For You Now

"You would really do that?" Baekhyun was unsure about what I had told him. I was serious when I had mentioned, that I would take him to the town. 

"Yes. You think I wouldn't do that?" I glared at him.

"I don't know," he said quietly.

"You want to eat snacks?" I asked and he shook his head immediately.

"No, I don't." 

"Then stop doubting in me. I will do what I said, if you are okay with it. The decision is yours! I can be nice with you, but if you don't feel right I can just leave you without food and wait for the training and my time where I can torture you in peace!" I opened my hands and waited for him to answer.

"Well, I would actually like to eat in town then—" he blushed. I kept seeing his cheeks getting red. I liked how fast he got shy and embarrassed. 

"Fine," I moved around the room. "Then, we can go?"

"Already?!" he sounded shocked.

"Yes. Will you starve a bit more?" I asked and he shook his head.

"'Okay. You got a point," he gave up and then we got ready to go. It was warm outside, so we didn't need any extra clothes. We just put our shoes on and then left the university.

Baekhyun looked cute and small in my clothes and I was proud of how I dressed him. 

"I'm tired," he complained.

"I'm not going to carry you again," I sighed.

"You carried me?"

"Yes, I did." 

"When?!" he glared at me.

"This night! You don't remember a bit?" I asked.

"N-No. Not everything. Most of the things..." he said.

"Well, what do you remember?" he thought about my question.

"I remember you. You gave me a lot to drink. I felt sick..." he started.

"Anything else?" I wasn't satisfied with his answer.

"Well... I think, I had to do some quite embarrassing stuff..." he started and made me laugh.

"Yes, that's right. You got all the weak dares it was funny to watch it, but I was hoping they would give you harder and more embarrassing dares! I wanted to see how far you can go, but it was nothing!" I complained.

"You always want me to struggle extra," he looked at me and narrowed his eyes. 

"No, I don't!" 

"What about that time when you distracted me while having a match and I got shot because of you! After that you told me that you wanted more action and that you got bored of—" 

"—Let's forger about that!" I interrupted him, before he could have finished his sentence. I actually really enjoyed the sight of him suffering and struggling, but I wasn't really serious with it.... Well I was, but not really. 

"I can't just forget about that!" He complained. "It hurts a lot!" 

"It actually doesn't hurt that much. You just have to ignore the pain and keep screaming inside to not look like total crybaby," I explained. 

"It's because you are strong and tall. It isn't that easy for me!" he pouted. 

He is pouting? How can he be that cute? My mind was screaming, but I stayed calm and serious. 

"Well, you actually did well back there... Maybe it was the reason why I didn't like how it turned out! But we should work harder to get that muscles of yours," I said and took Baekhyun's thin arm into my hands. "Mhmmm... They seem nonexistent," I complained and shook my head in disappointment.

"It's not my fault that my body doesn't want to obey and improve!"

"It will. It already did! It's me who trains you and I say you will get better. You can be a solider even without those muscles, you just need to use other sides of strength," I tried to make him feel better about himself. I didn't want to hurt him once again. 

"It's torturing you know..." he complained on.

"I can't help with that," I shrugged with my shoulders.

We talked like that until we came to the center of the town. He asked me some random questions and I answered them all. Everything was full of life. People walked around, talked to each other and had fun. Restaurants were all open and families, friends and couples ate their food. 

"Where would you like to eat?" I asked.

"I don't care, I like all," he shrugged with his shoulders.

"Alright," I sighed and checked the restaurants around us. All looked fine and fancy. I chose the first one that satisfied my eyes. "Common, Byun, let's go there," I called him by his surname that time and showed the way. He didn't say anything about it, but just followed me to the restaurant.

The restaurant was small an peaceful. It was in white and orange colour, mixed with wooden decorations. I thought it was the best place to relax. It wasn't crowded and just a few people were enjoying their time. I decided to stay outside and I made Baekhyun sit behind a table, that wasn't too exposed to everyone, but still very nice. I sat on the other side of the table. 

"You want anything specific?" I asked while looking at the menu.

"Ummmm..." Baekhyun hummed. "I don't really know. Maybe something with chicken or beef?" he asked.

I rised my eyebrow, but then glared at the menu again. "Like this?" I turned the menu to him and showed him what I found. 

"What is it called?" He asked. 

"I really don't know. It looks French... I don't speak French and I don't want to try!" 

"French is a beautiful language," he commented. 

I looked at him and for moment just stared at him without saying anything about it. "Yeah it is, but I don't want to torture my brains with speaking it. Just tell me if you would like to try it?" 

"Yeah, that looks good!" he sounded excited.

Once the waitress came, we ordered the food and then we had to wait. 

"Ummm... Can I just ask..." Baekhyun slowly sarted our conversation again after the girl left.

"Yes, ask," I gave him premission to ask, even though he could ask without it.

