Twenty two

The Alliance.
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  The first thing that greeted Sehun was the extreme coldness, it was already spring but it seemed Dracoland did not have that luxury. The ground was covered in thick layers of snow and Sehun wondered how the snowlanders survived in such weather but then again they were called snowlanders for a reason .People had stopped whatever they were doing and turned to look at Sehun and his companions with overt curiosity, adults and children alike. There were dragons everywhere, in different sizes, shapes and colours. But none were as big as the ones Sehun had met(Arkan and Pàshiu). Some where flying around the city, while some were being used for hard labor. Sehun watched, fascinated by the whole ordeal. The grey emptiness in his mind from leaving his husband was fading, and details of the real world came back slowly but steadily. It was as though he’d been outside of his body, and was just now coming to realize that he lived in it again, that the things he saw and touched were actually physical and in front of him. It felt nice to be in a place where his mother was from. After a long curious look, most of the people returned to doing whatever it was they were doing and Sehun used that as an opportunity to study the Dracolanders closely. All of the Dracolanders seemed to wear jewelry, regardless of age or gender, but it seemed less about showing off wealth than demonstrating some sort of skill. Adornment had meaning in most cultures, he knew, but the specifics of it were beyond him. So many of them also sported piercings or tattoos, practically shouting out their individuality—or perhaps their tolerance for pain. Back in the court of Ilda, tattoos were seen as something too coarse for most of the nobility, a way to identify marchants or servants. Most nobles were known to have runes instead of something like tattoos. A young noble might have something small, a flower or a word, to rebel against their parents, but the sleeves full of symbols and curling designs were out of the question.  Piercings were located in the earlobes only; women had two and some men had one, and the jewelry there was only ever gemstones and silver or gold. In the Draco culture, it seemed like all of them were keen on jamming bits of iron through any skin they could spare—tongues, eyebrows, noses, lips, and there was no telling what else. Yet Sehun had to admit to himself that there was a wild beauty in it, a defiance of nature itself to govern how they looked, what they could tolerate. He watched the buildings as they passed, fascinated yet again by their structure. There seemed to be no consistent style of building. Sandstone allowed for ornate and complicated structures and the Dracolanders capitalized on that. Some buildings were multiple levels, some had pointed roofs and others had flat roofs containing gardens, seating. There were domed buildings alongside A-frame houses next to squared or conical houses. It caused the city to have a feeling of organized chaos, which Sehun supposed suited the personalities of the people therein. It took quite some time to make it to the palace, as it was at the head of the city and nothing lay behind it. The palace itself had a lot of open air rooms and corridors with a mishmash of single, two story, and three story structures attached, he assumed that each ruler added their own touch to commemorate their reign just like every other Kingdom. Some upgraded or added designs, some demolished and built new, and some expanded in their own image. Sehun wondered what part had been his mother's contribution. The large courtyard of the palace was set up with decorations. Closer to the entrance of the palace and standing on a platform was a group of people. Baekhyun who was flying directly above Sehun, brought Pàshiu around to head toward the people as they all come to a stop before everyone else dismounted. Pàshiu lowered herself to the palace ground as Baekhyun elegantly jumped down from her neck. She made a sound and took flight, Blink instantly followed suit and Sehun looked to ask Baekhyun when the his cousin walked to where Sehun was still sat on top of his horse."Just a mother showing her daughter around her home." He said and Sehun nodded. Baekhyun helped Sehun down and brought them up the few steps to the raised area. An elderly man in a loose flowing outfit of various overlapping cloth and carrying a staff stepped toward them. "Father!" Baekhyun bowed slightly, and the man smiled at him, lifting his hand to pat his son's shoulder. "The prince is here!" He stepped aside, making a gesture toward Sehun. The man was looking at Sehun with a look that was unreadable to the prince. He stepped forward and Sehun realized there were tears gathering in the man's eyes, he blinked rapidly clearly to stop them from falling but to no avail. The man stood in front of him and brought a surprisingly gently hand to caress his face. He took a sharp breath and the tears began to fall down his cheeks. "Goddesses above!" He said a smile now gracing his face. "You look so much like your her." Sehun smiled, his father had said that a lot. "I am Apollo, your mother's brother." Sehun tried to bow in greeting but Instead he was pulled into a hug as strong arms wrapped around him.   "I am very happy to meet you." Awkwardly, Sehun brought his arms and wrap them around the man as well. "Likewise!" He said. "I believe my son have–" "Papa!" A voice screamed from behind them and Sehun pulled back before turning around to see a girl running toward them. There was another man– he looked familiar even from afar as the two raced down the stairs. His breath got caught in his throat when he realized who the man was. "Luhan!" He heard Zitao whispered. Luhan's eyes were wide as he came to a stop in front of them, his eyes looking between Sehun and Zitao, as if conflicted on who to greet first. But then he was moving to where Zitao stood– who seemed to be in daze– and pulled him into a bone crushing hug."By the Angel! I thought I was never seeing you again." Luhan said, tightening his hold on Zitao until the other knight made a sound of discomfort. "Oh sorry sorry!" Luhan pulled back to stare at his brother's face. Sehun watched them closely and realized there was something more than brotherhood between them. And the next thing Luhan did confirmed him suspicious. Luhan cupped Zitao's face as he placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I missed you." He kissed him again. "I am so sorry for being a jerk" another kiss. "I will never let out of my sight again." This time the kiss lingered. "It took me to be away from you to realize I have feelings for you too"  This time it was Zitao who initiated the kiss. And the sounds they were making, made Sehun to blush. He averted his gaze from them, to his other knights and he saw all of them had smiles on their faces. "Papa, uncle Yixing, the bastard he–" the girl holding Baekhyun started but the man shook his head. "I know, Pàshiu told me" he said. "He deceived me into playing his games, but thank the Goddesses something good came out of it." He ran his hand through the girl's hair. "What is it?" "I've found the prince." "Oh" she grinned. "You did?" Baekhyun nodded. "What are they talking about?" Sehun heard his sister spoke and turned to raise a brows at her.  "What?" "Those people, have been talking in some weird language since we got here unlike how Baekhyun spoke a few moments ago, but I do not seem to catch on anything." "They're speaking perfectly normal. " Sehun said looking around in confusion. What was Joo-hyun talking about? "I understood every single word they've spoken." "Prince Sehun's right. I too could understand what they've been saying." Luhan said, coming to stand in front of Sehun before bending on one knee. "My prince! How have you been?" "I am doing wonderful Luhan. I am glad to see you again. How did you end up here?" He said pulling Luhan to his feet before engulfing his knight in a friendly embrace. "That is because you two both have Draco blood. The magic in our lands allows you to understand our language." Apollo said. "Luhan has Draco blood?" Sehun said pulling away to look at Luhan.  Luhan nodded. "That's what they've been telling me" he said. "And as for how I ended up here; is a long story. I will tell you about it when you get settled." "I don't understand, i thought you were half faerie?" Sehun said a bit unsure and his eyes flickered to Luhan's pointed ears. "His mother was a fairy, but his father is of Dracoland." Apollo explained, resting his weight on his staff. Sehun only nodded, he still didn't get how Luhan's father was of Dracoland. Apollo looked around and his eyes landed on Chanyeol, he stumbled slightly and Sehun quickly moved to steady him. "Goddesses above" he breathed out and looked to his son. "Baekhyun! What– what is going on." Baekhyun hurried to his father's side and held him. "He's just his doppelganger." He quickly explained and Apollo let out a shuddering breath. "Are you alright?" Apollo asked his son and Baekhyun just gave a curt nod and moved away to stand next to the little girl. "Sehun meet my daughter, Bong-Cha." Baekhyun introduced and Sehun snapped his head as he slowly resealed his hold on Apollo. Smiling