Extra 5.

The Alliance.
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Sprinkled with plentiful of stars, the night sky glittered brilliantly, stretched over the flower garden in the palace in all directions. A wide, paved path cut through the carefully cultivated shrubs in the garden, with clear glass orbs the size of a palm resting on the edges. Soft, buttery yellow light spilled out of these orbs, suffusing the garden with warm light. A sense of comfort and peace filled the quiet space. Past the boundary of the paved path and nestled between flowering bushes was a white stone bench. Bathed in the gentle yellow light from the glass orbs, the bench looked homey and inviting. Sitting on it relaxedly with four empty jars of wine beside her was a dazed Aurora. The sweet scent of the wine along with the heady smell of strong alcohol permeated the space around her. Reaching out a hand towards the nearest flowering bush, Aurora plucked a few flowers blooming brightly in yellow. After picking out the flowers’ petals and collecting them in her lap, Aurora threw away the bare stems and began slowly eating the petals one by one, her expression absentminded. It was a special flower that her Dad had planted, it was said to help one's spiritual growth and could be edible only to werewolves, but was lethal to any other person that consumed it. She didn't hear nor noticed when another figure joined her until she felt their presence and Aurora raised her head to see who it was. Her friend was stood in front her, a grim expression on his handsome face. Scott stared at her for a moment before he moved to take a seat next to her, taking a jar of wine from the ones Aurora had stored for herself to drink later. "Hey that's mine." She said glaring at Scott. The boy didn't even bother responding as he lifted the jar and took a large gulp.  "You're my best friend so what's yours is mine." Scott said taking another mouth full of the wine. "How do you know where to find me?" She asked after a while. "Your thoughts were all over the place so I followed it." Aurora snickered because she knew that wasn't true, her mind had been protected by Arkan, so was her brothers, no telepath would be able to read their minds no matter how powerful they were, even her father's best friend Jimin couldn't see through their minds. "Try again " "!" "Jerk" "er!" " lover."  Scott didn't retort as he stared at her for a few seconds before they both burst out laughing. They continued to laugh like mad people, hitting each other playfully untill finally Scott stopped and took another large gulp of his drink.  "So want to share why you're out here wasting the night while you could be with him?" She asked, looking at her friend. Scott's face changed, he looked sad and Aurora pulled him into a side hug. "What is it this time?" She asked softly. "The usual, he has another young lord in his bed again." She nodded, already used to her younger brother having different bed partners almost every night. She had feared that her brother was going to get himself pregnant at first, but after asking him to be careful, Dae'in had told her that he never bottomed, saying he was saving his ity for someone else and would only carry that person's child. She had known about Scott's feeling for Dae'in since they were fourteen but her friend still couldn't find the courage to confess. Instead he had chose to be Dae's personal guard so that he could always stay close to her brother. The thing was that Scott didn't know that Dae'in have feelings for him as well, and because Scott was used to reading people's minds he wasn't good at reading people's expression, which was why he couldn't tell how Dae'in felt about him. "It hurts so much, sometimes I feel like giving up you know." "Jeon Scott, don't you dare." She warned in all honesty. "Why don't you two stop dancing around and be lovers already?" Scott looked at her as though she had suddenly grown another head. "Are you kidding me? You think prince Dae will look at me while he has tons of people wanting to be with him?" She shrugged, it wasn't her love story to confess but at least she could give her friend a push. "You never know until you try." Scott shook his head. "I cannot risk it. What if–" He groaned. " how I wish it would be simple like how Jae'in confessed to Stephan and everyone was happy about it." "Well Jae'in is a kind of person that goes for what he wants. Unlike a certain person I know." She grinned and Scott hit her arm lightly. "Shut up." He let out a breath. "I am afraid of many things Aurora. He's a prince, and one day he would become an emperor along with you and Jae'in. The three of you are going to rule this empire." "So? What does us ruling have anything to do with your feelings for Dae?" "I am not of Royal blood. Do you think I am worthy of becoming one of the Emperors consort?" "Stephan is not of Royal blood too but he'll become Jae's consort in the future. Moreover our parents are still young, they have hundreds of years ahead of them before we take over the thrones." Scott nodded. "you're right." He finished the jar of wine and scrubbed his face with both hands. "What do I do Aurora? I love him so much." "I know." She patted his back. "I will tell you one thing. Why don't you go to him right now, kick out whoever was in his bed and tell him how you feel." "No" Scott shook his head. "How can I–" "Trust me Scott, do it. I promise you'll thank me later." "Aurora what you're asking me is–" "Have I ever misled you?" She asked and Scott shook his head. "Then trust me on this too, please go talk to him." With a determined look on his face, Scott nodded and he stood up. "You're right. I am going to do just that." He began to walk then he suddenly stopped as though he just remembered something. "Hey, what's wrong? I was so lost in my own worries that I neglected to ask you why you were here drinking."  