Meeting The Runaway




“Have you calmed down?” Donghae ask Yesung who snuggling in a blanket on a couch.

Sheepishly Yesung nod. A bit embarrassed by his meltdown an hour ago. He took a cup of hot chocolate from Donghae’s hand and carefully sip it.

“What’s your plan after this? What actually you heard from them?” Donghae started to break the awkward silent.

A few sips on his drink and he put the cup down. Tugging on the blanket close to his body as the coldness he got from waiting in the car soothed down.

“I don’t know… I can’t just say that I know everything. From what I heard, they will do anything if they think Heechul hyung want to ruin their plan. I don’t think Heechul hyung care thou…”

“Well I don’t know your hyung way of thought but if he were to know such thing happen to you, I’m sure he will had his hand in this matter.” 

“No. He won’t. Instead, he will be pissed at me for abandoning Henry wellbeing. I know how he love Henry more than anyone. He’s been away from us since I was in highschool. If I could remember clearly, mom once told me that hyung ran away from home. But of course that wasn’t the case… I can’t fathom why they do this to us…”

“Hyung. After you start talking about your past life with your siblings, I begin to search it on the internet. Seeing that your family quite famous. I heard that you actually an idol before?”

“Oh.. that. I tried to forget about it… appa manage to hide all those articles about me but I guess some people won’t able to forget 6 years career… it was fun career before Heechul hyung news broke out. I don’t get how mom still trying to make me forget about him when that news was the reason why our careers falls…”

“Man. It’s hard to be you… Now. Forget about it for now. Let’s focus on what you really want to do for Henry.”

Knowing the issues could trouble the older for too long, Donghae had to distract him with his beloved little brother. And jackpot, Yesung eyes begin to sparkle once again.

‘So easy’ thought Donghae, chuckling by the older who seems easily distracted by topics.


Morning comes and commotion begin to fill Donghae’s house. It all came from Yesung who suddenly visited by a fever. Resorting Donghae to call the older’s private doctor to his house.

“How is he doc?” said Donghae worriedly.

“Oh you can call me Zhoumi only. Yesung hyung always call me that.” said Zhoumi with a smile.

“Oh okay. So how was he?” said Donghae, a bit taken back by the fact the doctor much younger than he seems.

“He’s fine. It’s seems like he been in the cold for too long and added with some stress. Was he work too much again?” Zhoumi ask the secretary with furrowed brows.

“Ah that. Just some issues at the office. Had he been like this before? I’m only been with him for half a year only.”

“Oh you still new? It’s rare to see Yesung hyung in someone house. He had issues with taking care of his own health sometimes. After he live by his own, I had to check on him few times and found him in quite worst fatigues state.”

“You seems close with him. How long had you been working for him?” said Donghae as he lead the doctor outside of the bedroom.

“I work with him ever since he had start his career as an artist before. My family works for his family since we were kids. So my dad ask me to take care of him as a practice and somehow I’m still with him now. Not complaining thou since he’s a nice person.” Zhoumi said with a chuckles seeing Donghae seems interested with their relationship.

“Well. I’ll make him stay in bed for today.” said Donghae, shrugging his shoulder.

“Good. He need some rest. If you excuse me, I’ll take my leave. Remember to give the medicine for him as the prescription.” with that, Zhoumi leave Donghae with few notes on the medicine.

The secretary carefully walk into the guest bedroom where’s Yesung sleeping. Unconscious of his surrounding from the moment Donghae found him that morning with sweats and pale skin. Sleeping innocently as if the mess never get to him all this time.

Donghae caress the sleeping face softly. Questioning the older mentality from all thing that had happen to him. 

‘Will you be okay?’ thought Donghae. He lean forward close to the older and whisper. “Hyung, I’ll be going out for awhile to cancel your schedule for today and be back soon.” thought he knew the older won’t be listening to him from his peaceful sleeping face.

Before he leave the house, he had left some notes right next to the bed. Although he not willing to leave the older alone, he leave with the thought in his mind to come back soon.


An hour after Donghae had gone to work, Yesung eyes open slowly. Still groggy from the fever creeping into his head. Upon waking up with blurry eyes, he pick up a note that Donghae left for him.

‘You had a fever so rest well for today. I’ll be at office to cancel all your schedule for today. I’ll be back soon’

“Ah.. fever? Stupid me..” said Yesung with quite hoarse voice.

‘I can do that today..’ thought Yesung as he makes his way to the front door with his changed cloth. Not forgetting the car key, he make his way to the basement slowly as the headache begin to torture his mental.

He manage to get to his car after looking for it for few minutes, not remembering where’s the younger park his car as he was busying crying yesterday.

Starting the car, he set his gps to his destination with ‘thoughtful’ plan in his head. Smirk plaster on his face, ruining people expectation of him being the sweetest person if one ever saw him at the exact moment.

