Generation Three....Happy Together.

With You Along The Way {Yi Lu Shang You Ni}

Arron woke up with a jolt,as the alarm clock goes on.  He got up, only to realized that today is Saturday,and he doesn't have to go to work. He forgot to reset the alarm clock last night. He sat on the side of his bed, as he tried to compose himself.

He was on the best part of his dream yet... He has dreamed of her again, the girl with a nameless face,and yes her face is so blurry too. But she keeps appearing in his dream lately and he could not understand it. The face is familiar and he seems to have such a deep affection on that girl,in his dream and so when he woke up.he ends up yearning for her. But where can he find that girl ?

He took a deep breath,and Arron decided to get up and maybe go to the park and jog. He has not done that for days now. The weather has started cooling down now...and him getting lazy to brave the cold weather. But today....he got this energy or drive to get up and do something. And jogging do help him think  and calm down his own self.

He put on his pants and sweatshirt. Put his wallet and his key on his pocket as he walked out of the door. The sun was barely out,but there are few people walking on the sidewalk already, even for a weekend.

Arron works in the city, and lives in the neghboring city. His apartment is just a good fifteen minutes by train. His parents is very much against his idea of living alone by himself,but Arron loves his independence and his mom seems to baby him whenever he is around. Being the youngest and the only boy,his family dotes on him,and yes spoiled him rotten,that's what they told him.Somehow after college the need to be independent seems to grow on him,until he said goodbye from his home.

Living alone is not easy but then he enjoy his quiet moments too, and having to answer to only himself is quite uplifting too. The only downfall is the household chores that he has to learn as time goes by. He never did the laundry at home nor cook any meal. His Mom did verythig for him,even cleaning up and tidying up his own room. He smiled at the thought....

By the time he jogged a few blocks and reached the park,the sun was already up. The wind is still chilly,heralding the coming season...Beads of sweat formed in his he moved faster this time...a couple more turns and he will be all done.,as he thought about breakfast..for the morning. There is nothing in the house, so Arron thought of passing by the grocery to buy  some food for the weekend.

He passed by the nearby Cafe and the smell of fresh brewed coffee waif to his he got lured into entering the place...There were a couple of people sitting by the window Arron approached the counter...the girl turned around and Arron eyes grows the girl looked at him...and smiled.... The girl in his dream has manifest herself,in fronts of him.......And yes she is definitely the girl  in his dream...

"Yes,may I help you ?" as Hebe looked at the gentleman in front of her. She has seen him somewhere,his face is so familiar and yes there is something endearing in those eyes as she smiled at him sweetly....

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Congrats ! :D
congrats c:
hellomello #4
Congrats on being featured!

Ah, Bebu. I miss Bebu, Fahrenheit, & S.H.E. altogether.
Still a fan.
taiwanese! congrats on the random feature :)
congrats :DD
Chapter 2: I love your style of writing~ :DD the dialogue is really good too~ ^^
good story~ x3