"Where did you get this pants?" he asked and his question surprised me.

"Oh, they aren't mine. Junmyeon forgot them in my room once and he still didn't bother to get them back..." I explained.

"You mean general Kim?" 

"Yes, that's what I ment," I confirmed. 

"He just left them? How come?" he was confused.

"Well, we didn't make out...." I smirked and he looked down to avoid eye contact with me. 

"I didn't even think about it!" he complained.

"Aghh, you pure soul! To be honest, he left them once we played Call of Duty at night and we all were comfortable with playing in our underwear, Sehun even wanted to be ," I laughed at the thought. 

"You did this?!" Baekhyun looked shocked.

"Yes," I shrugged with my shoulders. "You have a problem with it? We all are confident with our bodies so it isn't hard!" 

"Ummm- It's just very weird... I didn't know you and generals were that good friends..." 

"Of course we are! With who else would I spend my time?! Oh, you forgot to mention Yixing...." I added.

"Well, it doesn't look like you are close..." he told me.

"Why?" I got confused.

"Well, you fight a lot with general Kim... You almost beat him up once..." he explained.

"Well, you were present at the wrong moment. However I should apologise to him for my acting that day..." 

"Yes, that would be nice, you know," he said. "But it's obvious that you are close with Sehun.... You are always with him. You eat with him, get drunk with him, prank others with him... everything!" 

"Right," I was proud of how much time I spent with sehun. "He is not that boring as Junmyeon and Yixing! They act like mothers and they annoy me a lot, but I still spend a lot of time with them too! They just act like real adults all the time!" 

"They are adults"

"So am I, but this doesn't mean I can't enjoy my life," I crossed my arms.

"How old are you anyway?" he asked and glared at me.

"This is a personal question..." I narrowed my eyes. 

"You know my age! I can know yours!" 

"You think I care? You freshmans are always the same age. It's not hard to guess..." I rolled with my eyes. 

"You said I was 16!"

"You look young for your age!"

Baekhyun got a bit upset as I didn't want to telll him my age. "Well you try to guess my age," I glared at him.

"H-how am I supposed to do that?!" he panicked.

"Just do it!" 

"Well... around 30?" he tried.

I widened my eyes and looked at him a bit mad. "Wow, you think I'm Junmyeon?! No way, you are far from your answer, Byun!" 

"You told me to guess. Don't blame me!" 

"Well, try on. And I am less than that! I am young!" 

"Uhhh- 25?" he asked.

"That's better, but it's still not correct!" 

"26?" he tried again.

"Yo! You are making me old again," I complained.

"Sorry! 24?" he finally asked.

"You got it," I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "However, I will be 25 soon. Duh, I am really getting old!" 

"Soon, when?" he glared at me.

"Another personal question," I reminded once agian.

"Is it a crime, if I want to know your birthday? I will get you a present," he offered.

"Alright, but I really expect something from you," I said and then he nodded. "Well, on November 27th," 

"It's more than a month until then." 

"You better not forget it," I shot him a serious look.

"I won't for sure-" his voice cracked and I noticed how his expression changed.

"What is there a problem?" I asked and got worried.

"N-No, it's just..." he muttered. "...Someone I know has birthday on the same day..." he explained.

"Oh, really?!" I wasn't really shocked. Anyone could have the same birthday as me.

"Y-Yea..." he said quietly.

"Well, tell that person that it isn't nice stealing birthdays," I smirked. "I really don't like to share!" 

"You don't like many things," Baekhyun laughed that time and he made me laugh as well. 

"What do you mean with that?" I asked. 

"You also don't like loosing," He looked at me with a smile. "You get really upset when someone beats you!" 

"Who told you that?!" 

"I experienced it the first day we met," he explained and I remembered the time when he had won in making push-up against me. I still wasn't sure how was that possible. There had probably been something really wrong with my condition that day. I wanted to forget it so much, but Baekhyun obviously wasn't going to let it go. 

"Whatever!" I replied, because I didn't want to get mad. I didn't want to destroy the day. "I'm not going to talk about that. What I want now is you telling me when your birthday is! You know mine and I want to know yours!" I tried to get back on the main topic.

Baekyhun hesitated for a moment. He calmed down after a  few moments and answered. "Mine is on 6th of May," he told me.

"Oh, that's far away..." I sighed. "What, you will be 20?"

"Yea, but I expect a present from you too!" he smiled and showed me his white teeth.

"Ah, forget about it," I joked, but Baekhyun took it serious. 

"If I do it, you do it!" he rised his voice. 

"Wow, alright! I will do it—" I got interputed by the waitress that brought our food. She placed the plates between us and then gave us our receipt.

I took the receipt and looked at the price. I never liked paying for stuff, but it was for Baekhyun so it was kinda worth it. 

