Begun Of The Madness




The Kim’s. One wealthy family with outstanding achievement from generation to generation. Gifted with three handsome and good looking sons. Everything was perfect for the Kim’s. Everything.

The beautiful wife. Kim Yoojin. Korea infamous model. Given the natural beauty look with body that’s belong to no mother ever had. Catching thousands eyes with the cat eyes look and the beautiful figures added to the accent.

Kim Jeaun. The most successful CEO from the famous business and trading company. Building everything up from a scratch even though he came from the legendary Kim family. Earning more respectable reputation due to his prove of making his own company without the help of his father even when he was the first born who should have been inheriting the old Kim’s company. Leaving everything for his younger brother to take over it without much of a dispute between their family. The most respected man in history.

But when it come to their children. The Kim had to wind up thing a little bit. Even with the perfect facade of the family, things never went well with the inside situation.

The firstborn of Kim Jaeun and Kim Yoojin is homoual. It’s taboo indeed to have a gay son coming from the most respected family. Kim Heechul. Age 25 the last time people even check on it. Had been send to his grandparent since 18. Separated from the rest of his siblings due to him admitting being gay at the age of 17. Never return to the family ever since.

Second son. The proud of the Kim. Kim Yesung. 23 years old and a lovable idol of the nation. Become famous ever since the Kim had to divert the attention of the public from their oldest son missing. He had been push to be in the entertainment world for 6 years now. Perfect on the outside, not once been tied up by any scandal due to his nature charm and kindness.

Third son, the maknae. Kim Henry. As the last son, he had never show up in the public being that he was just 15 years old. The Kim had learn to not show their children to the public anymore ever since Heechul humiliating them, just in case worst cases could happen. The public had soon forgotten about the first and the last sons, solely focusing on the middle son.

As it was stated. The family always been the perfect role model for the public. Had been.

A news had broke into the entertainment world, spreading fast like a virus, hurting the family in the progress.

The news about the hidden son being gay remarkably(badly) change it all. The backlash was too great for Kim Yoojin the mother and Kim Yesung who’s know nothing about his brother. Both suffer greatly due to the lack of promotion in the industry, hated by the fact they had hide the news about the oldest son being shunned from the family.

The news never once was about Heechul being gay in the bad way. It was merely because of the way they try to hide the news from the world.

After the bad backlash, Yesung had been stopped from the entertainment industry immediately while his mother still trying her best to keep standing as the country beauty but fail nevertheless. Both had hide themselves from the public.

The news had no impact on the husband’s company. Making the family economic unbothered by the news.

It was then their family become even more worst. With Henry and Yesung exposed with the facts that their brother never once run away from home like their parent told them to.

Yesung had tried his hard to not hating on his parent, being that he’s the most filial one in the siblings. But it was different with Henry.

The smaller of the siblings had tried to run from their home so many time just to be with his older brother. Dragged back by many bodyguards and been lock inside the big mansion. Even so, Henry still manage to repeat it countless. Leaving the parent lost as what else to be done, other than hitting and yelling every single night.

It was to the point Yesung can conclude everything as abuse and more broken family. But nothing. He can do nothing to avoid the belt and the whip from landing on the small little brother’s back. Every time he trying to help the younger, he had been send back to his room by his mother.

The older woman never look the same. Self abuse what Yesung can call her mother now. Smocking. Alcohol. All were the results of being thrown into pit of depression after no one, even her old management want her back. Fallen into depression greater than ever.

The woman would always send Yesung away from avoiding things from happening. With a warm smile on her mess up face, she softly drag the middle son into his own room. Silently cuffing the son’s hand, looking all lost as why would a mother had to lock him inside his own room. Listening to every bit the screaming, the shouting and the sounds of the whip as it latched onto the smaller’s body.

He beg and beg, for the mother to never stopping him from saving the family but only shushing and caressing all he got.

Only then he knows what the parent had for him. With two disobedient sons, they had no other heirs to inherit the company for. Leaving yesung no choice to take over the status as the heir.

He had been busying by the parent to learn everything from the start. Leaving him no time to check on the younger brother who weirdly never once show up to the breakfast. Dinner was always been send to his room.

‘Where’s Henry’ once he ask to the parent who being lovey dovey at the breakfast table.

‘He’s sick’ said the mother with a warm smile. But frown as he saw the old woman face. Only then Yesung realize the mother proudest body figure were never the same anymore. She’s more thinner than her diets body. Hands as frail as a stick that ready to be break into two. Her bone are way too obvious on her frail body, thought him.

