



The next day, Donghae was already waiting for his boss to show up at their workplace. Nervous begin to set in after the older seems to be late  than his usual schedule.


“Hyung!” Donghae finally relief once he saw the older walk into the office. But something had caught his sight the moment the older walk in with his puffy eyes.

Tailed behind the petite male was the caretaker slash bodyguard. Face stoic like the last time Donghae had meet him.

“I’ll fetch you at 5 pm, young master. Don’t try to run again.” said Kibum before leaving again.

‘Run?’ thought Donghae curiously. He approach the older who sighing while cupping his own face.

“Hyung? Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you right?” said Donghae worriedly.

Yesung look up and begin to tear up. “Hae… I hate him! Last night he strip me down ! And he---”

“What!? how dare he! That stoic bastard will catch this hand!” shout Donghae as he march towards the door but the older manage to pull his hand first.

“Wait, let me finish first! He said he want to change the clothes for me because I refused to listen to him! I don’t want you to fight him because he's hella strong…” said Yesung, looking down at their hands.

“But no bodyguard should ever do that. He didn’t… you know… touch your private place right?” said Donghae nervously.

Yeusng tilted his head a little. “Why would he do that? I do thought he was trying to strip me to molest me(a/n-in his head, molest was all about touching)but I don’t know for what. So I just scream ert in the haze moment. We’re both man.” 

The younger facepalm himself, cursing the older naive-self at the crucial moment. “You do know men can be and have too,right?”

“What….” said Yesung with open mouth. “How?” asked him in the most curious face Donghae ever seen before.

“How do you think Heechul hyung and Hangeng hyung done it!!!! You---No. We not gonna talk about it. Anyway, what else did he do to you?” said Donghae, rubbing his face as he worried about the older ual knowledge.

“Oh. He force me to eat. You know that I hate food that have too much flour? He forced me to finish a plate of it!” Yesung puffing his cheeks in sulking manner. Pouting like a child that hating the green in his fried rice.

‘Well, at least he feed him well.’ thought Donghae but held it in for not wanting to upset the older further more.


Days pass with Yesung coming to work looking more and more gloomy. Hating the strict rule putted on him by the bodyguard. Donghae can only listen to the rant the older stock up inside him.

But that day, news had reach to both of them in the worst way.

“What!? why would I’ll be send to work outstation on behalf of Mr.Kim?” shouts Donghae in protest after Kibum had pass him a letter of document by Jaeun.

“Because his nephew a.k.a Young master’s cousin had to go on his behalf. And Mr.Kim would like you to assist that young man because of his secretary had to take a leave that day.” said Kibum.

“Ki..Kibum, why not just me to go on my cousin behalf? Besides, who will be taking care of my schedule if Donghae went off?” said Yesung with a frown.

“That will be me. I know how to deal with schedule and meeting. You will be on your leave tomorrow to Jeju. Go meet your temporary boss.” said Kibum as he shove off the secretary out from the room.

“Yah! You can’t just do this!” shouts Donghae in protest but earning a silent from the closed door, he went on to meet the said boss with heavy heart.

“Kibum ssi! You don’t have the right to do all this thing!” said Yesung in cold tone. His blood boiled from the stupid order directed by his father.

“Not my order. You can ask your dad if you have anything against it. Now, let’s go home. It’s late and you still didn’t eat anything after breakfast this morning.” said Kibum as he help the older with his stuff.

“Don’t touch my things!” shouts Yesung that had him startled.

Not once he had ever heard the older sounded so cold and malice with his speech. He turn around to see the older looking at him intensely, teeth gritting from the anger that begin to surface from his face that one can resemble an angry wolf.

“O…okay. I’ll wait you outside.” said Kibum, flustered by the sudden anger.

Once the younger was out of his sight, Yesung begin to pick up his stuff. In the midst of collecting his stuff, he can’t help but to pick up a jar of candies that neatly place on his desk and throw it on the floor.