Aurora smiled. "Don't worry. We'll talk about me later. Now go get your man." "Are you sure? I can spare some time." "And risk Dae ing someone else?" "I am serious Aurora. You're my best friend and I want to know what's bothering you." "I promise we'll talk tomorrow. Now go I am sure they're still on the . If you hurry you'll be able to stop the main deed." After hesitating for a while, Scott nodded and turned around to leave. Aurora let out a breath, picking up another jar and gulped its content. After all Scott's love life was easier to solve. Hers was a very complicated one, having feelings for two people and of opposite genders. In all her life, she had never seen anyone in her family except her grandfathers, having two spouses. All her uncles and aunts had one person they're dedicated to. To top to it was that one of those two was her second cousin. Her uncle Taehyung's daughter. Though she knew the law wasn't against one marrying their cousin like how it was against marriages between close relatives,( for example she could not marry her siblings, parents or her parents siblings) but she still didn't think it would work out or if Mina had ever thought of her in that way. After all they were sworn sisters. At least with Lance it was different, they've been in an innocent relationship for a year now. And everyone knew about it. She loved those people equally and it scared her that she didn't know what to do especially seeing them at her parents yeartide today. With groan, Aurora stood up and made her way to her chambers. She would deal with her complicated love life tomorrow, now she just wanted to fall on her bed and have a good night rest. *** Dae'in was in the middle of having his fun when suddenly the door to his bedchambers opened widely. The person beneath him shuddered, quickly pulling the blanket to cover his ness. Dae'in turned around with the intent to scold whomever had the gut to barge into his chambers in such a rude way but the moment his eyes met the person's, Dae'in felt his breath got caught in his throat. It was the last person he expected to see at the moment, the person Dae's heart beat for. The same person Dae was doing all this for just to get his attention and it seemed the time had finally come. By the angel! Just looking at the man he love, looking so manly and angry made him hot all over and it really turned him on.  Calming his widely beating heart, Dae schooled his emotions and appeared the way he hoped was annoyed. "Lord Scott, may I know what is the important matter that makes you disturb my nightly activities?" Scott didn't answer him, instead he walked straight to the bed and yanked the young man that was still trying to cover his body. "Get dressed and off." He said to the boy and Dae's bed partner instantly stood up with trembling body, all his efforts to cover his ness now forgotten as he hastily picked up his clothes and began to dress himself. Dae suppressed the amuse chuckle trying to escape him, he sat on the bed, crossing his legs and didn't make any effort to cover up. Scott's eyes raked over his body almost hungrily for a moment before he looked away and glared at the boy now half dressed as though he wanted to kill him with his eyes. "Out now before i lose my mind and take you to the Emperors instead." Hearing that, the boy rushed towards the door without waiting to pull on his shirt and walked out without turning back. Dae raised an eyebrow as he looked at the head of his guards. "Now you are threatening my lover?" "He's not your lover, I bet you don't even know his name. He's one of those nameless people you brought into your bed." Scott said in deep voice and Dae felt his twitched. Scott's eyes intentionally or not moved to the twitching organ and he continued to stare at it unblinkingly and his lips until Dae felt the sudden urge to cover himself. And he did as he pulled his pants from the floor to put them on, at same time trying to act nonchalant. After making sure he looked decent enough, Dae turned around to and fixed his eyes on Scott. "So?" Dae asked. "So?" Scott parroted. "I asked you why you interrupted me, because I am very annoyed with your actions. So give me a good reason Jeon." "I–" Scott suddenly seemed nervous as he shifted from one foot to the other. "I– Aurora she– uhm–" "What happened to my sister?" Dae felt fear rose up in his chest, did something happen to his sister? Was that why Scott barged in the way he did because it was an emergency? He grabbed his tunic and hastily wore it, already walking towards the door. "Hey calm down, nothing happened to her." Scott moved to stop him from exiting the room. Dae