My Husband Is A Bully Love


The next morning, I went to the office with a weak and listless. Many staff also concerned with me, Auntie Kim is a cleaner at here also asking me, I was healthy or not. Heh, I did not think there are many who would be better with me today!

"Krystal .."

Hah, that's him. He's come .. "Yes, boss?"

"I hear you're not well. You're okay? Want me to send you to go the clinic?" he asked as he tried to mount his hand to my forehead but I avoid fast.

Hishh Mr Taeyeon's ! Whim just want to touch a s people.

"Eh, never mind boss. I'm okay, I'm also good health," I answer, smiling sarcastically at him.

"Right? If you wish .. I sent you go the clinic," said Mr Taeyeon.

I just nodded slowly. Inside, I was hoping that he might go quickly. Then if I can not control my hands from slapped his face, I drop it. Trick of the month, not only he did not want anything to do with me, looking at me also he don't want. Uh, not that I wanted it to so far?

"Ermm ... Krys, are you free tonight?"

"Do not. I'm busy tonight," I answer rate.

It must dinner I was to encourage . I know very tactic of courting male. Heh, really? Not because Ambro's teaching?

"Well, if it's like that, we ate lunch together at noon today okay?"

Erk! I'm speechless. I just want to open my mouth to refuse his invitation, he was cut.

"I promise you, right?

Hesy .. ert MAN! What he want to deliberately with me or what?

"Hey, I want to join both of you lunch, shall we?" someone had interrupted our conversation.

I turned quickly. OMG, Am! What is he doing around here? Seriously, I do not even know who he was at the office of the ert boss. Remind the incident four days ago, really make me feel ashamed. To deal with him much less!

"Err .." Mr Taeyeon was stuttered.

Think now is my chance to avoid being alone together with Mr Taeyeon I said quickly. "Eh, it's very nice. Right boss?

"Err .. yeah it's right. We can talk about our project," said Mr taeyeon in a tone that was forced.

In silence, a smile is etched on my lips. Yes! You do not want to eat it can be scrolled with me. Hahaha. I would rather bear the shame of the meal with Mr. Taeyeon.

"Krys, have more a food. The chicken was good to know." Mr Taeyeon said as he put a plate of chicken to me.

I frowned a sign I could not be accepted. However, no matter what happens, regardless of hand Ambro took a chicken from my plate. I quickly turned to the man. Am only smile, but I could not afford to respond. I don't know why!

"Krystal did not like to eat chicken." suddenly Ambro said so.

"Oh, sorry, Krys. I do not know .." said the boss ert the ripple awry.

However, I do not care about that ert boss. What makes me weird, Am know I do not like to eat chicken. Couldnt.. he really stalker me?

"Hmm, yummy food down here, is not it, Krystal?" Am looked at me and smiled.

"Huh? Err .. that's right." I deserve support Am words.

However, the question in the mind still does not stop there. Am I guess it's not really a mystery to me leg easily. I seem to get to know him more closely.

I stopped dreaming when my cellphone rang out. When I look at the screen, it turned out that the mother phoned. How are presumably her now? For months I did not see her face because I was too busy. Maybe if I talk to the boss a little bit more, I can be a month off!

"Hello, mom."

"Hello. You're work today?"ask my mom.

I was already frowning. My mom is fit to do? Instead my mom did not know that I work until evening. "Why is this, mom?

"Ohh .. someone want to propose you." I'm was shocked. Is not what. Many guys want to marry with me but I don't know why I don't want it.

"Mom .."

"This kid must push again, right? No way you can push again this marriage. You know, You already many times push this marriage. This you're not gonna feel tempted to marriage? Do not want to have children? "

Mom has started babbling. I also had my ears this early or late affiliation.

"Of course I gonna feel it all, mom. But .. I do not know who I'm married. How can we be happy if there was no love?" I dare slams.

"Hurmm .. love it may be fruitful to himself." my mom answer simply.

Wahhh! Since when my mom knows how to talking sweet like that? My mother's style look expert!

"You try to know first. Who knows if I get caught up with the boy that you want to marry it. Tomorrow, he wanted to come home. You try to ask your boss to get a leave. Okay, Soo Jung?"

I've scratching my head. Arghh, so trouble! "But, I .."

"Can you, Soojung? Mom's voice sounded like hope.

"Hmmm .. Okay, mom. I will try it. Okay, bye." After the line was disconnected, I put my cell phone on my desk. Heavy sigh came out of my mouth. Somehow I felt a heavy heart at the moment.

"Why Krys?" someone asked me.

I quickly looked up. I do not know should open it to the man who cared about me.

"Nothing, "I replied in a tone flat.

Am sitting cross-legged in front of me. I was surprised when see it. "Share it .. if you do not want to tell the story, I sat cross-legged in front of you until tomorrow."

Erk .. I thought this guy was good also threatened. Apparently, I had to tell everything. I just finished telling the story, I see the man eyebrows went up.

"Why do you want to push too? Nowadays, it can be difficult to know a mate. You are lucky because many guy wants to marry with you."

I just shook my head slowly. "My heart was not open again to marry."

"If it's like that, I will open your heart to get married."

I was a bit stunned. there's meaning behind the words of the mystery man?But  I'm lazy want to think further. "Err .. you can get up now. Later other staff saw, what they thought that way."

"Let it be. I'd rather like it," said Am casually stood up.

"Pardon?" I raised eyebrows. This guy kidding?

I see the man just smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing. Okay, I'm coming back to my office first. About marriage, you need to figure out.

Listen to his words. I was wondering myself. He did not care if someone wants to marry me? His feelings untouched even one particle to? Ah .. what's wrong with me? Do not say I'm starting to fall in love! After all, the man of high rank. He may not want to look ordinary woman like me. Is far from reality.