But every time he tried to ask the father on the way to the work, the said father just brush him off by saying “focus”. And so he did. Focus and focus. That’s all he had to do. That’s all he can do. That’s all matter in his eyes.

Soon he was too, separated by the family. Going to work as early as 7pm. Went home at 10 pm. As robotic as it’s sound, he soon become more secluded.

The door to his younger brother that now turn 17 always been locked. He knows the younger always inside the room. Judging by the sounds of people talking and games noises.

He sigh. He relief. He cried. He had been secluded by the siblings for too long. Not once he heard about the older brother and now he was avoided by the so-called parent from meeting each other even with them living in the same big house.

No once. No even mere chances he stumble onto his little brother. Does the abuse stopped? Indeed, for him. He never once heard about the traumatized noise that he had always fear of but that too, change along the time.



He arrive at his home after forgetting a file of an  important tender to be use for a meeting. Going back home with his own car without the father’s knowledge quite challenging for him.

Tidily he park his car outside of the house, not wanting to disturb his mother who he knows still be sleeping at this hours from his father talks.

Only to his horror, he found beaten up Henry in the middle of the living room. Gathered around him were 3 bodyguard and his mother.

“You are useless piece of . Now you following that lead? I thought I could have normal life after 2 years but nope!” shouts the mother as she stomp onto the poor lifeless body.

“You should have died long time ago! I can only hoping for Yesung to continue this respected household!” again the mother who he had known for being the most caring one kick and stomping on the unmoving Henry’s body.

“Eomma…?” Yesung said as he approach them, leaving the four offenders gasping upon his sudden show up.

“Oh… no.. Yesungie…” said the mother in the most guilty voice. Shakingly take the younger into her arm as she's trying to drag the stunned son away.

“No… Henry ah..” said Yesung, trying to walk pass the mother and the 3 bodyguard, only to be hauled on top of the big bulky man's shoulder.

“Let me go! No!” shouts Yesung frantically. 

The bodyguard stop himself, letting the boss to take a look one last time of her son.

“Yesungie, you didn’t see anything here. My baby Yesungie. You’re my only son. We only need you.” said the mother as he lovingly caress the upside down son. “Do it.”

One hit on the son’s neck and he was out. Leaving his limped body to be taken into a car that drove him to no where.

The said mother turn to two other bodyguards and then turn to the lifeless body.

“Discard his body. Make sure no one know. I don’t want a pest in this family. Only my Yesungie is enough.” said the mother before leaving with her staggering legs.

The depression got the best of her. Ignoring everything other than focusing on her son's life, she's had abandon all rationality. Her face looks more of a bones than the beautiful chizzled one. Eyes sunked deep into the socket from the sleepless night. Day by day, the loneliness of trapped in the big mansion all by herself whilst her sons and husbands are nowhere to be found. Being the obedient wife she is, she follows every order her husband made. 

Ashamed by his wife fallen career, he tried to hide her from being seeing by the world. Buying her things she never needed as she already a stuck up person. Only cares for his heir, their only  reliable son. It was all about achievement for him. The Kim's are in need of succeed but little did they know, disaster are to come in a shape of karma.

It’s one corrupted family with innocents sons as the victims. Ruining their future by dragging themselves more and more into the false reality. Leaving Yesung who they were so proud of, to what soon to be madness. Leaving the innocent young man to be the living definition of they reap what they sow.


Yesung wake up to unfamiliar surrounding. Everything looks new to him. He massage the back of his neck. Feeling uncomfortable for some reason, not remembering what had happen hours ago.

Slowly, he climb off the bed, still didn’t know where to go right after he opens up the door. He twist the knob open only to find a long corridor that lead to now where.

‘Where’s is this?’ thought him as he begin walk towards the end of the corridor.

“Yesungie?” a voice he had know too well begin closing in. 

He turn around and found his mother walking to him slowly with a glass of water.

“Eomma?” said him softly.

“You woke up already. You’re out for too long. Let’s get back to your room.” said Yoojin, pulling the son’s hand into the room.

“My room? This is not my room mom. Where is this?” said Yesung in confusion, looking around to search for any familiarity.”Not my room.” he mumbles.

“What are you talking about? This is your room. Did you hit your head too hard on the floor from the falll just now? Oh no. I should have bring you to the doctor.” said the mother, looking all frantic in search for her phone.

