



After the drama that had been surrounding Yesung for the past months, he had now been left with yet another pained troubling one. He had been trying to think so hard of what he concluded as madness ferris wheel. Swirling and spinning, again and again but yet to stumble against the course of it. A madness indeed.

It took all his might to not jump into the hand of his little brother after he had realize the younger was his all along. Say that he's having a brother complex but it is what it is now. Being separated by who he thought as a loving parent. Blinded by the soft smile and gentle care. Beneath the facade lies the depth of grim abyss. Two demon that held him back from taking what was once his.


He felt a nudge on his small hand. Only then he realizes, it’s been an hour since he had woken up from taunting nightmare. Images of his brother chasing after him, seeking for revenges.

“Sungie hyung. Are you okay? Why you didn’t call me?” said Sungmin, referring to his awaken after long due sleep.

“I’m fine. What time is it, Minnie ah?” said Yesung, w bit lost with the time.

“You’ve been sleeping for the past hours. It’s already 9pm. Do you want something to eat?” said Sungmin worriedly. The older had him frantic when he passed out in the abandon factory. 

“Oh… wow. Emm.. I’m not that--” a low growl from his hungry stomach had him blushing to his core.

‘Aww!!! such a cute boy!’ thought Sungmin rudely for calling the older as a younger than he is.

“It’s okay. Wookie was just finished with his cooking now. Come, I’ll help you” said Sungmin as he pull the older easily on his leg.

“Wookie? Who’s that?” said Yesung with a frown.

“Oh I forgot about it. And I’m sorry in advance, please bear with them once we reach there.” said Sungmin sheepishly in riddles, earning more frown and confused expression from Yesung.

The younger keep pulling his hand, tugging it softly towards the foreign area. Assuming the place belongs to the younger, he let himself calm from getting panic with no reason.

Once he reach the said dining room, a faint squeals can be heard, blaring into the room occupied by two younger males.

“Yah! It was him! Kyu!” said a person once his eyes fells on Yesung dishevelled figures.

“I know! I know!” said another one while hands begin to snap few photos through his mobile phone.

The squeals and predatory look had him scrunching his brows. He recognizes one of the squealing mess as Ryeowook. The friend of his brother. But what he not know was what's the connection Sungmin had with the younger.

“Hyung, calm down. This is my friends. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. I’m sure you know who is Ryeowook. Come, I’ll explain while you eat.” said Sungmin as he led the older to a chair.


The dinner had him nervous. Stares from across his seat and another from his left. Shifting uncomfortably from the hungry look.

“Kids, stop it. You make him uncomfortable.” said Sungmin in annoyance by the two rudeness.

“But hyung! You didn’t tell us that you close with Sungie hyung!” said Ryeowook in protest. 

From the corner of Yesung’s eyes, he can see the tall boy nodding in agreement. Smirking towards him once was caught staring at the lanky boy. He turns away from the smirking one, unconsciously closing in for Sungmin’s warmth.

“Well duh. We work in the same company before…” said Sungmin as he roll his eyes.

“Tssk. So all this time you asking us to watch over Henry was because of your own needs to show off in front of Yesungie huh?” said Kyuhyun with smug face. Probably annoyed by Sungmin taking the advantage to be near the older.

“He’s older than you. And this is why I hide it from you guys. You guys scaring him with that look.” said Sungmin, pointing his accusing fingers towards the erted smiles.

“Well, it can’t be help! We have been dying to meet him! And you damn lucky hyung had him for yourself!” said Kyuhyun, joined by a snort from Ryeowook.

Sungmin was about to retort back when he feels a tug on his shirt. The screams going back and forth, earning a dislike expression from the oldest of them four.

“Minnie ah. Don’t fight. You told me you would explain why Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were helping you…”

The two younger student coos inwardly, melting from the sight of the older’s cute pout.

Sungmin sighing. He had forgot his real reasons of bringing the older there after the two younger had accidentally saw Yeusng’s sleeping face. Asking for explaination from him, the two kids demanding him to bring the unconscious ex idol to his home.

“Sorry hyung. The reason why these two were even helping mefrom the beginning was, I lied to them about being a helper for Heechul hyung. That way, I can ask them to help me detecting more bullies without them knowing I was doing it for you. It’s the safest way to do it.” said Sungmin.

Yesung nod in understanding. He had been the one who told the younger to take care of the bullies matter. Not once to cross his mind that the younger were asking a direct help towards his little brother’s friend.

“Okay. But how do you ask for their help?” Yesung ask curiously.

