Thirty eight.

The Alliance.
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  The meeting was just how Sehun had hoped it would go, everyone supported their decision to become emperors and Sehun was very happy about it, to know his family stood by him and every decision he made. They had appointed Jimin and Yifan as their advisors, just like how they planned. Jimin was very smug about it, saying Kai wouldn't last a day ruling without his advice while Yifan on the other hand got emotional and gave Sehun one of those brotherly hugs they used to share. They had also chose new council members, that consisted of three Nobles/Royals from each kingdom. Namjoon, Hoseok, (Namjoon's mate) and one werewolf Sehun wasn't familiar with where chosen from Uxtan. Joo-hyun Jungkook, and Seulgi were those from Ilda. Jennie, Jongdae and Chanyeol, from Enchancia and lastly Apollo, Baekhyun and Luhan(whom Baekhyun had insisted was of Draco Noble blood and there for should be amongst the counselors) were chosen. Zitao was appointed as the head of Sehun's personal guards while Jongdae decided to be Kai's and protect the monarch just like how he had protected Heechul. Artemis had also attended the meeting along with Hyoyeon, after she had met the Enchancians and especially hit it off with Hyoyeon. The two had become fast friends and it really made Sehun happy to see the two getting along. Hyoyeon was after all his mother in law. Not only the Enchancians but his mother had met his knights, Jungkook, Yifan and Seulgi had shed tears out of sheer happiness to see their queen once again. Luhan, Zitao, Wendy and Yuri had showed their respect even though it was the first time they're meeting her and it had warmed Sehun's heart. He glanced at his cousin who was sitting across him and now couldn't seem to stop staring and smiling at Artemis the whole time. "Baek!" Sehun called and his cousin snapped his head to look at him. "Yes?" "You've been staring at mother for a while now." Baekhyun nodded like a happy kid and his action made him look so much like his daughter. "I just can't believe she's really here." He grinned. "When was the last time I saw her?" He rested his head on his hand and continued to stare at Artemis. "Since I was five." He looked at his father and Apollo nodded, agreeing with his son. "Five plus twenty five–" Sehun eyes widened. "You're thirty?" He asked a bit surprised, because he could swore his cousin look twenty-four or twenty-five at most. He had known Baekhyun knew his mother personally but he never knew his cousin's actual age. "What? I am too old?" Baekhyun joked. "Definitely!" Luhan joined the conversation and Baekhyun glared at him. "Shut up." Baekhyun said, but there was no real bite in his words."Ah that's remind me." Baekhyun's expression suddenly turned serious. "I think I've found your grandmother." "You did?" Luhan now had his whole attention on Baekhyun, it seemed any more teasing he had wanted to continue had been pushed away from his mind.  "Yes, I'll take you to meet her whenever you're ready. Like I've said you're a noble of Dracoland." Luhan glanced at Zitao, and the other knight seemed to be listening to their discussion. The two shared a silent conversation before Zitao nodded at him and Luhan sent him a meaningful smile, turning to Baekhyun. "I would love that, how about after the meeting?" "Whenever is fine with me. " Baekhyun said with a smile. "So!" Artemis said, rising to her feet and Hyoyeon and Apollo did the same. "I think we're done here. Hyoyeon wants to show me and my brother around" She moved to kiss Sehun's cheek.  "Alright!" Sehun nodded. "I'll love to hear how you find my home." He smiled looking at Apollo. "Uncle, you've never been to Enchancia too right?" "Yes nephew, we've bordered each other for centuries but I've never stepped a foot in their lands until today. And I must say, I find the atmosphere quiet warming." Sehun laughed softly, every Dracolander would find Enchancia quite warm. "Yes uncle, it is warm compared to what you're used to." Apollo smiled, without another word, he kissed the crown of Sehun's head, and inclined his head towards Kai as he walked out, trailing after Hyoyeon. Artemis ruffled Sehun's hair, then moved to do the same with Kai's before she bid the others goodbye and strutted out of the room as well.  "So you are allowing the faeries to keep our kingdom? I mean for me to rule it?" Yoongi suddenly spoke and both Kai and Sehun turned to stare at him as though he had grown another head. "The you're looking at me like that?"  Sehun shared a brief look with his husband, he was really confused to what Yoongi had just said. "We're both very confused. Why would we rule the faeries realm?" He asked as a matter-of-factly. "Well mama believed that you'll demand to rule the faeries as well, seeing that she wasn't able to convince you two to keep her kingdom, since you know" he made a gesture with his hands. " went down the last time we were in Enchancia. That time you were banished?" Sehun nodded. "I do remember but I still don't understand why we need convincing to allow you to keep what's rightfully yours." "You know mama is Clairvoyant? That that allows her to see the future." Yoongi asked and Kai nodded beside him. "Last time we came, mama wanted me to befriend Sehun– not just Sehun but she wanted me to have a good relationship with Kai, since she knew you both are going to defeat the evil force and save the world and would then become emperors. You understand what am talking about?" The both nodded once again.  "Good," Yoongi continued. "She thought you're  going want to rule Banxanda and she wanted to manipulate you into allowing us to keep our kingdom, hence why she was reluctant to send help when she read your missive, but I don't care about those , Taehyung is my husband and you both are my family so I had to give a hand when you asked for it." "We truly appreciate you coming to our aid. And I understand what you're talking about Yoongi, but I assure you there's nothing to worry about. Kai and I are not going rule Banxanda, we have enough on our plates as it is. Right?" Sehun turned to face his husband and Kai instantly nodded. "My husband is right. Banxanda remains an autonomous kingdom." Kai said turning his attention to his advisor but Jimin had his eyes fixated on Sehun and he seemed to be deep in concentration. "What are you doing Chim?" Jimin snapped his head to look at Kai. "Huh?" "You were staring intensely at my man." Kai said with a frown. "Oh I was just" Jimin waved his hands like he wanted to get rid of an annoying fly. "Trying to see if I could read your baby and know what you're having but it seems the protection on Sehun's mind has extended to your child as well. " "Yeah, good luck with that." Kai said with a rueful smile. "Ah, really?" Sehun asked. Jimin nodded. "You're truly powerful, even when I linked our minds together that time, I was still not able to read your mind. "  "That's ing awesome." Yoongi said, chuckling to himself, then he turned to face Sehun and Kai. "Thanks, both of you. I am going to send for Tae, I am sure he doesn't want to miss his brother's coronation." "Please do so." Sehun said. "I really missed Taehyung and would love to see him again." "Will do so." Yoongi assured. "One more thing." Sehun fixed his eyes on the faerie. "Though we have no intention to rule Banxanda but we would love to benefit from it. What I am trying to say is that I am proposing a trade between our empire and Banxanda." He paused glancing at his husband. Though he hadn't discussed this particular issue with Kai but he knew his husband would always support his decision and just like he expected, Kai gave him a dazzling smile and nodded encouragingly. Sehun let out a slight breath before he continued."I want us to be like one big family, helping each other in anyway we could. I know we have things your kingdom desires and same, you have things our empire desires as well. This would help raise our economy all." He finished waiting for Yoongi to respond. . "Think about it prince Yoongi, what Sehun proposed will be beneficial to your kingdom and our empire." Yifan said, sending a grin Sehun's way. "So what do you think?" Kai asked. "!" Yoongi cursed, and no one batted an eyelash, almost everyone sitting around the table knew what kind of mouth Yoongi had. ", you mean it?" He asked and both emperors nodded. Yoongi let out small laugh. "That would be ing amazing. I am sure mama will be happy to hear it. Ah I can't wait to share the news." "It's settled then." Jimin said. "So are we going to sign some treaty or some like that?" "If that's what you want, I am sure Jimin and Yifan will be able to take care of things." Sehun said. "Yes we should do that, mama will be more convince if it is real that way." "Alright!" Kai clapped his hands, calling the attention towards himself. "The Court is dismissed. My husband and I need to rest before tomorrow." He glanced at Joo-hyun. "How's the preparation going?" "Perfect!" She hit him with one of those brilliant smiles, looking like Kai had just handed her something precious. "Princess Taeyeon is really helpful. We're almost done, by tomorrow every thing will be set." "And the swords?" "They'll be ready in the morning." She informed. Kai hummed, rising to his feet, taking Sehun's hands in the process. "Have a nice evening ladies and gentlemen." With a slight nod of his head, he held Sehun close and walked out of the council room.   ****
A few chambers down, Joo-hyun was overseeing the final adjustments of the ceremony. The people had gathered outside of the throne room, and would be allowed inside, but first, Joo-hyun had to check everything. “Nothing can go wrong. I want this to go perfectly,” Joo-hyun said, snapping her fingers to catch the nearest decorator’s attention. He came over, smiling nervously. “Yes, my Lady?” “I asked for rosewater. The Emperors cannot be crowned if there is no rosewater, princess Taeyeon told me as much.” she muttered, placing a hand to her forehead. She had learned a lot about Enchancian's coronation and she had been put in charge, along with Taeyeon and Taehyung, of the ritual beforehand and the dressing of Kai . It was often done by servants, and then the previous ruler would offer up the new monarch his/her sword. Only king Heechul was gone, and so, Kai had invited Joo-hyun, Taeyeon and Taehyung to be the ones to bring him to the throne room. When the time was right. And the time is soon, Joo-hyun thought, eyebrows furrowing in worry. “Does anyone have rosewater?” A hand wrapped around her shoulder. “I’ve got