“Fall…?” he said. Soon the memory of the horrible scene began to flood his head, reminding him of his brother.

“Eomma!!! Henry! Where is he!? I have to go to him!” said Yesung, panicking.

“Henry? Who’s that?”

The word had him dumbstruck. He look into the old woman’s eyes, searching for the truth. None.

“Eomma… what are you saying. Henry! You son! My little brother! My maknae!” shouts Yesung, begin to step away from his mother, as if the woman had grown another head.

“Yesungie, what are you talking about. You are our only son. No Henry in this family.”

Shocked wasn't the best word to describe his feelings. Mental. He look into the mother's eyes, searching for any hints of jokery mockery but none. The elderly eyes as sincere as the day she was born.

"Eomma... It's not funny..."  said him as he take a step back. Tugging on his own silky raven hair.

"Honey, i know we should bring you to the doctor... Yeobo!!!" shouts the mother in all suddenness. 

Soon a frantic step begin to make it's way to them. A frowning old man appears between the door frame.

"What happen!?" said Jaeun in panic but soon calm down seeing his son right in front of him. "Sungie, you awake? You worried me when your mother told me you fainted..." 

His heart thumping loudly. Feeling all too miserable from the suddenness. 

"Appa... Where's Henry?" said him, looking all lost with tears threatening to fall from his darkened orbs.

"Henry? Who's that?" said the father with more frown. "Yeobo, we should bring him to the doctor."  Jaeun look into Yoojin eyes, asking for her agreement. 

"No... No need. I just need more rest.. Can you guys leave me alone?"  said Yesung with head hangs low.

Yoojin approach her son, hugging him dearly before Jaeun pulls her out with him. 

"Call us if you need anything, honey." said the mother before closing the door shut to let Yesung to have his asked space.

Once both of them are few steps away from their son's room, a faint screams can be heard, coming from roim they were just in before. 

Yoojin felt the hands on her shoulder, stopping her from going back to the miserable son. To  ruin their plan. To tell in her husband about them.

"Let him be. He need more time to accept it. Did you manage to discard Henry's body?" said Jaeun.

Yoojin nod, eyes still darting towards the bug doors.

"I ask Donghe to do it. He will be finish it tonight."

"The servant? Why did you ask him to do so?" said Jaeun as he turns the fragile woman to face him.

"Because he knows the place to do so. All the bodyguards got busying moving Yesung's stuff this morning."  said Yoojin in irritation. 

Realizing the change of a tone in his wife, Jaeun nod in defeat.  "Fine. If news of Henry's death are spreading, I'll kill that Shin boy too."

"Do what you want. I just want my Yesungie to be off of all this thing. He's our only heir now." said Yoojin with a bitter smile , feeling a bit guilty to make her son the way he is now.

"He's gonna be fine. Once I'll make him work again, he'll forget everything."  said Jaeun coldly, not once felt anything as the name of his family are far more important than anything. Far more important than Yesung's freedom. 

"You think this gonna work?" Yoojin ask, caressing the wrinkles on her husband's face.

"Yes. I ask for a professional help. This guy can be trusted. He had deal with lots worst cases and Yesung are more obedient so it was easy to manipulate him. Now, if you follow his order, we can live happily after this. Promise me,eoh?"





A/N: a bit psychotic but ayyyyyy I'm back so fast~~~~ But. The next update of this will be taken few days from now. I had too much work to do at this moment. I wish money come from a tree XD. I'm sorry of its got delayed too long. I'll try to update as soon as i can ~~~

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Please be patient with me, the comedy ish and fluff part will come but it will be taking time.


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400 streak #1
Chapter 17: Rereading it, still one of my fav story of yours ❤️
Chapter 17: This would be one of the coolest stories that I've ever read
400 streak #4
Chapter 1: OMG, this family is broken inside out T____T and always because of parents. I'm not gonna be a mom like this mother #sigh
heeyanna #5
Chapter 15: ommo!!! are you also the one who wrote the "Our Little Sungie"???
I'm freaking waiting for its next chapters... TT_TT
Chapter 17: Ahhh. Why this chapter feel like end.. good
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Chapter 16: Oh shiet! He's between Innocent and Psycotic . And he's so badass. .
charismavi #8
Chapter 17: Phase one completed..Getting ready for phase two ;)
We still need to see how two evils act when they finally meet hohoho..
Chapter 17: We'll look forward to it,,take your time,,,