. I had already spent my whole evening in the hospital with Zitao, and now I had to repeat the same thing here.

I was bored from waiting for them and decided to have a look around. I stood up from the chair and walked around the room. Jongdae had a table full of papers. I checked them a bit, but all bored me. I didn't understand a bit, that was on them and just went on.

I started to open Jongdae's drawers. 

He won''t notice if I look into them a bit, everything was in quite a mess anyway... I found bandages, injections, medicine, random cloth and other objects. I feared that Jongdae might come back and notice what I was doing, but I didn't stop. I was bored and curious of what he had in his office.

I opened more drawers and in one found a bunch of maps. The drawer was heavy and on it said files with Jongdae's handwriting. I noticed that the files were in alphabetical order. I pulled out a random file and opened it. 

I didn't know the person's name on it and got bored again. I thought a bit. Baekhyun's file must be here too... I thought and then looked for the letter B.

I found it soon and pulled it out. It was just the same as the other maps, but on it was written Byun Baekhyun with black marker. I oened it and read.




Birthday: 6 May


I knew all this already and read on. There were a few more facts about Baekhyun like weight and height.... There were written the dates of when he got injected with different medicine or when he had health checkups. It was all written from the very beggining of Baekhyun's life. I wondered how much Baekhyun cried when he got injected when he had 6 years. I could imagine him well and it made me smile a bit.

I came to Baekhyun's information when he was 14 years old.



Bullied at school

Social anxiety

Panic attacks


I read. Baekhyun was bulied and depressed already at the age of 14. He could have gotten over it until now, but he still cried for no reason. Child... I bullied him too, but didn't feel bad for it. He deserved it and he shouldn't cry over it anyway. He was just weak. 

I moved on. It said that Baekhyun's mental state got better till his 17th year. Until then he showed no signs of depression or other signs of mental disorders. He probably noticed that he won't get anything with depression and moved on... I liked the fact that he got better, but the next few sentences shocked me.


April 15th

Hospitalized in Psychiatric Ward for Mental Health Treatment

Weak mental state

Hallucinations, anxiety, depression, eating disorders

Attacks on the doctors, often screaming and fighting, loosing contact with reality

*1 year hospitalized*


Mental hospital? Just like that? He got better and then they send him to a mental hospital?! What did he do to deserve this?! I was shocked. I recalled the moments that I spent with Baekhyun. He was weak and pure soul. He couldn't have been in the mental hospital. I didn't want to belive it. I moved on with reading. I found an extra note under the information from mental hospital.


Drugs usage 

Murder attempt


I shut the file close. Drugs? Murder attempt?! Baekhyun?! Him?! I couldn't belive it. I couldn't imagine Baekhyun doing anything like this. Using drugs? Killing somebody? Murdering? 

I heard how the doors from near me were slowly opening. I threw the file back into the drawer and closed it before Jongdae and Baekhyun came in.

I was all shaken. 

Once they came there was no sign that I ever opened a single drawer. 

I glared at Baekhyun. His small figure was skinny and weak.

Could he kill somebody?

He looks so inocent and pure. There is no way he could have done that. I was sure he didn't do it. No, not him!

"Well, Chanyeol.." Jongdae started. "I talked with Baekhyun. I guess I don't really need you anymore..." he said.

"Seriously?! I was here for nothing?" I sighed and acted like I was sitting all the time while they weren't here.

"Yes," Jongdae said.

I shot him an angry look and he moved a bit away. "I will sleep longer for this!" I decided and Jongdae just shrugged with his shoulders.

"I don't care. You will be the one explaining everything to Junmyeon. You can go," he turned to face Baekhyun. "Do you want to stay here for a night?" he asked, but Baekhyun shook his head immediately. 

"No, I can be in my room," he said and after that our eyes met. I noticed that he wasn't serious when he said that. There was something bothereing him, but he didn't want to tell it.

"Alright, you both can go then," Jongdae said. "See you later, I guess?" he said and we both nodded.

Later I found myself on the hallway with Baekhyun next to me. I didn't wait, but started to walk to the dorms. Baekhyun followed me, but didn't say anything.

"Why did you lie?" I quietly asked, with serious voice.

"What do you mean?" he got confused.

"About that what you saw. You said you didn't know who you saw, but you actually saw Woo, didn't you?" I went directly.

"How do you know about him?!" he panicked.

"Do you think I am deaf? You keep talking about him! You talk about him when you are drunk, when you see things that actually aren't happening. Actually you mutter things about him all the time..." I rolled with my eyes. 

"Forget him. He is nobody and don't mention him!" he crossed his arms.

"I can do whatever I want. I can just go back and tell Jongdae what you actually saw. I don't like the fact that I am the only one that knows about him." 

"Forget it!" Baekhyun rised his voice.

"Why would I?" I smirked at him.

"It's not your bussiness. You got nothing to do with him!" he said.

"Well I know about him, so I guess I actually do," I told him. "Is he a real person?" 

"Shut up!" Baekhyun shauted that time. "Forget about him! He is no one! He is not important at all and you really don't need to worry or make everything even worse with mentioning that. Please just let it go. Just let me go and don't ask me about him again." 

"Okay," I tried to calm him down. "I won't ask. I actually got worried." 

"You got worried?" Baekhyun looked at me with widely opened eyes. "You, who had been acting like a true moron form the beginning of the day? You got worried?" 

"First of all I am not a moron, I just have my ups and downs!" I shot him a mad look. "And I do care!" 

"If you really care, then forget about it!" 

I didn't want to do it. I was responsible as the major and I wanted to make Baekhyun feel safe. He obviously had problems and I wanted to end them. "Baekhyun," I said his name again. "I—" 

"Don't say anything. You will only make it worse!" 

"Okay," I rised my hands and put them on my head to show him I gave up. 

Baekhyun didn't say anything and silence fell between us.

"I am leaving," he said confidently and showed me his back as he went to his room.

I slowly walked up the staircase, while Baekhyun stayed on the first floor. I thought about everything, that I had found in the files at Jongdae's office.

Baekhyun had tried to kill or had actually killed someone.

I wasn't afraid of him, but it made me confused. He was small and not so strong. He definitely didn't look dangerous, yet that boy had been accused of almost killing somebody. He was accused of using drugs. He always looked so inocent and I would never say he did something like this. Never!

I came to my room and laid down on my bed. I wasn't tired and I just couldn't calm down to the point when I could have fallen asleep. 

I feared the person he had killed might be the Woo that he had been talking about so often. I had never met or seen him, but it could've been possible, that the hallucinations he had were about Woo. It was possible, that Baekhyun was seeing the dead Woo...


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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!