My Husband Is A Bully Love

Krystal POV

Finally! I also got time to take a break from doing work that is certainly very confusing my head. That weekend I planned to go out shopping with Sulli. Haih, we both really had not been out together. I also miss the days when we were young.

Apgujeong shopping complex when it seemed crowded. I also had to Sulli and narrow streets with that kind of situation. Huh, this weekend is indeed a lot of people. The time is perfect to get rid of stress.

"Uh, do you want to go?" I asked, wiping sweat. Feel tired when crowded with people.

"I don't know. Just follow you."

"Come with me anyway .." I've brow furrowed. My stomach suddenly rang. I look Sulli and Sulli also look at me.

"The stomach is sounded, the sign is what?" I deliberately asked so.

"Hmm .. sign want to defecate," said Sulli grinned.

I made up my eyes as I slapped her shoulder. "There is also wants to defecate. Stomachs must have been hungry. Hesy, where did you learn all this."

"That I know. Just want to mess with you." Sulli pouts. "Let's go we eat. Later there was also a faint in the middle of the road."

I started my lip. Hesy, this woman! Like the right look for a problem with me. But I'm lazy want to argue, finally I decided to eat at Starbuck only.

"I find the place you please order." I would calmly issuing orders.

"Why should I?" Sulli about dissatisfaction.

"Hurm, you just order. A lot of noise too. Never mind, I went looking for a place out okay." And I went on leave Sulli was already stunned.

My eyes keep looking for empty seats. Spontaneous, my eye saw the empty table. I began to walk fast it wants to grab a seat. When in fact I did not know who may want to snatch a place with me while many just sitting empty.

In busy waiting for Sulli, points I like to be noticed the presence of someone who is sitting in a Starbuck's café. I looked deep into the man's face. My eyes widened. Am! What is he doing here?

In fact, he is not alone, but friends. Who is that woman? why I've never seen this woman before? Somehow, there was a kind of feeling of not like exists in the heart. Do I ... jealous?

Spontaneous, I quickly got up. In my mind, I've thought about to attack them. But feels Nor would I act it. Deep in my heart, I felt painful. Ah, all man apparently the same. Am ... I see it hard to love me, but he also did not change how other men. Cheaters!

"Uh, do you want to go?" Sulli carrying tray that looks weird to see me.

I was silent. Still tried to resist stormy anger inside me. "Let's go!"

"Huh?" Sulli has been confounded. "After that, the food is all?"

"Ah, you take it down."

"Huh?" made Sulli confounded. Crazy what? Would not want to bring a plate of this Starbuck? Hey, it's Starbuck. Which can take just a whim. "You're crazy, Krys?"

I did not reply to questions Sulli. I was mad in it, where can I think clearly. Suddenly, I thought the proposal was very thoughtful. Without saying anything, I continue towards Am.

"Uh, where do you want to go?" Sulli asked puzzled.

"You're quiet!" asks me.

Sulli mouth kept locked. Sign round her eye she really unhappy with me.

Then, I was continuing my agenda. Am seemed surprised by my presence.

"Eh, Krys ... what are you doing ..."

I kept a smile sarcastically. "Go out with your girlfriend?"

"Krys, wait."

I do not care about Am. I began looking sharp eye face woman sitting next to Ambro. Want to just park right index finger in front of her nose. But, feel like I'm doing is not fair, not to mention her same with me. I still do not want to deny her arms.

"For your information, this man is my boyfriend. But if you've been itching really right, why do not you marry him alone."

The woman was dumbfounded.

With a stubborn heart, I went on from there, pulling a hand Sulli who had been watching our act drama.

"Krys! Krys!"

From a distance I can hear the call Ambro, but I ignore. And a new news for me, I confess that Ambro is my boyfriend. Think of it, burning in the hearts of more and more felt.

Of the endless phone ringing I'm lifted. However, I pretend deaf while watching a television drama that aired on. Huh, who else if not Am calling? It wanted to apologize. but, sorry to say, my heart is not open yet want to forgive. What if I wait until a bit, okay.

"HESY! Noisy call you that. Made my earaches."

"May pretend not to hear." I replied simply.

Sulli just shook his head slowly. "You have ... if it had been very difficult, just apologize to him."

"Apologize? Why? He was patently unfair to me. I'm a supposedly loving! But... stabbing me in the back. Men are all the same. Liar!" 

Sulli's actually my friend or friends Am? Sulli was eager to maintain Am.

"Krys, you like to Mr Ambro?"

I stopped listening to questions Sulli. Love? I like to Am to? I don't know, I'm not sure.