“Oh I forgot to mention. These guy are my childhood friends. And we actually just bunch of your biggest fans who had been fanboying over you for the longest time.” said Sungmin in the most proudest tone.

Yesung turn to the other who had the same smiles. A warm gentle feelings begin to creep up into his heart. Knowing there’s still people who rooting for him despite the massive scandals that happen years ago.

Tears begin to loom into his darkened orbs. Biting out the sobs that threatening to escape his pained heart.

“Thanks… I didn’t know I still had few people who listen to my voice before… you guys never hates me after that scandals? I mean… I was clearly getting hates after that…” said Yesung with lost expression. He can’t even fathom why these three still looking up to him.

“Because we know it wasn’t true. I mean, yeah your mother had hid the truth about your older brother but it was thanks to Sungmin hyung who cleared thing up for us. He told us that you didn’t even know about that news.” said Ryeowook.

Yesung begin to sobs as he tackle down Sungmin. Feeling grateful for having someone who as warm as Sungmin and the kids.

“Thank you…” he whispers, again and again. Truth to be told, it wasn’t because of the way the younger willing to stand up for him, it was more towards the fact that the younger still there, standing with him. Joined by the two other younger kids, he was grateful for having more into his circle.

“Aww… Don’t cry, Sungie hyung. Now, you should finish your dinner. You gonna get sick.” said Ryeowook, softly rubbing the older’s back in circle motions.

With a cute nod, Yesung wipe away his tears. Blushing as once against he had cries in front of people.

They watching as Yesung slowly munching onto his foods. Scooping a few rice into his spoons as he felt a hole been boring into his head by a stares. Ryeowook and Sungmin was far to deep into conversation to realizes the uncomfortable fidgeting older.

“Kyuhyun ssi…” said Yesung as he still looking down to his food.

The younger had his chin rested on his hand as he watch the older fondly from his side.

“Call me Kyunnie.”

“Ah.. Kyunnie.”


“Can you stop staring at me.. you make me embarrassed.” said Yesung sheepishly, trying to hide the blushing in his face.

“No can do. You are too cute to be wasted off.” said Kyuhyun with all his boldness.

Realizing the older’s silent after the ended their talk, Ryeowook begin to nag for the taller bold flirting. Leaving Yesung giggling from Kyuhyun’s look, asking for help from being nagging by the small chef.


An old woman can be seen pacing around inside the house. Pacing in frantic manner as her beloved son was still nowhere to be seen entering the porch. Irking her nervousness after he whole plan were ruined.

An hour after she received a call from her follower regarding her plan on crushing down her ‘obstacles’, she had been waiting for her son to come back home.

Deep into her feelings and guts, she know how dangerous her son’s secretary for trying to debunk all her past bad deed she and her husbnad had done to her own sons. Not knowing how Yesung were already catching up onto her stuff, she wait there innocently.

A car sounds had her ears perk up towards the door. Walking frantically towards the porch just to greet her son home.

Yesung wlak out from the car, thanking Sungmin for sending him after kindly taking care of him.

 To his surprise, he was his mother throwing herself into his hug. Buried her face into the not so broad chest of her son.

“Welcome home.” said Yoojin timidly.

“Eomma? Why you still here? I thought you already went home?” said Yesung , surprised by his mother presence. “Did you fight with appa?”

“What? No. I’m just missing my son. Beside, I was too buys cleanig your house and preparing foods for you. That’s why I was just thinking to wait for you to come back. Now I can leave without feeling worried for you. Take care, Sungie.” said Yoojin as she went out to the waiting car. Leaving Yesung no time to response to her weird antics.

He watch as the car leaving his property. Eyes beaming in anger after knowing the real culprit of that evening attack. He was fumed. Mad. And angry for his mother. If it wasn’t for one of Sungmin’s follower interrogating the bullies, he wouldn’t know who was daring enough to plan such attack.

Silently he thanking the younger and his follower. Sungmin being one of the famous martial art student had gain enough reputation to build such a loyal following. Knowing that, Yesung doing the right thing he had thought of and asking for the idol help.

Slowly he walk inside his house. Getting headache from thinking about the whole ordeal.


After finally had the time to freshen up himself, he went on to check all his procrastinated work. 

To busy into his mountain of works, he didn’t even realize the door to his room were open wide. Revealing someone who strode towards him with a frantic manners.

He was about to drink onto the water bottles when the said person slap his hand away. 

With a gasp, he look up to find a pale looking Donghae.

“Hae? Why did you do that?” said Yesung, a bit scowling from the scary looking secretary.

