No More Freedom?




Ever since the debunked reasons of his memory loss, Yesung begin to feel much more different. Full control of himself. Much more reliable than relying. Everything seems new to him. Every time he had the chances to meet his sibling from the meeting, he took a full advantage of it. Though he still acting clueless due to his self-conscious on being hated by his siblings, he become more grateful towards the amount of short time in the meeting to catch up with what he had been missing in his brothers life.

It was no longer about watching over his little brother. It’s all about watching over his two siblings. Protecting them from afar, away from the dreadful wicked parent who always had their way to separate them.

Thus he had his own plan. Clueless to both parent, he manage to avoid disaster created by them from happening. As right now, he manage to distract his parent by letting them on their long procrastinate holidays.

“I will miss you baby.” said Yoojin, hugging the petite stature of his son close to her. Taking in a swift of his warm scents.

“Take care, Sungie ah. Call me if anything happen at work.” said the dad who had this loving stare that Yesung hates the most. ‘Hypocrite!’ thought Yesung with a fake blinding smiles.

“Of course appa. You two take care! Call me once you reach Krabi!” said Yesung. Waving his hand as he watch the two begin to walk towards the departure gates.

‘Tssk. I wish the plane will… no no. I’m not that sicko. Now! My siblings await!’ thought Yesung happily as he literally skips his way towards his car.

It’s the day. The annual meeting day. Carefully planned by Donghae for him to have more time with his siblings. it’s shocked him before when Henry decided to accompany Heechul every time they had the meeting. Much more to his liking to meet his cute little brother. 

Truth to be told, he was still conscious about being around Heecul as the older keep staring deeply while they were having discussion about their clashed idea. It will never leave his head. The cat eye like stares, boring holes into his pathetic one as he tried to avoid the looks.

“Finish?” said Donghae once the older enter the car. He had been waiting inside the car, unwilling to send off the two elderly person who he knows had ruined Yesung’s life.

“Yes! Now let’s go! Heebongie is waiting! I want to meet Henli!” shouts Yeusng in giddiness. The excitement reach it’s peak as Donghae can only chuckles watching the older looking like a kid on his Christmas morning.

“Wow. Calm down, ‘Sungie’.” said Donghae in teasing tone. “And Heebongie? Henli? You had a pet name for them?”

“Ah.. it was from when were still close and small. I wonder what went wrong after that…” said Yesung, gloomy from the bad turnaround of his life.

‘Aish stupid Donghae… now he went back to depression…’


“Ah he’s here!”

“Calm down. He’ll notice you getting excited for him.” said Heechul as he watch his younger brother watching from the window, eyes staring at the car that were just pulled off in front of their office building.

“Tssk hyung. You’re excited too. I saw how you smiling secretly when he was talking about the project. Booo!” said Henry with a thumbs down while booing at the flustered Heechul.

“Am not! Aish, why did I even told you about our meeting…” said Heechul as he rubbing his face in defeat.

“Because you love me!” Henry chirped as he begin to take his spot. Close to the couch where Yesung will be having the meeting with Heehcul.


“Hello Yesung hyung!” Henry jump in his spot, smiling brightly as he waving his hand towards the older.

Upon entering the office room, Yesung smiles begin to plaster all over his face as he saw the always happy looking Henry.

“Hi Heejong ah. Finish class early today?” Yesung almost stuttering the younger real name.


After the happy duo having their little chit chat, Heechul begin the meeting with what it’s seems like a hint of jealousy. Watching as his two little brother looking all bright without him had erupted his jealousy core.

The meeting went on for only 2 hours as the project begin to reach it’s final take and ready to be launch. As much as Yesung want the meeting to go any longer, he didn’t want the schedule to end too early.

“Thanks for today guidance, Hae nim ssi.” said Yesung with faint smiles. Again, the stares had him flustered and taken aback from having his hope high.

“No worries. It was a great pleasure to have this project happen from our successful rival.” said Heechul, secretly thought ‘I meant it.’