His heart swelling in madness. No one, literally no one can separate him from his beloved. That’s including Donghae who he had treat like a real brother all this time.

“Young master!” shouts Kibum once he heard the broken glass while waiting outside. There, he can see Yesung staring into a wall with his face darkened. “You--young master?” he asked worriedly as the older didn’t even bother to respond to him.

‘Oh Gosh… what is he thinking about…’ thought Kibum, shivering from the slow movement of the older as he pick up his bag and begin to walk close to the stunned bodyguard.

“Let’s go.” said Yesung coldly. Not once he saw the older expression budge from the chilling one.

‘Oh Mr.Kim…. what have you done..’


Day begin to pass with Donghae busying himself with the temporary boss and couldn’t come back to Seoul in the meantime. Left alone, Yesung become more and more depress from the lack contact of the  love the most.

It was hard for the caretaker to even deal with him outside from working time. The older had throwing tantrum ever chances he had. The young caretaker was left with nothing but bruises lately from the older childish tantrum.

One time when he had force Yesung to eat at early time, the older had throw him a vase that hit his head to the point he had to be rush to the ER. And not enough with that, Yesung had accidentally punch his groin when he was refusing the younger to enter his room.

‘Why he turn to this childish madness?’ thought Kibum as he pressing an ice bag towards his bruised thigh. The older had kick him in the leg but this time with no other reason then Kibum was late in making his dinner.

‘Could be he was protesting at this moment? But Donghae will only be back in Monday… I don’t want to die before that doe eyes guys come  back…’ thought.

He glance towards the clock once. ‘He should finish his dinner by now.’ thought him, slowly walks towards the stairs towards the older’s room.

He was about to knock the door when he heard soft sobbing coming s head towards the door carefully and heard the older was talking to himself.

“I miss you guys… Heechul hyung… Henry… Donghae ah..” the mumbling begin louder as the time pass. The smaller had said those three name like a chant most of the time. Muttering his wishes to meet them for it’s been so long since the last time he had meet his siblings.

‘Aish… I feels bad… I know that he really want to meet that secretary  but Mr.Kim had send him away for the moment. What should I do… wait.’ thought him, pestering more into the door. ‘Heecul? Henry? Wasn’t they were mention by Mr. And Mrs.Kim? I do remember that they once had said that Yesung can’t meet them no matter what… but why? Should I call Donghae to ask about this matter?’

He decided to enter the room first to take the tray first before doing so.

“Young master? I’m taking the tray.” he knock once and earn nothing but a rustling noises. Taking that as his cue to enter, he slowly pushing the door open.

Kibum sigh while smiling as he saw the older where facing him backward. Hiding the shaking in his petite body from crying too much.

“Goodnight.” said Kibum as he walks out of the room.

‘Now. Let’s do some good thing.’


Yesung was dazing throughout the day. Working with half of his heart to somewhere else. He keep sighing once he finish every works he had that day.

“Young master, here the last paper to be sign.” said Kibum as he handed the said paper. Kibum wait as Yesung finish the paper signing, watching the older who keep getting gloomier than before.

‘Please be more patience, Young master’ thought him.

“Are you hungry? It’s already 5pm, we should go home.” said Kibum carefully, not wanting another tantrum that can send him towards the ER again.

But as usual, Yesung gave him a silent treatment, showing full protest for the whole ordeal.

“We should eat outside today. I’ll bring you to somewhere special.” said Kibum with a smiles Yesung never seen before. It radiate a warm vibe that could melt away Yesung tantrum but he was too stubborn to admit to it.

He follow the now secretary towards the car. Tilting his head in confusion a little bit from the different sight of the vehicle.

“Where’s our old car?” said him expressionless.

“Oh, it had to be serviced once in awhile so we riding my car.” said Kibum. He had lied. It was his plan to use his car for today special occasion.

Once the older was settle in his seat, Kibum begin to drive away to his choice.


