For You Now

After a long time of having nightmares, I could take a good sleep and enjoy the moment. FINALLY! In the morning I wanted to stay in my bed and sleep on with that calm and relaxing feeling. After all, my bed was strangely warm, but I wasn't too bothered by it. I was usually freezing at night. It annoyed me how I was always cold, so I loved the warmth that was around me.

I hugged my pillow tighter and yawned, but still didn't open my eyes. For some time I just stayed there and tried to fall asleep again, but I noticed something different.

I smelled something different.

Did I change my bed sheets? — No, I was sure, I had the same ones for weeks now... Did I shower with someone elses shampoo? — I didn't even remember showering. When did I brush my teeth? — No, this wasn't me... This smells good, fresh. What is this?

Questions popped up in my mind. I really liked the smell of whatever thas was and I didn't want it to leave. I kept trying to get a whiff of the scent and everytime I inhaled it, I loved it more.

"Byun, what are you doing?" someone spoke and a sudden shock passed my body. My eyes shot open and the next scene almost made me faint.

I was actually half leaning on major Park's body with mine. My head was lying on his broad chest and my arms were clenched around his muscular body. His right arm was over my shoulders and I could feel it next to my hips. My legs were crossing major's and I felt how longer legs he had. We both were half covered with my white blanket. Major had his head placed on my pillow, while mine was still on his chest. His hair were messy and fell down on the white sheets.

He was looking at me with his dark eyes and I noticed that he was slightly laughing. He was waiting for an answer, but my body and mind went numb. 

"The scent.... It wasn't my pillow, not even a shampoo — It was major Park! IT WAS MAJOR PARK!" my mind was screaming, but I said nothing. I totally forgot that major came to my room late at night. I fought to get him away, but at night he held me that strong, I just had to give up and sleep the way I was. However, I did not remember myself hugging him, also not lying half on him. I remembered being all stiff and I had been holding myself away before I fell asleep. 

"Byun, were you sniffing me?" my eyes opened wider than ever before, as he said it. He was smirking at me and I felt embarrassment take over me.

I came back to my senses and did the first that came to my mind. I kicked and pushed him off my bed. Before he could process what I was doing, he was on the ground. He fell down with a loud thump and groaned. His smile was off and that time he was focused on his fall. I sat up and moved as far away from him as possible, breathing deeply.

"What- Why did you do that?!" major complained after the fall. He rubbed his back and groaned for the second time.

For a moment I couldn't speak, because I was half choking. I took a few moments before I exploded with the words that wanted to come out.

"Think! I slept in the same bed as you! EWWWWW!" my body trembled in disgust. "YUCK, how will I ever forget this?! It's worse than a nightmare!" I stopped after I said this. Actually I loved the fact that I didn't have any nightmares tonight.

Major stood up from the floor and then sat next to me on the bed.  I backed away a bit, but I was already on the very edge of my bed and was about to fall off soon. He glared at me and then smirked.

Why the heck was he smirking like that?!

"Didn't you like it?" he asked and I couldn't find my words again. "Do I smell good?" he rised his eyebrow and waited for an answer.

"I- uhh- no-" I tried to find the words to disagree with what he said. 

"Common! Don't lie! You like it," he said and laughed a bit. I couldn't stand him anymore. He was in my room and I never gave him premission for this. after all he bothered me with sniffing thing.

"Stop it! Get out of here! You got nothing to do here!" I rised my voice and tried to change the topic. Even though I was trying to be as ferious as I could, major Park didn't even flinch on it. He was just smirking on and stayed unbothered.

I noticed he wasn't going to leave just yet and I got impatient. 

"Get out, I said!" I pointed at the door of my room, but major still didn't do a move. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. "Yahh! Will you leave or not?!" 

"Not until you answer," he said and crossed his arms. 

"Fine. I will be honest with you. You smell like you showered in sh*t all your life. I just wanted to die once I smelled you!" I said and shot him a mad and disgusted look, but he just laughed, like my answer entertained him.  