it. It’s all here, my love,” Seulgi promised, her warm fingers soothing Joo-hyun's cool skin. The other girl balanced the jug on one hip, her free hand curling around the handle. “Whenever you’re ready, go. Sehun is already preparing. He’s with Aunt Artemis and your mother. I’ll assist soon. He asked for a steady hand for the eyes,” Seulgi added, grinning as she gestured to her own. “Okay. Okay,” Joo-hyun repeated, spinning around to take in the throne room one last time. The room was gold and red and dazzling. Banners hung in strips of neat cloth throughout the long room, bearing the new emperors seal. The two thrones stood, waiting and empty at the far end, raised on their usual dais platform. Jungkook, Jimin, Baekhyun and Chanyeol had been assisting the kitchens for the past two days, preparing the banquet that would follow afterwards. They’d be expecting many lords, ladies, from all over the four kingdoms. There was an open invitation to queen Chaerin, though it was undecided if she would show but fortunately prince Yoongi was still around and Taehyung had arrived the night before for the coronation. “Everything is done,” Seulgi said quietly, coming to stand by her side. “You’re good to go, princess.” “Come on then. You have a pregnant male to decorate, and I have a brother in law to help.” she gave herself only a few more seconds to study the room, before linking her arm through Seulgi's, and tugging the lady through one of the side entrances. They giggled as they slipped into a quiet corridor, finally getting away from the shouts and questions darting about the room like arrows. It was a pleasant occasion. The coronation hadn’t been rushed or forced onto the people, but rather, everyone had come together in assistance. “So,” Joo-hyun began, a light tease in her voice, “is it our turn to get married next?” She said the joke with a grin, not wanting her lover to bristle, or worse, look horrified. Fortunately, only a quiet laugh came from Seulgi. Her brilliant, black hair was spun into an elegant mess of braids and curls. She’d complained about the cloth strips all night, but in the morning, she’d unravelled them to reveal the bouncy curls. Joo-hyun had to kiss her to pull her away from the mirror. Such a sweet burden, Joo-hyun thought, to distract a beautiful woman with a kiss.  Seulgi still balanced the large jug of rosewater on her left hip, and with her right hand, she reached out, entwining their fingers together. Tranquillity washed over Joo-hyun. She watched as their joined hands swung as they walked, her smile unable to go away. When Seulgi caught her looking, she smirked. “Yes, my lady? Something I can do for you?” “Answer the question for me?” They’d reached the part in the corridor where they’d part ways. Taeyeon and Taehyung would arrive at Kai's chambers soon, and they would head inside together, and Seulgi would visit Sehun, and assist him in Hyoyeon's chambers. Seulgi watched her carefully, her eyes unflinching. "Well" Seulgi said, pausing. She thought for a long moment, but her hand never loosened from Joo-hyun's grip. "I want a future with you Joo-hyun, I want to be with you, I will marry you whenever you want.” “Can I be selfish with you?” Joo-hyun asked. "How about in a week time? I don't want a grand wedding but a simple one and I want to start my life as Chief with you as my wife." She said. Her grin widened. "We have work to do, Kang Seulgi." The Dame smiled back, the corners of rising in agreement. "We do, Joo." Seulgi leaned in, her forehead resting against Joo-hyun's. She was smiling, but Joo-hyun didn’t need to see it. The connection between them grew stronger each day, to share each day, and grow brighter, falling more in love. “I’d love that,” Seulgi finally said. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you." “Me too. I think we can balance out a life of marriage and responsibilities, don’t you?” Seulgi nodded, stealing a quick kiss. “We can.” The promise was strong, and Joo-hyun had faith in it, in the love between them, and the root of friendship it had grown from. As she watched the lady leave, Joo-hyun paused, waiting against the door. She leaned back, stealing a few, quiet moments before the tension grew again. Taeyeon came into view, her deep red dress rich and beautiful. Her blonde hair was neatly styled, although a strand had betrayed her. She reached up to tuck it away as she smiled. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I had to attend to my daughter." "It's okay." Joo-hyun said, her mind wandering around how it would be for her to become a mother. Lord Jimin had promised her that she would have a child and she believed him because she knew in Enchancia everything was possible, even for a woman to impregnate another woman. Taeyeon carried the new identical swords, straight from the blacksmith’s home. “Oh, it’s perfect,” Joo-hyun purred, admiring the blade. It was strong, the single jewel small, but elegant. Its handle was fitted perfectly for the emperors, and it was the second component needed for the ritual. Every heir needed to be blessed, and receive a new weapon, untouched by any other. It w
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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
748 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!