“Oh you can drop the compliment. I was still quite new to this business  world.” said Yesung sheepishly. Blushing from the older brother’s compliment.

Heechul stares at the flustered younger. Taking every detail of the younger features. ‘I miss him..’ thought unconsciously.

“Hey, Yesung ssi. Can I ask something?” 

The older monotone voice had him shot upward his look. Nervous swallowing all his timid self.


A few crucial silence till Heechul begin to turn his look again at Yesung.

“I heard you an idol before. Why did you quit and jump into this business world? I mean, I know the Kim quite ‘strict’ about having their heir to take over soon but you had your own dream.” 

The older question had him hangs his head low. ‘Because you left….’ thought him with a bitter smiles.

“Because… I’m the only one left… to do so…” said Yesung in whisper as tears begin to pool in the corner of his eyes. Turning away from being seeing by the older, he excused himself without waiting for the older to send him off.

Heechul were left froze in his spot. Not once to his expectation for the younger brother to break a tears in front of him. Yes. He saw it but being the egoistic man he is, he refuse to run after him. Refuse to even knows the real truth after his leaving the family household.

“Yah! You asking the sensitive question!” shouts Henry in anger. “You know he’s been wanting to be a singer for the longest time! You know it better than me! And you should know that those wicked parent are forcing him into this stupid business world. I hate you!” said Henry as try to run after Yesung.

Heechul slump into his sit. With still widen eyes from the sight of his little brother tears. Rubbing his face furiously as he begin to curse his stupidity.

“Urgh.. now two sulking little brothers….”


He was running with his secretary tailing right behind him. He didn’t even know what had triggered him to start shaming himself by crying in front of his siblings.

“Hyung!” shouts Donghae, nervous spread out to his entire body once he saw the sniffling hyung walking pass him.

Yesung sniffled for the last time before pulling himself straight. He didn’t want to worry the panic secretary with his puffy face as he had reach the front door for a valet. But as he was about to turn around towards Donghae, a car pull itself right in front of him. Shocking him into taking a few step backwards in panic.

The door opens up. Revealing a quite normal looking young man with fitted suits hugging his slender body. The young man was watching him from the bottom of his feet to his flushed face.

“Kim Yesung?” said he man who only towering an inch height from him.

Yesung nod nervously. Disliking the cold stare form the stoic man. Donghae finally catch up onto him with heavy breathe. But he wouldn’t able to relief as a stranger to his eyes begin to grab Yesung by his elbow.

The older’s small arm fit into the man’s hands. Pulling him close to him as he drag the confused Yesung away from Donghae. Away from Henry who just arrive at the scene.

“Le--let me go! Who are you!?” shouts Yesung in frantic, trying to pry off the tight grasp but alas he was too weak against the man.

“Yah! Let him go!” said Donghae as he begin to throw a punch towards the man. But everything happen in a flash. He was over thrown by what he thought a kick on his stomach and falls to the ground.

“Lee Donghae. I had a message from Mr and Mrs.Kim.” said the man as he dial a number from his phone in his right hand whilst his left hand were still gripping tight on Yesung’s arm.

“Donghae ah?” a voice begin to ring from the man’s phone.

“Mr.Kim?” said Donghae in surprise.

“Ah glad you here. Meet Kim Kibum. He will be taking care of our Yesung from now on until our vacation end. You don’t have to fetch him from the house anymore and wait diligently at office, okay? We are so sorry to burden you with our helpless Yesung all this time.”

“But Mr.Kim, I don’t mind---”

“That’s all. Now let Kibum take care of Yesungie. Kim Kibum, don’t you ever take your eyes off from him.” Jaeun finish the last word with rather cold voice. Spitting venom but not to the caretaker but to others who they know were listening to the conversation.

“Don’t worry, Sir. He will be taken care well.” said Kibum expressionless.


The call end with Kibum begin to drag the olde into the car. Locking it from the outside as Yesung banging to the window. Begging to be free from the grasp of stranger.

“Hey, Kibum ssi.” said Donghae still with his shocked expression. He didn’t see it coming. To watch as the older were taken away from his protection.