"Are you sure about it? Then why did you keep sniffing me if it was bad?" he asked and grinned.

"Shut up!"

"You are just exposing yourself," He said. "You actually like how I smell!" 

"Why would I?" I sighed and looked away, because I was a bit embarrassed. 

Did I like his smell? — Yes, but I didn't want to admit it. 

"You tell me!" he smirked again. 

"You got your answer, now leave!" I tried to sound as much confident as I could. Major's grin disappeared, he just sighed and then stood up. I felt more than happy when I saw he was actually going to leave.

"Think about it, Byun," he said before leaving my room.

I felt my cheeks heating up and embarrassment grew in me, taking over me. Why would I think about it!? I couldn't stand the feeling inside me and I burried my head into my pillow. I let out a weak squeak and tried to shake the feelings away from me.

My whole bed was still warm from major Park's presence and I sensed his scent that was soaked in my pillow. It sent me into a different word. It wasn't a usual scent and I kept smelling it. I didn't leave the pillow for a long time.

Hmmmmm... To be honest. Maybe I really should think about what I had said. Major actually didn't even smell bad, I started to like the scent more and more, but the idea that this was major's scent still disgusted me.



My cheeks kept getting red everytime I thought about me sleeping with major Park. Everytime I saw him on the hallways, I remembered the night and just couldn't help it, but blush. I also saw that smirk on him everytime our eyes met and it made me feel even more embarrassed and shy. I smacked myself everytime my body didn't obey me. I tried my best to keep the blushing away, but it was hopeless. No matter how much I tried to hide it, it was too visble.

I constantly thought about major Park and I was slowly getting tired of it, so I decided to leave my room and meet my friends. Last days I barely spent hour or two with others that weren't Kyungsoo.

After lunch I went to Minseok's room with Jongin. I thought we were about to paly cards like usually, but I found all the cards ripped on half as soon as I came in. Minseok was on Jongin's bed, Jongin standing next to it and argued with him, while Kyungsoo was sitting on Jongin's chair, rolling around on it and listening to their fight. He obviously wasn't in a mood for arguing and was waiting for it to end.

"What happened to them?" I asked on the sight of the destroyed cards. I fully entred, closed the door behind me and tok half of a card from the bed. They were also on the floor and some in Minseok's hands, which weren't destroyed.

"Jongin got mad because he lost and ripped most of them on half," Minseok explained and rolled with his eyes.

"Eyyyy, you were ripping them too. Don't blame only me! However, aren't you bored of playing cards all the time? Why don't we find anything better to play?!" Jongin protested and snapped the cards from Minseok's hands.

"Like what? Do you know anthing better than cards? You can't use your phone..." Minseok replied.

"We could play with Legos," Jongin shrugged with his shoulders and gave us a weak giggle.

"Legos? You want to play with this?" Kyungsoo asked, finally joining the conversation. We all looked at Jongin like he fell from another planet. "Are you even a solider? Even more, a capitan! You can't play with Legos, be a man!"

"Shut up!" Jongin ordered him. 

"I won't listen to you!" Kyungsoo replied. "How old are you by the way?" 

"I can do whatever I want. I liked them a lot when I was younger—" 

"—When you were younger and weren't a student and a captain in military university!" Kyungsoo interrupted him. 

"And I am sure I would like them now too," Jongin crossed his arms and pouted. He was acting like a little boy that still wisits kindergarten everyday, where he plays and enjoys his fantasy.

"My sister always told me to play with her dolls, when I was little," Minseok suddenly commented. "I wanted to play with my stuff at first, but she insisted with barbies. I always got those ugly ones and she had the ones that looked pretty and nice. It was unfair! Also... Those Barbie dolls were super creepy!" he crossed his arms. For a moment we all just exclaimed looks, but then jumped into a laughter. 

"Oh, no wonder you are like this," I laughed. "I knew something was a bit wrong with you from the beggining. You spent your whole childhood playing with Barbie dolls!?" I my hand on jongins shoulder who was laughing next to me.