paused, turning to look at the boy. "Then what is it?" "I wanted to talk to you." "Oh" he let out a breath, now that he knew nothing had happened to his sister the excitement of having Scott close was back and his heart flipped with anticipation of what Scott possibly wanted to talk about. Moving towards the chairs on the other side of his chambers, Dae sat on one and gestured for Scott to come sit as well. Scott walked over and sat across from Dae'in, his eyes casted down as he continued to fidget with the hem of his shirt. "So tell me Jeon, what do you want to talk about?" Lifting his head, Scott looked directly into Dae's eyes and swallowed thickly. "I love you." He said loud and clear. "Huh?" Dae wasn't sure if he heard it right, or if his hopeful mind was playing tricks on him. "I know I am not up to your standards but I really love you Prince Dae'in. I've loved you since I was fourteen. It was really hard for me to watch you bring someone else into your bed." His eyes were shining with sincerity and Dae felt as though his heart would burst out of his chest. "You are serious?" Dae asked, he didn't want to let his hope rise only for Scott to later crush it. Though he knew, Scott wouldn't play such prank on him. Nodding vigorously, Scott stood from his seat and moved to kneel before Dae'in. "I am telling the truth." "By the angel!" Dae gasped, now that he was sure this was real. "Say it again." He felt his vision getting blurry and Dae quickly blinked his eyes, not wanting to miss anything from this amazing moment. "I love you so much–" Scott began but suddenly paused, his face showing fear. "I– Oh my– why are you crying? Forgive me if I have offended you, I couldn't hold it in– Goddess have mercy." He made a move to create distance between them but Dae didn't let him. Dae pulled Scott down and he landed on the spot beside him, then before Scott could make any more attempt to flee or misunderstand him, He lifted his legs one by one and rested his knees on either side of Scott's thighs. He settled there while straddling a wide eyed Scott's lap before leaning forward. They pressed against each other. As they stayed this close, the warmth of their bodies began to seep through their clothes. They were face to face, peering into each other’s eyes, of dark green and another pair of light brown eyes remained locked. It was as if the two people were drowning in each other. Dae'in took a moment to let his gaze rove over the beautiful face in front of him "Prince Dae'in, I do not mean to have you physically. What I feel for is beyond that–" Suddenly tired of his rambles, Dae decided to shut him up with a kiss. Then lowering his own eyelids, Dae leaned forward until their lips touched. Scott's lips were smooth as satin and warm. Ah those lips that he had dreamt of, wanting to have a taste were really what he imagined them to be. Dae tilted his head and pressed their mouths together with more force. One of his hands lifted to cup the back of Scott's head, letting the soft strands of hair slip between his long fingers. Scott leaned into him as if asking for more, so Dae obliged by opening his mouth and ling the other man’s lips. His tongue explored their shape and texture before slipping in between to tease the seam. Dae pushed insistently, clearly asking for entry and Scott unhesitatingly parted his lips to allow him in. Dae immediately extended his tongue into Scott's mouth and slid it over the warm and slick tongue waiting inside. Scott hesitated, not knowing how much he was allowed to reciprocate. Dae tightened his hands around Scott's neck and Scott placed his hands on his waist, squeezing from time to time as they explore each other's mouth. And as Dae kept drawing the tip of his tongue over the roof of Scott's mouth, sweeping the flat of it against the inside of his cheeks, tracing the line of his sensitive gums, and reaching deeper as if wanting to shove it down his throat, Scott felt his need becoming uncontrollable. He stopped being passive and let his own tongue into Dae's mouth to learn its shape and flavor. Despite being older by almost a couple of years, he clearly wasn’t as experienced as Dae'in. But he saw no reason to be daunted by that as he Dae's tongue with vigor, his lips locked tightly with the younger man’s. And as Dae moaned, Scott delighted in the vibration he felt through their melded mouths. Dae'in felt slow heat filling his body and let it flow through him. He softened against Scott, leaning into his chest. One of his hands massaged the man’s shoulder while the other palm was pressing into the back of his head, loathe to let it retreat and cause even a little bit of space to separate their mouths. The more their tongues danced together and the more their breaths mingled, the more heat pooled in Dae's belly. The need for air was a necessity but wondered Dae if he could forgo it not wanting to separate from those sweet lips. Eventually they parted and Dae rested his forehead against Scott's. "You kissed me." Scott said in a low voice as if scared that what just happened was a dream and he would wake up if
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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
750 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!