‘Nobody mess with my precious’


The clock ticking at the wall. It’s 1 pm. Few hours after he manage to push back all the meeting and the schedules, he had rush his way back in thought of the older would be needing him at any moment.

Upon entering the house, it was silent eerie. He walk into the guest room only to found dishevelled bed sheet.

“Hyung?” he look around the bathroom but only accompany by droplets echoes throughout the room.

He search into the kitchen and and the living room but the older are nowhere to be found. ‘He couldn’t be in my room right?’ thought Donghae.

Fishing out his phone, he begin to dial the older’s number. To his surprise, the older’s phone ringing from inside the room.

‘Aish he didn’t bring his phone.’ curse him silently. He hastily walk out to the front door with t he thought of to look for the older.

“Omo!” shouts him. Surprised by the older suddenly show up after he had open the door.

“Yah Hyung! Where did you go!?”

“I’m hungry… So I went for a breakfast… and I walk  around the park for a while. Sorry.” Yesung smile sheepishly as he held out few plastic bags containing food for them. “I bought some lunch too.”

Donghae watch as he follow the older from the behind. Feeling suspicious for the older weird behaviour.

“Hyung. Your fever?”

“Ah. I feel much better now. Thanks for the medicine.”

“It was Zhoumi who came really fast this morning. So thank him later. Are sure you’re not lying to me?”

The younger word had him stop him midway in preparing the food out. He turn around with confused face. Tilting his head from not knowing what the younger mean by it.

“Lie? About”

“Nothing..” Donghae avoid the older’s word. Knowing he will give up the question immediately.

Yesung smirk, feeling satisfied by the younger giving up on him. “Let’s eat then.”


Day had pass. Both Donghae and Yesung become occupied by works, not allowing them to have free time to be on lookout for Henry. Thought in the midst the busy schedule, Yesung keep in contact with hyukjae to catch on with the younger neighbour’s activity.

As in now, Yesung had to attend meeting after meeting. Till the last one was left for nigh time due to their clients request. Yesung walk tiredly towards his office, not knowing his father had awaits him inside.

“Appa?” said Yesung ,shocked by his father visits.

“Yesungie, come sit first. There’s something I wanna talk about your meeting tonight.”

Yesung obediently took a sit next to his dad in front of the coffee table.

“So here’s the thing. Do you know who you gonna meet tonight?” said Jaeun.

“No… I forgot their name already.” Yesung avoid the old man’s look, not wanting to see the disappointment for forgetting their soon to be partner.

“It’s okay. You had too much meeting today. They come from Tan Cooperation, they had been our rival since almost years now. But I think it was good to do a bit collab in our new project. So I want you to be as nice as possible. I heard they quite picky in choosing partnership so we quite lucky.”

“Okay…” Yesung cursing at the older for being selfish with his request. ‘I am nice to people…’ but then the soon to be partner’s name ring some bells for him.

“Then I’ll go first. Your mother wanted to ask you to come for dinner tonight but it’s seems like we had to postpone it. Bye Yesung ah.”Jaeun left him with lone thought.

‘Tssk… way to go to make me feels more guilty… Tan huh…’ thought him. He went for his laptop to make a quick search on the meeting partner just to be safe.

‘Wasn’t that was the company Shindong work with? And listing Henry as the brother in-law. Who is this guy?’ 

Few click was it take for him to stumble on a full profile by a blog.

‘Huh… fan blog? What is this? Artist?’ Yesung snorted from blog post.

“Tan Hangeng. A young Ceo. At the age of 22 manage to be on par as the after a year being in the business world. It said to have another Co owner who never show his face to the public… weird. Why would you hide your face from the public?” thought Yesung on the other person.

‘Whatever. Once we done with the project I’ll forgot about them. But I should maybe seek about Henry while we on it..’


Tan’s house

“Chul ah! We gonna be late! Kangin already here!” shouts Hangeng from the living room. He waits till Heechul appear from the stairway, looking gorgeous as usual in Hangeng eyes but then everything went off when he pick out a mask and wear it.

“Yah. Why mask again. I thought you ready to show your pretty face?”

“Nope. I’m not. We will be going to a famous hotel that can makes people recognize me. I’m not gonna ruin our reputation.” said Heechul as he fix his stylish panama hat while hiding half of his face with a mask.

“Tssk. I wouldn’t mind of what people said… now let’s go. I hope our partner still not there.” said Hangeng as he pull Heechul out with hand in hand.

“Wait, you never told me who’s our partner this time? I should have pick them.” said Heechul as he enter the car with Hangeng .

After making sure the bosses settle in, Kangin begin to drive away.