The caretaker slash bodyguard like man halted in his spot but give no reply to the secretary.

“Take care of him…”

“I will without you even say it.”

Both Donghae and Henry watch as the car disappear from their sight.

“Donghae ssi… what happen?” said Henry in stuttered. He had watch as his beloved older brother throw the helpless look from inside the car before the man drove away. Worried begin to wash over him.

“They took him… they’ve finally crossed the line.. why your family this mess up, Henry ssi..” said Donghae, eyes stilled at the same spot where’s the car were last seen.

Donghae’s word had him shuddered. ‘had they’ve been knew all this time?’ thought him.

“Yes. We know. He was so happy to be able to meet you again… and your parent… had to take that happiness from him. I bet, he won’t be able to attend this meeting after this. The vacation last for 2 month…”

“No! Oh Gosh! Why he didn’t tell us about this!” said Henry in frustration.

Say it coincidence, Heechul and Hangeng had arrive at the time where Henry were seen miserable with tears stricken face.

“Hen--Heejong?” said Heechul, trying to cover it up right in front of Donghae.

Henry turn towards Heechul as he throw himself into the older’s arm. Crying as he speak incoherently.

“Hey, I won’t understand you if you kissing my shirt. What is it?” said Heechul gently as he caressing the younger hair.

“Yesung hyung… kidnapped….”

“What!?” shouts Heechul a little too loud.

Donghae had to faceplam himself. The younger really twisting the word in the midst of his breakdown.

“Heechul ssi, can we speak inside for awhile?” said Donghae, leaving the two gaping married couple as he walk towards the building by himself.


“He been knew about us?” said Heechul in lost. Slumping himself more into the warmth of his husband.

“To be honest, he just knew about it. From the drug effect, he can’t even remember your face. But now… after we finally cleanse his system from the drug abuse, he was once again ‘gone.’ We didn’t know what that Kibum guy capable of.” said Donghae.

“Hyung… we have to take him back… I don’t want eomma keep abusing his naive self..” said Henry between his sob.

Donghae chuckles upon the younger’s answer. His boss was indeed naive little Kim. Not knowing anything other than work and basic socialism.

“It’s okay, Henry ah. We’ll find a way.” said Hangeng. He had now two sobbing siblings to be taken care of. “Donghae ssi. If it was possible, can you tell us more about this whole thing. I’m sure we can find a way out for Yesung.”


Yesung’s pov

This is too much. I swear if I can strangle that man, I’ll do it! But his physique are too big for me…

It’s been hours since the last time he throw me into my own room. Locking me out from even stepping into my own house, my own living room. This is stupid. Eomma and appa had really did it. Snatching all my freedom away from me. Turning me into a robot. Suits to be control.

I saw the sad face Henry gave to me when he arrived at the scene this evening. It was shameful to cries towards my baby brother but the idea of been dragged by someone who I didn’t even know are absurd.

What happen to Donghae? I can’t even had my own phone to myself. It was snatched away an hour ago when I was attempt to call him. With threat from this Kibum guy, he had me stop trying to get it back. It wil be fruitless nonetheless.

I heard the knob turned around. He enter my room, my private space without a knock. Carrying a tray of food that look way too many for me.


As simple as that. He command me while putting the tray onto the table stand.


Heck the food were too much and not even my preferable taste at all. I can feel the dark vibe emitting from his body. Glaring at me as I refuse to even touch the food. 

“You still haven’t change your attire?” said him. Who is he to command me whichever he likes? I hate this man already.

Not wanting to give in to the dominance aura he had, i shakes my head again. Not even my mom can told me to change if I didn’t want to.

But not even once I saw what's come next.

“Eh…? Yah stop!”

“Stop struggling!” shouts him.

“Eungh… sto--stop…. Ouch!”

Pov end.

The tall caretaker stares at the smaller who refusing ever single of his command. He had been trained to make sure no one, even his supposedly young master to ignore his order.

With his patience wearing thin, he strode over towards the petite young master. Forcefully tearing off his coat and shirt. Earning a whimpering and protest from the rosy lips.