"If you don't like it, you would not talk like that, and besides, what were you clearly indicate that you are jealous."

I was speechless. Yes, I act clearly shows that I was jealous. Argh! I could not have feelings for Am. I know, I sort of woman this is worth to him. He was director Liu Holdings. I was also just a PA. Where possible we can unite.

"Anyway, Krys, I think it's just his clients. Maybe his cousin. You do not play just accused Krys. Next time you take off," Sulli said with a serious face.

"Erk!" I swallow saliva twice.

Right, too! Why I accused Am? Anyway I did not investigate in advance who the woman was, whim I also want to say rude with her. Hurm ... think about all this, do I seriously awry.

"So, what I want to do Ssul?" I asked with a nervous tone.

"You persuade him." Sulli give way easily.

"Huh? There is no other way to?" I asked. I'm not the type who knows how to persuade. To let persuade men. Erghh... Indeed the very beginning I admit defeat.

"There. You tell women who eat with Am had it in you to say sorry to him."

Hah! Sulli ... once again she would joke with me. I know I did not always act according to common sense, but at least help her friend solve this one problem!

"Sulli ..." call me a while to make pity face.

"Hesy, you are! What hard? You went to his office. Sorry for direct, not even once brought food for him. Wants to reach men through their stomachs. Got it?" Sulli said, act like a professional stunt.

My eyes began to shine brightly. "Babe! You are the best. Why could not I even think about this before? Thank you so much. I treat you tomorrow, okay?"

Sulli was looking at me grinning. "Anything?"

"Yup, anything," replied I was also smiling.

Hopefully Sulli plan this successfully implemented. I hope this time.

I correct the inappropriate clothing. With high spirits, I entered the company that stands it. I hope you can forgive me Am.

"Err .. can I meet with Mr. Ambro?" I asked to a girl named Luna who has been at a reception.

"Ms.'ve made to the appointment with Mr. Ambro?"

I patted my forehead. Oh, how could I forget want to make an appointment in advance?

"Err .. not yet .."

Oh, It's okay Miss. Miss may be waiting in the waiting room because now Mr. Ambro middle of meeting, "Luna said kindly.

"Oh, the meeting?" about me while my eyes glanced at my watch. My eyes widened.

Already 12.10pm. Hey, it's time for lunch. He did not want to lunch? If not, just wasting time I brought food to him.

"Yes, Miss. Ms. please wait," Luna smiled sweetly.

Haih ... good luck Luna smile. Can also cool the middle of my heart this hot. If not, it is true that I did break the counter!

Gently, I headed to the waiting room. I had eyes glanced at the magazine arranged neatly on the shelves. I quickly reached one of the magazines there. Argh, boring! Everything about the business. There is nothing about fashion, novel, entertainment or ... Argh! Interesting things to read!

The sound of a woman laughing impress me, then I looked up. My eyes widened. Am! With ... that woman last night! I'm getting great jealousy when she looked closely at Am. The food container are in the grip of my strong hold. Trying to hold anger in himself.

"Krys?" My presence was noticed by Am at there.

I bit my lip. Suddenly feel like I want to run away, but do not know why my legs seemed stiff.

"Krys ..."

Argh! Am trick! If he kind of tone to it, where women do not melt when hear it?

"Krys, please ... listen to the my explanation. You've misunderstood this," pleaded Am.

But I'm just quiet when women are coming out with Ambro last night approaching me and Am.

"Err .. yeah that's true what Am talking about it." Her like wanted to stop the infighting between me and Ambro, but I do not care about all that.

Without saying anything, Food container I was brought then I give it to Am.

"Sorry." that's all I had time to say before going on from there.

This time I felt kind of like a tap my head. Argh, why do what I always planned not to be? I wipe the tears to be dripping. Anyway, once again I was of not expecting anything out of this relationship. In fact, I still do not qualify alongside that great man.

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JusT_k1m #1
Chapter 37: I like this story, but your english makes me a little bit confused @_@
babySavie #3
Chapter 27: Knew it im not good in english ,.but the way you write the story seemed off to me
prometheus38 #4
Chapter 27: Your way to write in english is a little bit childish
Popcorn01 #5
Hey.... Miss you author shi
Popcorn01 #6
Chapter 33: Update plizzzzzzzzz :(
Popcorn01 #7
Chapter 33: Update please.......authornim
kryber2003 #8
Chapter 24: Please could yo at least correct the grammar in all chapters please it's annoying and why ambro
babySavie #9
Just amber would be fine author-nim not ambro ..i just read the foreword and im definitely read all of this..
nadzira #10
Author nim please update