“About that. You’ll meet them soon. So I didn’t have to tell you now.” Hangeng grinning towards Heechul. He knows well how the other hates to be left hanging with lack of information.

“Aish. Stop teasing. Just tell me already!”

“Nope. Just wait.”

Not wanting to argue over a small matter, Heechul turn away from the chinese man and focus on the scenery outside.

They arrive at a hotel restaurant. Kangin lead them in towards their reserved table before taking out few document to settle before their partner come.

“They still not here?” said Heechul, getting impatient after 5 minutes in waits.

“They already told that they never come here before so they’ll be a bit late.” said Kangin as he check his phone.

“Well. I’m gonna go to the toilet for awhile.” said Heechul as he begin to walk away from the table.

Hangeng watch as his beloved boyfriend walk towards a corner. Smiling bitterly as he reminded by their soon to be partner.

‘Sorry… Chul ah.’


“Why did you forget your lunch!” shouts Donghae as he driving towards the busy town.

They getting late for the meeting after Yesung had vomits episode from procrastinating his lunch. With a pale face he stubbornly insist to go to the meeting. Not wanting to let his father down.

“Shush it… I’m okay now.”

“Okay my *ss. I know it’s the Tan but you should just postpone this meeting and went to the doctor. I’ll be calling Zhoumi if anything happen.”

“Sure sure.”

Few minutes into the drive, they finally arrive at the restaurant. Donghae carefully watch over the older front behind. Afraid of the older well-being and to have him for who knows how long the meeting will be going for had him frustrated.

They walk into the classic restaurant and found no one other than two men talking to each other.

Hangeng saw Donghae and Yesung walking in. He went up to call them just in case they weren’t mistaking them for other people.

“Hi. I’m Tan Hangeng.” said Hangeng as he meet the two.

“Kim Yesung. This is my secretary Lee Donghae.” said Yesung politely.

Once they took the sit, the waiter come with a menu and took their order.

“Yesung ssi. You don’t look so good. Are you okay?” said Hangeng, worrying over the pale looking Yesung.

“Ah. I’m fine. Should we discuss about the project now?” said Yesung, distracting the from the fact he indeed felts nausea at the moment. Smiling warmly as Hangeng just nod in agreement.

Heechul who was just came back from the washroom startled after he recognize the man who sat across Hangeng at the moment. Silently cursing the boyfriend for doing thing on his own. He was hiding behind a corner, waiting for either Kangin or Hangeng look towards his way for him to call them over.

Hangeng know. He saw from the corner of his eyes that Heechul had finish with his business but he was so determine on making the two siblings face each other.

With no other option then meeting his younger brother because of the project was needing him to explain for, he strode towards the table after making sure Yesung won’t be able to recognize him.

“Oh you finish?” said Hangeng, smiling mockingly towards Heechul.

‘Mask and hat indoor?’ thought Yesung, watching intensely the masked man.

“Ah Yesung sii, meet my partner and my husband, H--”

“Hae nim. It’s nice to meet you.” said Heechul, cutting Hangeng’s word before the man exposing him in front of his own brother.

“Ah Hae nim ssi. Nice to meet you too. Kim Yesung. This is my secretary Lee Donghae.” said Yesung politely.

Their hands meeting each other. Heechul taking the small hand and shake it unwillingly. ‘So boney…’ thought him, feeling the frail hand.

Hangeng resume his contract explanation while Heechul begin to study Yesung’s features. Years separated had him stunned by the younger’s look. 

‘Why you look like a sick person? I thought you were just fine with them… you look much more thinner than when you’re an idol.’ thought Heechul with a frown.

“Hun? Hey, you spacing out.” said Hangeng after Heechul ignoring his calls.

“Ah yes? Sorry. What was it?” Heechul shook away his thought, ignoring the hint of worried he had for the younger.

“Explain your project. I’m done with my part.”

Yesung watch the two as he silently amazed with the two public affection. Watching as the two intertwine their hand without caring what the others thought. He smile to himself, bitter. Thinking how nice it could be if the couple in front of them could meet his homophobic parent at this moment.

“Something funny, Yesung ssi?” said Heechul with cold tone as he heard a giggles escape Yesung’s lips.

Donghae who watching the masked man as he reading the contract only held back his irritation. Hating the way Heechul cold tone speech towards Yesung.

“Ah nothing. I just wish my parent could see how sweet you guys are. I’m sure they gonna be piss and it will be my pleasure to see them do so.” said Yesung with a smirk.

Yesung words had all four of them including the quiet Kangin taken aback. Feeling mixed by the petite man spitting venom about his own parent.

“Err… forget about what I said…. let’s continue.” said Yesung once he realize his bad side shown on their first meeting. Timidly he take over the document to hide his blushing face.

“O..kay then..” said Hangeng.

