
The Alliance.
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A little warning; i love suho, I really do, he's an angel in real life but in this story he's the villain, like those bad villains In Movies, if any of you is uncomfortable with that, you should probably skip this story. He'll not have a happy ending and I am sorry I just needed a Kim to play the villain and he was the first person that came to my mind.(I am warning now cause I don't want to receive any rude comment in the future because I made suho the villain) Happy readings.





Gazing out the window as the gentle breeze blew across his skin, Sehun adjusted his posture, hands behind his back, legs parted and lips drew into a thin line. He allowed himself to watch the destruction that was caused by Enchancia, at the same time his mind wandering back to the past. He had lived his life queitly after his mother's death until he turned seventeen and joined the men that would one day be under his command in the battlefield - and then life in the safety of the castle became unbearable. Riding out against the enemy with Yifan at his right hand and his arrows whistling through the air, he could forget everything but the balance of the bow and the tension of the string, forget the looming spectre of the courtiers growing displeasure at his refusal to take a wife and and the burden of the secret he had only shared with Joo-hyun, Yifan and Jungkook. His father had promised that he would never force Sehun into marrying someone he didn't want but he doubted if the courtiers knew that. Every time his father called him back into the palace after a too-brief sojourn in the city, Sehun had felt half-blind, suffocated, doomed to never see the sun again. As he grew older, Sehun had started finding excuses to go out with Yifan or his other knights - additional patrol, picking flowers and herbs for his sister to brighten her room, and then even more plants for her when she started finding ways to turn them into healing salves and deadly poisons. Sighing, Sehun's mind took a different route, to the conversation he had with his father the day before. Sehun had been in the training room with his best friend when his father had sent for him. The king wasn't in the throne room but in his personal Chambers. He had looked up to his son and gestured for him to take a seat when the prince walked in. "I've set up a betrothal agreement that involves you, with the Enchancians," The King said the moment Sehun sat in front of him. "I'm sorry, I believe there's something wrong with my hearing," Sehun said. "Because I could have sworn you just told me you set up a betrothal agreement with the Enchancians. A betrothal agreement involving me." His father smiled his sad smile and nodded, which told Sehun no, he hadn't misheard a damn thing. "I have discussed it at length with  King Heechul. It's the best solution he could come up with" he said turning away from Sehun. “So you marry me off?” Sehun asked in bitterness. “I signed a treaty that has ended the war and secured a reassurance that the kingdoms would remain allies,” the king tiredly corrected Sehun's assumptions. “I won’t,” Sehun quickly stated. His fist clenched around the pummel of his sword, gripping it painfully tight. “You will,” the king firmly stated. “There is more riding on this treaty than our own personal feelings, Sehun,” he sternly added. “Don’t think I signed that treaty lightly. I gave up valuable land in order to guarantee that you control most aspect of the politics that will affect our kingdom—as well as guaranteeing the positive treatment of your wellbeing. I signed it with a heavy heart, Son.”His father picked up the parchment and passed it over to him. Sehun frowned, feeling guilty for blindly accusing his father. He slowly nodded, looking back down at the parchment. “Who … who am I to wed?” A small flash of guilt covered the king’s features before he was able to recover. “Your union will join the royal families—joining our family to the Kims– the prince.” Dread and sorrow sunk in Sehun's stomach as he closed his eyes. "Father– the prince? Why him?" He said, letting out a deep breath as he opened his eyes. The king sighed, leaning forward to rest his face in his hands. “We’re not as strong as we used to be, Sehun,” he continued, eyes looking up at his son. “We’re weakening. We need to end this war–.” he trailed off, lowering his head a little. "Father please don't do this, there must be another way to end this war" The king lifted his head to face his son. "You think I would agree to this if there's another option?" He shook his head. "No Sehun, this is our only option. Or Enchancia will kill what is remained of our kingdom." "How can I marry a man? It is against our custom for a man to bed with another man, let alone creating nuptials ties." "I agree but it does not make a difference in their realm, a man could marry another man and a woman could marry another woman. Their magic would allow another man to beget a child." "But I am not one of them, I can't give the prince an heir." "Yes you can, the moment you become bonded to their prince, their magic will flow in your vein  and it will allow you to give him an heir. It is stated in the treaty."  And he looked down to read the treaty once again. Sehun couldn’t believe what he was reading. His eyes dashed over the ink scratched across the parchment. It was the treaty his father signed. A treaty that would end multiple centuries-long wars; a war his father inherited when he took the throne. His eyebrows furrowed when he read the conditions for the unification of the two kingdoms before he slowly lowered it to the table. Sehun clenched a fist and turned away."You promised me. You promised I wouldn't have to do this." "I know. I am sorry, Sehun,” the king offered, uncertain how he could possibly comfort his son when he was the one that sealed his fate. Damn it. He knew his father meant it, just like he knew his father wouldn't have asked him at all if they weren't stuck between a rock and a hard place.  