“We here.” said Kibum.

Yesung didn’t even realizes the younger had pull up at a porch in a foreign house he never seen before.

“Where is this? I thought you said it was a restaurant?” said Yesung as he study the beautiful mansion. A thought had cross his mind as he were trying to guess the younger’s plan.

“Huh… you wanna steal my organ!? you’re not a bodyguard!???” shouts Yesung. He had reminiscing Donghae’s weird conversation with him about the human trafficking the other day. Of all time, he had to accuse the bodyguard the moment he saw the suspicious looking house.

“Eh? No! Your misunderstood! This is----” Kibum words were cut short when the front door were wide open. Revealing a familiar silhouette that Yesung knew too well.




It was too vague for him. One moment he was shouting at the rude  caretaker, the next thing he know was he a;ready seated diligently at the dining table.

“Hyung? What did you want to eat?”

A question from his little brother had him startle for a moment.

“Eh? I’m sorry. What was it again, He..Heejong ah?” said Yesung, smiling bitterly towards the younger.

Henry was a bit surprised when the older still wenton about the fake name. But then it hit him when Yesung still didn’t know about them knowing everything that had happen in his life.

“It’s Henry for you. And Heechul hyung for you.” said Heechul who had been waiting for the younger to break his daze the moment he step his foot inside their house.

“Eh? I.. I don’t know what do you mean by that…” Yeusng hseepishly trying to hide his nervous breakdown. Heck he was still onto the whole hatred things Heechul had on him.

Heechul sigh. He look at both Kibum and Hangeng who was watching over them from the side and gesturing them to leave. Though Hangeng want to listen to the whole family feud, he leave nevertheless, pulling Kibum into their library.

Heechul smiling softly towards Yesung. Feeling sympathy towards the suffered little brother. “Hey. It’s okay. We knew everything from Donghae. So you can call us the way you used to.” 

Yesung shoot his head upward. Staring in disbelieve towards the two brothers who all smiley at him.

“I…I.. I’m sorry… I’m sorry for lying about this whole thing. I didn’t mean to lie about not knowing you guys but I was too scared…” said Yesung. Quivering from nervous that begin to set in.

“Henry… I should have help you from the beginning… I didn’t mean to leave you by yourself. I---”

“Shh.. it’s okay.” said Henry as he pull the older into his hug. Patting the older back as his eyes begin to tear up from the warmth of the thin man. “You are so thin nowadays. Do you even eat?” said him, biting back the sobs from falling onto Yesung’s shoulder.

“I don’t have appetite… I just want to meet you guys… but that stupid bodyguard won’ let me..” said Yesung with a pout.

Heechul begin to chuckles as he watch the two cuddling brothers trying hold back each others tears.

“Well, at least you give him a good beating.” said Heechul with a smirk.

Yesung pull away from the hug unwillingly and meet the smirking diva’s eye. Blushing as the older looking all proud from the beating he had gave on the bodyguard.

“I didn’t mean to hurt him but he was being rude towards me…” Yesung pout more as he remembered by the unpleasant memory. “But how do you know? And why Kibum bring me here?”

“Ah that? Actually, had come to us looking all beaten up one day and pleading us to meet you. Although it was him the one who avoiding you to meet us, he was defeated by the beating you gave him. And Donghae help us a little bit in this.” said Heechul.

“Donghae? Ah… I miss him so much…” said Yesung looking donward, as if the marble floor was more interesting thing in the world.

“Miss him? Didn’t you guys meet everyday?” said Henry curiously.

“Dad had sent him away to work with our cousin. I don’t know which one and who because work keep getting in the way. I don’t know why they separating us away.” said Yesung.

“Tssk. Those b****es!” 

“Hah! Henry! Language!” Yesung gasped and glare at the unbelievably rude younger.

“What? I was right, right Heechul hyung?” said Henry in protest.

Heechul only roll his eyes as he walk away. “You guys have a chat first. I’m gonna prepare for the dinner.”

