Help me

Watch Out Mr.Simple

2 weeks past since Suzy's birthday. Ryeowook still didn't tell Sungmin nor Suzy what happened to Gayoon. Suzy couldn't care less but Sungmin became more and more curious. Suzy was sitting between Ryeowook and Sungmin is class. They both kept on giving each other death glares. Suddenly, the teacher came in with a 6 new boys.

"Students, we have 6 new students." The teacher said and everyone nodded.

"I'm Junhyung."

"I'm DooJoon." 

"Jang Hyunseung"

"Yang Yoseob"

"Lee Kikwang"

"DongWoon, youngest." All their eyes looked at Suzy. Suzy didn't notice since she was so busy sketching. Ryeowook and Sungmin looked at each other. Sungmin took a pen and paper and wrote something, he passed it to Ryeowook.

"I don't feel right about these guys. Why do they keep on looking at Suzy like that?" Ryeowook took his pen and replied. He passed it back to Sungmin.

"I don't know what these guys problem are or why they keep on looking at her like that. But same as you, there is something wrong. Let's just don't jump into conclusions right now." Sungmin read it and looked at Ryeowook. Ryeowook nodded, Sungmin nodded back.

"You 6 may seat at the back there. Just behind those 3." The teacher pointed behind Suzy. The boys smirked and walked to the seats.

"Hey cutie." Junhyung said while seating. Suzy snapped out of the daze.

"Oh. A new student? Hello." Suzy smiled and went back to sketching. Junhyung raised an eyebrow, no one has every acted like that to him.

"Hard to get huh? Okay, no problem." JunHyung said to himself. Suddenly, someone passed him a piece of paper.

"I can see that you 6 have your eyes locked on Suzy." Junghyung looked at the person who passed the paper, it was Gayoon.

"Yeah, she's cute. Why?" Junhyung passed the paper back. Ryeowook was looking from the corner of his eyes. 

"Nothing, just asking." Gayoon replied with a smirk.

After class, Suzy turned around to pack her things, suddenly, Junghyung's face was in front of her.

"Hey. Want to have lunch with me?" Junhyung asked with a smile. Suzy smiled back but shook her head.

"No thank you. I'm going to lunch with these 2." Suzy pointed to Ryeowook and Sungmin who seemed to be pissed at JunHyung.

"Alright, next time then." Junhyung said. Suzy popped her gum and raised an eye brow.

"Don't bet on it." Suzy took her bag and left with Sungmin and Ryeowook.

"Feisty, me likey." Yoseob said while popping his gum. 

"This is going to be good." Kikwang said while flipping his bangs.

The next day...

"Suzy, have lunch with me?" Junhyung asked.

"Sorry, kind of busy today." Suzy said and left.

The next next day..

"Suzy, come on." Junhyung asked. Suzy shook her head.

"Sorry, eating with Jiyoon and Jihyun today." Suzy took her bag and ran off.

The next WEEK..

"Yah. Suzy ah~ have lunch with us? Pretty please?" Junhyung pouted. Suzy didn't reply, she just left. Ryeowook and Sungmin started laughing and followed Suzy.

"Yah. Hyung, why doesn't she want to have lunch with us?" Dongwoon asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't worry. She's going with us tomorrow, if she wants it or not." Junhyung said with a smirk.

"What some help?" Gayoon asked from the back of the class.She walked towards Junhyung.

"What can you help with?" HyunSeung asked. Gayoon popped her gum.

"I can take care of those two boys for you." Gayoon was talking about Ryeowook and Sungmin.

"Deal." Junhyung said and left. Gayoon rolled her eyes and left the classroom.

The next day, Suzy, Sungmin and Ryeowook were packing their stuff. This was the first time Junhyung left with his friends and didn't invite Suzy to eat lunch with him. Suddenly, a girl came into the classroom.

"RYEOWOOK! SUNGMIN! HELP! GAYOON FELL DOWN THE STAIRS!" The three of them realize it was Gayoon's best friend, Sohee. 

"Okay, we'll be right there!" Ryeowook yelled. Sungmin gave him a 'WTF' look. 

"Suzy, you'll be okay right?" Ryeowook asked. Suzy nodded. Ryeowook kissed Suzy's cheek and dragged Sungmin.

"Where do you think your-uff" Sungmin couldn't even finish his sentence, Ryeowook dragged him to Gayoon. After they left, Suzy was alone.

"Haish. I'm alone. I hope Jiyoon and Jihyun aren't too busy. Maybe they can have lunch with me?" Suzy was about to leave the classroom when someone blocked her. She looked up.

"Oh. Hello JunHyung, Doojoon. I need to see my friends." Suzy tried to walk the other way but Doojoon blocked her. Suzy sighs and walked towards the back door but Kikwang and Yoseob blocked her.

"You're not going anywhere Suzy." Suzy raised an eyebrow and walked towards the main exit but  Hyunseung and Dongwoon blocked her. There was no way out now. Suzy sighs and sat on a table.

"What do the six of you want?" Junhyung came closer. 

"We want you." Suzy stuck her tongue out.

"Sorry, taken. Go find someone else." Suzy replied but JunHyung came closer.

