Thirty seven

The Alliance.
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"Artemis!" Arkan called and Sehun's mother pulled away from her son to look up at her peer. "Arkan!" She breathed out, hastily rising to her feet and threw herself into the dragon's awaiting wings. Arkan wrapped her around his wings, lowering his head to bump it against Artemis's. "So good to see again." She said, and Sehun heard her breath hitched as though she was fighting back a sob. "Good to see you too." "Greetings your majesty!" Boa walked into the cave with grin on her face. Artemis lifted her head to look at woman. "Ah Boa, good to see. How have you been?"  Boa bowed deeply. "I am good. Thank you." Sehun watched them with a smile and a moment later his mother pulled away, turning around to face him as she used the back of her hands to wipe away the tears coating her cheeks. She smiled warmly at him and Sehun extended a hand to hold his mother's.  "Look at you." She cupped his face. "You've grown to be a handsome young man." Her eyes lowered to his belly that Kai still had a hand on. "Oh" she said, looking behind Sehun, where Kai was holding him. "I believe you're responsible for this?" She jerked her head, indicating Sehun's belly. Kai blushed, but he nodded. "Yes, ma'am, I am Sehun's husband." She grinned. "That's wonderful! Nice to meet you young man. I am Artemis, Yura, which ever feels right for you." "Kim Kai." He introduced and Artemis hummed with a smile. "Mother, you're okay with me having a husband instead of a wife?" Sehun felt the need to ask. She looked at him as though he was the most ridiculous man on Earth. "Why wouldn't I be?" He made a vague gesture with his hands but unable to say anything about that. "Well for starters, from where I come from a union doesn't have to be between a man and woman. And I've always known you're a male carrier, but I truthfully I wasn't expecting you to marry a man, considering the way Ilda was about homouality ." "You do?" He asked glancing at his own belly. "How were you able to tell I was a carrier?" "I just knew." She shrugged. "Maybe it was in me to know as your mother. So even though I wasn't expecting it, I do not have anything against it as long as you're happy." "I am happy, Kai makes me happy." He said in earnest sincerity. "Alright, that's all that matters. I am glad to know the war between Ilda and Enchancia has finally come to an end with your union." She said with a genuine smile looking between her son and Kai, then suddenly her face turned serious. "How am I alive?" She asked, looking around the room for a brief moment. Sehun caressed the hand holding his face."You became one of Junmyeon's revenants and Arkan found a way to restore you." "Revenant? Like a zombie? Oh goddesses." Her eyes widen a bit. "And who is Junmyeon?" "My husband's half brother." Sehun looked to where Kai was briefly before turning back to his mother. "I was hoping you could tell us how Junmyeon came to have your body in his possession." She shook her head and Sehun could see the genuine confusion in her eyes. "I wish I could tell you but I don't remember." "Junmyeon does not need a whole body to make a revenant." Arkan said. "He only needs the person's right hand." "Still I don't remember how it happened." Artemis said, looking at Arkan and the dragon nod once before moving to settle on his feet. "What was the last thing you remember?" Sehun asked and his mother averted her gaze from Arkan. She seemed to be in thought for while before she spoke."Watching your father's face before I took my last breath." "Well a lot has happened." He told her as matter-of-factly. "I know," she nodded, dropping her hands on her lap. "I can see that you are now aware of who you truly are" "Yes. It was difficult to accept at first." He admitted. "I am sorry" she bit her lower lip, casting her eyes down in what Sehun could tell was quilt. "I should not have kept you in the dark, I should have told you who I really was and what to expect while I was gone." "Yes, you should have." Sehun raised a hand to place it on top his mother's, he tried to look into her eyes but she refused to look at him. "I know it might be difficult but please do forgive this mother of yours. I thought I would see you grow into an adult. I was afraid you were too young to handle the truth back then." She exhaled. "I didn't want to burden you with more responsibilities than you could carry at such young age." "I was young." He agreed, using his fingers to lift her chin up. "But you could have at least told me a few things even if not the whole Truth." She still refused to meet his eyes."That was why I tried telling you about dragons." "In form of bedtime stories?" This time she held his gaze."I am sorry. I have nothing to justify my act." And Sehun knew she was truly sorry, it was something he could not explain but did understood. "It's fine." He said, smiling at her. "Now that you're back, are you going to rule Dracoland?" She shook her head and he frowned slightly. "No, I do not wish to rule Dracoland. I wish to spend the rest of my years with my husband, traveling around the world and enjoying our lost time." She grinned."I think the idea of you becoming emperor is more pleasing. I'll leave that responsibility to you and your husband. I am certain with the help of your cousin, you'll make a great ruler." Sehun couldn't help but grin back at her, his mother was truly a hopeless romantic. "How did you know, i plan on becoming an emperor?" "My peer," she said and glanced at Arkan as though it would explain everything. "He filled me in with all the needed information. He showed me everything– still showing me as we speak." "I see." He nodded. "Now that we're clear about ruling, I would love to meet my grandchild." She glanced at his belly. "Can I touch it?" She asked with so much enthusiasm like a child. He chuckled. "Yes mother, you do not have to ask." With a bright smile on her face, she brought a hand and placed it on his stomach. "I can't believe I am fortunate enough to have a second chance and see my grandchildren." She continued to smile. "Hello little one, this hand belongs to your grandmother, you should remember it." She leaned to drop a kiss on Sehun's belly. "You're going to be so much loved. I cannot wait to meet you my dearest." Sehun felt warmth spreading in his insides, threatening to consume him, but that's okay because he love the feeling. "I thought you're going to travel the world?" Lifting up her head, she nodded. "Yes, but not before meeting my grandchild, you're not far from giving birth." "Oh" was all he could