“Don’t drink that water again!” shouts Donghae in panicking.

“Wh--why?” the nervous break out had him stutter.

“That drink was the reason you can’t remember almost everything! Sure you can remember us but that was because we meet everyday!” the younger shouts had him frown more as he stares at the spilled water bottles on the floor.

“But you’re the one who put it here… wasn’t it?” said Yesung in confusion.

Another footsteps had him tilting his head towards the door frame. Furrowing his eyeborws more as he saw the young psychiatrist walking towards both of them.

“Yesung hyung. Sorry for barging into your house like this. But we’ve been investigating about your sudden memory loss. As far as I can remember, we manage to stop our session right when you still can describe your siblings feature. And upon our investigation, you have been drinking this weird water bottles that appear out of nowhere in your office and in your house. We suspect that ‘someone’ had been wanting for you to forget everything without caring how it will affecting your daily life…” said Hyukjae in his long explanation.

Yeusng gasped. Cupping his mouth as a bile of disgust threaten to spill out from his guts. He point towards the water bottles with shaking hand.

“What’s in the water…?”

“It’s the same drug that I’ve been use on you before. The culprit might have found other dealer who can give them the same drugs…Hyung. How long have you been drinking the water?” said Hyukjae as he closing in to pull away the panic looking Donghae. Calming the other with soft pat on the back.

“Em… weeks? I don’t know… I thought Donghae had change the regular water bottles from the other one… urgghhh… this is why I can’t recognizes my brothers?” said Yesung. Rubbing his face in frustration. Tears stricken down his face as he realize who were able to do such things.

“Eomma…appa?” whispers him in soft voice. Stutters evidence in his voice as he sobbing to himself.

Donghae walks around the table just to pull the older into his hug. Feeling terrible for the older’s bad experience.

“It’s okay. I’m so glad I had the curiosity to bring one of the drink to Hyukjae the other day. I’m sorry for leaving you by yourself” said Dnghae as he’s rocking their body back and forth, wanting to calm the older from his stressed situations.

“But just now, did you said that you know the real faces of your brothers? Did you meet them again?”

Yesung nod softly into the hugs. “Eomma…she trying to kill Henry again.. today…”

“What!?” the shouts came from both Donghae and Eunhyuk. Frowns crystal clear on their face.

“What did she do?” Hyukjae ask the older softly.

Feeling he was calm enough to speak, he begin to tell the two about his deed that day. Including how he had been going around the secretary’s back by his own.

It was shocking. Donghae was mad. He was fumed for the older bold act. He can’t even fathom for the older to act so bravely despite his fragile stature.

“Why did you do that alone!? you know you can rely on me!” shouts Donghae with red face.

“Hey, don’t be mad. Hyung must had his own reasons. Right hyung?” said Hyukjae.

Yesung nod as he look away from the fuming younger. “You wouldn’t let me kick those bullies with my own leg…” said Yesung with a pout. It was his own want to be able to punish those bullies with his own hands.

“Urgh! What if you hurt yourself in process?! and who’s this Sungmin guy! Was it the guy who come into the office today? I need to meet him later” said Donghae. Hint of over-protectiveness radiated from his face.

“Em… please don’t be mad at him. He protect me well enough at that time…” said Yesung timidly.

Hyukjae watch as the two went back and forth, chuckling as he see Donghae acting more like an older brother for the older. He knows how the Kim’s begin to act on their own. He knows how he hand been tailed by suspicious men. And from that day, he swore to protect those two from the troubles coming. He swore he will protect the precious new family he had now.





A/N: hemmmmmm.....Hemmmm????? I'm...  I'm having a writers blocks lol

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Please be patient with me, the comedy ish and fluff part will come but it will be taking time.


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400 streak #1
Chapter 17: Rereading it, still one of my fav story of yours ❤️
Chapter 17: This would be one of the coolest stories that I've ever read
400 streak #4
Chapter 1: OMG, this family is broken inside out T____T and always because of parents. I'm not gonna be a mom like this mother #sigh
heeyanna #5
Chapter 15: ommo!!! are you also the one who wrote the "Our Little Sungie"???
I'm freaking waiting for its next chapters... TT_TT
Chapter 17: Ahhh. Why this chapter feel like end.. good
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Chapter 16: Oh shiet! He's between Innocent and Psycotic . And he's so badass. .
charismavi #8
Chapter 17: Phase one completed..Getting ready for phase two ;)
We still need to see how two evils act when they finally meet hohoho..
Chapter 17: We'll look forward to it,,take your time,,,