It Was You

With You Along The Way {Yi Lu Shang You Ni}

Arron was surprised to see the girl in the counter, yes he could not be wrong,for he has dreamed of her a countless of times, more so now than before. The beautiful girl in his dream that he has been wishing to meet is right before his very eyes as she smiled at him. The voice is like a music to his ear, and yet brought him to his present state as the guy at his back gave him a nudge.

"Yes Sir, what do you want in this cold morning ?" she asked smiling at him. She must have noticed the stare that he has thrown at her.

"Oh... I am sorry....just a coffee with cream and two sugar please make it grande. "as he came to his senses.

"Alright,that will be 3 dollars and 70 ,Sir" Hebe said. Arron d for his wallet,as it took time for him to recover it,and handed her a five dollar bill. And as Hebe handed him the change,he got in contact with her hand and it ws soft and yet brought a jolt and some sort of little  surge of electricity in  his body. She quickly withdraw her hand from his,and it turned put a color on his cheeks ,embarassed for being so obvious. He quickly left the line and find a chair and table by the window.

People started coming now, as the early riser and jogger came. The girl was busy attending to them. Once in a while Arron will stole some glances across her way. He wondered if he can get her name or even get to know to her,but seeing the surge of people coming,he just knew that today is not the time. But yeah he was glad,that he has finally found her and yes he will never lose her again, for she is not just a dream now but a reality, materializing before his very eyes.

Hebe looked across the guy,,,the guy was looking and glancing her way. She doesn't knows if it is just plain flattery on her part,but yeah she loves his attention. Somehow,she felt that she knew him somewhere, something is so familiar. Is it his beautiful eyes and those long thick lashes, or is it the upturned red lips or those perfect high nose.either or,he looked like she has known him all her life.

But the crowd keep on coming.They are usually busy in the morning more so in the week end because of their location, just a block across the park,yes thirsty jogger will usually stop by their coffee shop. Hebe has worked here for sometime now,eversince she started college. She needs it for her allowance and some school expenses,and the owner trusted her ,managing the small cafe.

And yes only a semester and she will be done, and yet sheknew that she will have a hrad time giving this job up. But having a degree, she knew that she wants more out of her life,and yes Jay will frown on her if she stick it out in this job and probably sneer at her ,even with just the thought of it. She sighed at the thoight of him. why can't they see eye to eye sometimes. Jay is more ambitious,while Hebe is more low key,she will be happy even to own just a small cafe like this, but Jay thinks that she will be wasting her brain and her time working in a place like this.

But then she can't believe that her schooling will be almost over,though she took the long route to college, still whe will be equally proud when she donned the cap and gown on graduation day,as she smiled at the thought.

She looked again at the table across,and the guy is gone. He has left without saying goodbye to her,and she felt disappointed. She could not understand her feeling. She wondered if she is going to see her again for this is the first time that she has seen him in this area. She wondered if he ever lives aroubnd this place and hope to see more of him. She shook her head ... and now what could she be thinking???? Thinking of another man....

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Congrats ! :D
congrats c:
hellomello #4
Congrats on being featured!

Ah, Bebu. I miss Bebu, Fahrenheit, & S.H.E. altogether.
Still a fan.
taiwanese! congrats on the random feature :)
congrats :DD
Chapter 2: I love your style of writing~ :DD the dialogue is really good too~ ^^
good story~ x3