say, grinning at his mother. She turned around facing the others. "Thank you, all of you. You have no idea what great favor you've done for me. You gave me a chance to see my son and ask for forgiveness, to see my husband, my brother, to see my grandchildren and meet my son in-law." Finally her gaze stopped on Arkan. "And of course to be in the presence of peer once again. My best friend and my teacher." She bowed to the dragon and Arkan gave a nod in response. Joo-hyun that was kneeling beside them moved closer and wrapped a hand around Artemis's shoulder. "So happy to have you back queen mother." She leaned to kiss Artemis on the cheek. The older woman, smiled, turning slightly to return the favor. "Thank you Joo-hyun, so good to see you too. How is mother?" "She's doing good." Joo-hyun said leaning her head again on Artemis's shoulder. "That's good to hear." Artemis nodded."I'll like to see my husband. Now." "I can take you." Kai quickly offered. "Oh really? How are you going to do that.?" She raised a brow. "Portal. I am going to open a portal that would take you directly to Ilda and into the former king's chambers." "Isn't that wonderful?" She asked looking at Sehun and he nodded. "Ah where is Yifan?" She suddenly asked and everyone could see the fondness in her eyes as she mentioned Yifan's name. "He's in Enchancia." Sehun said. "Ah i really missed that brat. I bet he's also taller than me now."  "He's even taller than me" Sehun told her and her eyes widen a fraction. "That's surprising. I can't wait to meet them, where's Jungkook and Seulgi?" Of course his mother would ask for those two as well. She had known how close Sehun was with his three knights, they had grown up together and his mother had considered his friends as her children. He really couldn't wait to introduce his other knights to his mother. "They're all in Enchancia as well." This time it was Joo-hyun that responded. She pointed at Jimin. "That's Jungkook's fiance, they even had a child together." "Really?" She beamed at Jimin and the latter hurried to bow in respect. "He's so well mannered. I can see why Jungkook chose him."  "Thank you your majesty!". She waved him off with another smile as she stood up. "No need to be so formal, you're a son in-law to me as well. Jungkook is just like a son to me." She then turned to Kai. "Now I really need to see my husband." She urged. Kai got the hint and he gently helped Sehun to his feet with one hand, while using the other to create a portal.  Artemis bounced happily on her feet, as though she couldn't wait to see her husband and Sehun knew that was the case. She started walking to the portal but just as she was about to walk through, she turned slightly to her son. "You're coming sweetheart?" Sehun nodded. "Will be right behind you." He assured her and that was what she seemed to be waiting for because not a second later she had already walked into the portal. With a quick glance at Arkan, Sehun held Kai's hand and followed his mother with Joo-hyun trailing behind them.   ***** With a vigorous pounding heart, Artemis stepped inside the chambers, her eyes darting around the bedroom in search of her beloved. It was really hard to believe she was given the chance to be able to live, to see and touch the people she cared about. She didn't know how it came to be possible but nevertheless she was thankful for it. A shaky breath escaped her when her eyes landed on Donghae. The man was sat on the bed, his head lowered but Artemis could see how age had done wonders to him, he was still as handsome as she remembered even after all those years save for a few gray hair that showed he wasn't as young as he used to be. "Donghae!" She called in a shaky voice, her heart threatening to escape from her chest. Donghae turned so fast that she feared he cracked a bone. His eyes wide as he stood up and his legs shook as though he could not hold them up on his own. She hastily moved to steady him and she heard as his breath hitched. "Yura?" He asked with shocked shaky breath. She caressed his face with a hand and looked into his eyes as emotions threatened to consume her. "It's me" "No" Donghae shook his head vigorously as though trying to wake himself from a dream that was too good to be true. "This is not real. It must be one of my dreams again." He said with a slight frown, then nodded to himself. "It is real my love." She took one of his hands and placed on her face. "Feel it, feel me– I am real." He hastily pulled his hand and took a step back as if it had been burned. "What sorcery is this?" He asked helplessly. "Please do not do this to me, my– my heart cannot take it." He placed a fist over his mouth and Artemis could see the trembles in his body. Her eyes caught her son's who was now moving closer to Donghae. "Father!" Sehun called softly, as if he was afraid to startled his father. Donghae startled nonetheless, turning quickly towards his son. "S-sehun." He let out, taking a hold of Sehun's hand. "I– i– can you– can you see her too?" He asked hopefully. Sehun nodded. "Yes father, she is real. I promise you there's no illusion in what you're seeing." Sehun gently coaxed Donghae to where Artemis stood. "Yura! Is it really you?" There was genuine hope in his eyes, with a mix of fear as he looked into her eyes. She nodded, now unable to say more. She understood why her husband would have doubts, he had buried her years ago and now suddenly she was back from the dead. Even someone as open-minded as her would have a hard time believing what was before her. "Ah!" Donghae exclaimed after a moment of looking at her. "How?" He asked, taking tentative steps forward.  "I am not certain how it happened but Sehun told me I became a revenant and Arkan found a way to restore me." She told him, taking careful steps towards him, she didn't want to overwhelm him and needed him to understand that she was no illusion. Which was why she chose to change her approach. But Donghae surprised her. "Oh Yura." He closed the distance between them and he pulled her into his arm. Her heart felt as if it was about to escape from her chest for the second time. This feeling of being held in Donghae's arm was so familiar yet foreign at same time. But either way, it filled her with warmth. This was her husband holding her, the man she left everything behind to be with, the same man that fathered their child. With a shaky breath of her own, she held him impossibly tighter.  "By the angel! I
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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
749 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!