Arron and Hebe

With You Along The Way {Yi Lu Shang You Ni}

Mrs Tian checked the time at the  clock on the  wall of their bedroon. It is half past seven already and Hebe is not even home yet. She has been getting worried. What if something to her and nobody from her family knew ? She has been having a second thought in allowing Hebe to go back to work ,but then Hebe assured her that she will not do beyond her strenght and capabilities.

She looked out at the window. It is dark outside now. She could barely see the view outside. She walk back and forth from one end of their room the other end.

" Stop  worrying too much. Maybe she just stop by to a shop or something. " her husband said as he looked up to her.He was sitting in bed reading a paper. He too is worried, but then it will not help if he showed it to his wife. Too anxious parents won't help the matter .

"But she didn't say anything today. Is it possible that she is with that guy Arron now ?" she asked.

"Then I think,it is for the better if she is with him." he answered.

Mrs Tian frowned some more. "What is wrong with you ? You know thatshe can't be in a relationship." she answered.

"Why are ypu into a relationship already, for all we know, they are just friends. " he answered. "And if ever, we should be happy for her. Don't you want your daughter to be like any normal girl out there ? I think it is about time to let her be.We cannot protect her all the time." as he continued...

"I would like to very much." as her eyes teared. "Don't you think that is my wish for her?  I want her to be healthy and normal. "  Her husband looked at her and saw her eyes,as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"But she is not an normal healthy girl. That is the reality.And I can't help myself but worry about her. She is our only daughter." she said.

"I know ..I know" he answered. "But we have to let her and live her life. Keeping her here and protected is not living at all." as he embraced his wife.And then they heard the door downstairs opens.

"I think your daughter is home.. So we worry for nothing" he said as they wlak down to see their daughter.

Hebe face is flushed with excitement. She has been seeing Arron for almost two months now, and it has been the most wonderful two months of her life. Seeing him every morning as they ride the train together to go to work, share their lunch together and then go back home for the day.Somehow just being with Arron is enough to make her happy. His beautiful eyes staring down at her, his mesmerizing smiles especially in the morning and in the afternoon when they are all and tired. Arron seems to be filling her mind lately and she just can't help it.

Arron told her everything about his life. His childhood life and even his awkward teenage life. He told her his dreams, his heartaches and frustrations and what he hopes to accomplish in life. It seems like his life is full of color and yes full of life. She has never met that kind of man before. But then she doesn't have that much. She has been cloistered in  the comfort of  their home most of the time of her life. Compared to him, her life is dull and lifeless and she is afraid that she got nothing to share with him that is as interesting as his. But Arron seems to want to know everything about her. And yes he is very much interested in the kind of life that she she told him about herself.

But there is one thing that she omitted telling Arron .She never told him about her problem. She is afraid to tell him,afraid that she will earned his pity more than his love. And that is the last thing that she wants from him.She just wants Arron to think of her as any normal girl out there, normal girl with no health problems...capable of doing things normal girl does.

"Hebe ,whee have you been ? " her Mom said as Hebe greeted her with a kiss. "How come you did not even call to let us know ?"

"Sorry Mom , it is like a last minute thought. We saw this nice restaurant and decided to try it ,since both of us are hungry." she said. She is a little short of breath but her cheeks are pink and her eyes animated,as mrs Tian stared at her daughter.  She must be alright then, she thought.

"And by us ,does it mean Arron ? " she asked. Hebe nodded her head.

"it seems you have been seeing this young man a lot ?" her Dad said as if teasing her cause he got this grin on his face. And he doesn't looked mad at all,as hebe looked at him.

"Oh Dad he is really nice. There is nothing wrong in being friends with him,right ?' she answered. holding on his Dad's arm.

"No nothing wrong at all. As long as my daughter is happy, then I am happy for you." he said,putting his arm around her shoulder. "Just take care of yourself and don't overtire yourself. "

"No I am really taking good care of myself Dad. In fact I am feeling a lot better." she said.

"Did you tell him about your condition ?" her Mom asked. The laughter in Hebe's eyes died at the mention of it.

"No Mom,I have not told him yet. But I am going to tell him later." she said.

"I think you have to tell him soon. You don't want him to be disappointed in the end." her Mom said...Hebe nodded... but then her heart is not ready yet. She still wants to enjoy his company, a little bit longer...".Just a little bit longer." she told herself...a longer time with Arron is all she asked this time...

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Congrats ! :D
congrats c:
hellomello #4
Congrats on being featured!

Ah, Bebu. I miss Bebu, Fahrenheit, & S.H.E. altogether.
Still a fan.
taiwanese! congrats on the random feature :)
congrats :DD
Chapter 2: I love your style of writing~ :DD the dialogue is really good too~ ^^
good story~ x3