But it still didn't sit right with him. Sehun shook his head. "This is wrong father. We cannot possibly give in to such demands i–" There was too much danger in discussions of peace when violence lived at the heart of men and women. There were only bloodshed and war, the never-ending cycle of birth and death. But although marriage between men, men of royalty was not uncommon it was perhaps rarer. "This is important. He had proposed a formal marriage alliance to bond our two kingdoms together,” the king said "he had offered the hand of his son, prince of his kingdom, heir to his land and holdings. Any child of your body shall stand to inherit his kingdom and ours, and join them in personal union.” Sehun raked a hand through his hair. There had to be a better solution, but even he wasn't coming up with one at the moment."No" he shook his head once again. "This is too good to be true." "I know, there's more to it" "Another reason why we shouldn't go on with it father." The king moved closer and took his son's hand. "Think of this as a quest– think about your people, the lives you'll save if you agree. Think about the harmony this alliance would bring–" "You think this alliance would stop King Heechul from continuing the war? You really think that would keep him from continuing this war of pride?" "He gave me his words." Sehun scoffed."they are demons father." "I know it might not be the best for you, but I am sure you'll prefer being with the prince than any other princess or noble lady across the realms –" "What are you talking about?" Sehun heart hammered against his chest. "You're my son Sehun, I watched you grow for twenty two years, and I've never seen you take interest in any woman before, not for the pleasures of the flesh nor for duty. Did you think that I wouldn't notice that no girl ever turned your head? Every girl had the prettiest smile for the future king, but you were always so careful not to encourage them, far beyond a young man's awkwardness. I know your preferences, that was one of the reasons I agreed to it. And I know you'll prefer a husband over a wife." The word ‘wife’ sent shivers down his spine and made his stomach churn. The thought of sharing his life as well as his bed with a woman filled him with dread. Truly he rather have a husband. Sehun stared at his father with wide eyes, unable to blink. "Y-you knew?" Hearts confused Sehun. Their sudden jumps and accelerations; their loud poundings and drumming. His was often quiet, but steady. Part of him longed for the day where his own heart would leap at the sound of another’s voice, but Sehun knew with a sad certainty that he would never look at a woman and feel a flare of desire. Even a great noblewoman could not tempt the prince. He had often stolen glances at the most beautiful women, hoping for something to finally click into place, but to this day, Sehun's heart was a sea that refused to leave the shore.  The king nodded. "I do," he said, “I know your heart is…different." His father added, but there was no accusation in his tone. He was just stating the facts. "I know why none of the ladies in Ilda interests you, and I have never cared. Sehun, you are my son. My pride. I love you, wholly and completely.” Sehun blinked back tears. For so many years, he had hidden away. Buried himself headfirst in the royal duties like he was supposed to. And now, his father was telling him that it was okay to question it. It was okay for Sehun to start prying apart the secrets he had locked away; to start coaxing them out, and not fearing that they would be torn from him and shared with the world. He could let this part of himself be free."Why didn't you say anything?" "It doesn't matter now." the king pulled him towards the window, they were right at the top of the tower, and the window looked out over the town just outside the castle walls, a sheer drop a few hundred feet straight down." All that matters is for you to say yes, if not for yourself, then do it as a duty to your people," he looked at three burnt villages from the previous war, that his kingdom still hadn't been able to repair the damage and something tugged at his heart, he had failed his people once again. " your family. Think about your sister–" "Yes," Sehun said, with determination. "I will do it, I will marry prince Junmyeon of Enchancia if it will keep my people and family safe." He had seen men turned inside-out in an instant, their guts still steaming as it spilled out of their corpses, and those had been the lucky ones. He had seen good men driven out of their minds by enchantment, no longer able to tell illusion from reality, and seen proud warriors waste away after being plagued by some foul magical disease that caused their bodies to feed on itself until all that was left after weeks of torment was a shrunken skeleton that could not die and began to hunger for more human flesh.  For death by magic was often undignified and unnatural, limited only by the twisted imagination of the enemy and Sehun wouldn't allow that to happen ever again. If his marriage to prince Junmyeon would truly bring peace and save his people then he would gladly do it. "It's prince Kai, you're to marry, Sehun." The king said looking a bit confused, as he glanced at at his son then at parchment laying on the table. "I thought you've seen it writing in the treaty." In shock, his hand had flexed; the weapon clattering loudly onto the stone floor. His feet suddenly felt lodged into the floor. It was like he had been rooted into the spot as he felt his eyes widen and his mouth gape in horror. "What?"Sehun breathed out,  "The pygmy? The beast?" Sehun had heard a few stories here and there about prince Kai's abilities on—and off—the battlefield. He wondered how much of the stories were meant to strike a fearful reputation, and how much was true. He heard of Kai's anger and ferocity when faced with an opponent. In his younger years, Kai was referred to as the "Impaler" and Sehun wished he didn't know why he was called that, he had only met Kai on the battlefield once and had seen how he took down his people effortlessly. He wished he hadn't heard the stories and seen the young prince who easily impaled nephilim after nephilim on his claws, eyes bleeding crimson red with bloodlust. But Kai hadn't been seen on the battlefield in four years—none of the Kims had been since the young prince was cursed and turned into a dwarf by a fairy sorceress. Stories of Kai faded into the background, old tales to be told in order to scare children into not fighting. His father rested his hand on Sehun's shoulder. "It won't be easy," he said softly. "Even for people who marry for love, it's not easy. Some days you'll want to just throw the whole thing away. Don't give up, and always treat each other with respect. Do that, and you'll have a partnership at the very least." There’s no such thing as happily ever after, Sehun heard his sister's voice ringing in the back of his mind. He had hoped she was wrong, but he was starting to accept that the tales of love his mother once told him as bedtime stories were in fact just stories. Stories that were invented to ease the pain of knowing he was o
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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
750 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!