As he saw the older walk away, Henry pulls the still glaring Yesung into the living room. Smirking as he was reminded by the question he had been dying to know.

“Sungie hyung~” said Henry in singsong that had Yesung giggling to himself. “Eh? Why did you laugh?” he ask the giggling older.

“No. It just that, it’s been years since the last time I heard you call me that. I miss it so much….” said Yesung as he look at the younger with a longing’s look.

“Oh. Anyway. I had a question. Me and Heechul hyung quite curious about this.”

“Umm… what is it?”

“Okay. Do you ever had a girlfriend?”


Heechul was almost finish his last preparation when he heard a loud screaming from the living room. And it was thanks to his good reflex when he manage to set down the dishes before a running Yesung bumps into him.

“Yah! What you guys doing!?” shouts Heechul in anger. He turn to Yesung who was hiding behind him.

“Hyung! Henry was talking about scary things!” shouts Yesung with a pale face.

“Scary things? What was it?” said Heechul as he saw the youngest of them all walks into the kitchen with a smug looking face.

Henry held his palm out towards Heechul with a smirk. “You owe me 10,000 won.” 

“What?! for what?” shouts Heechul in surprise.

“We had a bet, remember?” said Henry.

Only then he remember the bet he had with the younger just to shut him up. “Did you really ask him about that?” said Heechul with a sigh.

Yesung come out from behind them, looking all clueless about the two conversation. “What are you talking about?”

“Ah, Yesung ah. Did Henry ask you something that make you scream just now?” Heechul ask the younger.

“Em…” Yesung hesitate to answer the older question, face fully blushing from his little brother doing. “He.. he ask about s--… and I said that I.. I don’t know but then he told me how … two men had a……” Yesung finish off with face as red as a ruby.

“And?” said Heechul in anticipating. He was all wrong for thinking the younger had done something as far as other than a kiss.

“And what? It’s creepy! Won’t you gonna hurt your lover that way?! it’s cruel! How do you go.. t--to the t-toilet after that?” 

“Henry! You shouldn’t told him too much information! And Yesung! You never had before!?” 

Yesung shook his head timidly. “But.. wasn’t was supposed to be done after marriage?” said Yesung innocently.

Both Henry and Heechul facepalming themselves. Worried about the petite man well being for once.

Heechul take a deep breathe before shouting “Dinner’s ready!”. He walks way with the dishes. ‘I’m so gonna teach him some education.’

“Eh? Why you guys ignoring me? Did I said something wrong?” said Yesung in flustered face.

“No. You didn’t said anything wrong. It was us.” said Henry, feeling guilty for tainting the older's innocent thought. He drag the older to have the dinner together.

Yesung only follow as he keeps repeating the weird talk he had with Henry. Blush creeping into his face as he finally realize that his hyung has indeed done it with his husband. 

'He seems fine with it... It's possible for two men?'



A/N: a bit disappointing i must say. I'm having the hard time in this chapter as the plot quite stupid. I'll do better next. 

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Please be patient with me, the comedy ish and fluff part will come but it will be taking time.


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401 streak #1
Chapter 17: Rereading it, still one of my fav story of yours ❤️
Chapter 17: This would be one of the coolest stories that I've ever read
401 streak #4
Chapter 1: OMG, this family is broken inside out T____T and always because of parents. I'm not gonna be a mom like this mother #sigh
heeyanna #5
Chapter 15: ommo!!! are you also the one who wrote the "Our Little Sungie"???
I'm freaking waiting for its next chapters... TT_TT
Chapter 17: Ahhh. Why this chapter feel like end.. good
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Chapter 16: Oh shiet! He's between Innocent and Psycotic . And he's so badass. .
charismavi #8
Chapter 17: Phase one completed..Getting ready for phase two ;)
We still need to see how two evils act when they finally meet hohoho..
Chapter 17: We'll look forward to it,,take your time,,,