Rabid Dog




“Yesung!!!” final shout and all it takes for Yesung to wake up in massive headache. Holding his head as he tried to focus his attention on the owner of the voice.

“Oh, Yesungie, you up?”

Yesung turns towards the gentle woman voice, not the male voice that had him woke up with a jolts. To his surprise, his mother came with a tray of food while smiling lovingly towards him.

“How do you feel now?” Yoojin ask as she sit herself at the bedside. Gently patting the bandaged head of her son, afraid of the wound to hurt her beloved again.

“Eomma? What happen?” said Yesung as he finally focus on the real sight. Grimacing once in a while as his head throbbing in pain.

Yoojin sigh and smiles towards him. Taking the small hand of his hand into her’s. “You got into the accident with Kibum. They said a drunk driver hit your car from the side. We come back as fast as we can and thank goodness your injury were not fatal or else, I’m so gonna die form the heart attack.”

“How long have I been sleeping?” said Yesung in confusion. The two parent could take hours on the flight to reach there.

“A day.”

Yesung looking around and realize it was his parent house again. And the young bodyguard are nowhere to be found.

“Where’s Kibum?” said Yesung as he stare at the worried looking mother.

Yoojin take a deep breath before he continue to caress the smaller hand.

“He didn’t survive the accident. Even you had broken wrist and twisted shoulder. The doctor said he suffered too much blood loss on the scene.” said Yoojin, sniffling silently.

“No… you lie… Kibum are so strong. It’s impossible…” said Yesung as he start to turn frantic.

“Hey, calm down. We tried so hard to give the best doctor for him but it was too late… we already buried him since he had no other family that need to wait for him… I’m sorry Yesungie.” said Yoojin , trying her hard to comfort the distressed son.

It took 10 long minutes for him to calm down from his loss. He realize his mother never once left him. Engulfing him in a warm heart just to comfort him from getting himself hurt further.

“Eomma… where’s appa?” said Yesung.

“Ah, appa? He’s--”

A knock had both of them turn towards the door. A voice calling for the madame in a frantic manner.

“Sungie, wait here okay?” said Yoojin as she walks towards the door and went out for the matter.

Yesung sighing. Feeling the loss of the dead bodyguard who he begin to treat as his younger brother. But something pique his suspicion. He knows the car had been hit by the right side. ‘How can Kibum been hit much more worst than me? I was the one who sit on that side.’ thought him.

Yoojin come back with a small plate with pills and glass of water.

“The doctor told me if you were to wake up, he wants you to take this pills. It’s a painkiller. Take it and rest more. Your dad need my help for now.” said Yoojin.

The latter obey the mother and swallow the pills. With the help of his mother, he tucked in back to his bed and begin to sleep again.

“Thank God it’s working.” whisper Yoojin as she walks out of the room.

What she really didn’t know was Yesung was still wide awake. Spitting out the pills wheres he hide it under his tongue to avoid it from entering his system, knowing well it was sleeping pills due to his sleepless night.

“So you do hide something from me…” Yesung mumbles in low voice. Waiting for the sound of the old front door to shut close and walks out to the kitchen.

He walks towards the kitchen counter and startles when a butler poke his shoulder.

“Young master? Why are you here? You still not fully heal.” said the butler worriedly.

The said young master turns towards the butler. Smirking as he pull out the hidden hand from his back.

“Young master!”



A sound of beating and punching break through the house. Panting and screams where echoed within the empty space.


The beating stop for a second before the boss from the group of the man continue their beating once again. The boss walks towards the man who keep pleading for the man to stop beating his husband and slap him once across his face.

“F*gg*t.” said the man, spitting his venom towards his own son, Heechul.

“You ruining my son’s life that I took so much time to build. I guess it’s my regret to not kill you before.” said Jaeun.

“I don’t ing care what you said or even if you want to kill me right now but release him! He’s had nothing to do in this!” said Heechul as he keep struggling in his tied limbs, eyes watery form the scene of his beloved husband beaten up by his father’s men.

Jaeun clicking his tongue and laugh maniacally from his oldest son’s speech.

“Had nothing to do? Planting spies inside my cooperation and even tried to expose my secret? In your dream.” said Jaeun.

The old man then walks towards Henry who tied up few meters away from Heechul. The younger were still out from the amount of sleeping dose given to him.

“Don’t touch him!” shouts Heechul as he frantically trying to let loose from the tight rope.

“Maybe… I’ll start with this one.” said Jaeun as he lift his gun towards the sleeping boy. With face full of hatred and smirk, he glance once towards Heechul and begin to pull the trigger.

“No!” shouts Heechul as he hunch forward, resulting him to fall with the chairs towards the floor. Crying more as he heard the sound of of the gunshot blaring in the house.