Do not care about the issue, I continue to get up to go to the office of Mr Taeyeon. Although as far as possible I do not want to see it with my boss, but I had to as well. Yes, I would do anything for my mom!

I gently knock on the door and heard his voice made me go. I quickly get into the room. If I hurry up the job, I hurry to finish work. No need for me to face Mr Taeyeon's too late.

"Oh, Krys! What's up you come to? Never gonna get in my office this afternoon sorts? ask Mr Taeyeon smiling towards me.

I slowly bit my lip. I know he's cover me when this long because they did know I was trying to avoid contact with him. But, what I have to do if every day I've to meet? If possible, I want to apply for a job as a clerk in the company. I would rather, as long as it does not have to work as a personal assistant this ert boss!

"Krys! Hey, once more pensive. I kiss you, just you gonna realize," he tease me with the flirting tone.

Erk! Do not be play the words of the ert boss. Wrong day of the month, he really kiss me anyway. Euwww.. Serious I could not face it!

"Err .. actually, I would ask for leave to the boss a day or two. Can not?" I ask as I continue to fear if he was over-much later.

"Leave? For what?" asked Mr Taeyeon with a furrowed brow.

"Err .." I do not know what to say. I would not want to say back home because someone propose to marry me? If I say, I'm afraid he did not want to let me go anyway. Hurmm .. that's crazy!

He is still loyal to organize my answer. I noticed, he had kept his eyes on every inch of my body. I wish only gouged out his eyes, so blind forever!

" Err .. I just want to rest. Furthermore not any longer I leave it." I answer spontaneously.


"Anyway, boss .. I rarely ask for leave from the boss." I answer.

Ah, whatever! Important, I must also ask for leave from it. I hopefully this leave pass.

"Hmmm .. Okay, you can take the leave form, but ..."

I just want to have fun, continues to be pounding when the word 'but' at the end of the sentence. Arghh. what's up again now? Do not want to tell me to accompany him to eat again. I'm tired of this!

"I want you to accompany me tonight at the hotel," said Mr. Taeyeon while winking his eyes towards me.

I was about to stop the heart when listening to his request. Ah, damn it. I was restless.

Haa .. What answer I want to give? If follow my hearts , indeed I've long rejected outright. But, he's my boss. If I answer just what I want,  I was fired by him.

"Krys ..? My dear ..? Call him.

I feel my blood dry again because was  by ert men. Damn right! Whim just call me dear. Only my husband just can call me dear/sweetie know! I was infuriated by snap lips. I feel like I want to give my first fist to Mr Taeyeon.

"I want to tell the truth, I do not like the service you give to me boss."

Finally, I say powerful blunt in my heart. that he wanted to say anything, I did not want to think anything else. important, I've felt stuffy. Stuffy in the hospitality given by him.

"Why? You does not like to?" Mr Taeyeon asked with raised eyebrows three times.

"Yes, I really do not like. And one more thing, please do not call me Krys or dear! I annoyed!" I said again.

"Why? I love you Krys. I really want you," replied Mr. Taeyeon again.

"Sorry, boss. I can not accept this, and besides, I already have a boyfriend. He's already propose for me. Soon we wanted to marry." Where it either of these ideas appear, I do not know. Suddenly out of my mouth.

"So, it is true that you already have a boyfriend?"

"If true, why?" I asked with a puzzled tone. My boss, look like suspicious about me?

"I thought you had not committed. Hmm .. so your boyfriend's proposal .. you accept?"

"When your boyfriend have a great job, I promise I will not bother you again," he promised.

My eyes are shining brightly. Yes! This time I wait! However, what makes me worried, I do not know who I'm married for that, So, what should I answer with this ert boss?

In busy thinking, immediately I was reminded of Am. Ah, he's the boss Liu Holdings company. His salary would reach tens of thousands of dollars. I'm sure of it!

"He .. he is a company director Liu Holdings," I said a little hesitant while smiling sarcastically.

"What? Mr. Ambro? We work it out?" Mr Taeyeon tone of disbelief.

I just nodded repeatedly. Trying to convince him. This month, how many people I cheated. Hmm .. it seems, more increase my sins. Fate, Fate ..

"Why Mr. Ambro never tell me?" he asked with icy stare.

Uh-oh .. He can not know that I was being cheated now.

"He did not like it personally exaggerated. But I had to expose the boss that I will marry. I quickly replied.

My heart a little relieved to see his head slightly nodding though obviously disappointed face showed a ripple.

"Oh, congratulations. If there is an invitation to, invite me and my family." he said resignedly.

Thank God. Finally, Mr Taeyeon relented. However, this relief was only stopped when heard those words from him. Invitations? An invitation to the wedding? Did I give?

"Thanks, boss." I went on from there.

In heart, many regrets because I like to say what I want. It is true what people say, overshoot boat can be postponed, but said overshoot own peril!

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JusT_k1m #1
Chapter 37: I like this story, but your english makes me a little bit confused @_@
babySavie #3
Chapter 27: Knew it im not good in english ,.but the way you write the story seemed off to me
prometheus38 #4
Chapter 27: Your way to write in english is a little bit childish
Popcorn01 #5
Hey.... Miss you author shi
Popcorn01 #6
Chapter 33: Update plizzzzzzzzz :(
Popcorn01 #7
Chapter 33: Update please.......authornim
kryber2003 #8
Chapter 24: Please could yo at least correct the grammar in all chapters please it's annoying and why ambro
babySavie #9
Just amber would be fine author-nim not ambro ..i just read the foreword and im definitely read all of this..
nadzira #10
Author nim please update