



After the sleepover, Kibum seems to be pestering more closer towards Yesung. The young bodyguard even show up the next they after the sleepover with bruises on his face and won’t even answer the older worried question.

The curiosity killed him. Yesung had been asking the latter about his face but silent from the younger was the answer for all he can remember. One thing lead to another, Yesung never had the chances to meet all his friends and sibling anymore. For some reason the works keep piling up.

As he was about to open another one, Kibum came in with another mountain of work.

“Mr.Kim said to finish this by tomorrow.” said Kibum with a cold tone.

“Bu-but this one still---”

“No excuse. He told me once he came back from his vacation he’ll let you to takeover the company so he want you to be ready with this kind of work. Now continue.” Kibum walks away after the harsh command, leaving Yesung to to study the stack of ‘mess’.

Groaning as he slump his head on the table, Yesung thought about the possibility on his dad intentionally torturing him.

‘No! Appa didn’t know about me meeting them! If he knows about it, he will surely come back already.’ thought him innocently.

Shaking his head as he slap his cheeks softly, he continues to do his work, not realizing how Kibum had watch over him towards the crack of the door.

‘I’m sorry young master… I’m sorry.’


Day by day and soon a month went by in a swift. Yesung looks not much of a difference from a living corpse. The work had eat him out. Kibum had realize the amount of works were too much for the older but due to a threat from his boss, he can’t do nothing but to comply to the order. To make his young master forget about everything by overwork him. It was madness and he knows how the Kim finally crossing the lines. Too blinded by money and fame.

“Young master?” he walks slowly towards the older’s bedroom just to wake him up for works.

He walks towards the room and saw how tired Yesung look even in his sleep. He trace the tired looking face softly, almost cried out from the fragile looking man. Though the older still in his normal looking condition to the public eyes, only Kibum knows how the older begin to reject solid foods.

‘What have we done to you…’ thought him as he wipes the tears that almost falls on the older’s face.

“Young master?wake up…” said him as he patted the older’s cheeks.

Not even one minute, Yesung eyes begin to fluster open. “Is it work again?” said Yesung unconsciously.

Kibum nod in guilty, helping the older to get up. His eyes follow suit the older’s fragile figure till he disappear into the bathroom.

Not to be added with the mountain of work, Yesung had to maintain his mental state after he had broke down one day in front of the younger once he had step his foot inside his office before. It took all Kibum might to not take away the older from all the torture and hide him in the safest place.

“I don’t want to work anymore!” shouts the older once.

Kibum was too deep in his reverie when Yesung walks out from the bath.

“Kibummie?” siad Yesung as he tap the younger shoulder.

“Eh? Ah, you finish already? I’ll wait you at the table.”

“But I don’t want to eat…” said Yesung with a pout.

“No, you must eat a little. Now, I have cook your favorite dishes, I’ll wait you downstairs.” said Kibum as he left the older without a reply.

It was clear to them that their relationship become better over the month but Kibum know better that it was all because of Yesung losing the spirit to even fight back.

After a while, the older came to the dining table. Kibum manage to feed the older half of the portion before almost vomit all of the food inside his mouth.

“I can’t go on anymore…” said Yesung with teary eyes from the vomit aftertaste.

Not wanting to make the older feel more worst than that, he comply to the request and getting ready for the work.



“Aish! Yah! Lee Donghae!” shouts Heechul in irritation from the younger sudden ministration.

The latter had punch the table in frustration. It was their third meeting with each other after Yesung had been separated from them. With Henry, Hangeng, Kangin, Hyukjae and Ryeowook who insist to join them, they meet up at Hangeng company to discuss about the matter.

“Well sorry! I’m mad because today I saw him in a glimpse and he look much more worse than before! What the hell does the Kim done to him!” Donghae shout in anger as he keep pacing back and forth. “They even make me stay with his cousin all the time too!”

“Hae, calm down. Getting angry won’t solve this thing.” said Hyukjae as he pull the angry boyfriend for a seat.

“But Hyukkie, I can’t even save him when he need my help..” said Donghae with teary eyes.

“No Donghae, it should be my fault in letting such things happen to him. It should be me who saving him now. We need plan.” said Heechul.

“In my man’s report, he even had a meltdown in the company before due to the stress. We can’t let this happen any longer. I’m willing to kidnap him now.” said Hangeng in anger.

“Let me in too Hyung. How dare that demons do this to him!” Henry shrieking as he let the anger took over him. If it wasn’t for his stubborn head, he wouldn’t know how suffering his hyung right now.

All of sudden, a commotion right outside the meeting room used by them caught their attention.

“What was that?”

A faint shouts can heard before the door were wide open.

“Sir, you can’t just barge into--” the man who trying to stop the intruder are now frown when he saw his bosses face. “I’m sorry sir, he keep insisting in meeting you guys.”

“Kibum ssi? What’s bring you here?” said Heechul in cold tone. Anger swelling inside him as he saw the cause of the separation between him and his younger brother.

Hangeng shoo the frantic looking workers and let the young bodyguard in.

“Now speak your mind or my husband here will kill you.” said Hangeng as he let Kibum saw how furious the diva look at he moment.

“I’m here to ask your help to save young master.” said Kibum.

“Tssk, say what now? After all you done?” said Henry.

Kibum sigh and before he able to speak more, he avoid a punch that been threw right on his side.

“Aish, how do you avoid that one. Now stay still for another one.” said Donghae as he ready for another one but were held back by Hyukjae.

“Calm yourself now.” with an order form Hyukjae, Donghae slump into his chair with a sigh.