Meanwhile... Ryeowook and Sungmin ran to Gayoon. Gayoon acted to be hurt. Gayoon looked up and saw Sungmin and Ryeowook.

"Ow...Oppa, help me. I can't stand." Gayoon held her hand out. Ryeowook nor Sungmin took her hand.

"What are you waiting there for? Help her up!" Sohee yelled at Ryeowook and Sungmin. Sungmin gave a glare at Sohee that made her quiet.

"Are you really hurt or you just want attention for the two of us?" Ryeowook asked while raised an eye brow. Gayoon looked at Ryeowook.

"What are you talking about?" Gayoon acted innocent. Sungmin rolled his eyes.

"I think your just doing this because you want our attention. If you were really hurt, why didn't you ask Sohee to call the nurse?" Ryeowook looked at Gayoon with a serious face. Suddenly, everyone was around Gayoon and Ryeowook. Sungmin kept on glaring at Sohee so that she wouldn't speak.

"W-What are you talking about Oppa? I really am hurt. Ow..." Gayoon acted. Everyone believed her. Ryeowook rolled his eyes and bent down to Gayoon.

"I'm not stupid. If you really are hurt. You would have screamed for help not say ow..ow..." Ryeowook said. Everyone nodded.

"I really am hurt." Gayoon grew angry. 

"No you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"No, Gayoon your not."

"Yes, Oppa, I am" 

"GAYOON! YOU ARE NOT HURT!" Ryeowook  snapped. Gayoon opened to say something but Ryeowook continued.

"YOU'RE JUST DOING THIS BECAUSE YOU'RE ANGRY I REJECTED YOU 2 WEEKS AGO! THAT I LEFT YOU ALONE SO THAT I COULD BE AT SUZY'S BIRTHDAY PARTY! YOU ASKED ME OUT BUT I REJECTED! THAT'S WHY YOU'RE DOING THIS!!" Ryeowook yelled at Gayoon. Everyone's jaw dropped, Ryeowook has never yelled before. Sungmin clapped his hands.

"Well, Well, Well, At least I know what happened 2 weeks ago. You're so low Gayoon." Sungmin smirked and pointed at Sohee.

"And you. You're a prefect. How could you encourage Gayoon?" Sohee rolled her eyes.

"That's easy. Cause I want Ryeowook to be with a best friend other than that trash." Ryeowook gave Sohee a death glare. Sungmin got angry.

"Trash? Wow. I didn't know that prefect could say that to a student." Sungmin walked towards Sohee.

"If you ever be involved in Gayoon's plans or talk trash about Suzy ever again. Well, you know who my dad is." Sungmin smirked. Everyone knew that Sungmin's dad was the principle of the school.

"So, Zip it. Don't you ever talk like that ever again or you'll be kicked out of this school." Sohee bit her lip. Gayoon started crying.

"I can't believe I was friends with you Gayoon." Ryeowook said. Gayoon looked at Ryeowook. Suddenly, they heard someone scream.

"AHHHH!!!" Sungmin and Ryeowook knew that voice.

"SUZY!!!" Sungmin and Ryeowook ran to their classroom.

Now.. back to Suzy and B2ST...

"AH!!!! LET GO OF ME!!" Suzy tried to pull away from Doojoon and Hyunseung but they were too strong.

"Nope. Never." Suzy got angry at them but she couldn't do anything.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!?" Suzy yelled again.

"Come on, baby. Don't play hard to get." JunHyung hold Suzy chin but Suzy shook her head.


"Don't worry, we'll get away from you. After we're done with you." Junhyung said. Suzy's eyes started to fill with tears.

*Ryeowook, Sungmin where are you???* Suddenly, someone kicked JunHyung. JunHyung fell on to the ground. It was Sungmin and Ryeowook.

"Jerks. I have a feeling they have something to do with Gayoon's plan." Sungmin said while kicking Doojoon and Hyunseung. They let go of Suzy. Suzy ran out of the class.

"Obviously. Man, these guys are low." Ryeowook started punching Yoseob and Kikwang. After 3 minutes, B2ST were down. Sungmin flipped his bangs.

"YOU 6 ARE EXPELLED FROM THSI SCHOOL!!! GET OUT!!" Sungmin yelled. B2ST ran away. Suzy was crying outside of the classroom.

"Baby, are you okay?" Ryeowook asked, Suzy didn't reply. She kept crying. 

"I'm sorry I left you." Ryeowook hugged Suzy. Sungmin looked at Suzy. He felt wrong for leaving Suzy. He kneed down and hugged Suzy.

"Don't worry everything is okay now." The 3 of them hugged each other. Sungmin and Ryeowook kept on hugged Suzy till she stopped crying. 

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please update, I've been waiting forever!
M3IQ1heartSUJU #2
Noooooo!!!! There must be a miracle!!! Sungmin can't die so easily!!!!):
M3IQ1heartSUJU #3
:O what happen to sungmin?!?! Pray him all the best!! Stay safe sungmin! T.T
--nerdyexotic #4
Aww both Sungmin and Ryeowook would be great for Suzy
Suzy, please be okay... you namja chingu and your best friend is there... Dont make them upset
i want ryeowook and suzy to be a real boyfriend girlfriend here... Please... *puppy eyes*