“No… Henry..” Heechul wailing softly as he facing towards the floor, unable to face the truth.


Another gunshot been released. Shocking Heechul who having the hard time to grasp what happen surrounding him. Pinned by the heavy chair, he felt the rope around him loosened up and freeing him at once.

Then another shouts and the servant of Jaeun alongside Heechul and Hangeng become the witness of the real madness. It took a moment for Heechul to realize what had been going on after the first gunshot.

“Yesungie!?” Heechul shouts as he run after the smaller male who latching himself on top of his own dad.

Stab after stab. Yesung leash all his anger with the kitchen knife he had stole from his parent house. Stabbing the older male who suffering from a gunshot on his chest and the new stabs wound made by his precious son.

“Die!” Yesung shrieking in between his ministration. All his hatred went onto the older’s body. Blood splattered all over his pale face, ignoring the pain in his broken wrist as he keep wailing in madness.

“Sungie stop!” Heechul tried to pry off the smaller from doing more wrong in his life.

It was only then they heard the shrieking of a shocking mother as she order the man to capture Heechul back and run towards Yesung who not once stopping from taking his revenge.

“Sungie… please stop..” Yoojin plead for the smaller to stop and thus Yesung halt all his movement. Only to turn his gaze towards the pale looking mother with empty eyes. His tears wash over the blood that make it’s way onto his hollow cheeks.

Slowly, Yesung rising his knife towards the staggering mother.

“You next…” said Yesung in his hoarse voice. As he was about to walk over the said mother, a group of man begin to gather around him avoiding him from getting near their madame.

“Get away!” shouts Yesung as he begin to flail the knife around. Scaring the men from getting near him.

Only then the door to the house open once again. Revealing another group of man, lead by Kangin and Donghae.

“Beat those who not our master.” Kangin order his man around and begin to run after his weak boss. Hangeng were beat up to the pulp, unconscious due to the blunt hit on his head.

“Zhoumi, help him!” said Kangin as he lay the unconscious man in more empty area, away from the fight.

After he settle with his boss, Kangin walks towards Heechul who trying his hard to get into the fighting area.

“Sir, you should get away from here.” said Kangin in frantic.

“No! My brother in there! Get him out Kangin ah!” said Heechul as he point towards the group of man.


“No, it’s Yesungie!” shouts Heechul in frantic that had Kangin immediately barge into the fight.

With Kangin already on his way for Yesung, Heechul went towards the corner of the room and relief to found the maknae of the siblings were all fine. He assume someone had shot the mad father first before he done the dirtiest thing. With all his might, he run towards the younger and free him from the rope that binding the younger. Chuckling as he saw the younger were still sleeping through the loud mess. He rsorting in carrying the younger towards Zhoumi who now aiding on the beaten Hangeng.

“Heechul hyung, what happen?” said Zhoumi as he took the sleeping Henry into his arm and hug him tightly.

“It’s a long story…” said Heechul.

“Make it short. If it wasn’t for that bodyguard Kibum, we wouldn’t know your location.” said Zhoumi , a bit irritated from the fact his boyfriend were put in dangerous situation.

“Kibum did? I thought they already kill him. We arrive at the accident scene and found no one there. It was then we were kidnapped by that old hag’s people. I don’t know how they know we were gonna come for Kibum. Where is he now?” said Heechul.

“I ask him to rest in my clinic because of his injury. So what happen next?” said Zhoumi as he finish up the last wrapping on the injured Hangeng.

“I don’t know… it was too vague. All of sudden, I saw Yesung where… murdering that old man..” said Hececul, earning a gasp form Zhoumi and Donghae who just walks towards them.

“He did what?!” said Donghae. In hastily he run towards Kangin to check over his own boss.

“Give her to me!”

A shout come form Yesung had the others startle. Without they knowing what happen, the mess were finally cleared up. Leaving and empty space with Kangin gripping tight onto Yesung’s waist who still holding the knife. The smaller were pointing the knife towards a crying Yoojin who were held back by Kangin’s man.

“Sungie…” Yoojin tried to call for her son but Yesung was already deaf by the hatred.

“Don’t call me that! I hate you so much!” shouts Yesung again as he keep squirming in Kangin’s hold. “ I’ll kill you!”

The screams were heart wrenching for Heechul to keep listen to. He walks towards the younger and took over the hold. Hugging the younger tightly as he softly take the knife away.

“It’s okay… we’re safe now. Hyung and Henry are all just fine.” said Heechul as he rubbing the younger’s back in circle, trying to calm the hysterical smaller.

“But.. but…” Yesung said, trying to get on his way in avenging his siblings.