“Yeah listen to your boyfriend. Save your punch for that bastard Kim. Now, where were I? oh. Help me save my young master, your brother. He’s been in too much suffering right now and only with my help, you guys can get him back.” said Kibum, earning a weird look by everyone in the room.

He sigh and took a seat in front of them.

“Listen. I never agree with the way Mr.Kim trying to divert Yesung attention. I saw how poor his mental state at the moment. And I know, it will take only now more push and Yesung was ready to go into asylum. We don’t want that, are we?”

“Speak your mind now. What do you have to help him? And how do you plan to go through those two maniac?” said Heechul.

“So here’s my plan. Tomorrow, I’ll bring him here or anywhere you guys can hide him. I can fake his death or something to make the Kim stop searching for him. I just want him to be free. Or another option…”

“What was it? You sound so menacing for some reason… and the first plan sound so stupid.” said Heechul as he frowned by the younger smirk.

“We could kill those two.” said Kibum casually.

“Yah! That’s too much!” shouts Hyukjae in surprise. He turn towards the other and frowned more as they look more into agreeing with the plan.

“That’s seems like the only way to free Yesung. But there’s must have another way. We can take Yesung first no matter what. Bring him here tomorrow. About the parent, we’ll think about it after we watch over their reaction. Kibum ssi, do the fake death plan first though I’m sure they are so not buying it.” said Hangeng in defeat.

“Well if you guys need a person to do the killing thing, I can offer myself. I don’t mind to do it since I saw how expressionless they look like after ordering me to overwork Young master. That’s not a parent attitude at all.” said Kibum as he clench his fist tight.

“You seems attached to him, Kibum ssi?” said Donghae with a smirk. He knosw well how it feels to get to know the older in the first hand.

“Yeah. He’s too nice for this world. Although he beat the sh*t out of me, I’m sure we all forced him to be that way. I’ll do anything just to save him from those monster.” said Kibum with a genuine smiles as he reminiscing the older’s sweet smiles and care after they become close over the months.

“He sure do…” said Donghae as everyone agreed with him.


Kibum watch over the older who keep focusing on the papers. Smiling bitterly as Yesung keep groaning in between his signing.

“A little bit more, young master.” said him as he giving a suport through his cheers.

“Thanks, Kibummie” 

Smiling brightly as he likes the new nickname Yesung establish for him. After few minute, Yesung manage to finish the last paper with a long sigh.

“Okay, let’s go home…” said Yesung in the midst of cleaning up his table.

After finish with his stuff, Yeusng walks towards the younger who waiting at the door. He realize the younger had been smiling all the way to the car, piquing his interest as they got into the car and drove away.

“Something makes you happy today?” Yesung ask, not realizing the younger had take a different road than usual.

“Yeah.” said Kibum in short reply. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise for the older thus he keep smiling and drove diligently.

“You make me curious… tell me!” Yesung whine as he peek in between the back seat and poke the younger smiling face.

Kibum letting the older to touch his face. Feeling the smaller finger caressing his face as he keep mumbling ‘secret’ towards the older.

“Aish Kibummie!! tell me--”


A loud bang on the side of the car over thrown it into the side of the road. Leaving the car to turn into it’s side way on the road.

It was ringing inside Kibum’s ear as he tried to gain his conscious again. Being strapped into his seat, he tried to pry off the belt and only after few tries, he manage to get away from it. Feeling the blood dripping from his head.

“Yesung….?” he calls out the older and to his shocking, the older were thrown to the window, limping weakly as he didn’t strap to any seat belts.

“Young master! He shouts in much difficulty.

But soon he’s trial in helping the older were stopped when the car door open from the top part (the car are on the side way as for now), revealing few man who dragging the unconscious Yesung out. Leaving him with a fuzzy vision to even make out the faces.

“Young.. master…” he begin to feel his conscious seep away from him as he heard the men’s car drove away, leaving him to himself with no help.

With all his energy left, he pry out his phone from his pocket and begin to dial for someone.


“Hangeng ssi…”

Yes? Is this Kibum? How was it? What happpen? Why did you sound so weird?” the voice frantically calls to him, knowing it was Heechul, Kibum only smiles a little.

“I’m sorry… they got him.. we’ve been hit…they left me here alone…”

Oh my… tell me your location now--- Heechul calm down!” the shouts from Hangeng had him pulls away the phone for a moment.

“I’ll give you the pin… please come faster… I want to kill those people by my own hand..”

“Okay! Stay still! We coming for you.”

The calls end as Kibum letting go of the phone and sigh in pain. The roads were too empty for anyone to help the over thrown car thus leaving Kibum no choice but to wait for Hangeng to come.

‘wait for me Kim… just wait…’







A/N:  yeah... It was that time again... I'm so tired lol.

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Please be patient with me, the comedy ish and fluff part will come but it will be taking time.


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401 streak #1
Chapter 17: Rereading it, still one of my fav story of yours ❤️
Chapter 17: This would be one of the coolest stories that I've ever read
401 streak #4
Chapter 1: OMG, this family is broken inside out T____T and always because of parents. I'm not gonna be a mom like this mother #sigh
heeyanna #5
Chapter 15: ommo!!! are you also the one who wrote the "Our Little Sungie"???
I'm freaking waiting for its next chapters... TT_TT
Chapter 17: Ahhh. Why this chapter feel like end.. good
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Chapter 16: Oh shiet! He's between Innocent and Psycotic . And he's so badass. .
charismavi #8
Chapter 17: Phase one completed..Getting ready for phase two ;)
We still need to see how two evils act when they finally meet hohoho..
Chapter 17: We'll look forward to it,,take your time,,,