Once she left, Baekhyun just stared at the food in front of him. We ordered chicked meat with vegetables on the side and there were added some sauces. It wasn't much, but it loked delicious.

"Will you just stare or eat?" I asked once he didn't do a move.

"I? eat? I guess," he checked me.

"Well, it's all yours," I rised my hands.

"You will eat it too, won't you?" he asked.

"I want to have a bite too!" I said confidently. "But I am not really hungry. I had my lunch at the campus because I wasn't sleeping completely wasted like you did." 

"Ah, don't mention," He sighed and passed through his hair. 

"You still have a headache?" 

"No," he answered. "Forget about it. It doesn't matter anymore." After that Baekhyun took a peace of chicken meat and dipped it into one of the sauces that came with it. He tasted it.

"Mmmmmm~" he let out. "It's delicious!" he said, still with his mouth full of chicken. He chewed it well and then swallowed it. He glared at me and suddenly beacame shy and embarrassed. "You should try it too! Don't just watch me and espacially not when I am eating!" he said and his cheek's went bright red. 

"Very well," I said and then took a piece of meat for myself. I glared at Baekhyun before eating it. Once it was in my mouth I felt like I entred heaven. It was really good and the taste of chicked and sauces was perfect.

"Mhmm. It really is good!" I said and he smiled on it.

"That's right, I love it!" he said and ate another piece.

I let him eat everything to the end and just watched him. I was just sitting there, waiting for him to finish his meal. 

"Do you always make these noises while eating?" I asked after some time. 

"What do you have a problem?" he looked to me and smiled. 

"It is a bit annoying," I sighed and passed through my ear, while hitting the floor with my leg to express how really annoyed I was by that. "You do that nonstop and I can't even think while hearing that." 

"Deal with it," he focused back to his food and I didn't reply. 

He kept telling me how good the food tasted and how very happy he was to eat it. I liked to see him happy. He made me heartwardmed and relaxed, but the noises he made were really getting over the edge. 

"You eat like a puppy," I smiled as he blushed again.

"Stop joking. I want to eat," he complained. 

"I am not joking. You actually look like a puppy. Cute, but loud!" I said, but he ignored. He focused on the food in front of him. 

How can someone be that cute while eating? He isn't real! My mind was acting in its own way, but is didn't complain about it. I actually found him cute and didn't think about making it other way.

"Ch-Chanyeol..." he spoke once he was almost done. "I got the last bite... You eat it," he moved the piece of meat and vegetables in his chopsticks to my side.

"You want me to eat it?" I asked like I heard him wrong. He nodded and I just shrugged with my shoulders. "As you say," I moved closer to eat, but Baekhyun moved it away, so I bit into the air. 

"I changed my mind," he laughed at how clumsily I bit. 

"You!" I got angry, but didn't really mean to get furious over him. 

"I'm gonna keep it," he laughed on and then he ate it alone. He chewed it slowly. "Mmmmmmmm~ delicious!" he braged in front of me.

"I will get revenge for this!" I warned. He actually ate the piece that was almost mine! He swallowed and then drank the glass of water that he got.

"Mmm, yes, perfect. We should eat this more often!" he said excited and ignored my murderous look.

"Next time I will be eating it alone," I said, trying to keep myself calm and control my bad temper. 

"No, you wouldn't." 

I tried to complain, but he spoke before I could.

"Let's get going. We are here for long enough!" he said and I agreed with him.

We left the restaurant and then found ourselves in the center of the town again.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Walk? I want to see more of the town," Baekhyun said.

I sighed, but still agreed with it. 

We took our way to a bit quieter streets and walked there. 

"Well," I started, while walking on Baekhyun's right. "Since we were on personal questions... Why don't we continue?" I suggested.

"'Okay~ You ask," he agreed. I thought a bit and then asked.

"Your favourite colour?" I asked. 

"Black and white. Yours?"

"Duh, I just like black," 

"You just like black, but make me wear yellow for no reason," he rolled with his eyes.

"I have reason for it!" I protested. "You look just fine in it!"

"It is huge!" 

"That is because you are small and it doesn't have to do anything with its bright colour!" 

He looked at me a bit disappointed. It wasn't my problem that I wanted to see him wear that. 

"Whatever, your question!" I tried to change the topic. 

"What's your favourite memory?" he asked.

"My favourite? That one is hard..." I said and thought about it. I had a lot of favourite memories and it was hard to think about only one. "Mmmmm... Maybe when I became a major? I liked the ceremony that day. My family was very proud..." I said. It wasn't really my favourite memory, but it was one of those that stayed in my mind.

"Boring," Baekyhun wasn't impressed by it. 

"Then what is yours?" I asked and on that he hesitated. 

"I- uhhh- mmm-" he thought. For some time he just thought about the memory. "I don't really have one." he said at last. 

