
The Alliance.
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Hundreds of years ago, the world used to be a peaceful place where all four kingdoms were allies. Until the war broke between the four kingdoms and many lost their lives due to the endless bloodshed. Faeries and Nephilim became allies after a couple of centuries, when they got tired of killing each other. It took another century, before the warlocks and Lycanthropes decided to end the war between their kingdoms with a union. But Enchancia and Ilda continued the unecessary bloodshed between their kingdoms with profound violence. For every warrior Enchancia lost, Ilda had lost a few dozen. The people of both Enchancia and Ilda had once had magic in their blood, thousands of years ago, but the way that it was told , the people of Ilda had turned their backs on the things in life that gave the magic, and over time they had lost the gift almost entirely. They did not have vast resources of magic the way Enchancia warriors did, and it had been their downfall. It was prophesied that a royal blood born from Hecate/Auriel and another born from Artemis/Hecate would unite the four Neighboring  kingdoms which were Enchancia, Ilda, Uxtan and Banxanda. And that would result in peace and harmony between all four realms. Enchancia: is the place believed to be the first home for Hecate; goddess of witchcraft and necromancy, Hecate created the warlocks and bestowed upon them the power to wield magic and live for hundreds of years, before she comes to collect their souls. She chose the most powerful bloodline to rule. Enchancia has been ruled for centuries by the Kims. Enchancia is the only kingdom that welcomed and allowed people from other kingdoms to find a home in it. It harbors warlocks, Fair folk, Lycanthropes, even a few Nephilim. But unlike how they welcomed others into their realm, for them it is the only home. They are not welcome to live in other kingdoms because almost everyone fears them due to their ability to wield strong magic. Nearly all warlocks are, to some extent, practitioners of magic. Some inherit more magical aptitude than others, and those who cultivate that aptitude may become quite powerful. However, while warlocks inherently possess magic, some were still born without it.
Uxtan: is the place Artemis; goddess of the hunt, wild beast and moon chose for her creations. She created men and bestowed upon them the power to shift into powerful beasts, hunters, which are known as the Lycanthropes or werewolves. Lycanthropy in their case—which gives them the ability to transform into powerful wolves. Changing either under the influence of the full moon or at will. However, only the most powerful, the Alphas are capable of ruling, they're known as the royals. In their lupine and human forms, werewolves possess inhuman strength, speed, and other enhanced capabilities. They also have much sharper senses, able to see, hear, and smell very good.In addition to their supernatural strength, grace, and reflexes, werewolves have the same unnaturally accelerated healing abilities. While shifted, they can bear a little bit of resemblance to their human selves through their coat's color or pattern, though their eyes become that of a wolf's; their eye color varies to either blue, or a bright color ranging from yellow or yellow-green, to orange, gold or red depending on their aristocracy. Werewolves are also able to change partially, 'half in and half out of wolf form', with their wolf ears, taloned hands, muzzle, and some fur, but giving them the ability to speak(Every werewolf is capable of taking this form) The only ways to permanently wound or kill a werewolf are either through an Adamas blade or with pure silver. Silver is associated with the moon, and wounds made with silver weapons will not only cause permanent damage to the wounded but will also cause them great pain, as even their enhanced healing abilities are not effective when a wound is inflicted by silver or Adamas.   Banxanda: Is the place Gaea; goddess of the Earth. Known as the great mother of all and often referred to as “Mother Earth” created the fairies. She bestowed upon them sempiternal beauty and long life and the ability to control and communicate with nature. And are sometimes referred to as fair folk; the faeries are usually associated with nature; fertility, growing things, such as trees, or with water. The Fair Folk are known for their unearthly beauty, many faeries said to be extremely attractive with delicate and regal faces. Though they mostly resemble human beings, some have extraordinary features such as wings, horns, oddly colored-eyes or skin. A common aspect among them is their pointed ears. Faeries commonly incorporate flora and multiple forms of vegetation as part of their ensemble. They are not immortal but are extremely long-lived. They are often divided into various broad subgroups, such as the Meliae (fair folk of trees), the Naiads (fair folk of rivers and streams), the Nereids (fair folk of calm seas), and the Oreads (fair folk of mountains). Regardless they're United and are all under one ruler. The queen or the king. The faeries are known for their cunning and their cruel sense of humor, and they especially delight in tricking Nephilim, Lycanthropes and faeries alike. They frequently seek to bargain with people, offering someone their heart's desire but failing to mention that the desire comes with a terrible cost. They are committed to notions of honor and etiquette, and while faeries always exactly follow the letter of any promise they have made, they deliver these results with great irony and often use clever wordplay to their advantage in order to create loopholes. The Fair Folk are also unable to lie. They might, however, tell what they believe is true, even if it is not. They may also expertly weave lies into sentences by using methods such as not telling the whole truth, letting others assume things, or not correcting the people with whom they're speaking; this does not, however, apply to half-fae, who can lie as easily as any other being. Faeries are also capable of manipulating one another. Though the faeries kingdom is described as a kingdom and one can travel in it like in a country, it does not tolerate being surveyed and does not have a consistent layout. Time flows differently in the realm, sometimes slower, sometimes faster. Seasons can change in the blink of an eye, mountains and caverns can appear where minutes before no such things were visible, and its rivers change their courses at the whim of some unknown force. No map of Faerie has ever been produced, the only thing that has never changed is the palace Location.