at the girl waving at him, Sehun extended a hand to her and Bong-Cha took it with a wide grin on her face. "Hello! Nice to meet you, Bong Cha. I am Sehun." "Goddesses above, you're very pretty!" Bong-Cha said, squeezing his hand with a surprising strength. "Thank you. You're pretty Yourself." He told her and the girl blushed as she pulled her hand to her side. "I am going to beat the out of uncle Yixing!" Bong Cha said turning to face her father. "No you stay out of this. I am dealing with Yixing myself" Baekhyun smacked his daughter's head and she crossed her arms over her chest, pouting theatrically, then swirled as though she was about to walk back into the palace, only to stop when her eyes landed on Chanyeol's. She took a shaky breath and took careful steps over to him. Her eyes suddenly changed, pupils disappeared as they turned white completely. She wasn't sure what was happening, it felt like she was being taken into another dimension as some sort of vision stared playing behind her eyes. She saw her papa, and the man she was standing in front of right now, they man she was certain looked so much like her late father from the paintings she'd seen of him. Her papa was holding a baby and Bong-Cha herself was sitting on the strangers lap as they shared breakfast. The new baby was a boy and he had curly red hair that sparkled in the morning light. They were eating, sharing stories and there was an undeniable happiness surrounding them all, it showed on their faces, in their smiles and eyes. There was a ring on her papa's finger and Bong-Cha looked to the man's hand that was rested on top of the table and saw a similar ring on him as well. They were married, she could tell that much. Suddenly there were hands and distant voices she recognized as her papa's and grandfather's. She snapped into reality and blinked her eyes a few times to clear her vision. Her papa was holding both her shoulders and staring worriedly at her. "Bong-Cha are you alright?" He asked, running a hand through her hair. "Why the hell are you smiling when you almost gave me an heart attach?" Blinking once again, Bong-Cha realized her father was right, she could feel the stretch of her lips. Goddesses above, she just experienced her first ability. Clairvoyance. She could see the future and it seemed this stranger that looked like her father was the one that triggered it. It felt good and she's already forming a plan on how to be the Eros in this. She was going to make sure her papa and this stranger get together. The sheer love and happiness she witnessed in her vision was something she was kin on making reality. "The hell is wrong with you young lady?" Her papa spoke again, reviving her from her reverie. Her eyes flickered to the tall read man and Bong-Cha suppressed another smile when she caught the man looking at her papa with open interest that her papa was oblivious to. Then averted her gaze back to her father."I think I just experienced my first ability."  Her papa's eyes widen. "What– how, i don't. Oh you mean it?" She nodded. "I think I can see the future."  "You're Clairvoyant?" Her grandfather said with a grin. "That's right. I have that kind of – ow" her papa smacked her head and Bong-Cha could hear the prince giggling beside her but she ignored him and pouted at her father. "papa this is not fair, you just cussed as well" "I am an adult, and I was overwhelmed by the fact that my daughter had just experienced her first powers." Bong-Cha rolled her eyes. "What did you see?" Her papa asked. "The wife I am going to marry." "Goddesses above! Really?" There was a wide grin on her papa's face, he was making dreamy eyes obviously at the thought of his future daughter in law. "You like girls?" The lady with purple hair asked and there was something Bong-Cha couldn't read on her face. "Uh I do" Bong-Cha nodded. "do you wish to be my woman?"  "What? No, no." The lady's cheeks turned crimson as she shook her head slightly. "N-no of course not, that was not why I asked. I was just curious." She strutted. "Relax, I was just kidding! Besides you're to old for me. I rather have someone a bit older or younger than me" Bong-Cha said moving away from her father to stand in front of the lady. She looked at her intently for a moment before she spoke again. "You like someone else don't you? And you are also into girls just like me, right?" The lady didn't hesitate as she nodded. "I love– love her very much."  Bong-Cha hummed and took the lady's hand. "I a
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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
740 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!