"Why did you ask me that question if you can't answer it for yourself?" I whined. "Come on, you for sure have something!" 

"I don't know... Maybe some moments I spent with my friends here on the campus. Every time I made you shut up with my arguments—" 

"—You never—" 

"—I did many times, but I am sure you wouldn't like to hear that!" He reminded me and it was actually true. He knew how to speak. It was the main reason why I had him for my main target all the time. He stepped out and faced me, even though I was higher rank, his trainer, much stronger and much more experienced. I never really noticed that that was in fact true and I never really appreciated that side of Baekhyun. 

"Well I have to admit—" 

I couldn't finish my confession, before his attention fell on something else.

"WOW! Look at these graffiti walls!" He interrupted me. "I need a picture!" he pulled out his phone.

I knew why he liked them so much immediately. It was full of the space. Planets, stars, other objects from the space...

"Seriously?" I rolled with my eyes and waited for him to end taking pictures of it. I was kind of glad I didn't need to explain him about what I actually thought about him making me speechless. I liked to keep that proud major Park reputation. 

I didn't get the point of him just taking photos of the wall and suddenly got an idea. 

"Baekyhun, go stand in front of them," I said and pulled his phone out of his hand. I was a bit rough, but it was okay, since I was about to make pictures much better. 

"Yah! That's my phone!" he protested, but I pushed him to the walls. 

"I said stand there, Byun!" I used his surname again to call him, because I felt like I needed to use a bit harder way. "Maybe pose a bit, so the pics won't be that boring?" I said and he understood. He went in front of the wall, but then just stood there like numb. "Pose? Is this everything you got? Do you even know what it means to pose?" I asked and on that he blushed. 

"I don't know what to do!" he covered his red cheeks.

"Hearts, make yourself cute or something," I rolled with my eyes. "It is not that hard!" 

"Oh, I can do that," he smiled and then went around with his hands to create a big heart.

"That's better!" I took a picture. He moved to do more and soon I was just tapping on the phone to take more pictures. "Ahahah, you are doing great," I laughed at how many poses he did. He wasn't embarrassed anymore and enjoyed it more.

For some time I just focused on taking pictures, but then I saw Baekyhun on the phone. I stared at his moving figure, from one pose to another. I forgot to take pictures and just gazed at him. I moved the phone a bit lower to see him clearly. I couldn't help myself, but get lost in my feelings while looking at him. I don't know how long I just stared, motionlessly, but Baekhyun noticed it.

"Chanyeol?" he asked and brought me back to the reality.

I cleared my throat and tried pretend that everything was ok. "Let's stop. You got enough," I said, but still didn't give him the phone. I checked each picture that I did. 

"Can I get my phone back?" Baekhyun got impatient as I was checking the pictures. 

"No, not yet," I said and smirked at him.


I ignored his question.

"What the hell are you doing!!?" he grabbed my hand but I moved a bit away to avoid him. 

I tapped on his phone to find his contacts and then wrote my number in it. Once it was there, I saved it and at last I sent the pictures from his phone to mine. I was satisfied with what I did and then returned the phone.

"Here you go," I handed him his phone. He quickly checked what I did and stared at his phone with his mouth open.

"You saved yourself as 'Yoda ears'?" he said and I just shrugged with my shoulders on that.

"Yea. You will know that its me, won't you?! Or should I save myself as 'The annoying salty major Park'?" I got the point.

"I could recognise you by both!" he laughed.

"Well don't complain, you still have a chance to change it anytime! But please don't make it Park Chanyeol. That would be just too boring!" 

"Well, whatever.... You know I never expected something like that from you!" 

I smiled at him. "I can be more than just a trainer, but don't forget that we have a training tomorrow and I won't take care of you like that anymore!" 

"I can take care of myself," he laughed. 

"We will see," I replied. 

After that we walked back to the campus. I was more and more comfortable next to Baekhyun and I liked today a lot. We were talking about different stuff, our interests, friends, things we liked. 

On the end of the day I felt happy and relaxed.

I wished him goodbye once we were at the campus and he decided to go to his own room. I did the same and thought about the day. I made a lot of beautiful memories, my favourite memories.

I lied on my bed and then brought my phone out. Junmyeon, Sehun and Yixing probably didn't care about me, since I didn't get any notifications from them. However I found the pictures I sent from Baekhyun's phone today. I saved them all and then also saved his number.

I looked at each picture and smiled at the sight of them. Baekhyun was all happy on them and I loved to see him that way. 

My feelings changed soon. Happiness faded away and I became sad, serious. I couldn't do that. It wasn't something for a person like me, fighting with anxiety and bad temper. I wasn't the right person to feel something like that. I looked at the pitures and a voice in my head spoke. 

He will hurt your feelings. Don't stand near him.

You will hurt his feelings. You just hurt him, get away. The feelings are fake... 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!