
The Alliance.
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He listened attentively as the gentry faeries (court members) talked to the queen, each and every one of them trying to provide the best strategy for the impending war between Banxanda and Enchancia. Yoongi swirled his fingers around, changing the weather constantly out of boredom as he watched their mouths moved. He was not the kind of prince that enjoyed this , war and politics weren't his cup of tea . He was only here out of duty and because his mother had insisted he joined the meeting. Yoongi preferred to spend his time coupling with beautiful men or soft woman rather than listen to such bull, but even that had became difficult because he couldn't do that anymore. He was ing married. He have a husband, Taehyung who was unfortunately kingdoms away, just because the ed up old man– King Heechul didn't appreciate or acknowledge their union. Scoffing inwardly, Yoongi placed one hand on table, if it was up to him he would have raided Enchancia and bring his husband home with or without the old man's consent. But again he wouldn't want to hurt Taehyung's family, whether they admit it or not the Enchancians royals were Banxanda's family. That was how it worked. That was just one of the reasons stopping him, the second one was his mother. The queen had promised him, gave her word that she'd do everything in her power to bring her son in-law home. His mother was a woman of Honor, she always kept her promises not just because she couldn't lie but because it was in her blood to do so. She was from a powerful bloodline, the most honorable bloodline to ever exit in the history of Banxanda. His mother could be vicious but she had honor. Another reason stopping him again was because he knew his mother wanted Yoongi to have an heir and Taehyung was the best candidate to produce a powerful heir for Banxanda, she had the ability to see the future and she had seen what her kingdom would be like with a child born from Yoongi and Taehyung. Yoongi had almost lost his when she showed him her vision of a beautiful baby girl that would one day rule her kingdom, he had smiled, cried and almost acted rash because he so badly wanted to put that little girl in Taehyung's belly, but his mother had held him and promised him everything would be alright. And he believed her. She never really cared for anyone and she didn't hide it, but Yoongi knew, he knew Chaerin loved her son in law even though her kingdom and Taehyung's didn't see eye to eye. He was in love with his husband and Yoongi would wait patiently for the day he would have Taehyung in his arms once again. "–oogi? "–ur highness?" "Prince Yoongi?" Yoongi snapped out of his thoughts at the various voices all calling his name, he looked up and saw everyone had their eyes set on him, his mother had proud– yet scolding expression on her face. Blinking rapidly, Yoongi cleared his throat and focused on his mother. "Yes?" "Look what you've done" she gestured around them, and when Yoongi looked around his eyes widened at mess he had created. It seemed he had divided the room in to three parts, The first part of the room was covered in snow, second was raining– which was ed up since the scrolls and parchments were all taking the . And the last was covered in dry leaves and Yoongi could feel the heat coming from that part. Even though Banxanda's weather was unpredictable, it was rare to see different seasons at same time, now he understood why his mother looked proud. Blinking once again, he looked back at the faeries who were all looking at him expectantly."What?" He asked. "Repair the damn weather" his mother snapped. He waved his hand in random motion and everything was back to normal within the blink of an eye. "I hate this " he mumbled, gesturing at the table, scrolls, parchment and maps were all scattered. "ing hurts my brain." "Language Yoongi!" Chaerin scolded. "You're a prince, it is inappropriate for you to speak as such." Yoongi rolled his eyes and sagged back into his seat. "I miss him" he said almost inaudible. "I know" his mother said and her voice was soft. "I really want him so ing much." "I know" she said again, he had expected her to scold him again for the inappropriate language but she didn't, instead she waved her hand, and the gentries bowed before staring to make their way out. When the last of them was out, Chaerin stood from her seat and strode to where Yoongi sat, she cupped his face and leaned down to kiss his forehead before bringing his head and hugging it to her stomach– the same stomach she had carried him for months and gave him life when she brought him into this world. "I just want to be with him– i don't even want to him but just hold him and tell him how much he means to me" She rubbed soothing circles on his back. "You will" she promised. "When?" He asked almost frustratedly, but his voice was muffled by her stomach. "Soon" "How soon mama?" He lifted his head to look at her and she brought a hand to wipe his face– he was crying like a ing woman. He sniffled and tried to hide his face but she held him with her hands.  "I've been thinking of sending a missive to Enchancia, to propose a treaty, Heechul doesn't want war with us now, winter is coming to an end and he shouldn't fight us since we are Ilda's allies– but I know Heechul is too proud to stop this war, now his focus is still on Ilda, and I want it to remain that way." "I heard they had stopped the war with a union?"  She nodded. "Another reason I want this treaty but I know even if Heechul meant it, his son Junmyeon would find a away to dissolve the treaty." Yoongi hummed,he knew prince Junmyeon to be a vicious bloodthirsty man. "What other reason?" "Prince Kai's consort!" "Kai's consort? The is that?" Chaerin chuckled and Yoongi found the corner of his lips twitched, his mother rarely laugh but whenever she did it always brought a happy sensation to his insides. "Someone important!" "How important? I don't give a about him as long as he doesn't stand in my way and Taehyung's." "No, he wouldn't." She said and she sounded so sure of herself. "He is very valuable." "What about him?" "His bloodline–" "The you're saying mama? You want to marry him?" This time she laughed so hard, that tears were running down her face. "Oh my boy, i sometimes forgot how humorously comical you could be. Sehun is the prince of Ilda, our allies." She reminded and Yoongi's eyes widened slightly.  "I thought prince Kai married the Ildan princess." Chaerin scoffed. "As if Mi-young would allow her daughter to be married to a warlock." "Aunt Mi-young wants her daughter to marry one of us." That was something he had known since the first time he met his cousin but he had thought Joo-hyun had married for duty, Ilda was known for its strictly heterouality, homoual was frowned upon and he could have never thought the Royals would agree to such union, for prince Sehun to marry a man. She nodded. "As I was saying, Sehun's bloodline– I mean his mother's bloodline is one of the strongest even stronger than ours or the Kims" Yoongi quirked an eyebrow. "If you're thinking about wanting him for me you know I won't–" "You moron, I want him on our side" "He's already on our side, we're allies with Ilda." "You don't understand. The war is coming–  I've seen it and only Sehun and prince Kai could save us all. It's a war I've never seen before, all five kingdoms would stand united to defeat the evil forces." "I still don't understand the you're talking about. What war? With who? If the five kingdoms will stand united then who the are we going to fight? And how is Sehun's bloodline going to save us?" Chaerin stared at him like he was the dumbest man to exist. "Ever heard of armageddon?" He nodded."Some about battle between evil and good that would bring harmony to all" She patted his head as if he had done a great job. "You've learned well" she said."With Sehun and Kai to help us win this war, I can manipulate them to let me rule my kingdom and Banxanda would remain an autonomous kingdom like it used to be." He knitted his brows, because those s are churning his stomach and his head had started to hurt. There were so many questions he wanted to ask, like why would his mother manipulate them in to letting her keep her kingdom because it was ing hers to begin with, they didn't have right to take people kingdoms like some ing toys– there were four– five kingdoms in their region and each Kingdom was autonomous. But what came out of his mouth was."How could a man, a mare nephilim with barely magic in his blood save us all?" "He have dragons. Actually he's a dragon Lord,  the only one that could command more than one greater dragon at a time" "Dragons?" His eyes widened. "They still exists?"  "Yes, without him we will be doomed. His mother was a queen and he is her successor–I want you to be friends with him." "Hang on mama!" He held out a hand. "I am still very confused about all this and you know very well that I don't make friends because you say so, but only because someone earned my friendship." "You unruly child, there's no time for such things, I am going to send the missive tommorow and king Heechul will probably invite us over within this week and we won't be staying long, just for you to get your husband and befriend Sehun and–" Yoongi shook his head. "No, I am only going to befriend him if he deserves my friendship, I don't give a if he has dragons or he's some kind of our savior." Chaerin sighed in resignation, she knew too well her the type of man Yoongi was."Fine" she said moving take her seat once again. "Let's start with the missive, shall we?" Yoongi smiled at that, Dear Gaea! He was going to see his husband soon and Yoongi felt that he didn't care about the damn armageddon or anything else. **** Enchancia.
They left early in the morning, with Kai only attending the first half of his increasingly insane training program before slipping off for a quick bath and then to the kitchens to have the cooks assemble enough food to last them until dinner. There was a jar of fermented lamb, bread and cheese, gravlax, some strawberry wine imported from Uxtan region, apples and grapes. Hardly feast fare, but it was s sight better than anything Kai had ever eaten any time he ever had to go riding out overnight. Taemin clearly like Sehun. Kai packed the food away in the saddlebags on Sehun's horse, stocking those of his own stallion with water and knives. He was just finishing up when Sehun arrived, a heavy fur cloak folded over his arm and dressed in worn, weathered breeches and tunic, all made of plain but expensive material. He had to juggle the cloak from arm to arm as he pulled a thick woollen jerkin over the top of his shirt, and when his head emerged from the neck of the jerkin his hair was mussed, but instead of fussing over it Sehun simply crossed to his own gelding and held out his hand for the horse to smell then lip at, his free hand down the mare's neck. “Does she have a name?” Sehun asked, tossing the cloak over the horse’s back and moving to inspect the girth and stirrups and adjusting them a little. “Tachýtita,” Kai said. “It means speed. Or swiftness.” He gesturesy, trying to explain his meaning, frowning slightly. “As in … smooth gait. She's one of our best horses for travel; she doesn’t tire easily.” His own horse was a large black stallion his papa had gifted him, Kai patted it twice and said: “This one’s Sýnnefo álogo. It means ‘cloud horse.’ Because he’s so fast.” The corner of Kai's lips quirked upward and he magically lifted himself off the ground before he swung himself up into his saddle, taking the reins when the stable boy handed them up to him. It was making the assumption that Sehun could ride, which Kai had no idea if he could or couldn't, Sehun was a prince and probably the Royals in his kingdom prefer carriages over horses but he’d rather err on the side of seeming to think Sehun competent as a prince than treating him too gently and risking offense. “Tachýtita,” Sehun repeated, but the way he said it made it sound more like tayhidia. “All right. Hold her for a moment?” he asked the stable boy, and shot the lad a grateful smile before setting his hands on the saddle and hoisting himself easily up, left foot catching the stirrup and right leg pivoting over Tachýtita's back until he sat high and evidently comfortable. Kai nodded, trying not to let it show that he was truly impressed, and nudged Sýnnefo to turn and start leading the way down the road through the town. After a little while he hung back to ride alongside Sehun, both of them taking a slow gait through the crowded areas. “She suits you,” Kai told him, tipping his head down at Sehun's horse. “She's a good horse,” Sehun replied, and he smiled, just a little. “She reminds me of my sister's horse in Ilda. Joo-hyun and I used to ride often." “I did think you seemed remarkably at-home up there.” Kai angled his horse out of the way of a woman’s cheese cart. The horses’ iron shoes clang a bit off the c
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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
749 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!