"To be honest, I liked it a lot..." he said and blushed a bit. "Did you have anything better to do?!" 

"We won't play with dolls for girls. Imagine if anybody comes to check on us and see us sitting on the ground with that," Kyungsoo pretended to vomit. "I prefer legos. Jongin's Idea is actually quite good!" 

I looked at Kyungsoo. I knew that he said that just to make himself look good in Jongin's eyes. He hated any kind of games. He was playing with Jongin just to spend time with him, but didn't really enjoy it for sure. 

"Anyway, Kai said. What do you suggest Baek?" 

"I- uh..." my words didn't come and I look to the ground. I thought for a moment and rubbed my forehead. Yes, I had been playing with my brother. I was playingwwith him a lot. All the time. But I couldn't speak about him. I liked the times when we had been playing together, but it was just too hard for me to think about him in that moment. 

"Don't you know that Baek was living under a rock. He barely knew how to play cards!" Kyungsoo spoke and ended the silence I made.

Thank God I had Kyungsoo to save all the awkward moments!

"I knew how to play them, but I forgot! Everyone would if you just waited long enough!" I prtested and crossed my arms, leaning a bit back and lowered myself.

"Then we will play with Legos?" Jongin switched to the main topic.

"I would actually prefer dolls..." Minseok spoke again and gave us a pleading look.

"No, dolls! You are a ing soldier, not a 5 years old girl! I want legos!" Jongin giggled on the last sentence.

"Well you are not 5 years old boy!" Minseok complained. 

"I am a boy," Jongin ended. 

"I like Legos more too..." I said and Kyungsoo also agreed with me.

"Fine! Then we will have Legos," Minsok pouted a bit disappointed, but he wasn't really upset about it.

"Ha! Finally I will enjoy my life on the University!" Jongin goggled once again and looked more than happy, he jumped and clapped all the time after that.



After the training in the afternoon we all went to the city to buy Legos. I got to know most of the city until that moment. We all liked to go there for a coffee or just a walk around. It wasn't so foreign and unknown for me anymore and I started to like it more and more. 

Minseok and Jongin kept arguing about different stuff, how Legos are better than Barbie dolls, later went to the training topic and Jongin braged about him being a capitan, about how well he was doing. They weren't serious about it, so I didn't think about stopping them. Jongin was really good. Maybe almost as good as major Park, which was almost impossible, so I knew why he liked bragging around about that. I was mostly with Kyungsoo and we made coments over Jongin's and Minseok's conversation.

We found Legos in a shop for childern. We hadn't  changed our clothes before we had left the campus and just walked around in our training clothes. All our clothes showed that we were from the campus, but we didn't think about covering it. People were used to see soliders walking around and spending their free time here. However they obviously weren't used on seeing us in a kids shop.... People in the shop looked at us like we were lost, but they soon just focused on themselves. I felt silly and a bit embarrassed of how were there — a bunch of grown-up soliders picking buying toys....

We argued about which sets we would take, their price and looks. We all liked different stuff and we had a hard time to settle the final decision. Jongin was the one that picked most of the Legos, I gave him advices with picking, Kyungsoo was rolling with his eyes and sighing, meanhile Minseok just walked around the section for girls — It actually suited him a lot... 

We chose 5 sets of Legos (at first we wanted only 3, but Jongin insisted that we would need more. He also liked almost all the Legos and we just couldn't convince him in buying inly 3. He even tried crying like a baby and he pouted most of the time, while making a cute puppy eyes). I really couldn't believe he was the captain of my unit. 

The saleswoman was a girl, that looked around 18. She was skinny and had a bunch of make-up, whick made me feel uncomfortable.

"Is this all you want?" she asked with high pitched voice once we gave her all the boxes of Legos to buy.

"No, I want that one with a big war castle!" Jongin was sobbing again and hitting Minseok's shoulders, making him annoyed.