“No, no. It’s enough. You done enough for now… we should get you to rest.” said Heechul as he begin to pull the younger away from the scene. Handing the knife that been used as the murder weapon at Kangin as he nod towards the younger.

“But hyung… I need to kill her too…” said Yesung with lost expression as he keep turning his head towards frail looking mther.

“Shh. No need to waste your energy on someone useless. Don’t you had enough revenge on that old man?” said Heechul as he tried to persuade the younger from tainting more of his innocent self.

Yesung only oblige to the older request and soon gasped after he saw his younger brother laying unconscious next to Hangeng.

“Henry!” shout him in frantic, running in his sprained legs due to the accident.

His appearance had surprise Donghae and Zhoumi who saw him in all bloodied. They watch as Yesung begin to shakes the sleeping boy with teary eyes. Scared of something bad had happen to the point of the younger to stay closed eyes through the big mess.

“Yesung hyung, he’s okay. He just sleeping from the drug Mr.Kim gave him. Instead, let me look over you for awhile.” said Zhoumi as he approach the older but receive a low growl from the older.

Yeusng latch himself onto the sleeping younger, glare at anyone who trying to take him away from his brother.

“Don’t touch him!” shouts Yesung, earning a frown from the others who trying to help him.

“Yesung hyung, please let go of him, we need to treat your wound first.” said Donghae as he keep trying to get closer to the older.

“Stay where you are! You not gonna take my sibling away from me again!” Yesung snarls as Donghae were taking another step forward.

Shakingly, Donghae come close to Heechul who were too shocked by Yesung attitude.

“Hyung. It seems like he was too scare of anyone at the moment. I’ll ask Zhoumi to sedate him while you comfort him.” said Donghae, leaving the younger to go to the doctor.

Heechul sigh. He knew well what’s the younger going through at the moment. Traumatized and scares. He seen it all inside the younger eyes right now.

“Sungie, let Henry go. You gonna hurt him.” said Heechul in the softest voice.

Yesung glance towards the sleeping boy inside his arm and slowly loosen up his hug. He turns towards the older as he held out his hand, gesturing the older to come close to him. Heechul comply and sit on the floor right next to Yesung.

“Hyung… are we free now? Am I free now? I don’t want to go back to work…” whine Yesung with a pout that Heeechul chuckling from the changes in the younger attitude. Cringing a little bit from the metallic smell coming from the bloodied younger. Blood splattered all over his shirt and body, even as far as tainting the bandages on the younger.

The older only ruffles his hair as he said “Almost. Now sleep, hyung will take care of everything. The next time you wake up, it will be a new world for you.”

“Wake up? What do you---” Yesung begin to feel a prick of needle into his arm. Looking to his side, he saw Zhoumi smiling gently towards him while Donghae holding down his hand to avoid him fighting back the sedative.

“Zhoumi.. Hae? You… here…” said Yesung as the sleepiness begin to take over his body. Feeling heavy from the medicine, he almost crush over the sleeping younger on his lap when Heechul manage to pull him backwards and let him lay on the floor for a moment.

“Goodnight, Sungie.” said Heecul and it was the last thing Yesung heard before his vision went black.

Heechul stares at the younger once before turn his feet around towards another person who knows well she was in no place to act like she used to.

“He..Heechul ah… Forgive me..” said Yoojin in stuttered.

“Hemm… we’ll see about that. That old man is dead now. That’s what happen when you piss off my little rabid dog.” said Heechul with a smirk.




Hint: it's not an end yet.


A/N: finally. I kill them XD. Did you guys see unnie yeye fancam from SS7S today?  He look so furking y!!!!!!!  my dream had been fulfill to see him crossdressing again~~~~ i though i would upload the Our Little Sungie new update today but i got too less of times to do so. I'll be having picnic with my family tomorrow . I hope those who attend ss7s tomorrow could have fun on my behalf hehe. Send me fancam to my twitter account,  terryterra16 lol

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Please be patient with me, the comedy ish and fluff part will come but it will be taking time.


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400 streak #1
Chapter 17: Rereading it, still one of my fav story of yours ❤️
Chapter 17: This would be one of the coolest stories that I've ever read
400 streak #4
Chapter 1: OMG, this family is broken inside out T____T and always because of parents. I'm not gonna be a mom like this mother #sigh
heeyanna #5
Chapter 15: ommo!!! are you also the one who wrote the "Our Little Sungie"???
I'm freaking waiting for its next chapters... TT_TT
Chapter 17: Ahhh. Why this chapter feel like end.. good
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Chapter 16: Oh shiet! He's between Innocent and Psycotic . And he's so badass. .
charismavi #8
Chapter 17: Phase one completed..Getting ready for phase two ;)
We still need to see how two evils act when they finally meet hohoho..
Chapter 17: We'll look forward to it,,take your time,,,