Heechul were too shock by the sudden change in Yesung whilst Donghae who knew how bipolar the older can be snickering to himself. Biting back his laugh as he watch Yesung red face while reading the contract.


The meeting finally end with both side agreed for the big collaboration. Signing the last part of the agreement, Heechul finally let out a silent sigh. Feeling weirdly comfortable to have work with his own brother.

Same goes with Yesung. He was smiling all the way to the end of the meeting. Hangeng know how to handle an awkward situation, thought him.

But all were soon down to him feeling too nauseate and dizzy. Reminding himself to seek for Zhoumi’s help later on, he wishing for the meeting to end sooner.

“It’s fun to have the talk, Yesung ssi. We should go out for drink sometimes.” said Hangeng, shaking the smaller’s hand enthusiastically.

“Ah… same .. with me.. But i can't drink.. Much...” said Yesung as his eyes begin to blur his sight.

‘What’s wrong with him?’ thought Heechul while watching the two from the side.

It didn’t catch Donghae attention as he was busy making a schedule for Yesung while taking a note from Kangin as they trying to schedule the next meeting.

“Yesung ssi? Are you okay?” said Hangeng when the smaller still not letting go of his hand. Grimacing while shaking his head from the sudden blurry’s vision as he slowly releasing the handshake.

Only then Donghae feels a tugging on his shirt. Turning around, he gasp as he manage to catch onto the falling Yesung.


“Yesung ssi?” Hangeng frantically went around the table to help Yesung.

Feeling worried by the sudden falls, Heechul immediately kneel down to Yesung eyes level.

“Hey, what’s wrong with him!” said Heechul in panic.

Donghae pull Yesung to his seat, slapping the older’s cheeks softly to gain his conscious back.

“He’s been feeling sick after vomiting nonstop just now. I told him to postpone this meeting but he being stubborn big headed hyung!” said Donghae.

“Oh my… why didn’t you said so? We totally understand if you guys told us from the beginning.” said Hangeng in sad and anger to let such thing being taken lightly.

“I already said it to him but he must have been afraid to let his father down… this stubborn brat. I’ll bring him home for now. I’m so sorry for ruining the night.” said Donghae as he tried to carry the older who clearly a bit taller then him. The other watch him, slightly taken aback by his informality towards his own boss.

“Kangin ah, go help him.” said Heechul, nudging their assistant forward.

With Kangin help, the carried Yesung to the car. Bidding the farewell and watch as their car went off.

“Stupid brat..” muttered Heechul that didn’t goes unheard by Hangeng and Kangin.

“Just say that you worried about him. He does look horrible from the moment I saw him… do you think your dad push him too hard?” said Hangeng as they walk towards their car.

“Tssk. I don’t care.” said Heechul, walking pass the two first.

Hangeng chuckling, joined by Kangin who shaking his head as they watch Heechul being stubborn.

“Heck, he was the one who went over Yesung first.” Hangeng mocking his lover, knowing the other can’t heard him from the distance. “Kangin ah. Do me a favor. Do a background check on Kim Yesung based on his work performance. I feels like something is wrong inside the company.”

“Sure sir. Listening how Yesung ssi spoke about his parent just now makes me feels like there’s something was wrong with him.” said Kangin.

“It is. I thought he was on their parent’s side… but seeing him different than Heechul had said about him change my mind.”

Kangin nod in agreement. It was clear to them that the Kim was one mess up family. Being that Heechul quite open about his parent madness only piquing their interest more about whatever happen after Heechul left the family.

“Can you guys not making me waiting!?” shouts Heechul next tot he car, leaning towards it with hand crossing across his chest.

“Yes yes.” said both Kangin and Hangeng in defeat.





A/N: ayyyyy fast update. I'm dead now  XD hahaha. Give me your thoughts and upvote it!!! ( i still didn't know why i need the vote for lol) 

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Please be patient with me, the comedy ish and fluff part will come but it will be taking time.


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400 streak #1
Chapter 17: Rereading it, still one of my fav story of yours ❤️
Chapter 17: This would be one of the coolest stories that I've ever read
400 streak #4
Chapter 1: OMG, this family is broken inside out T____T and always because of parents. I'm not gonna be a mom like this mother #sigh
heeyanna #5
Chapter 15: ommo!!! are you also the one who wrote the "Our Little Sungie"???
I'm freaking waiting for its next chapters... TT_TT
Chapter 17: Ahhh. Why this chapter feel like end.. good
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Chapter 16: Oh shiet! He's between Innocent and Psycotic . And he's so badass. .
charismavi #8
Chapter 17: Phase one completed..Getting ready for phase two ;)
We still need to see how two evils act when they finally meet hohoho..
Chapter 17: We'll look forward to it,,take your time,,,