"Oh, shut up! You got 5 of them!" Minseok complained, moved away to prevent Jongin's hits and shot him an angry and annoyed look. 

"But that one is cooler!" Jongin protested, trying to hit again.

"Please, this will be all," Minseok turned back to the saleswoman and ignored Jongin's weeping behind his back.

"Sure- Wait- are you students from the university outside the city, aren't you?" she noticed our training uniforms and got excited. On her face appeared a big smile, which would look good if she did her make-up better. I thought about Kyungsoo fixing her.... We all hesitated with answering and exchanged nervous looks.

"Ummm- Yea. we are-" Kyungsoo spoke first, seriously and crossed his arms.

"Ohhh, I never saw soliders playing with Legos before," she laughed, but still packed the boxes into a big white plastic bag.

"You try playing cards all the time! And let's be honest Legos are the best!" Jongin said and smirked.

"Hmmm- you are one special solider," she said and I noticed the look in her eyes. At first I thought her eyelashes fell into her eyes and she just tried to get them out, but then I got disappointed when I realised that she was winking. She was awkwardly winking at Jongin and kaing herself pretty. 

She is falling for Jongin? Ugh, she was already dead, if Kyungsoo would notice that. 

"Capitan!" Jongin corrected and straightened himself. He gave her back a handome smile and she gasped.

"Ohhh, the capitan. What a great position. It suits you very well. I could say from far that you aren't just a regular solider. I mean look at your body, face lips, ohhh- everything! You look like a great and strong fighter!" she became possesive over Jongin, but he didn't notice her behaviour. Or maybe he just didn't care about it, liked it....

"Okay, lady. Please, we have to go," Kyungsoo interputed the conversation. The girl looked at Kyungsoo like he came from another planet. Her look was disgusted and mad over him. Kyungsoo was nothing better. He was serious and annoyed about her. Kyungsoo liked Jongin and obviously didn't like the girl trying to take over his place. He noticed her intention right away. 

"But your friend still didn't get the Legos he wants..." she looked at Jongin again and winked again.

"It is your problem! He would already have them if you spoke less and worked more!" Kyungsoo was looking ath the girl with murderous look and lowered head.

"Are you sure he is your friend?" she glared at Jongin, who just shrugged with his shoulders and glared at Kyungsoo.

"Are you my friend?" he asked in playful tune.

Kyungsoo stared at him for a moment, but then got even more mad. He didn't want to be Jongin's friend. He pushed Jongin to the back of us and then aproached the girl behind the pult.

"That's enough! Give us that ing receipt. I want to leave!" Kyungsoo rised his voice and the girl jumped a bit away, making herself weak and poor.

"That's rude," she crossed her thin arms and sighed, like Kyungsoo's comment hurt her.

"Do I look like I care?" Kyungsoo argued.

"You should! You have no ideas how many people threat me this way!" she sighed and lowered her head, but I knew she was just faking it. I got a chance to exchange looks with Jongin and noticed that he was smirking. His look in his eyes was playful and excited. I culdn't understand how he was that happy, while Kyungsoo was literealy about to kill the girl. He was smiling for no reason.

"I swear, I will choke you in my own hands if you say a thing more!" Kyungsoo tried to get her into his hands, rising his hands over the pult to reach the girl, but Jongin interputed the action.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you lady, but we should really leave," Jongin spoke and then stepped in front. "My love is waiting for me. I can't wait longer than this. I got to go back to the campus," he rised his hands and smiled.

"You- You aren't single?" the girl was now upset, shocked and with open.

"What? You think a man like me would be single? No way! This would be the biggest embarrassment for me!" Jongin played with her.

"You know wha.... t you aren't that pretty as I said," the girl put the receipt to the pult and then shot us all her ferious look. 

"Thank you!" Jongin giggled and then we left without greeting her a goodbye.

"Who did you mean when you mentioned 'your love'?" Kyungsoo suddenly asked once we were outside. I could sense that he was jealolous a lot. He was walking right next to his side and glaring at him with his still mad, but curious eyes. "You have a girlfriend? You could have told me before!" 

