After The Loving

With You Along The Way {Yi Lu Shang You Ni}

Hebe stared at the moon from her bedroom window. Tomorrow,Yalun will be leaving for the city. It has been a happy two weeks with him around. And tomorrow all of this will be ending. She knows she will be dreading this time, when she has to say goodbye to him,with no promises of what exactly ,what tomorrow will brings. She was waiting for Yalun to say something ,to make a pledge and to promise something to her but so far no promises was ever made and no clear views of what and where will their relationship will head to from here. And she knows now that she will be just one on the list of women that he has conquered.

The night that they made love, something that she never thought ,that she will lose control and forget all precautions and all the warning that her Mom has told her. But she love Yalun and that is the only thing that she can think of. And now that everything is said and done,she is worried about the possible outcome of it all.She looked up at the sky and said a silent prayer to the One above..

She has asked Yalun ,on what will become of them after today and Yalun can't give her any answer at all.And right then and there ,she has realized the mistakes that she made,or if ever one can call that a mistake. He told her ,he loves her, but tonight no love words was ever uttered. She was very disappointed and hurt and somehow,she has the feeling that this will be the end for both of them. And as they said goodbye tonight,she can't help but feel that Yalun has been pulling away from her,as she cried on her way out from his room.

The memories brought more pain than she can imagine ,as she tried to  fight the tears at her own brokenness.She got to be strong and get through the pain. Maybe there is still hope that Yalun also loves her,really love her,cause she has felt the affection this last few days and what she felt from him is real, a real expression of love and feelings.

She heard a sound as she turned around from the source.

"Hebe what are you doing up at this time of the night?" her Mom asked, obviously just woke up from her sleep.

"I am just getting ready for bed. Mom." Hebe answered.

"Where have you been ? " she asked. "I spoke to Selina and you were not there." as she looked at her daughter's eyes searching for answer. She has just found out that Hebe has been lying to her.She thought all along that she was spending time with Selina but Hebe was never there ,as her heart beat faster at the knowledge that hebe might be seeing Yalun behind her back.

Hebe's eyes widened. She never expected to be caught from her lying. And it is too late to cover the lies from her eyes. "Mom" was all she can say,and she saw the anger in her Mother's eyes and the defeat.

"Don't tell me Hebe that you have been seeing Yalun all along this time ? Don't tell me that you have been lying to me ." as she can see the tears in her Mother's eyes. Hebe swallowed hard,seeing the anger,the hurt and the tears in her Mother's eyes,as she became very afraid and can't help when her own tears came.

"Mom, I love Yalun and he loves me." was all she can say.

"Hebe,he loves you and all the hundred of girls out there. he just wants one thing from you. And even if he loves you,you know,that the two of you can never be together. His father will never let it happen,you will just be the other woman in his life.How can you do this to yourself." she said,with her voice getting all riled up and high. "How can you be so stupid."

"Mom" as she broke down and cried. She knows that her Mom can be telling the truth. She cannot be the woman that Yalun can take as a wife .She is just a hired help,a lowly servant in their house. She can the a concubine but she can never be the wife ,that will have the honor and respect.

Her Mom came to her and hugged her, as they cried together.. She can't let Hebe be dishonored. She has to make plans for her only daughter. She has to get her away from here and away from Yalun.


Yalun too was looking out at his window from his bedroom. Tomorrow he is leaving and he is leaving Hebe behind. He has to control himself from asking her, asking her to stay with him. Now he is sorry that he neevr said the word to her.Never told her that he loves her,love her more than any girl out there. And now it is too late,he should just told her that he loves her and to make her promise to wait for him to come back. he knows his father will be mad at him in doing so,but he loves hebe and he will be more than willing to give this all up,the heritage and the wealth that his Father has offered ,than to give up Hebe.

He can still remember his own father;s word,when he caught him one night,as he saw hebe coming out from his room. He was surprised to see his father that night,just after Hebe has left for the night,right after they made love again that night.

"I didn't know that you and Hebe. Does your Mom knows ?" he asked. He knows that Hebe was the daughter of  Yalun's Mom best friend. And that she loves that little girl like a daughter of her own.

Yalun shook his head. "She doesn't know." Yalun answered.

"Why play with her ,when you can play with some other girl.For sure there will be repercussion in all of this." he said matter of factly.

"I don't want other girl.I love Hebe, Dad." he said.

"Love,what do you know about it. I like her but she is not the girl for you." he said. "You are my only heir,and a servant will never be the right girl for my son." his voice firm but low.

"What if she is the girl that I want to marry ? I love her Dad." Yalun said to his Dad again.

"At this age and time,love won't be enough. You have to forget Hebe. She is not the girl for you. In fact I have somebody in mind already.I have spoken to her parents already and we have already agreed,that a year from now,the two of you will marry." his Dad said. Yalun looked at his father's eyes,and he knows better not to cross him at this time. He kept quiet and he knows he has to find a way to be with Hebe.

"I am glad that you have seen my point. You can have her this time,but after this,you will have just to forget her. Or else both of you will have to face a very dire consequences. " he said,as he turned his back from Yalun.He has to let Hebe and the family go. he will have to send them somewhere where yalun will never see them ever again after this....

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Congrats ! :D
congrats c:
hellomello #4
Congrats on being featured!

Ah, Bebu. I miss Bebu, Fahrenheit, & S.H.E. altogether.
Still a fan.
taiwanese! congrats on the random feature :)
congrats :DD
Chapter 2: I love your style of writing~ :DD the dialogue is really good too~ ^^
good story~ x3