The Proposal

With You Along The Way {Yi Lu Shang You Ni}

Arron waited for  Hebe in the restaurant. It has been almost an hour now and still no signs of Hebe in the restaurant. Arron started pacing back and forth aroung the table.He especially requested this table for them ,for this is a very special occasion for them. It has been a year from the time he met her and yes Hebe has been a very special woman in his life as days go by. And this time he felt that it is time to make it official that hebe will the girl for him.The girl that he is going to bring to  the altar.

He looked at his cell phone to check for any messages from her but found none. He wondered if something happened to her. He wants to pick her up from their house but Hebe refuse and quite adamant that she 'll meet him in the restaurant. Hebe voiced concern about her parents getting worried about their relationship and Arron has a feeling that Hebe has been trying to shied him away from her parents. He feels that they don't really approved of his relationship to their daughter. And even though Arron tried to be close to them and get to know them,but there seems to be some excuses for them not to meet and Hebe just told him to give them time to accept him in her life.

Arron the small box on the pocket of his jacket and it is still there. He took it out and open it and he smiled as the stone glistened before his very eyes. He hoped that hebe will like this and hoping too that she 'll accept of proposal of marriage.. He can't wait for Hebe and can't wait to put the ring on her finger tonight...


Hebe was still at home and yes still in bed. It only started as an itchy throat ,which is probably from the pollen and weeds from the spring air. But now she is down with fever and could hardly get up. She could see her parents worrried faces. She can't be this sick for her heart will be affected too. They probably stop her from going to work now and worst still,they will probably keep her  at home now and she  won't be able to see Arron for  now.

She remembered that she is suppose to meet Arron today ,as she tried to get up and looked at the clock. She was surprised that it was almost nine o clock and she is supposed to meet Arron an hour ago. He must be waiting for her ,as a frown and worry came to her. She went looking for her phone but it seems like her parents took it away so as not to bother her. She clod hardly get up from bed and yes she doesn't have the energy to get up and go looking for it. Poor Arron,she wondered what could he be thinking right now...She felt is so parched right now,and her head queasy...and her mom walked in...

"What do you think you are doing ?" she asked. as she catched Hebe trying to get out of bed.

"I am looking for my phone Mom." Hebe explained.

"And what would be needing it for ? You need to rest young lady.And look at you.Are you feeling alright ?" as she looked at her with alarmed. She noted her breathing is really getting heave . Hebe's lips are so pale and she looked so weak.

"I am just dizzy and thirsty Mom. But I need my phone.... I have.. to call Arron. " Hebe said.

"No,not now.That can wait.I think we have to bring you to the hospital now. You don't look alright." her Mom said.

"But Arron is waiting for me Mom." Hebe pleaded.

"I'll call him. Just stay still and I'll get your Dad.We have to go to the hospital now." her Mom said as she walk out of the room and then Hebe can't open her eyes anymore as there was total darkness...


"Sir is your company still coming ?" the waiter asked. Arron looked at his watch, she is two hours late now. Something has happened to her. She is not even answering her phone call, Arron thought.

He smiled at  the waiter, "A few more minutes..." he answered. He wants to run all the way to Hebe's house but then it will be disturbing Hebe and her parents in the middle of the night. But something must have happened to her and it made Arron very worried...

He looked out at the window,he can feel his own heart beat hammering inside his chest . Something is not so right tonight....Where can Hebe be ? Arron bit his lips as he tried to suppress the tears that is threatening...


The nurse hurried her pace as she took some supplies to start and intravenous fluids on Hebe's arm. She knows something is so wrong.  She looked at the pale face in front os her. " What a beautiful young girl, " she thought  " And to be this sick.. She should be enjoying life somewhere ,instead of this sad white wall" as she shook her head. She heard the Head  Cardiologist was being paged in the hospital... She glanced at the worried faces of her parents....and her heart went out with them...

They need to do something to saved this girl.Need to do something to make this girl up and healthy just like any normal girl...

"Nurse,can you the voices drowned in the air....Hebe's parents sat  on the chair and said their prayers. "Lord,anything, and everything just save our daughter." as she cried...and plead...

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Congrats ! :D
congrats c:
hellomello #4
Congrats on being featured!

Ah, Bebu. I miss Bebu, Fahrenheit, & S.H.E. altogether.
Still a fan.
taiwanese! congrats on the random feature :)
congrats :DD
Chapter 2: I love your style of writing~ :DD the dialogue is really good too~ ^^
good story~ x3