Ilda. However has a different story, it is said the people originated from a different being, a winged deity named Auriel– that many referred to her as an Angel of the light. The people were sometimes referred to as Nephilim or angel spawns. It is also believed that the strongest Nephilim created had the abilities to channel their powers from the four elements and can live for hundreds of years but as the years goes by the people of Ilda lost their magic and became mere humans. Some said it's because they had angered Auriel and she took their magic away. But no one really knows the real reason. In lost of their magic, Auriel has provided them with a precious metal called Adamas with which the people created their weapons from. Adamas is the only metal that can kill anything in the world, some say even dragons. Which is how they've survived the war all those centuries ago. The war between Ilda and Enchancia has continued four centuries ago, no one really knows why or how it started– Enchancia believed the people of Ilda are going to summon the angle that would destroy them all but that is just it, there is no proof but the king of Enchancia feared for his people and declared war with the neighboring kingdom once again. Unlike the other kingdoms, Auriel does not choose who to rule her kingdom, she allows the people to choose their rulers, there are no fixed rules governing succession to the throne. Ilda chose eight great houses as Parliaments that ruled the kingdom together, until three hundred years ago when the eight houses came to a decision to let one warrior each from the house participate in combat and the victor shall rule Ilda as its King. The great house of Wu had emerged triumphally and had ruled for six generations. Until the house of Oh challenged the ruling house. It used to be that Ilda was ruled by whichever House produced the strongest warriors, and any House can challenge another for the honor of being the ruling House, but Oh House had ruled Ilda for generations and the old custom of determining a worthy bearer of the crown by fighting each other to the death had fallen by the wayside. The kingdom had been decimated by the constant magical attacks from Enchancia, and few of their people wouldn't have survived at all if the first king hadn't discovered the labyrinthine of caves in the mountain ranges of Ilda. Their people had been forced to move into the caves during wars, where they had by pure chance stumbled upon the veins of Adamas(Adamas is a heavenly metal found beneath the mountains of Ilda and used to make tools. The metal is silver-white, translucent, and smooth as glass but warmer and heavier. It is said to glow slightly. It is the hardest substance the Nephilim know of. The most important aspect of adamas was its ability to ward against the magical attacks from Enchancia. Then there are the Northerners– the Snowlanders, barbarians who live out in the coldest reaches of the mountains and beyond, their villages so high up that nobody else could breathe there for long, the air thin and chill and dangerous to any but the natives. No one knows the origin of the Snowlanders, how they came to existence or what they look like. But it's rumored they're also Hecate's creations but there is no fact to it. They have no allies, no rules to abide by, the people are believed to be vicious, bloodthirsty and slaughter anything or anyone who dares come near their lands– which is the reason why no kingdom wishes to have anything to do with them. The kingdom has many names, some called it Dracoland, Drakaina, Drachè– but one thing the names have in common is the meaning. Dragon. Some say the people worshipped dragons and even ride them but no one had seen dragons since the age of the gods. Yet it subsisted another reason to keep awa
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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
750 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!