"Of course I have!" Jongle smirked at him. 


"Legos! Who else?!" Jongin replied, like it was obvious. 

"I- uhh-" Kyungsoo just cracked and lowered his head.

"Ooooooo, someone is jealous!" Minseok laughed and on that Kyungsoo blushed. His cheeks were bright red and he covered them with his hands.

Minseok kept joking about Kyungsoo's jealousy. He didn't stop talking about it even when we came back to the campus. Jongin didn't look bothered by it, but just ignored it.

Kyungsoo asked Jongin to forgive him for kissing Minho and tried to convice him to stop calling him 'Minion'. Jongin was acting like friends with Kyungsoo already, but heir relationship was hard. Jongin let Kyungsoo be in his room, when we were playing th cards, they would talk more often and there wasn't that intense ignoring between them anymore. I wondered if Jongin knew that Kyungsoo was falling for him. It was quite obvious. Kyungsoo did his best to get his attention whenever he was around, but most of the time Jongin didn't care about him and he usually ended up crying in our room.

We came back to the campus right on the time to start our last training in the day. Didn't have regular trainings with my unit, but today general Kim asked me to come, because it was a bit different than the others. We were about to learn and practice how to use first aid.



"Alright freshmans! Stop talking with each other and listen!" major Huang shouted once untits A1, A2 and A3 were gathered in a big training room. He was usually training martial arts, but today he was supposed to tought us about first aid. It was hard because there were about 40 of us all and I wasn't interested in first aid and I kept thinking about everything else.

All the boys in the room payed attention to major Huang, but I just couldn't concentrate. Major started right away and explained how to use firt aid, why to use it and at the end demostrated everything we had to know. After that he called us to practice on the medical dolls. 

I didn't pay a bit of attention to what I was supposed to and just decided to do the same as the solider before me. Later major told us to practice in pairs and luckily Kyungsoo agreed to be with me without trying to go for Jongin. 

"Baekhyun you look lost today... Anything wrong?" Kyungsoo asked once we were alone with the doll in the middle of us. The doll was creeping me out. It was all pale with its mouth open like it was choking on something. It was waiting for us to do some practices, but we just ignored it." Did you sleep well?" 

"Sleep well?" I raised my eyebrows. I had actually slept well, but I hadn't woken up on the same way, because I had found out Park was next to me. "I'm just tired and this is boring," I shrugged with my shoulders.

"Who isn't bored? Hmmmm... What if I use you instead? I should practice on you, in case you get into trouble agian..." Kyungsoo said and laughed a bit. 

"Dream about it!" I said and dissapointed him.

"Seriously, that Park looks like he is about to kill you all the time!" 

"Don't mention him!" I said seriously. 

"Ahh, boring!" he complained.

I glared at the doll in front of us and thought. My mind floated away again and I ignored what Kyungsoo told me. 

"Baekhyun? Baekhyun?!" he called once he noticed, I was ignoring him. I looked at him, but said nothing. "Bakehyun, stop being rude and listen!" he said.

"Kyungsoo, shall we do something tonight? Together?" I changed the topic and Kyungsoo glared at me.

"What? You want to do something with me? What do you want to do? Don't you know I don't like you. I got Jongin..." Kyungsoo understood me wrong.

"Not this! Why are you thinking about making out all the time?! I would never do it with you! Ewwwww!" I crossed my arms.

"Then what do you mean?" he glared at me. I hesitated a bit and made sure nobody was around, who could hear our conversation.

"Well, what about pranking major Park again?" I quietly asked and kyungsoo's lips went into a smile. I did most of the pranks with Kyungsoo's help, but never thought about revealing, that he was with me. He also didn't deserve revenges from major...

"Of course! Tell me the plan!" he got excited and agreed immediantely.

"We just need to take this doll with us. Your makeup would be perfect too!" I sad and then explained what I wanted to do.

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!