Tell Her You Love Her

With You Along The Way {Yi Lu Shang You Ni}

That night Yalun was restless,Hebe's images keeps playing in his mind.He remembered the look of disappointment in her eyes,as they bid goodbye.He knows ,she is waiting for him to say something,but he just kept his silence,kept his mouth shut all along. And now he just realized the mistake that he made,and he knows,he just have to tell her.He just have to tell her that he loves her,and that he is the only one that he truly loves and not the girls out there or the girl that his Father has chosen for him.

He got up.unable to sleep anymore and at the crack of dawn,he decided that he just have to see her today before he goes back to the city. He knows that Hebe ususally wakes up early and would walk back to the big house early morning. Maybe he can just wait for her on the way to their big house and then he can talk to her. And yes,he is going to promise that he will come back for her.

He hurriedly dress up and as he looked at the mirror,he saw the tiredness and the stress of what the night has brought. But sleep is not important,only Hebe is important for now.

He waited,and waited by the roadside where Hebe usually pass by but no Hebe. The sun is already starting to show up from the dark night and still no Hebe. The coldness of the night is already and no Hebe at sight at all. Yalun took a deep breath,he cannot wait anymore.His parents will be looking for him soon,especially his Dad.He decided that it is better to go to Hebe's house and hopefully nobody can catch him going to their house.

The house stood in the middle of the fields,the next neighbor is quite a walk and the house seems to stood still with the vast fields that is empty now after the bountiful harvest.Soon enough,the farmers will start planting another crops for the next harvest. There was no electricity but you can a still tiny lamp flickering by the window,as he walks in.

He knocked on the door,as the door opens up after a mere minute. Hebe's Mom stood by the door. There was no surprise in her face as if she is expecting him to come today.

"Good morning Young Master Yalun." she said. She can be his Mom's best friend but she is still a mere servant in their household and yes his Father is stiill the Master of all of this.

"Good morning .I just came to see Hebe. Can I talk to her now?" he asked.

"I am afraid that Hebe can't see you now. She is not feeling well this morning. " she answered.

"But I need to see her now.I will be leaving today and I need to talk to her." Yalun insisted.Hebe's Mom can see the disappointment and the desperation in Yalun's face.

"You can just tell me what you have to say to her." she said.

"No,I have to tell her.I just have to tell her. Please Auntie ,I have to talk to Hebe." Yalun said. Hebe's Mom heart's tug,and to call her Aunt,something that he has used to call her when he was young,his terms of endearment to her when they were just growing up and all too innocent and not aware of the social status ...She can see the urgency,and maybe Yalun did really love her daughter,maybe Yalun does love Hebe.But whatever feeling they have for each other,she knows that their love story is doomed from the very beginning. The Master will never agree to this. The servant will never be good enough for the Young master. hebe will be good only as the other woman,just like her best friend,Yalun's Mom,and she doesn't think that she will ever accept that for her daughter's fate. Hebe will never be just the other woman in some man's life even if it is Yalun. She will keep the honor of this family no matter what. Hebe will be an honorable woman.

And yes their time together is almost up and now only to keep her daughter living,as she heal  her broken heart after this. She nodded her head. "Only for now Yalun. I don't think your Father will ever approve of this." as she let him in inside the house.


Hebe was seating by her bed when Yalun came. her face lights up at the sight of him.

"Yalun,I thought you are leaving today ?" Hebe asked.She wondered what can he be doing in their house when her Mom is downstairs.

"I just need to see you today." as he took her in his arms. "I just need to say this to you before aI leave today." Hebe looked at him,unable to believe at the words that she is hearing.

"Hebe I love you.You are the one that I love. Promise me that you are going to wait for me,wait for me to come back for you." Yalun said.

"Oh Yalun,I love you too.Yes I'll wait for you." Hebe said. "I'll wait for you even if it will takes me forever." and as Yalun's lips came to her ,kissing her and she can't help the tears that follows. Yalun can feel the wetness of her face from the tears.

"Don't cry anymore. I will find a way to come back for you and get you,so we can be together. Just proimise me that I will be the only one that you will be loving ,even if I am gone." he said as he wiped her tears,staring at her face. And she looked so beautiful even with those tears.

"I promise you.You will be the only one for me. I will wait for you,Yalun." Hebe said,hugging him again and for the last time.

"I have to go now.My father will be looking for me soon. I love you hebe just remember that." Yalun said. and with that he turned and left as hebe stared,and cried. Yalun loves her after all and that is all that mattered for now... Yes yalun loves her as much as she loves him...and she cannot ask for more...

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Congrats ! :D
congrats c:
hellomello #4
Congrats on being featured!

Ah, Bebu. I miss Bebu, Fahrenheit, & S.H.E. altogether.
Still a fan.
taiwanese! congrats on the random feature :)
congrats :DD
Chapter 2: I love your style of writing~ :DD the dialogue is really good too~ ^^
good story~ x3