“Stop!” shouts the panicking smaller male.

“Stop struggling!” Kibum manage to rip off his pant. Leaving him shamelessly staring at the smooth skin of the abused leg.

“Eungh…” the older whimpers had him broke off his daze. Yesung begin to scowl at him with blanket drapped onto his body.

“What do you want! ert!” shouts Yesung with teary eyes. He had feared of the taller to molest him right then. With all his might, he pull off the blanket and run towards the corner of the room.

“Stop moving! I’m changing your cloth!” said Kibum sternly. Although the older’s smooth skin had him faze few second there, he swore an oath to not harm his ‘job’.

“No! Don’t touch me!” shouts Yesung.

As much as the older whimpering had him guilty, he didn’t want the older to catch a flu with his body.

“But you have to take a bath and wear your cloth!”

“I can do it myself! Out now!” shouts Yesung to the point his face was fumed red.

“Fine. In half an hour, I’ll be back to see you are eating your food too.”

With that the taller when out. Leaving him to sniffles from his bruised thigh after the younger had forcefully pull off his pants in one swift.

“It’s hurt…” he whine while rubbing his bruises. With staggering legs, he walk towards the bathroom. Heck he didn’t even want another bruise to be plastered all over his body next.


Suits with his word, Kibum had come back half an hour later. He saw the older already neatly seated on his bedside with head hangs low.

“You didn’t touch your food.” said Kibum sternly.

“Not hungry…”

“Eat. Your mother told me to make sure your are well intake in your meals.”

“She didn’t care about me..”

“Yes she is. Now eat or I’ll feed you..”

“Stop telling me what to do!” shouts Yesung, successfully snapping the younger bad anger management.

Yesung snap his head towards the fumed Kibum. The younger had one scrunched eyebrows while walking closer to him. In all his need in protect himself, he scooting into the bed, leaning towards the bedhead with his knees to his chest. Kibum settle himself too close to his liking, siting just right in front of him. The younger pull the tray onto his lap and begin to face him.

“Open your mouth.” said Kibum, scooping a spoonful of food towards his mouth.

Being the stubborn person he is, he cover his own mouth with his hand. Shaking his head like a child throwing a tantrum.

As if his last string of patience had broke into two, Kibum put the plate aside for a moment and caught onto the small hand of Yesung. Caging it into one of his hand as he begin to repeat the same act.

“Eat. Or I’ll give you a good punishment after this.” and the younger words never sounds like a joke to him.

Once again his eyes went rivers. Crying as he been force feed by the man who dares to touch him on their first day meet. Abusing him into a submission.

15 minutes later, the plate begin to empty down. Smiling for the older’s achievement, Kibum took out the tray and begin to prepare the older for his sleep time.

“Sleep well.”

“I hate you…” muttered Yesung as tear that had long subside bursting once more after the taller disappear into the closed door.

“Heebongie… help me…” he keep muttering the chants till the sleep take over his exhausted body.





A/N: why did i always had the tendencies of torturing both yeye and kibum? Poor kibum being the bad guy. A bit emotional and angsty. Not really.. But yeah.

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Please be patient with me, the comedy ish and fluff part will come but it will be taking time.


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400 streak #1
Chapter 17: Rereading it, still one of my fav story of yours ❤️
Chapter 17: This would be one of the coolest stories that I've ever read
400 streak #4
Chapter 1: OMG, this family is broken inside out T____T and always because of parents. I'm not gonna be a mom like this mother #sigh
heeyanna #5
Chapter 15: ommo!!! are you also the one who wrote the "Our Little Sungie"???
I'm freaking waiting for its next chapters... TT_TT
Chapter 17: Ahhh. Why this chapter feel like end.. good
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Chapter 16: Oh shiet! He's between Innocent and Psycotic . And he's so badass. .
charismavi #8
Chapter 17: Phase one completed..Getting ready for phase two ;)
We still need to see how two evils act when they finally meet hohoho..
Chapter 17: We'll look forward to it,,take your time,,,